Questions tagged [android-deep-link]

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69 votes
13 answers

Android app link not working in android 12 always opening in browser

I have hosted assetlinks file into our domain https://ourdomain/.well-known/assetlinks.json And also verified this using and from ...
Asd's user avatar
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23 votes
6 answers

How to resolve Android get-app-links Returns State 1024?

I can't get deep links to work on Android 13, I've followed every tutorial out there and can't get the app to simply start after entering the website. I used the command in the android studio terminal:...
Alex Charles's user avatar
18 votes
0 answers

How to recreate singleTop behavior when using navigation component's deep links?

How to recreate singleTop behavior when using navigation component's deep links? I'm using Jetpack Navigation and I'm currently trying to implement notification clicks. One of the fragments is used ...
Ziem's user avatar
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17 votes
8 answers

App Links `legacy_failure` verification error on Android 12

I have setup assetlinks.json and AndroidManifest.xml so that the desired App Links are verified in all previous versions of Android. However, the verification no longer works in Android 12 (currently ...
Mars Lan's user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

How to attach debugger for Deep Link Android App trigger debug launch?

As per posted in, we could start the deeplink App Launch using the below command adb shell am start -W -a android.intent.action....
Elye's user avatar
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17 votes
1 answer

Android deeplink with navigation component not working as expected

I hope you are all doing well. I have a little question; I am using navigation component, single activity multiple fragment. I have a tiny problem with deeplink. I’ve set <nav-graph/> in ...
Mithat Sinan Sarı's user avatar
16 votes
3 answers

App Link not opening in Android 12 by default. Possible SHA256 issue

I have set up my deeplink by uploading the assetlinks.json file here Its working well till Android 11. It also works in Android 12 if it's not ...
hushed_voice's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Redirect in Chrome Custom tab is not captured for deep link

I'd like to capture a redirect that occurs in a Chrome Custom tab to ensure the user stays in a native mobile application. Here's how the Chrome Custom Tab is launched: val url = "https://demo....
Orbit's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

How can you create a Deeplink using placeholders and nav component at build time

We have an app that utilises Deeplinks. We also use the Android Navigation component. Currently we configure our Deeplinks in out navigation.xml file and this works fine but we now have the ...
Flint's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Navigating to a composable using a deeplink with Jetpack Compose

When a user enters a geo-fence in our app, we show them an offer notification about the area, which when clicked, should direct them to a specific composable screen called SingleNotification. I've ...
Stelios Papamichail's user avatar
11 votes
4 answers

Missing mutability flags: Android 12 pending intents with NavDeepLinkBuilder

I´ve started testing my app for issues on Android 12, and have had some warnings regarding mutability flags on pending intents that are set up for a home screen widget. These mutability flags are now ...
Leknesh's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Android Applink url resolving conflicts error

I added .well-known/assetlinks.json to my site and when I try link and verify in android studio app link assistant it says "Success! Your app is associated with the selected domains." But when I test ...
nikinci's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Deeplinking to another module with parameters

I'm trying to navigate using a deep-link for cross-module user navigation, and I need to pass some parameters. Since it's in another module, I don't have access to the id, so all of the navigate(@...
Tyler's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Deep link to app not working while opened in gmail built in browser

Facing an issue with opening a deep link into my app when the web page containing the deep link is opened from the Gmail built in browser. Deep link works fine if I open the web page containing the ...
Amith Ramachandran's user avatar
9 votes
5 answers

Deep Links navigation in Jetpack Compose

I want to use deep links with Jetpack Compose's Nav Host and followed this page on Compose Navigation: My implementation: ...
Mr. Pine's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Implicit deep link does not work properly- onCreate called twice

When I open my application from the link if it is on stack already (opened) nothing happens. The existing instance of the app is opened, without any redirections. I found that the reason for this one ...
user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Open app with (deep-) link containing path and query-parameter

These three urls are given: 1) 2) 3) Assumed that i receive a mail in the gmail-app with these three links, I need ...
JU5T1C3's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Deeplink isn't correctly redirect if the app is already opened

I'm using Jetpack Navigation for deeplinks. I've added android:launchMode="singleTask" to my Activity. Deeplink is redirected correctly if the app wasn't opened before. However, if the app exists in ...
jakub's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

What are the changes need for working deeplink in Android 12

The deep linking feature of my app was working fine with Android 11. But it is not working in Android 12. I checked and followed several StackOverflow posts and some other blogs. But I am getting the ...
KIRAN K J's user avatar
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7 votes
0 answers

Deep Link Doesn't Work on Instragram Story Swipe Up

I have a deep link to our Android app. The link is working correct when I click it on from Slack, Whatsapp, or something like these apps. But, It doesn't work on Instagram Story Swipe Up feature. It ...
Cafer Mert Ceyhan's user avatar
7 votes
0 answers

Android deep link, open web browser when link not supported

I have created an intent-filter that uses this: <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" /> and have registered a URL to open my app when clicked. This works as intended until I try ...
thisisnotme's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Deep Linking Android first opens the launcher activity (not the deeply linked activity )

Deep Linking Android first opens the launcher activity (not the deeply linked activity ) then the deeply linked activity as declared in Manifest file.I have followed all the steps mentioned here . ...
Mohammad Khan's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How to get the URI scheme of any app for AppLinks/universal linking?

I need to open a third-party app from my react native mobile app. I understand that this is called universal linking on iOS and AppLink on Android. I have done a lot of research for this, and I have ...
MARS's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Using DeepLinks in Compose leads to inability to navigate backwards

I have a FirebaseMessagingService subclass that receives a notification payload and then creates a push notification with the following PendingIntent: TaskStackBuilder.create(this).run { ...
Stelios Papamichail's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Deep Linking not working in React Native app on Android

I have setup my React Native app to use Deep Linking with expo-linking, but for some reason it just does not work on Android (yet to implement on iOS). Opening the link just opens it in the web ...
Tom's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Deep linking from Notification - how to pass data back up through the backstack?

In my app, the user can select a category, then select an item within that category to finally view the item details. The standard/forward flow is: SelectCategoryFragment -> SelectItemFragment -> ...
ban-geoengineering's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Deeplink issue after upgrading gradle

I have app using deeplinks with navigation component. Until usage of AGP 8.0.2 and gradle wrapper 8.0 everything was working perfect. I have verified that just this update causes collapse of ...
masztalski's user avatar
6 votes
0 answers

How can a native Android App support multiple SSO providers and allow users to login with different accounts without requiring manual logout in Chrome

I am trying to implement an SSO login in a native Android app and want to follow the best practices outlined in RFC 8252 (OAuth 2.0 for Native Apps). This requires using Custom Tabs rather than ...
Roberto Leinardi's user avatar
6 votes
0 answers

Is Deep Linking in Android 12 only possible on production environment?

There are actually 2 parts to this question Starting Android 12 Deep linking has changed quite a bit. Domain verification User approval for default links to open the app My first question is are ...
Glitch_Znab's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Deep link and animation using Android Navigation component

I'm trying to implement a forgot password flow. What I'd like to do is to handle the received email, which contains a link to a forgot password web page, inside the app. Using the Navigation ...
Simone Cascino's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Open Reset Password Link within Flutter mobile App

In my Flutter Mobile App authentication is handled by my own server API Currently I have an ask reset password feature in my mobile app which sends a reset password link to the user’s email inbox. ...
Aristidios's user avatar
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5 votes
0 answers

Jetpack Navigation handling deeplinks manually in onNewIntent

I'm using Jetpack Navigation. I need to handle deeplinks manually because: 1) Implicit deeplinks are not working properly with android:launchMode="singleTask" Deeplink isn't correctly redirect if ...
jakub's user avatar
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5 votes
0 answers

How to prevent deep link loop (opening the mobile app again) from a browser redirect?

We have a mobile app and a web site. Users get emails with links to the pages in the web site. We use iOS universal linking and Android app linking to associate the mobile app with the web site. Lets ...
malwatte's user avatar
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5 votes
0 answers

NavDeepLinkBuilder: deeplink to startDestination

What we try to achieve is when a user taps a notification, he/she should be redirected to a certain fragment. That destination fragment is marked as startDestination in the graph (it has its own .xml ...
SnuKies's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Using Serializable as deep link argument with Android Navigation Component

Is it possible to use a custom Serializable object as a fragment argument when using deep links? I've tried the following - in my navigation graph XML file I've added following lines: <fragment ...
Piotr Aleksander Chmielowski's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

AppLinks(verified Deeplinks) in android does not work when app is installed from Google Play

We have a few intent-filters defined in AndroidManifest for deeplinks. We also have assetlinks.json file placed on our domain at proper location with correct SHA fingerprints. We are facing a weird ...
Abhishek Bansal's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

BottomNavigationView. Navigation to destination with deeplink cause to add destination fragment also in first tab

Let's say we have a bottom navigation view with 4 tabs, we have a deeplink for a fragment of 4 tab, so when navigating from this deeplink to 4 tab - it works as it should, but when after that manually ...
Alex Alex's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Android App Links - exclude specific sub-directory

I am using Android App Links to take users to a specific screen directly in my app. I am following the same approach as Rakuten, meaning the last path segment(LPs) of the URL is a valid domain, which ...
shanraisshan's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Issue with Deep Linking that doesn't work on android 13

I want to use Deep links in my app using Jetpack Compose and Jetpack navigation. I try to open the app using the link from google chrome but the app isn't opened and google chrome handle the request ...
Ali El-Sayed's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Linking.getInitialURL() promise resolves always null only when app is not running

How I run deeplinks via adb: adb shell am start -W -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d "" In this AndroidManifest.xml: <manifest ...> <...
shogitai's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Opening activity inside a navgraph with a deeplink causing a crash

I have an activity inside an navgraph, directly i am able to navigate to it by below code Navigation.findNavController(requireView())?.navigate( Please find the navgraph below <...
LOKESH KUMAR PEDDA's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

What is this warning with Web links in Play Console?

I got this warning in Play Console > Deep links > Web links like the screenshot below. Why I have checkmark "All deep links working" but I got this warning "Non-redirect URL ...
Lam Lee's user avatar
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Flutter deep links open in web browser instead of app

I'm using go_router to handle all of my routes and navigation in my flutter app This is my router defined static GoRouter router = GoRouter( navigatorKey: StateService.navigatorKey, routes: [ ...
Junaid Tariq's user avatar
4 votes
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Back stack is getting cleared when we navigate between activities via deeplink URI

I have an ActivityA and an ActivityB (in a library module). I navigate from ActivityA to ActivityB via startActivity(). Inside ActivityB I have a NavHost and a Composable which is resolving a deeplink....
Vikram Ragu's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Deep link not working in Android 12 after publish assetlinks.json to domain and also put autoverify true in intent filter Android

I know this question is asked before but I didn't find any correct answer that solve my issue Deep link is working on android 11 or lower device but not working in android 12 device Here ...
mayur.pancholi's user avatar
4 votes
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How can I handle deep links in jetpack compose when logged out

I have an app where the user can be logged in or logged out and there are some screens which are only available in loggedInState which are accessed through deep links. If the user is logged out and ...
mama's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Deeplink isn't correctly redirect if app is closed

I'm using Jetpack Navigation for deeplinks. Deeplink isn't redirect correctly if the app wasn't opened before. However, if the app exists in memory, the app is coming to the foreground and deeplink is ...
Serhat's user avatar
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4 votes
0 answers

Navigation Component - Synthetic Back Stack

Situation: My app is designed to operate in the following way- 1. On fresh install: OpeningFragment -> Fragment1 -> Fragment2 2. Restarting the app, after closing it in Fragment2: ...
greenMaven's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Android Chrome Custom Tabs Deep Link Redirect in OAuth flow 'cancelled'

I am debugging why I am seeing a "(canceled)" status in chrome custom tabs when redirect to deep link is sent using a custom scheme. ie myapp://app/path?foo=bar The activity in my manifest is as ...
lostintranslation's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Android deep link Firefox like Chrome

I have an unclaimed bounty for this question. If someone is able to provide a working answer that meets my criteria, I will reward them with the bounty. It’s not visible because the bounty expired, ...
jungledev's user avatar
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