Questions tagged [android-service]

A Service is an application component representing either an application's desire to perform a longer-running operation while not interacting with the user or to supply functionality for other applications to use.

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1056 votes
34 answers

How to check if a service is running on Android?

How do I check if a background service is running? I want an Android activity that toggles the state of the service -- it lets me turn it on if it is off and off if it is on.
Bee's user avatar
  • 14.4k
823 votes
11 answers

Service vs IntentService in the Android platform

I am seeking an example of something that can be done with an IntentService that cannot be done with a Service (and vice-versa)? I also believe that an IntentService runs in a different thread and a ...
roiberg's user avatar
  • 13.7k
600 votes
10 answers

Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging

I couldn't find any examples of how to send messages between an activity and a service, and I have spent far too many hours figuring this out. Here is an example project for others to reference. This ...
Lance Lefebure's user avatar
474 votes
18 answers

Android 8.0: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Not allowed to start service Intent

On application launch, app starts the service that should to do some network task. After targeting API level 26, my application fails to start service on Android 8.0 on background. Caused by: java....
phnmnn's user avatar
  • 13k
449 votes
4 answers

getApplication() vs. getApplicationContext()

I couldn't find a satisfying answer to this, so here we go: what's the deal with Activity/Service.getApplication() and Context.getApplicationContext()? In our application, both return the same object....
mxk's user avatar
  • 43.3k
344 votes
15 answers

Trying to start a service on boot on Android

I've been trying to start a service when a device boots up on android, but I cannot get it to work. I've looked at a number of links online but none of the code works. Am I forgetting something? ...
Alex's user avatar
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320 votes
4 answers


What is the difference between START_STICKY and START_NOT_STICKY while implementing services in android? Could anyone point out to some standard examples.. ?
prago's user avatar
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318 votes
32 answers

Android Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0x636f7d89 (code=1). How can it be tracked down?

I've been reading the other posts on tracking down the reasons for getting a SIGSEGV in an Android app. I plan to scour my app for possible NullPointers related to Canvas use, but my SIGSEGV barfs up ...
dubmojo's user avatar
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312 votes
7 answers

Get Context in a Service

Is there any reliable way to get a Context from a Service? I want to register a broadcast receiver for ACTION_PHONE_STATE_CHANGED but I don't need my app to always get this information, so I don't ...
user123321's user avatar
  • 12.7k
274 votes
13 answers

How to have Android Service communicate with Activity

I'm writing my first Android application and trying to get my head around communication between services and activities. I have a Service that will run in the background and do some gps and time based ...
Scott Saunders's user avatar
251 votes
5 answers

Permission Denial: startForeground requires android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE

Lately we have suddenly been seeing a few of the following stack traces. Why could that be? This is from when the app tries to move an audio commentary service into the foreground with a media ...
Roy Solberg's user avatar
  • 18.9k
179 votes
10 answers

Android – Listen For Incoming SMS Messages

I am trying to create an application for monitoring incoming SMS messages, and launch a program via incoming SMS, also it should read the content from the SMS. Workflow: SMS sent to Android device ...
iShader's user avatar
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173 votes
12 answers

Start Activity from Service in Android

Android: public class LocationService extends Service { @Override public void onStart(Intent intent, int startId) { super.onStart(intent, startId); startActivity(new Intent(...
d-man's user avatar
  • 57.8k
160 votes
3 answers

Exported service does not require permission: what does it mean?

I created a service that is bound by other applications through AIDL, and I add it to the manifest as follows: <service android:name=".MyService"> <intent-filter> <action ...
enzom83's user avatar
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151 votes
6 answers

Difference between Service, Async Task & Thread?

What is the difference between Service, Async Task & Thread. If i am not wrong all of them are used to do some stuff in background. So, how to decide which to use and when?
SpunkerBaba's user avatar
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148 votes
4 answers

PendingIntent does not send Intent extras

My MainActicity starts RefreshService with a Intent which has a boolean extra called isNextWeek. My RefreshService makes a Notification which starts my MainActivity when the user clicks on it. this ...
maysi's user avatar
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145 votes
11 answers

Android - implementing startForeground for a service?

So I'm not sure where/how to implement this method to make my service run in the foreground. Currently I start my service by the following in another activity: Intent i = new Intent(context, ...
JDS's user avatar
  • 16.6k
143 votes
8 answers

What is the difference between an IntentService and a Service? [duplicate]

Can you please help me understand what the difference between an IntentService and a Service is?
michael's user avatar
  • 109k
126 votes
2 answers

Android onCreate or onStartCommand for starting service

Usually when I create an Android service I implement the onCreate method, but in my last project this does not work. I tried implementing onStartCommand, and this seems to work. The question is: ...
GVillani82's user avatar
  • 17.4k
117 votes
6 answers

Differences between Intent and PendingIntent

I read through some articles. All seem to do the same thing and I was wondering what is the difference between starting the service as below: Intent intent = new Intent(this, HelloService.class); ...
user3629316's user avatar
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117 votes
14 answers

Determining the current foreground application from a background task or service

I wish to have one application that runs in the background, which knows when any of the built-in applications (messaging, contacts, etc) is running. So my questions are: How I should run my ...
dhaiwat's user avatar
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111 votes
16 answers

How to startForeground() without showing notification?

I want to create a service and make it run in the foreground. Most example codes have notifications on it. But I don't want to show any notification. Is that possible? Can you give me some ...
Muhammad Resna Rizki Pratama's user avatar
107 votes
2 answers

Reasons that the passed Intent would be NULL in onStartCommand

Is there any other reason that the Intent that is passed to onStartCommand(Intent, int, int) would be NULL besides the system restarting the service via a flag such as START_STICKY? Also, when the ...
rf43's user avatar
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106 votes
4 answers

Launch Android application without main Activity and start Service on launching application

I have the following scenario in my application. There is no UI in my application; instead there is a Service which starts on boot up and will continuously run. How can I configure my manifest file ...
Meher's user avatar
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92 votes
2 answers

Broadcast Receiver within a Service

I am trying to start up a BroadcastReceiver within a Service. What I am trying to do is have a background running service going that collects incoming text messages, and logs incoming phone calls. I ...
Utopia025's user avatar
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92 votes
6 answers

BoundService + LiveData + ViewModel best practice in new Android recommended architecture

I been struggling a lot thinking about where to place Android Services in the new Android recommended Architecture. I came up with many possible solutions, but I cannot make up my mind about which one ...
dglozano's user avatar
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87 votes
3 answers

Android. Is WorkManager running when app is closed?

I want to schedule nightly database updates. So I use new Android WorkManager. My understanding is that once scheduled it will always run in the background independently from the app's lifecycle. Is ...
Tuesday Four AM's user avatar
86 votes
8 answers

Fatal Android 12: Exception: startForegroundService() not allowed due to mAllowStartForeground false

I noticed one exception (Firebase Crashlytics) for Pixel 5 and Pixel 4a (both on Android 12), no other devices, happened only two times, one time for each device. What does it mean? Android 11 and 12 ...
user924's user avatar
  • 10.4k
84 votes
3 answers

Android Broadcast Receiver vs Service [duplicate]

I am trying to clarify the difference between a Broadcast Receiver and Service in android. I understand that an activity can start a service by calling startService with an intent. A broadcast ...
Chris Muench's user avatar
  • 17.9k
80 votes
8 answers

Android 9.0: Not allowed to start service: app is in background.. after onResume()

I've got a music player which attempts to start a Service in onResume() of an Activity. I've removed a few lines for clarity, but the code is effectively: @Override protected void onResume() { ...
Tim Malseed's user avatar
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79 votes
5 answers

How to always run a service in the background?

I am in the process of creating an app that is similar to the built-in SMS app. What I need: a service that is always running in the background every 5 min. the service checks the current ...
Thomas H's user avatar
  • 791
78 votes
3 answers

Background service with location listener in android

I am creating a background service that will run in its own process. It should allow me to listen if the device location has changed. I should be able to change criteria like the distance moved ...
Nilanchala's user avatar
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77 votes
8 answers

How to get the current location latitude and longitude in android

In my application, I get the current location's latitude and longitude when application is open, but not when the application is closed. I am using Service class to get the current location latitude ...
Anil M H's user avatar
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74 votes
1 answer

Can I call stopSelf() in Service.onStartCommand?

There are some conditions where my service could be attempted to be started when it should not be. In cases like this is it bad form to call stopSelf() while inside a onStartCommand() method? If so ...
Spencer Ruport's user avatar
74 votes
4 answers

Creating an Android Service with Phonegap? (Have phonegap app run even when closed)

I have been working on an Android app using Phonegap and now would like to make it so when the app is closed it can still execute the java/js code in the app. So I understand I need to create a ...
Jonovono's user avatar
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68 votes
8 answers

Android java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Service not registered

I have a setup that looks something like this: class MyFragment implements SomeEventListener { Application mAppContext; boolean mBound; boolean mDidCallUnbind; MyIBinder mBinder;...
dcow's user avatar
  • 7,835
67 votes
4 answers

java.lang.RuntimeException: WakeLock under-locked C2DM_LIB

I have uploaded my application on google play but users have reported the following exception java.lang.RuntimeException: WakeLock under-locked C2DM_LIB. This exception occurs when I try to release ...
Rookie's user avatar
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67 votes
3 answers

What is the difference between a background and foreground service?

I am currently writing my first Android application and I keep running into references to background and foreground services. Since I intend on using a service in my application I was hoping to get a ...
Andrew Guenther's user avatar
64 votes
8 answers

Communication between Activity and Service

I am trying to make my own MusicPlayer for android. Where i came to a problem is running some things in background. Main activity manages GUI and up to now all the songs are playing. I wanted to ...
Dejan's user avatar
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63 votes
2 answers

Is an android service guaranteed to call onDestroy()?

The life cycle diagram of an Activity on an android does not guarantee that onDestroy() would be called, but that the process may be killed and the Activity is removed abruptly. The life cycle diagram ...
user574771's user avatar
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60 votes
3 answers

When is a started and bound Service destroyed?

I was going through the services documentation in android when I noticed two contradicting points: In the services document it is specified in Managing the Lifecycle of a Service These two paths ...
anz's user avatar
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59 votes
6 answers

Debugging a service

I have written a service with a remote interface and installed it on my PC's Eclipse AVD. I have a client test harness which starts and invokes methods in the service. Initially I had the service ...
NickT's user avatar
  • 23.9k
59 votes
5 answers

How to execute Async task repeatedly after fixed time intervals

How to make Async task execute repeatedly after some time interval just like Timer...Actually I am developing an application that will download automatically all the latest unread greeting from the ...
Waseem's user avatar
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59 votes
3 answers

Why does my Android service get restarted when the process is killed, even though I used START_NOT_STICKY?

My app uses a pattern where I start a service with Context#startService() as well as bind to it with Context#bindService(). This is so that I can control the lifetime of the service independently ...
Tavian Barnes's user avatar
58 votes
9 answers

Taking picture from camera without preview

I am writing an Android 1.5 application which starts just after boot-up. This is a Service and should take a picture without preview. This app will log the light density in some areas whatever. I was ...
eyurdakul's user avatar
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57 votes
6 answers

Continue Service even if application is cleared from Recent app

I am having a little issue. In my application, a Service is started after user is logged in successfully. Previously, the service needed to stop if application was killed. (say, removed from Recent ...
MysticMagicϡ's user avatar
52 votes
6 answers

Can I get data from shared preferences inside a service?

I'm developing an android application. I'm using android 2.2 In my application I am capturing GPS data and sending it to service with the 1 hour time interval. If user exits from application it's ...
SIVAKUMAR.J's user avatar
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52 votes
4 answers

START_STICKY does not work on Android KitKat

One of my apps has a backgrouod service that uses the START_STICKY return code from onStartCommand to automatically restart when the system kills it. It seems that this is no longer working on Android ...
Muzikant's user avatar
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51 votes
3 answers

Minimal android foreground service killed on high-end phone

I'm trying to create an app that lets users log routes (locations/GPS). To ensure locations are logged even when the screen is off, I have created a foreground service for the location logging. I ...
user1202032's user avatar
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50 votes
4 answers

Injecting a repository into a Service in Android using Hilt

I have an Android project with Hilt dependency injection. I have defined MyApplication and MyModule as follows. @HiltAndroidApp class MyApplication : Application() @Module @InstallIn(...
MikkoP's user avatar
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