Questions tagged [anonymous-function]

Anonymous functions use a block of code as a value, defining it as an inline function without a name.

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404 votes
10 answers

Explain the encapsulated anonymous function syntax

Summary Can you explain the reasoning behind the syntax for encapsulated anonymous functions in JavaScript? Why does this work: (function(){})(); but this doesn't: function(){}();? What I know In ...
Prem's user avatar
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391 votes
19 answers

Why do you need to invoke an anonymous function on the same line?

I was reading some posts about closures and saw this everywhere, but there is no clear explanation how it works - everytime I was just told to use it...: // Create a new anonymous function, to use as ...
palig's user avatar
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342 votes
5 answers

How to sort with lambda in Python

I am trying to sort some values by attribute, like so: a = sorted(a, lambda x: x.modified, reverse=True) I get this error message: <lambda>() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given) Why? How do I ...
Niklas Rosencrantz's user avatar
245 votes
6 answers

Anonymous recursive PHP functions

Is it possible to have a PHP function that is both recursive and anonymous? This is my attempt to get it to work, but it doesn't pass in the function name. $factorial = function( $n ) use ( $...
Kendall Hopkins's user avatar
156 votes
18 answers

removeEventListener on anonymous functions in JavaScript

I have an object that has methods in it. These methods are put into the object inside an anonymous function. It looks like this: var t = {}; window.document.addEventListener("keydown", function(e) { ...
bitkid's user avatar
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141 votes
21 answers

javascript: recursive anonymous function?

Let's say I have a basic recursive function: function recur(data) { data = data+1; var nothing = function() { recur(data); } nothing(); } How could I do this if I have an ...
Incognito's user avatar
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126 votes
1 answer

Why do arrow functions not have the arguments array? [duplicate]

function foo(x) { console.log(arguments) } //foo(1) prints [1] but var bar = x => console.log(arguments) gives the following error when invoked in the same way: Uncaught ReferenceError: ...
Conqueror's user avatar
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113 votes
4 answers

Location of parenthesis for auto-executing anonymous JavaScript functions?

I was recently comparing the current version of json2.js with the version I had in my project and noticed a difference in how the function expression was created and self executed. The code used to ...
Kevin Hakanson's user avatar
105 votes
6 answers

PHP 7.2 Function create_function() is deprecated

I have used create_function() in my application below. $callbacks[$delimiter] = create_function( '$matches', "return '$delimiter' . strtolower(\$matches[1]);" ); But for PHP 7.2.0, ...
Saly's user avatar
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103 votes
11 answers

Is it valid to define functions in JSON results?

Part of a website's JSON response had this (... added for context): {..., now:function(){return(new Date).getTime()}, ...} Is adding anonymous functions to JSON valid? I would expect each time you ...
Zachary Scott's user avatar
103 votes
5 answers

Why use named function expressions?

We have two different way for doing function expression in JavaScript: Named function expression (NFE): var boo = function boo () { alert(1); }; Anonymous function expression: var boo = ...
Afshin Mehrabani's user avatar
102 votes
4 answers

Lambda in a loop [duplicate]

Considering the following code snippet: # directorys == {'login': <object at ...>, 'home': <object at ...>} for d in directorys: self.command["cd " + d] = (lambda : self.root....
FunkySayu's user avatar
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99 votes
4 answers

Why is "this" in an anonymous function undefined when using strict?

Why is this in an anonymous function undefined when using javascript in strict mode? I understand why this could make sense, but I couldn't find any concrete answer. Example: (function () { "use ...
T. Junghans's user avatar
  • 11.5k
98 votes
5 answers

php is_function() to determine if a variable is a function

I was pretty excited to read about anonymous functions in php, which let you declare a variable that is function easier than you could do with create_function. Now I am wondering if I have a function ...
Jage's user avatar
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98 votes
6 answers

How can I write an anonymous function in Java?

Is it even possible?
aarona's user avatar
  • 36.7k
97 votes
2 answers

How to call a closure that is a class variable?

class MyClass { var $lambda; function __construct() { $this->lambda = function() {echo 'hello world';}; // no errors here, so I assume that this is legal } } $myInstance = new ...
rsk82's user avatar
  • 28.9k
95 votes
2 answers

How can I pass a reference to a function, with parameters? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How can I pre-set arguments in JavaScript function call? (Partial Function Application) I need to able to pass a reference to a function with a given set of parameters. Here ...
Andreas Grech's user avatar
93 votes
6 answers

How to removeEventListener that is addEventListener with anonymous function?

function doSomethingWith(param) { document.body.addEventListener( 'scroll', function() { document.write(param); }, false ); // An event that ...
Japboy's user avatar
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91 votes
5 answers

Using `$this` in an anonymous function in PHP pre 5.4.0

The PHP manual states It is not possible to use $this from anonymous function before PHP 5.4.0 on the anonymous functions page. But I have found I can make it work by assigning $this to a ...
steampowered's user avatar
  • 11.9k
86 votes
4 answers

Anonymous function shorthand

There's something I don't understand about anonymous functions using the short notation #(..) The following works: REPL> ((fn [s] s) "Eh") "Eh" But this doesn't: REPL> (#(%) "Eh") This ...
Cedric Martin's user avatar
83 votes
3 answers

Use keyword in functions - PHP [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: In Php 5.3.0 what is the Function “Use” Identifier ? Should a sane programmer use it? I've been examining the Closures in PHP and this is what took my attention: ...
Tarik's user avatar
  • 80.8k
82 votes
6 answers

What are the benefits to using anonymous functions instead of named functions for callbacks and parameters in JavaScript event code?

I'm new-ish to JavaScript. I understand many of the concepts of the language, I've been reading up on the prototype inheritance model, and I'm whetting my whistle with more and more interactive front-...
Doug Stephen's user avatar
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79 votes
1 answer

Closure vs Anonymous function (difference?) [duplicate]

Possible Duplicates: What is Closures/Lambda in PHP or Javascript in layman terms? What is the difference between a 'closure' and a 'lambda'? Hi, I have been unable to find a ...
Maxim Gershkovich's user avatar
73 votes
2 answers

Callback function using variables calculated outside of it

Basically I'd like to do something like this: $arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]; $avg = array_sum($arr) / count($arr); $callback = function($val){ return $val < $avg }; return array_filter($...
Breno Gazzola's user avatar
73 votes
4 answers

Javascript anonymous function call [duplicate]

I was reading JS sources from Twitter — on my way to improve my JS knowledge base, when I came across the strange way of calling anonymous function: !function( $ ) { ... }( window.jQuery ); ...
Konstantin Likhter's user avatar
65 votes
5 answers

Javascript 'colon' for labeling anonymous functions?

What does this code refer too? queryString: function() { //some code } I tested it in the WebConsole (Firefox) but it wouldn't execute, so I'm thinking that it isn't equivalent to function ...
knownasilya's user avatar
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65 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to set a breakpoint in anonymous functions?

I quickly want to determine whether/when a set of events are triggered. Therefore I quickly assigned empty lambda's to them. _session.TopologyStarted += () => { }; When tracing through the code ...
Steven Jeuris's user avatar
64 votes
4 answers

JavaScript anonymous function immediate invocation/execution (expression vs. declaration) [duplicate]

Possible Duplicates: What is the difference between a function expression vs declaration in JavaScript? Explain JavaScript's encapsulated anonymous function syntax Why this: (function () { ...
lxa's user avatar
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62 votes
3 answers

(...()) vs. (...)() in javascript closures [duplicate]

I know this is silly, but there's any difference between this: (function() { var foo = 'bar'; })(); and this? (function() { var foo = 'bar'; }()); JSLint tells us to Move the ...
Camilo Martin's user avatar
60 votes
4 answers

Anonymous functions using GCC statement expressions

This question isn't terribly specific; it's really for my own C enrichment and I hope others can find it useful as well. Disclaimer: I know many will have the impulse to respond with "if you're ...
Bill's user avatar
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56 votes
4 answers

Python: pass statement in lambda form

A Python newbie question, why is this syntax invalid: lambda: pass, while this: def f(): pass is correct? Thanks for your insight.
Rez's user avatar
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55 votes
14 answers

Choose Python function to call based on a regex

Is it possible to put a function in a data structure, without first giving it a name with def? # This is the behaviour I want. Prints "hi". def myprint(msg): print msg f_list = [ myprint ] f_list[...
Tim's user avatar
  • 14k
55 votes
4 answers

How to pass two anonymous functions as arguments in CoffeScript?

I want to pass two anonymous functions as arguments for jQuery's hover, like so: $('element').hover( function() { // do stuff on mouseover }, function() { // do stuff on mouseout } ); ...
glortho's user avatar
  • 13.2k
47 votes
9 answers

Why use anonymous function? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How do you use anonymous functions in PHP? Why should i use an anonymous function? I mean, what's the real deal using it? I just don't really get this. I mean, you use ...
Shoe's user avatar
  • 75.7k
46 votes
6 answers

Why and how do you use anonymous functions in PHP?

Anonymous functions are available from PHP 5.3. Should I use them or avoid them? If so, how? Edited: just found some nice trick with PHP anonymous functions: $container = new ...
Kirzilla's user avatar
  • 16.5k
46 votes
7 answers

Anonymous recursive function in Scala

Is there a way to write an anonymous function that is recursive in Scala? I'm thinking of something like this: ((t: Tree) => { print(t.value); for (c <- t.children) thisMethod(c)...
aioobe's user avatar
  • 418k
44 votes
5 answers

How to execute multiple statements in a MATLAB anonymous function?

I'd like to do something like this: >> foo = @() functionCall1() functionCall2() So that when I said: >> foo() It would execute functionCall1() and then execute functionCall2(). (I ...
Daniel LeCheminant's user avatar
43 votes
3 answers

How can I access local variables from inside a C++11 anonymous function?

I'm doing a simple normalization on a vector (weights), trying to make use of STL algorithms to make the code as clean as possible (I realize this is pretty trivial with for loops): float tot = std::...
bd1's user avatar
  • 535
42 votes
2 answers

Difference between function with a name and function without name in Javascript

1. function abc(){ alert("named function"); } v/s 2. function(){ alert("Un-Named function"); } Kindly explain from beginners point.
Maxx's user avatar
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41 votes
5 answers

Dollar sign before self declaring anonymous function in JavaScript?

What is the difference between these two: $(function () { // do stuff }); AND (function () { // do stuff })();
xil3's user avatar
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40 votes
4 answers

Can you name the parameters in a Func<T> type?

I have a "dispatch map" defined as such: private Dictionary<string, Func<DynamicEntity, DynamicEntity, IEnumerable<DynamicEntity>, string>> _messageProcessing; This allows me to ...
mavnn's user avatar
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40 votes
4 answers

Anonymous functions in WordPress hooks

WordPress hooks can be used in two ways: using callback function name and appropriate function add_action( 'action_name', 'callback_function_name' ); function callback_function_name() { // do ...
Aleksandr Levashov's user avatar
39 votes
5 answers

What does this "(function(){});", a function inside brackets, mean in javascript? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicates: What does this mean? (function (x,y)){…}){a,b); in JavaScript What do parentheses surrounding a JavaScript object/function/class declaration mean? Hi All I don't ...
Shaoz's user avatar
  • 10.6k
38 votes
5 answers

Recursion and anonymous functions in elixir

I'm trying to define an anonymous function to do a dot product, I can code this as a private function without any problem but I am struggling with the anonymous function syntax. I know I could ...
Batou99's user avatar
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38 votes
4 answers

this value in JavaScript anonymous function

Can anybody explain to me why A is true and B is false? I would have expected B to be true as well. function MyObject() { }; MyObject.prototype.test = function () { console.log("A", this ...
Corno's user avatar
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36 votes
4 answers

Best way to run a simple function on a new Thread?

I have two functions that I want to run on different threads (because they're database stuff, and they're not needed immediately). The functions are: getTenantReciept_UnitTableAdapter1....
Malfist's user avatar
  • 31.5k
36 votes
4 answers

Difference between expression lambda and statement lambda

Is there a difference between expression lambda and statement lambda? If so, what is the difference? Found this question in the below link but could not understand the answer What is Expression ...
ckv's user avatar
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36 votes
2 answers

Return value from anonymous function postgresql

How to? For easy example. I have a simple function: DO LANGUAGE plpgsql $$ DECLARE BEGIN EXECUTE 'SELECT NOW()'; END $$; How I can return value of "NOW()" or other values from also anonymous ...
arturgspb's user avatar
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35 votes
9 answers

Can I store RegExp and Function in JSON?

Given a block like this: var foo = { "regexp": /^http:\/\//, "fun": function() {}, } What is a proper way to store it in JSON?
Huang's user avatar
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35 votes
2 answers

How to document anonymous functions (closure) with jsdoc-toolkit

I am trying to document my code using JSDoc-toolkit. My code starts by being wrapped with a self-executing anonymous function. How in the world do I document this? I've spent nearly all day on this. ...
Jesse Atkinson's user avatar

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