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84 votes
1 answer

CloudFormation insists my DynamoDB creation JSON is invalid .. but I can't see how

Here's (the DynamoDB part of) my Troposphere-generated JSON: "sandbox": { "Properties": { "AttributeDefinitions": [ { "AttributeName": "...
user1381745's user avatar
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74 votes
3 answers

PropertyDefinition inconsistent

I have following template that i am using in cloudformation UI to create dynamoDB table. I want to create a table with PrimaryKey as ID and sortKey as Value { "AWSTemplateFormatVersion" : "2010-09-...
Em Ae's user avatar
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27 votes
1 answer

How to set DynamoDB Read/write capacity mode to On-demand on CloudFormation

I've seen this site about DynamoDB On-demand and I updated my tables, created by CloudFormation, to On-demand. Now, when I try to update my Stack, I get this error: One or more parameter values ...
Pedro Arantes's user avatar
26 votes
5 answers

Serverless Error, CloudFormation cannot update a stack when a custom-named resource requires replacing

I have the following error. Serverless: Operation failed! Serverless Error --------------------------------------- An error occurred: phoneNumberTable - CloudFormation cannot update a stack when a ...
Joseph Astrahan's user avatar
16 votes
5 answers

Unable to add GSI to DynamoDB table using CloudFormation

I have an existing DynamoDB table that is defined as part of a CloudFormation stack. According the the CFN AWS::DynamoDB::Table documentation the GlobalSecondaryIndexes attribute does not require ...
JaredHatfield's user avatar
14 votes
4 answers

CloudFormation - Enable TTL for DynamoDB Create Table

I'd like to enable TTL for my newly-created-table via CloudFormation. I've tried the following to no avail: { "Resources" : { "mytable" : { "Type" : "AWS::DynamoDB::Table", "...
azizj's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

How to reference the latest Stream of a DynamoDB table in a Cloudformation template

I am writing a plugin for the serverless framework, which references a DynamoDB Stream by its ARN. I can construct the DynamoDB tables ARN with the information I have at hand, but I don't know the ...
Thomas's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

Use IAmazonDynamoDB or IDynamoDBContext (both?)

I started my Visual Studio project from AWS SDK template. It uses IDynamoDBContext in the function and IAmazonDynamoDB in the tests. Everything worked to save and received documents when I received ...
thatsIT's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Using Cloudformation to Create DynamoDB with composite primary key

From the command line or the online API, I have no trouble creating a "composite primary key" but when I try to use CloudFormation to do the job for me, I don't see any JSON/YAML that will let me set ...
user985030's user avatar
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9 votes
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Amazon DynamoDB Attribute Type with CloudFormation

I'm working on a Serverless web application and I'm trying to create a CloudFormation YAML template for a DynamoDB table. The documentation says that each attribute in the table should follow the ...
Jay Vaidya's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

"The conditional request failed" whereas the condition works

I am using Amazonica, a Clojure library to write to DynamoDB. The following inserts an item into DynamoDB and updates its content if called a second time, which is expected. (ddb/put-item cred :...
Stéphane Bruckert's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Invalid KeySchema: The second KeySchemaElement is not a RANGE key type

In my Cloudformation script, I'm creating a Dynamo DB table (Datasets) with two keys - let's call them CatalogId and DatasetId. They are both URIs that are outside of my control, but suffice it to ...
Ryan Shillington's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Permissions on Global Secondary Index

I am using sam to define a dynamodb table as such: #DynamoTables DevicesTable: Type: AWS::DynamoDB::Table Properties: TableName: devices AttributeDefinitions: - ...
Zachscs's user avatar
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7 votes
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How do I implement a DynamoDB Global Secondary Index with Infrastructure As Code in CloudFormation

I am working on implementing a GSI in CloudFormation with Infrastructure As Code. All I want to do is use this table to keep count of the entries in the main DynamoTable. Here is what the main tale ...
lopezdp's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

DynamoDB auto scaling with Cloudformation

AWS released auto scaling for DynamoDB. I would like to know how to create a Table with auto scaling via Cloudformation.
Filipe Santana's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Why doesn't a Retain DeletionPolicy in CloudFormation preserve a changed DynamoDB table?

I'm using CloudFormation to construct an AWS::DynamoDB::Table resource, and I have my DeletionPolicy set to Retain. Suppose I make a change to the AttributeDefinitions properties of this logical ...
dliggat's user avatar
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6 votes
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How do I enable Encryption at Rest on DynamoDB with CloudFormation

I'm trying to figure out if it's possible to create a DynamoDB table using CloudFormation but with Encryption at Rest. I've managed to find the following develop guide but it just tells you how to ...
Kevin Smith's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

How to migrate dynamodb data on major table change?

During development structures and requirements change. Key and index settings need to be changed, that might break incremental table update. So my solution so far is to delete the table and recreate ...
nenTi's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

How Do I autoscale DynamoDB with a Cloud Formation Template?

When creating a DynamoDB CloudFormation template, you need to specify ProvisionedThroughput:
RoccoB's user avatar
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4 votes
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What exactly does Hash and Range keys mean in AWS DynamoDb?

I am new to DynamoDb and I did look at the AWS documentation and some of the questions regarding Hash and Range keys. After all that, I am still not sure what exactly they mean and why/how would you ...
Big Smile's user avatar
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Enable TTL for DynamoDB using cloud formation

I'm trying to setup a TTL on an existing dynmoDB table Getting an error An error occurred: Incoming - Value of property TimeToLiveSpecification must be an object. this is my template ...
Shachaf.Gortler's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

AWS CloudFormation: Is it possible to Update Stack to recreate DB resources without data loss

I have a couple of CloudFormation Stacks made from the same template that contain a few DynamoDB tables each. I recently needed to make a change to the LSI's of a DynamoDB table. When Updating Stack ...
Geoff McLennan's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

AWS CloudFormation AttributeType for DynamoDb Boolean and List data types

I am trying to use AWS CloudFormation for creating an AWS DynamoDB table, I am confused as to what to specify for a Boolean data type in the table, in the template file. My data on the table shows as ...
Dev1ce's user avatar
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AWS Cloudformation Encountered unsupported property Type

I am trying to create DynamoDB table with AWS Cloudformation and YAML defintions. When I remove the Type from YAML file I get error that Type must be present. So I suppose I am missing something just ...
maranovot's user avatar
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0 answers

How to Salvage Damaged AWS Amplify Project

I have started an amplify project following this tutorial and create-react-app, and have progressed through the authentication setup steps without issue. I then attempted to add a REST API endpoint ...
Sam Manzer's user avatar
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1 answer

How to define CRUD policy in SAM (Serverless application model) template to more than one table for a lambda functio?

I am using SAM (Serverless application model) and creating policy for lambda function for dynamo. By default AmazonDynamoDBFullAccess is there but I want to give DynamoDBCrudPolicy for lambda function ...
amber gautam's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Serverless Service update Dynamodb table created with DeletionPolicy retain

I'm encountering some problems using Serverless framework, since i accidentally used the same name of a service on another one. An error occurred: tableX - TableX already exists. Let's suppose that ...
Sergio Flores's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Adding autoscaling to AWS DynamoDB via CloudFormation for already existing table

Our team was quite excited to see autoscaling feature announced for AWS DynamoDB, and when trying it out by adding configuration in web interface we've discovered that's a good match four our ...
Alexey Danilov's user avatar
3 votes
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What is the proper way to deploy a multi-region CloudFormation stack that includes global resources?

I have a cloudformation stack template that includes regional resources (lambdas, api, topics, etc.) and global resources (user, policies, route53, cloudfront, dynamodb global tables, etc.) and want ...
ThatChrisGuy's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Is there a way to populate an Amazon DynamoDB table from a CloudFormation template?

I need to create a DynamoDB table were one of the attribute values its passed as a parameter in a CloudFormation template: The DynamoDB table should look like this: PhoneNumber | OrderNumber ...
gcg27's user avatar
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3 votes
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Property Projection cannot be empty

I am trying to create a table using serverless framework and even though I have specified Projection for the GSI, serverless is complaining that property Projection cannot be empty. Am I getting the ...
Prabhat's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

DynamoDB - restoring table using PITR for DynamoDB table managed by CloudFormation

I would like to be able to perform PITR restoration without losing benefit of Infrastructure-as-a-code with CloudFormation. Specifically, if I perform PITR restoration manually and then point ...
Tofig Hasanov's user avatar
3 votes
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DynamoDB Cloudformation Permission

I currently have the following cloudformation .yaml file: Resources: DynamoTable: Type: "AWS::DynamoDB::Table" Properties: ... ... ... How do I give other resources permission to ...
savvamadar's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Defining multiple ARNs which can trigger a Lambda function

Here's the sample CloudFormation syntax I am seeing in the AWS documentations for AWS::Lambda::EventSourceMapping: Type: "AWS::Lambda::EventSourceMapping" Properties: BatchSize: Integer Enabled: ...
Yar's user avatar
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3 votes
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How to set Maximum provisioned capacity for DynamoDB using cloud formation yaml config?

I am using yaml config file to create dynamo DB table and set some configurations: ProvisionedThroughput: ReadCapacityUnits: 1 WriteCapacityUnits: 1 This sets the desired minimum number of ...
ilce's user avatar
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Intermittent DynamoDB DAX errors: NoRouteException during cluster refresh

Via CloudFormation, I have a setup including DynamoDB tables, DAX, VPC, Lambdas (living in VPC), Security Groups (allowing access to port 8111), and so on. Everything works, except when it doesn't. ...
peter bray's user avatar
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2 answers

Referencing global dynamodb table from the secondary region in CloudFormation template

We are using CloudFormation for defining our infrastructure. A global dynamodb table is used that is defined and created in one region (the primary region), but has replicas in another region. How do ...
elena's user avatar
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Disable/Prevent CloudWatch Alarms when creating a new DynamoDB table with CloudFormation

I have several non-scaling DynamoDB tables created via CloudFormation. Each table auto-creates CloudWatch Alarms (and more for each GSI). In PROD this is okay, but in DEV this adds up in terms of cost....
peter bray's user avatar
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DynamoDB/CF - Subscriber limit exceeded: Only 10 tables can be created, updated, or deleted simultaneously

I was trying to create 24 DynamoDB tables using serverless.yml when I got below error. How do I circumvent this? Serverless: Checking Stack update progress… ..............................................
Prabhat's user avatar
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AWS ESM TumblingWindowInSeconds vs MaximumBatchingWindowInSeconds

Looking at the ESM options here: And I'm ...
micah's user avatar
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Access DynamoDB from Fargate container in private subnets

I'm building the following infrastructure for my project that uses FastAPI for API designs. There are two microservices here: /user/* and /admin/*, that reads and updates data stored in the DynamoDB. ...
Yunhan Zou's user avatar
3 votes
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CloudFormation Custom Name Resource requires replacing while i can't find the resource

I have just tried to update a DynamoDB table in a CloudFormation stack. However, I get the error : 'CloudFormation cannot update a stack when a custom-named resource requires replacing.' which is ...
hlefebvr's user avatar
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2 votes
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How to format Filter Criteria on Lambda Functions that are triggered via Kinesis Streams for DynamoDB?

I have a dynamodb table that has a Kinesis stream attached to it. See the relevant cloudformation configuration here:
uncledru's user avatar
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How to delete more than one Global Secondary Index from the CloudFormation at once?

I have many Global Secondary Indexes described in the CloudFormation template. When I trying to delete more than one I get this error "An error occurred: TodosDynamoDbTable - Cannot perform more than ...
Tony V.'s user avatar
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Avoid re-creating DynamoDB tables in CloudFormation stack when they already exist

I need to create some dynamodb tables for a project as the resources in CloudFormation. However, if I put the creation part(shown in part 1) in my yaml file, the building always fail if the tables ...
Memphis Meng's user avatar
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Why do I get "AttributeName cannot be empty" when making a DynamoDB table using CloudFormation?

I'm trying to create two DynamoDB tables. Both tables have just one partition key, and one has a GSI with a partition key and a sort key. When I try and create the stack in CF, I receive an error on ...
pho_pho's user avatar
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Multiple attributes as Hash Key in Dynamo DB

I am trying to create a Dynamo DB table using CloudFormation. I want two attributes combined as the hash key. For example, ExampleTable: Type: "AWS::DynamoDB::Table" Description: This is ...
Mojo jojo's user avatar
2 votes
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Creating a DynamoDB table in Cloudformation fails

I'm getting the following error: Property AttributeDefinitions is inconsistent with the KeySchema of the table and the secondary indexes But I'm not sure whats wrong here. FeedbackTable: ...
Justin808's user avatar
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2 votes
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How to remove Global Secondary Index from DynamoDb by removing it from CloudFormation?

I have a table with GlobalSecondaryIndexes specified in the CloudFormation Template. I want to remove this indexes from DynamoDb by removing them from CloudFormation Template, but I have an error ...
Tony V.'s user avatar
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I want help in creating DynamoDB table using CloudFormation template

I need a help in creating DynamoDB table using CloudFormation template. Table name: oeautomator-team-config Table Schema: active - Boolean devResolverGroups - List excludeAgingList - Boolean ...
Srikanth Alla's user avatar