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92 votes
5 answers

Getting Outputs from aws cloudformation describe-stacks

I am using the below to get the stack information I want via AWS Cli: aws cloudformation --region ap-southeast-2 describe-stacks --stack-name mystack It's returning result OK: { "Stacks": [ ...
Steven Yong's user avatar
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63 votes
4 answers

AWS CLI S3: copying file locally using the terminal : fatal error: An error occurred (404) when calling the HeadObject operation

I'm trying to copy files locally from s3 bucket. I can get the list of files on my bucket: aws s3 ls s3://myBucket/myDirectory/todaysFiles/ But when I try to copy the files locally: aws s3 cp s3://...
user2924482's user avatar
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51 votes
3 answers

AWS CloudFormation create-stack vs deploy

Can someone clearly explain to me difference and precedence between AWS CLI Cloudformation create-stack and deploy commands? For me it seems like they do same thing and deploy resources. Why when you ...
nixmind's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

Passing multiple parameters from external file to cloudformation template and using values with ref

I am getting following error when trying to create a cloudformation stack using below cli command. aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name subodh-local-stack --template-url s3URL/template.json --...
Dwarrior's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Cloudformation template validate

According the aws validate-template, I did the test to validate same template from URL and local file. But I got different output. Test from URL directly: $ aws cloudformation validate-template --...
BMW's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

How to describe Security Groups for a VPC?

Is there a way to describe a Security Group in a specific VPC? Here is what I am trying to run : aws ec2 describe-security-groups --group-name "<group-name>" --filter Name=vpc-id,Values=<my-...
Arun Avanathan's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Update cloudformation stack from aws cli with SAM transform

When attempting to update a cloudformation stack in the aws cli: aws --profile dev cloudformation update-stack --stack-name mystackname --template-body file://events-list.yaml I get the following ...
Eric Nord's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Using troposphere for cloud formation, how do I add "propagate at launch" to tags

I'm using the python module troposphere to generate tags in my cloud formation template. The current script generates: "Tags": [{"Key":"Name", "Value":"MyTagName"}, {"Key":"...
efreedom's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

AWS CLI- What is the syntax for assigning multiple values on a parameter

For example, I have this CF template that ask for these parameters ----- cftemplate.yaml ----- ... Parameters: **Subnet: Description: Subnet for the Instance Type: 'AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id' ...
darren's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

AWS CLI vs Console and CloudFormation stacks

Is there any known downside to creating resources on aws through the CLI? Is it more reliable/easier/error prone/largely accepted/recommended to use one method over the other? While setting up ...
tanvi's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

AWS CLI list only the name of current running cloudformation stacks?

I'm building up to a larger AWS CLI job but one of the building blocks is stumping me; How do I get a list of just the names of every currently running AWS Cloudformation stack? I can list the ...
Alex's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

Error: The provided credentials do not have permission to create the service-linked role for EC2 Spot Instances

I'm running into an error when creating a spot fleet request through cloudformation. The request is created but I'm getting the error mentioned in the title when the fleet attempts to request an ...
nmcdonald's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Aws cli cloudformation error seen on passing parameter value of type CommaDelimitedList

I am seeing an invalid-type error for a CommaDelimitedList parameter value. The CF runs without any errors from the console. AWS CLI command: aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name ...
Sensei's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

AWS CloudFormation: Nested Sub with Dynamic References using {{resolve}} causes error and doesn't execute resolve to get value from Parameter Store

I am trying to use AWS CloudFormation Template to create an EC2 Instance with some userdata generated using dynamic references and cross-stack reference in the template . There is a parameter stored ...
Neel Shah's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Drawing an image from a cloudformation template

Is the any drawing / export tool that I can use to turn a cloudformation template into a diagram. In need to export my cloudformation stack into an image, or a graphviz file. Regards,
waghanza's user avatar
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1 answer

Use AWS CLI to import existing resources into CloudFormation

I have a collection of CloudFormation templates that I'm using to create new resources but I also have a small percentage of AWS resources that were created outside of CF that I now want to import ...
Ryan Grush's user avatar
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3 answers

How can I instruct an AWS CloudFormation template to create resources in a specific region?

I am new to CloudFormation templates. I have basic template in yaml that creates an EC2 Instance. Every time I create a stack and use this template, the EC2 Instance is ALWAYS created on US East N. ...
Sai's user avatar
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6 votes
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Get ARNs of all resources in Cloudformation Stack

What is the easiest way to get the ARN of each resource created by Cloudformation? I'm trying to find an easy way to do this, so that I can collect this information and send it to an external ...
Slushysnowman's user avatar
6 votes
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Delete AWS Cloud formation stack with resources created by it

Based on this page I can do: aws cloudformation delete-stack \ --stack-name my-stack It says I can attach the command: [--retain-resources <value>] Does that mean that if I don't specify ...
ElKePoN's user avatar
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Correct CloudFormation For Route53 RecordSet to API Gateway

I'm trying to deploy a CloudFormation template (through AWS CLI) that contains DynamoDB and some Lambdas served through API Gateway. The following is the template: Resources: UTableArticle: ...
Michael Coxon's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How to pass a role to cli command "aws cloudformation deploy" or "sam deploy"?

I am creating a cloudformation stack using a SAM template and the CLI. I have successfully done this using an account that gets all the required permissions from policies directly attached to it. It's ...
Harfel Jaquez's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Cross account S3 access through CloudFormation CLi

I am trying to create a CloudFormation Stack using the AWS CLI by running the following command: aws cloudformation create-stack --debug --stack-name ${stackName} --template-url ${s3TemplatePath} --...
Jonatan's user avatar
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4 answers

How to wait until an AWS CloudFormation stack creation or update is completed in bash?

I have a use-case where my bash script needs to wait until AWS CloudFormation completes Creating or Updating the stacks. I found the following commands can be used to do so: aws cloudformation wait ...
Dev1ce's user avatar
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4 answers

Is there a way to specify only changed parameters using aws cloudformation update stack and avoid explicit UsePreviousValue for unchanged parameters?

I am trying to write a generic script in AWS Cloudformation CLI that will update the stacks' parameter AMI to a new value while leaving the rest of the parameters as is. So far, I tried doing this ...
Carlos Jaime C. De Leon's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How can I retry a AWS CloudFormation update if an update is already happening?

Trying to implement CI, every commit will trigger a CFN update. How can I check if an update is happening and force my script to wait or schedule some retry at a future time? I see there's a describe-...
iCodeLikeImDrunk's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How to list only the EC2 instances in a given CloudFormation stack?

What can I use for $QUERY in the command below that meets the following criteria: aws ec2 describe-instances --query $QUERY Only prints instances with an aws:cloudformation:stack-name tag equal to ...
Jeff Terrell Ph.D.'s user avatar
4 votes
5 answers

How do you add spaces for aws cloudformation deploy --parameter-overrides and/or --tags?

I am trying to get spaces into the tags parameter for the aws cli and it works if I hardcode it but not if I use bash variables. What is going on and how do I fix it? This works with out spaces: aws ...
vfrank66's user avatar
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1 answer

How to parse free tier RHEL AMI ID on AWS with Cloudformation?

I've started to write some simple Cloudformation scripts to provision infrastructure. It's waking up 4 nodes (1 Ansible Headnode - 3 Slave). All of the nodes images are free tier RHEL images on AWS. ...
Casca's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

How to encrypt environment variables for Lambda via CLI?

When creating a Lambda function, it's not very hard to encrypt an environment variable via the GUI console. I just enter the key value pairs, then open the encryption helper and enter the ARN of my ...
David's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How to deploy SAM template using boto3

I am trying to deploy using boto3 library function create_stack but getting an error "CreateStack cannot be used with templates ...
john's user avatar
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3 votes
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How to determine what CloudFormation stack an AWS resource belongs to using AWS CLI?

I have an EC2 instance and I want to know which cloud formation stack it belongs to using AWS CLI. To do this using boto in python, refer How to determine what CloudFormation stack an AWS resource ...
Ojasvi Monga's user avatar
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How to generate AWS CloudFormation using existing environments

I have existing AWS configuration Api getway RDS EBS EC2 Cognito S3 aws Lambda Now I want to create different environment like Dev, QA, UAT and Prod Is there any option available in AWS or Open ...
vaquar khan's user avatar
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AWS - Cannot find a Cloudfront stack

I'm facing a pretty weird problem using AWS CLI. I created a new IAM user from my main profile and I gave this user AdministratorAccess in order to allow this user to create AWS resources using a ...
Ema.jar's user avatar
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2 answers

Break cloudformation file into smaller scripts

I have large cloudformation json file which I used to create new vpc, subnets, ec2 instance. Basically looking into breaking file into multiple small file for easy maintenance. How do I create a) ...
pythonhmmm's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What is the proper way to describe resources of a nested CloudFormation stack?

We have a CloudFormation script which has four nested stacks. I'm trying to describe the resources of those nested stacks. However, when I describe-stack-resources with the physical ID of one of the ...
Dan Mandle's user avatar
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3 answers

In `aws cloudformation deploy --parameter-overrides`, how to pass multiple values to `List<AWS::EC2::Subnet::ID>` parameter?

I am using this CloudFormation template The List parameter I'm trying to pass values to is: "Subnets" : { "Type" : "List<AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id>", "...
user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Error parsing parameter '--parameters': Expected: '=', received: 'P'

I am working with aws cli cloudformation. While using the JSON parameters file along with yml template, I keep getting the error. I tried using create stack update stack as well as the change set. ...
akshay parkar's user avatar
3 votes
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Running cloudformation template fails when using custom Transform in CodeBuild

One of my build steps runs a cloudformation template which has a custom transform. The transform is available in us-east-1 which is the same region in which code build is running. This same ...
Phil's user avatar
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using Cloudformation ref with awscli in userData

"aws ec2 create-tags --resources xxxxxx --tags Key=Team,Value=everybody --region { \"Ref\" : \"region\" } --out text\n" The above line/command I am using in my Cloudformation userData, It is not ...
Shivkumar Mallesappa's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

aws cloudformation list-stacks gives me duplicate stacks?

I run this to get a list of my CF stacks: aws cloudformation list-stacks --region us-east-1 I seem to be getting multiple results for the same stacks. I seems like its returning every version of ...
red888's user avatar
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The AWS stack removes RDS with the final snapshot

Some time ago, while deleting a stack, RDS was also deleted without leaving a final snapshot, now when RDS is deleted and a manual snapshot is created that is not deleted. What could be the reason? I ...
KamilK's user avatar
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2 answers

AWS Cloudformation - reverse engineer an existing resource

Initially a while back created a cloudformation template to create multiple services on a given cluster, setup a aurora rds, redis and a load balancer. The template was broken so i had to do various ...
sai's user avatar
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Difference between --parameter-overrides and --tags

I am having a hard time understanding the difference between --parameter-overrides and --tags when deploying an AWS stack using CloudFormation. I tried to read through the documentation but I still do ...
etien's user avatar
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aws-cdk aws-cli cloudformation generating extra characters in arn

I am using the aws-cdk to create cloudformation templates, really just SNS and SQS. My problem is that the names of the generated Topics and Queues are not what I see in the yaml file. Here is the ...
sbzoom's user avatar
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aws cloudformation package command not found on aws-cli/1.10.56

I am a AWS noob and have been task to investigate serverless deployment. I am following the examples in: as well as http://docs....
Bryan Jyh Herng Chong's user avatar
2 votes
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aws cli cloudformation lambda invalidinput error

I am trying to modify an example of a lambda function in java using this example: But in the process, I started ...
JuanKB1024's user avatar
2 votes
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Restore RDS Snapshot from console or CLI is way faster than cloudformation?

I am writing some automation to create a duplicate of the of my AWS production environment for devs and QA to test with. I am using a bash script calling a AWS cli with AWS Cloudformation templates. ...
battibatch's user avatar
2 votes
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aws command not found error even after installing aws cli on jenkins windows slave when running a jenkins job

I have installed AWS CLI on my windows slave in Jenkins. To verify the same, I run the following command in the command line of the windows machine and get this as the output C:> aws --version aws-...
shubhamagiwal92's user avatar
2 votes
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aws cloudformation describe-stack-resources query by LogicalResourceId

I am attempt to retrieve a stack PhysicalResourceId using the aws command line. $ aws cloudformation describe-stack-resources \ --stack-name test-app-prometheus \ --query 'StackResources[?...
Michael Lloyd Lee mlk's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to use cloud formation to deploy a Cloud9 ide on an EC2 image that is not obsolete?

Apparently Cloud9 out of the box is being shipped on an essentially obsolete EC2 instance, as it does not have a current, recent, or viable instance of the aws cli. $ aws --version aws-cli/1.19.112 ...
Blunt Jackson's user avatar