Questions tagged [aws-cloudformation]

For questions about CloudFormation, part of the Amazon Web Services (AWS) that provides a way to manage a collection of related AWS resources.

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-2 votes
1 answer

Fn::Sub with Bash parameter substitution

I have the following aws cloudformation template where i need to perform string manipulation inside the EC2 launch template section (where in URL is a cfn template parameter)- UserData: ...
B Poorva's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

AWS cloudformation stack state [closed]

I would like to have a function in python(boto3) that checks what status the stack is (CREATE_IN_PROGRESS, CREATE_FAILED, CREATE_COMPLETE) and print the status, if the status is "CREATE_COMPLETE&...
Daniel Wor's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

How to deploy Infrastructure as Code on AWS

Had a question regarding infrastructure as code on AWS. Wondering how to do this (the process of deploying) and also why is this an efficient method for architecture? Also, are there other methods ...
RacerRob69's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

running bash commands in cnf template

I have completed the first few steps as mentioned in this article. But I am getting an error at this: aws ...
shantanuo's user avatar
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1 answer

sentiment analysis using aws fails because the cloudformation stack doesn't seem to find my source code s3 bucket

from last couple of days we have been working on a sentiment analysis project using aws. we have used this ( ) ...
adit modi's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

property servicetoken cannot be empty

"certificatefordns":{ "Type" : "AWS::CertificateManager::Certificate", "Properties" : { "DomainName" : "*", ...
shubham kamboj's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

AWS CloudFormation Template - How to start

I am trying to write a template for AWS CloudFormation and don't know how to start. I manage 2 different domains on AWS and would like to use single CNF template to create Windows servers for both ...
Predrag Mirjanic's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to create stack in my AWS account and resources like (ec2, vpc, rds) created in client AWS account?

I have written an AWS Lambda nodejs function for creating a stack in CloudFormation, using CloudFormation template and given input parameters from UI. When I run my Lambda function with respected ...
kranthikumar's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Create CloudFormation template in YAML to create following resources and output

Create web server instance in an AZ, Create Target Group, Create Load balancer using CloudFormation template to manage AWS resource. Here is the scenario as follows: Create CloudFormation template ...
AK Mahapatra's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

How to Run or test my Lambda function through cloudformation

i have Created a lambda function and deployed through cloudformation. i want the lambda function to be executed automatically after the cloudformation stack created.
praveen Exclusive's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Automate AWS EC2 creation using yaml and cloudformation

I am going to automate AWS EC2 instance creation. I have a yaml file which built using cloud formation template. I want to know how do i run this using command line interface.
Shanika Nishadhi's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Nginx Instances which are Launching in Public subnet with public IP in VPC but unable to connect to Network

Our AWS instances are created in a public subnet availability zone and are not able to connect to the internet and SSH. So all the resources are created on the public subnet and one AZ. I have ...
Rakesh Sivagouni's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

How do I put cloudformation intrinsic functions inside a string in json

"Integration": { "IntegrationHttpMethod" : "GET", "Type" : "HTTP", "Uri" : "http://{"Fn::GetAtt" : [ "MyEC2Instance", "PublicIp" ] }:8080/rest"
Paul Mulonzia's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Create stack using php task scheduler

I used the AWS CLI to create a CloudFormation stack. Is there any way to create a stack using PHP task scheduler? I have an online tools learning web site hosted in AWS that makes use of AWS services....
sreekanth's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Solving resource interdependencies in AWS Cloudformation, using AWS CDK

I've a situation here, where two AWS resources are interdependent. How could we resolve or what's the best solution in the below mentioned situation? There are two constructs, one for creating SNS ...
Aniruddha's user avatar
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2 answers

AWS cloudformation - how to attach EBS volume to EC2 windows instance

Here is a working Amazon CloudFormation JSON template that creates an Amazon EC2 Windows 2016 instance. I want to attach an EBS volume that is backed-up on an S3 bucket. How can I do this? Any ...
Jason's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

Recover data from deleted opensearch domain

good morning, Right now im facing a really odd situation. My opensearch domain was deleted because someone decided to "comment" it in our cloudformation stack, there is a way to recover it ...
Diego Vinícius's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Cloudformation complains "array items are not unique"

The cloudformation template is valid, but giving an error which seems to be undocumented. Properties validation failed for resource MoodleRDS with message: #/VPCSecurityGroups: array items are not ...
Ravi Kumar CH's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

ansible - FAILED! => {"msg": "'failed' is not a valid option in debug"}

In the below code: --- - name: set task definition facts set_fact: todobackend_task_def_arn: "{{ cf_stack.stack_outputs.TodobackendTaskDefinition | regex_replace('^(.*):[\\d]*$', '\\1') }}...
overexchange's user avatar
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AWS Cloudformation Template help for IAM

I am new to creating templates in Cloudformattion. I have a requirement where i Need to create a IAM user with password and access keys , password should be changed upon first time login , a I AM ...
Saravanan D's user avatar
-3 votes
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How to sync Terraform state with my AWS infrastructure

Error during terraform apply and terraform state has no idea about rest of the resources it created I was creating some resources my AWS account using Terraform. My terraform project contains over 45 ...
Siddhesh Kulkarni's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Using single cloud formation script to create more then 2 ec2 instance and attach different Security group

I have a situation were i need to use single cloudformation script to create ec2 instance, each ect instance will have its own SG and rules example ec2 1 , SG1 (2 ports open any 22 80 etc) ec2 2 , SG2 ...
Pravin RC's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Can we create multiple Amazon DynamoDB tables at a time using AWS CloudFormation Template?

I'm trying to create Amazon DynamoDB tables using Cloud Formation Template. So my question is can I have multiple tables created in single go ? If yes, what would the approach be, to have multiple &...
Abhijith Nagarjuna's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

When to use Cloud Formation and when EC2 instance [closed]

Today is the first day of setting up the cloud environment and I need some clarity here. I am confused as to whether I need to use AWS cloud formation or EC2 Ubuntu instance for setting up posthog. As ...
Jus Bitz's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

create yaml with AWS CloudFormation references

I need a python code that would create the yaml code below. Tags: - Key: key1 Value: !Ref 'AWS::StackName' - Key: Key2 Value: !Ref 'AWS::StackId' Here is what I have that ...
Sniphar's user avatar
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1 answer

CloudFormation is it part of the architecture of my project? [closed]

I use CDK for all infrastructure on AWS, but has many problems (problems like ROLLBACK, which a cant make deploy, need destroy all stacks related and then make deploy again) with CloudFormation and ...
Eder Costa's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

AWS cloudformation template or bootstrap script help required

I am looking for cloudformation template which can create below environment. 1. A VPC which contains a single public subnet 2. A Windows-based webserver instance set in an auto-scaling group to scale ...
user3457622's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Is there a CloudFormation template for DC/OS, ElasticSearch, Kafka Connect and Kafka Streams?

There are a lot of examples of the SMACK stack, but in my infrastructure I would like to use ElasticSearch and Confluent Kafka Connect and Kafka Streams. There is a great tutorial on deploying a ...
ElHaix's user avatar
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2 answers

Must You Have a Correct EC2 AMI ID?

I tried launching a Linux Instance with cloud formation Using just a random generated AMI id in my head and it did not work. Must I have the exact id provided by AWS like ami-0b69ea66ff7391e80? ...
DOT's user avatar
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-4 votes
1 answer

Terraform or cloud formation for managing AWS server less Infrastructure [closed]

We are trying to create a infrastructure template that can be reused for Fargate deployments.Which tool would better fit this usecase, TerraForm or cloudformation?
sinsanarya's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

i need to create an alarm in cloudwatch using CFT but i'm getting FAILED TO RETREIVE EXTERNAL VALUES. yaml syntax is correct checked by yamllint

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09' Parameters: CPUAlarm: Description: High CPU Utilization Type: AWS::EC2::Instance Resources: CPUUtilizationAlarm: Type: AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm Properties: ...
Gaurav Raj's user avatar
-4 votes
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javascript passing variable in loop

I have 20 values assigned to a variable StackName. I want to delete all the 20 values one by one passing through a loop. I tried but this but prints all the value at same time. StackName=$(aws ...
mani kandaan's user avatar
-5 votes
1 answer

How to create Amazon RDS aurora Master and read replica cluster using cloudformation template

Create Amazon RDS Master and read replica cluster using cloudformation template.
Nitin's user avatar
  • 10.6k
-6 votes
1 answer

Unable to create CloudFormation Stacks [closed]

Why is this error coming up: Confirming Stack pre-requisites Stack dependency missing - StandardTopics Stack does not exist!
roshni k's user avatar

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