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1268 votes
27 answers

When should you use a class vs a struct in C++? [duplicate]

In what scenarios is it better to use a struct vs a class in C++?
Alan Hinchcliffe's user avatar
634 votes
18 answers

Does the 'mutable' keyword have any purpose other than allowing a data member to be modified by a const member function?

A while ago, I came across some code that marked a data member of a class with the mutable keyword. As far as I can see it simply allows you to modify a member in a const-qualified member method: ...
Rob's user avatar
  • 77.6k
530 votes
11 answers

How can you define a static data member of type const std::string?

I'd like to have a private static constant for a class (in this case a shape-factory). I'd like to have something of the sort. class A { private: static const string RECTANGLE = "...
lb.'s user avatar
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497 votes
29 answers

What are the differences between struct and class in C++?

This question was already asked in the context of C#/.Net. Now I'd like to learn the differences between a struct and a class in C++. Please discuss the technical differences as well as reasons for ...
palm3D's user avatar
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361 votes
19 answers

What is the difference between private and protected members of C++ classes?

What is the difference between private and protected members in C++ classes? I understand from best practice conventions that variables and functions which are not called outside the class should be ...
Konrad's user avatar
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321 votes
19 answers

What is a pointer to class data member "::*" and what is its use?

I came across this strange code snippet which compiles fine: class Car { public: int speed; }; int main() { int Car::*pSpeed = &Car::speed; return 0; } Why does C++ have this ...
Ashwin Nanjappa's user avatar
314 votes
15 answers

How do you create a static class?

How do you create a static class in C++? I should be able to do something like: cout << "bit 5 is " << BitParser::getBitAt(buffer, 5) << endl; Assuming I created the BitParser ...
andrewrk's user avatar
  • 30.7k
252 votes
8 answers

How to separate a class and its member functions into header and source files

I am confused on how to separate implementation and declarations code of a simple class into a new header and cpp file. For example, how would I separate the code for the following class? class A2DD {...
drdrdr's user avatar
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242 votes
7 answers

Forward declaration of nested types/classes in C++

I recently got stuck in a situation like this: class A { public: typedef struct/class {…} B; … C::D *someField; } class C { public: typedef struct/class {…} D; … A::B *someField; } ...
Calmarius's user avatar
  • 19k
192 votes
4 answers

How to create a template function within a class? (C++)

I know it's possible to make a template function: template<typename T> void DoSomeThing(T x){} and it's possible to make a template class: template<typename T> class Object { public: ...
user avatar
182 votes
31 answers

Why use prefixes like m_ on data members in C++ classes?

A lot of C++ code uses syntactical conventions for marking up data members. Common examples include m_memberName for public members (where public members are used at all) _memberName for private ...
VoidPointer's user avatar
  • 17.7k
176 votes
5 answers

Declaring an enum within a class

In the following code snippet, the Color enum is declared within the Car class in order to limit the scope of the enum and to try not to "pollute" the global namespace. class Car { public: enum ...
bporter's user avatar
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160 votes
6 answers

Unresolved external symbol on static class members

Very simply put: I have a class that consists mostly of static public members, so I can group similar functions together that still have to be called from other classes/functions. Anyway, I have ...
user avatar
136 votes
7 answers

C/C++ Struct vs Class

After finishing my C++ class it seemed to me the structs/classes are virtually identical except with a few minor differences. I've never programmed in C before; but I do know that it has structs. In ...
user avatar
136 votes
3 answers

Creating an instance of class

What's the difference between lines 1 , 2 , 3 , 4? When do I use each? Why line 3 prints the constructor Foo and line 7 returns an error and line 8 doesn't? #include <iostream> using ...
Kolyunya's user avatar
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121 votes
17 answers

C++: What is the size of an object of an empty class?

I was wondering what could be the size of an object of an empty class. It surely could not be 0 bytes since it should be possible to reference and point to it like any other object. But, how big is ...
Ashwin Nanjappa's user avatar
116 votes
16 answers

Does C++11 have C#-style properties?

In C#, there is a nice syntax sugar for fields with getter and setter. Moreover, I like the auto-implemented properties which allow me to write public Foo foo { get; private set; } In C++ I have to ...
Radim Vansa's user avatar
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114 votes
15 answers

How do I check if an object's type is a particular subclass in C++?

I was thinking along the lines of using typeid() but I don't know how to ask if that type is a subclass of another class (which, by the way, is abstract)
Chad's user avatar
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114 votes
3 answers

Is passing a C++ object into its own constructor legal?

I am surprised to accidentally discover that the following works: #include <iostream> int main(int argc, char** argv) { struct Foo { Foo(Foo& bar) { std::cout <&...
Andrew Wagner's user avatar
113 votes
5 answers

How can I use cout << myclass

myclass is a C++ class written by me and when I write: myclass x; cout << x; How do I output 10 or 20.2, like an integer or a float value?
ali's user avatar
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112 votes
16 answers

Splitting templated C++ classes into .hpp/.cpp files--is it possible?

I am getting errors trying to compile a C++ template class which is split between a .hpp and .cpp file: $ g++ -c -o main.o main.cpp $ g++ -c -o stack.o stack.cpp $ g++ -o main main.o stack.o ...
exscape's user avatar
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105 votes
10 answers

How can I get the class name from a C++ object?

Is it possible to get the object name too? #include<cstdio> class one { public: int no_of_students; one() { no_of_students = 0; } void new_admission() { no_of_students++; } }; int ...
Lazer's user avatar
  • 92.6k
103 votes
3 answers

C++11 allows in-class initialization of non-static and non-const members. What changed?

Before C++11, we could only perform in-class initialization on static const members of integral or enumeration type. Stroustrup discusses this in his C++ FAQ, giving the following example: class Y { ...
Joseph Mansfield's user avatar
102 votes
4 answers

Expression must have class type

I have't coded in c++ for some time and I got stuck when I tried to compile this simple snippet: class A { public: void f() {} }; int main() { { A a; a.f(); // works fine } { ...
adrianton3's user avatar
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99 votes
5 answers

Class template with template class friend, what's really going on here?

Let's say I'm creating a class for a binary tree, BT, and I have a class which describes an element of the tree, BE, something like template<class T> class BE { T *data; BE *l, *r; ...
Michael Conlen's user avatar
97 votes
8 answers

Semicolon after class declaration braces

In C++ classes, why the semi-colon after the closing brace? I regularly forget it and get compiler errors, and hence lost time. Seems somewhat superfluous to me, which is unlikely to be the case. Do ...
SmacL's user avatar
  • 22.7k
92 votes
9 answers

C++ Abstract Class: constructor yes or no?

A class with one (or more) virtual pure functions is abstract, and it can't be used to create a new object, so it doesn't have a constructor. I'm reading a book that provides the following example: ...
user2452426's user avatar
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88 votes
6 answers

Define a struct inside a class in C++

Can someone give me an example about how to define a new type of struct in a class in C++. Thanks.
small_potato's user avatar
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86 votes
5 answers

What does stream mean? What are its characteristics?

C++ and C# both use the word stream to name many classes. C++: iostream, istream, ostream, stringstream, ostream_iterator, istream_iterator... C#: Stream, FileStream,MemoryStream, BufferedStream... ...
Kashif's user avatar
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84 votes
9 answers

C++: Can a struct inherit from a class?

I am looking at the implementation of an API that I am using. I noticed that a struct is inheriting from a class and I paused to ponder on it... First, I didn't see in the C++ manual I studied ...
augustin's user avatar
  • 14.6k
83 votes
6 answers

Pointer to incomplete class type is not allowed

For some reason I cannot use functions attached to the object I want to use. I added a comment to the line that is not working. As an error I get "Error; pointer to incomplete class type is not ...
Sharpless512's user avatar
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81 votes
8 answers

Struct with template variables in C++

I'm playing around with templates. I'm not trying to reinvent the std::vector, I'm trying to get a grasp of templateting in C++. Can I do the following? template <typename T> typedef struct{ ...
monkeyking's user avatar
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81 votes
3 answers

What does "class :" mean in C++?

I've never seen it before. I thought it was a typo for "::sample", but when I saw it actually compiles I was very confused. Can anyone help me find out please? I don't think it's a goto label. void f(...
Johannes Schaub - litb's user avatar
80 votes
7 answers

Will an 'empty' constructor or destructor do the same thing as the generated one?

Suppose we have a (toy) C++ class such as the following: class Foo { public: Foo(); private: int t; }; Since no destructor is defined, a C++ compiler should create one ...
Andrew Song's user avatar
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79 votes
6 answers

Why can't we declare a namespace within a class?

Declaring a class within a class is valid. (Nested classes) Declaring a namespace within a class is invalid. The question is: is there any good reason (other than c++ grammar/syntax problems) to ...
Drax's user avatar
  • 13k
78 votes
3 answers

default visibility of C++ class/struct members

In C++, why is private the default visibility for members of classes, but public for structs?
S I's user avatar
  • 1,221
77 votes
3 answers

The compiler is complaining about my default parameters?

I'm having trouble with this piece of code , after i took this class from the main.cpp file and splitted it in to .h and .cpp the compiler started complaining about the default parameters i was using ...
Christian's user avatar
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69 votes
3 answers

inline function members inside a class

I know that declaring a function (normal function not a method inside a class) as inline is a good practice when the function definition is small for performance and it save time for the compilation. ...
AlexDan's user avatar
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69 votes
8 answers

Defining an object without calling its constructor in C++

In C++, I want to define an object as a member of a class like this: Object myObject; However doing this will try to call it's parameterless constructor, which doesn't exist. However I need the ...
Hannesh's user avatar
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67 votes
5 answers

C++ variable has initializer but incomplete type?

I am trying to compile 2 classes in C++ with the following command: g++ Cat.cpp Cat_main.cpp -o Cat But I receive the following error: Cat_main.cpp:10:10: error: variable ‘Cat Joey’ has initializer ...
user avatar
67 votes
4 answers

Correct way to initialize std::vector data member

// Method One class ClassName { public: ClassName() : m_vecInts() {} private: std::vector<int> m_vecInts; }; // Method Two class ClassName { public: ClassName() {} // do ...
q0987's user avatar
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67 votes
4 answers

c++ "Incomplete type not allowed" error accessing class reference information (Circular dependency with forward declaration)

Had some issues in my code recently surrounding what I now know of as a Circular dependency. In short there are two classes, Player and Ball, which both need to use information from the other. Both at ...
nat1707828's user avatar
66 votes
12 answers

Checking if a variable is initialized

Seems like this would be a duplicate, but maybe it is just so obvious it hasn't been asked... Is this the proper way of checking if a variable (not pointer) is initialized in a C++ class? class ...
user avatar
65 votes
3 answers

How can I store a lambda expression as a field of a class in C++11?

I'd like to create a class where the client can store a lambda expression like []() -> void {} as a field of the class, but I can't figure out how to do so. One answer suggested using decltype, ...
user avatar
63 votes
9 answers

What is the difference between a concrete class and an abstract class?

I am learning C++, but I am confused about abstract class and concrete class. Some real world examples would be appreciated.
coming out of void's user avatar
63 votes
7 answers

How to initialize static members in the header [duplicate]

Given is a class with a static member. class BaseClass { public: static std::string bstring; }; String has obviously to be default-initialized outside of the class. std::string BaseClass::...
Appleshell's user avatar
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63 votes
2 answers

How to create two classes in C++ which use each other as data?

I'm looking to create two classes, each of which contains an object of the other class type. How can I do this? If I can't do this, is there a work-around, like having each class contain a pointer to ...
Steve Johnson's user avatar
63 votes
6 answers

How to define sealed class in C++?

How to stop the class to be inherited by other class.
Shashi's user avatar
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63 votes
1 answer

Different ways of initializing an object in c++

Imagine this class: class Entity { public: int x, y; Entity() : x(0), y(0) { } Entity(int x, int y) : x(x), y(y) { } } And here are multiple ways of initializing the class with what ...
user avatar
63 votes
2 answers

What is the default value for C++ class members

What is the default values for members of a struct and members of a class in c++, and how do these rules differ (e.g. between classes/structs/primitives/etc) ? Are there circumstances where the rules ...
leeeroy's user avatar
  • 11.4k

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