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3911 votes
44 answers

What are the differences between a pointer variable and a reference variable?

What is the difference between a pointer variable and a reference variable?
prakash's user avatar
  • 59.4k
3125 votes
12 answers

When should static_cast, dynamic_cast, const_cast, and reinterpret_cast be used?

What are the proper uses of: static_cast dynamic_cast const_cast reinterpret_cast (type)value (C-style cast) type(value) (function-style cast) How does one decide which to use in which specific ...
e.James's user avatar
  • 118k
2164 votes
14 answers

What is a smart pointer and when should I use one?

What is a smart pointer and when should I use one?
Alex Reynolds's user avatar
2046 votes
8 answers

Regular cast vs. static_cast vs. dynamic_cast [duplicate]

I've been writing C and C++ code for almost twenty years, but there's one aspect of these languages that I've never really understood. I've obviously used regular casts i.e. MyClass *m = (MyClass *)...
Graeme Perrow's user avatar
1894 votes
24 answers

Why should I use a pointer rather than the object itself?

I'm coming from a Java background and have started working with objects in C++. But one thing that occurred to me is that people often use pointers to objects rather than the objects themselves, for ...
gEdringer's user avatar
  • 16.4k
1809 votes
23 answers

What is the difference between const int*, const int * const, and int const *?

I always mess up how to use const int*, const int * const, and int const * correctly. Is there a set of rules defining what you can and cannot do? I want to know all the do's and all don'ts in terms ...
user avatar
693 votes
6 answers

What does 'dereferencing' a pointer mean in C/C++?

Please include an example with the explanation.
asir's user avatar
  • 13.1k
668 votes
14 answers

What is the nullptr keyword, and why is it better than NULL?

We now have C++11 with many new features. An interesting and confusing one (at least for me) is the new nullptr. Well, no need anymore for the nasty macro NULL. int* x = nullptr; myclass* obj = ...
Khaled Alshaya's user avatar
570 votes
6 answers

Typedef function pointer?

I'm learning how to dynamically load DLL's but what I don't understand is this line typedef void (*FunctionFunc)(); I have a few questions. If someone is able to answer them I would be grateful. ...
Jack Harvin's user avatar
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515 votes
5 answers

How do I use arrays in C++?

C++ inherited arrays from C where they are used virtually everywhere. C++ provides abstractions that are easier to use and less error-prone (std::vector<T> since C++98 and std::array<T, n> ...
fredoverflow's user avatar
496 votes
11 answers

What is array-to-pointer conversion aka. decay?

What is array-to-pointer conversion aka. decay? Is there any relation to array pointers?
Vamsi's user avatar
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476 votes
15 answers

How many levels of pointers can we have?

How many pointers (*) are allowed in a single variable? Let's consider the following example. int a = 10; int *p = &a; Similarly we can have int **q = &p; int ***r = &q; and so on. ...
Parag's user avatar
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470 votes
28 answers

What are the barriers to understanding pointers and what can be done to overcome them? [closed]

Why are pointers such a leading factor of confusion for many new, and even old, college-level students in C or C++? Are there any tools or thought processes that helped you understand how pointers ...
462 votes
17 answers

When should I use pointers instead of references in API-design?

I understand the syntax and general semantics of pointers versus references, but how should I decide when it is more-or-less appropriate to use references or pointers in an API? Naturally some ...
connec's user avatar
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461 votes
17 answers

Why use pointers? [closed]

I know this is a really basic question, but I've just started with some basic C++ programming after coding a few projects with high-level languages. Basically I have three questions: Why use ...
user avatar
449 votes
19 answers

Passing a 2D array to a C++ function

I have a function which I want to take, as a parameter, a 2D array of variable size. So far I have this: void myFunction(double** myArray){ myArray[x][y] = 5; etc... } And I have ...
RogerDarwin's user avatar
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397 votes
17 answers

How to find the size of an array (from a pointer pointing to the first element array)?

First off, here is some code: int main() { int days[] = {1,2,3,4,5}; int *ptr = days; printf("%u\n", sizeof(days)); printf("%u\n", sizeof(ptr)); return 0; } Is there a way to ...
jkidv's user avatar
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355 votes
12 answers

When should I use the new keyword in C++? [duplicate]

I've been using C++ for a short while, and I've been wondering about the new keyword. Simply, should I be using it, or not? With the new keyword... MyClass* myClass = new MyClass(); myClass-&...
Nick Bolton's user avatar
352 votes
6 answers

What is the uintptr_t data type?

What is uintptr_t and what can it be used for?
dimba's user avatar
  • 27.2k
352 votes
9 answers

Is it safe to delete a NULL pointer?

Is it safe to delete a NULL pointer? And is it a good coding style?
qiuxiafei's user avatar
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351 votes
4 answers

NULL vs nullptr (Why was it replaced?) [duplicate]

I know that in C++ 0x or NULL was replaced by nullptr in pointer-based applications. I'm just curious of the exact reason why they made this replacement? In what scenario is using nullptr over NULL ...
Riptyde4's user avatar
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345 votes
4 answers

Differences between unique_ptr and shared_ptr [duplicate]

Possible Duplicates: pimpl: shared_ptr or unique_ptr smart pointers (boost) explained Could someone explain differences between shared_ptr and unique_ptr?
smallB's user avatar
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321 votes
19 answers

What is a pointer to class data member "::*" and what is its use?

I came across this strange code snippet which compiles fine: class Car { public: int speed; }; int main() { int Car::*pSpeed = &Car::speed; return 0; } Why does C++ have this ...
Ashwin Nanjappa's user avatar
296 votes
21 answers

Return array in a function

I have an array int arr[5] that is passed to a function fillarr(int arr[]): int fillarr(int arr[]) { for(...); return arr; } How can I return that array? How will I use it, say I returned a ...
Ismail Marmoush's user avatar
288 votes
7 answers

Are there benefits of passing by pointer over passing by reference in C++?

What are the benefits of passing by pointer over passing by reference in C++? Lately, I have seen a number of examples that chose passing function arguments by pointers instead of passing by ...
Matt Pascoe's user avatar
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278 votes
12 answers

Should I use a pointer or a reference to remotely assign a variable? [duplicate]

What would be better practice when giving a function the original variable to work with: unsigned long x = 4; void func1(unsigned long& val) { val = 5; } func1(x); or: void ...
Jack Reza's user avatar
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273 votes
8 answers

How should I pass objects to functions?

I am new to C++ programming, but I have experience in Java. I need guidance on how to pass objects to functions in C++. Do I need to pass pointers, references, or non-pointer and non-reference values?...
Rakesh K's user avatar
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270 votes
9 answers

Should I use static_cast or reinterpret_cast when casting a void* to whatever

Both static_cast and reinterpret_cast seem to work fine for casting void* to another pointer type. Is there a good reason to favor one over the other?
Andy's user avatar
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256 votes
17 answers

Is the sizeof(some pointer) always equal to four?

For example: sizeof(char*) returns 4. As does int*, long long*, everything that I've tried. Are there any exceptions to this?
Joel's user avatar
  • 15.4k
245 votes
4 answers

Which kind of pointer do I use when?

Ok, so the last time I wrote C++ for a living, std::auto_ptr was all the std lib had available, and boost::shared_ptr was all the rage. I never really looked into the other smart pointer types boost ...
sbi's user avatar
  • 222k
207 votes
14 answers

Can I use if (pointer) instead of if (pointer != NULL)?

Is it safe to check a pointer to not being NULL by writing simply if(pointer) or do I have to use if(pointer != NULL)?
danijar's user avatar
  • 33.4k
207 votes
3 answers

Why is 'this' a pointer and not a reference?

I was reading the answers to this question C++ pros and cons and got this doubt while reading the comments. programmers frequently find it confusing that "this" is a pointer but not a ...
Naveen's user avatar
  • 75.7k
204 votes
2 answers

How to cast/convert pointer to reference in C++

How can I pass a pointer (Object *ob) to a function which prototype is void foo(Object &) ?
Dewsworld's user avatar
  • 13.8k
185 votes
18 answers

Is it good practice to NULL a pointer after deleting it?

I'll start out by saying, use smart pointers and you'll never have to worry about this. What are the problems with the following code? Foo * p = new Foo; // (use p) delete p; p = NULL; This was ...
Mark Ransom's user avatar
174 votes
6 answers

Declaring pointers; asterisk on the left or right of the space between the type and name? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicates: What makes more sense - char* string or char *string? Pointer declarations in C++: placement of the asterisk I've seen mixed versions of this in a lot of code. (This ...
jakogut's user avatar
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169 votes
10 answers

Should I store entire objects, or pointers to objects in containers?

Designing a new system from scratch. I'll be using the STL to store lists and maps of certain long-live objects. Question: Should I ensure my objects have copy constructors and store copies of ...
Stéphane's user avatar
  • 19.9k
162 votes
8 answers

Why do C++ libraries and frameworks never use smart pointers?

I read in a few articles that raw pointers should almost never be used. Instead they should always be wrapped inside smart pointers, whether it's scoped or shared pointers. However, I noticed that ...
laurent's user avatar
  • 89.5k
159 votes
17 answers

What's the point of const pointers?

I'm not talking about pointers to const values, but const pointers themselves. I'm learning C and C++ beyond the very basic stuff and just until today I realized that pointers are passed by value to ...
R. Ruiz.'s user avatar
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158 votes
12 answers

Pointer expressions: *ptr++, *++ptr and ++*ptr

Recently I have come across this problem which I am unable to understand by myself. What do these three Expressions REALLY mean? *ptr++ *++ptr ++*ptr I have tried Ritchie. But unfortunately was ...
allocated's user avatar
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153 votes
4 answers

What is the difference between std::reference_wrapper and a simple pointer?

Why is there a need to have std::reference_wrapper? Where should it be used? How is it different from a simple pointer? How its performance compares to a simple pointer?
Laurynas Lazauskas's user avatar
152 votes
10 answers

Passing references to pointers in C++

As far as I can tell, there's no reason I shouldn't be allowed to pass a reference to a pointer in C++. However, my attempts to do so are failing, and I have no idea why. This is what I'm doing: ...
Alex's user avatar
  • 15.1k
149 votes
12 answers

Why is x[0] != x[0][0] != x[0][0][0]?

I'm studying a little of C++ and I'm fighting with pointers. I understand that I can have 3 level of pointers by declaring: int *(*x)[5]; so that *x is a pointer to an array of 5 elements that are ...
Leo91's user avatar
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148 votes
16 answers

How does delete[] know it's an array?

Alright, I think we all agree that what happens with the following code is undefined, depending on what is passed, void deleteForMe(int* pointer) { delete[] pointer; } The pointer could be all ...
GRB's user avatar
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142 votes
4 answers

How to declare std::unique_ptr and what is the use of it?

I try to understand how std::unique_ptr works and for that I found this document. The author starts from the following example: #include <utility> //declarations of unique_ptr using std::...
Roman's user avatar
  • 128k
140 votes
15 answers

Placement of the asterisk in pointer declarations

I've recently decided that I just have to finally learn C/C++, and there is one thing I do not really understand about pointers or more precisely, their definition. How about these examples: int* ...
Michael Stum's user avatar
138 votes
7 answers

What can I use instead of the arrow operator, `->`?

What is the arrow operator (->) a synonym for?
P-A's user avatar
  • 11.1k
138 votes
14 answers

Why are function pointers and data pointers incompatible in C/C++?

I have read that converting a function pointer to a data pointer and vice versa works on most platforms but is not guaranteed to work. Why is this the case? Shouldn't both be simply addresses into ...
gexicide's user avatar
  • 39.2k
137 votes
9 answers

Why does the use of 'new' cause memory leaks?

I learned C# first, and now I'm starting with C++. As I understand, operator new in C++ is not similar to the one in C#. Can you explain the reason of the memory leak in this sample code? class A { ....
user avatar
135 votes
2 answers

Can I call memcpy() and memmove() with "number of bytes" set to zero?

Do I need to treat cases when I actully have nothing to move/copy with memmove()/memcpy() as edge cases int numberOfBytes = ... if( numberOfBytes != 0 ) { memmove( dest, source, numberOfBytes ); }...
sharptooth's user avatar
  • 169k
135 votes
21 answers

Why is address zero used for the null pointer?

In C (or C++ for that matter), pointers are special if they have the value zero: I am adviced to set pointers to zero after freeing their memory, because it means freeing the pointer again isn't ...
Joel's user avatar
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