Questions tagged [conditional-statements]

"In computer science, conditional statements, conditional expressions and conditional constructs are features of a programming language which perform different computations or actions depending on whether a programmer-specified boolean condition evaluates to true or false. Apart from the case of branch prediction, this is always achieved by selectively altering the control flow based on some condition." -- Wikipedia

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2300 votes
28 answers

How to write a switch statement in Ruby

How do I write a switch statement in Ruby?
readonly's user avatar
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584 votes
15 answers

How to write inline if statement for print?

I need to print some stuff only when a boolean variable is set to True. So, after looking at this, I tried with a simple example: >>> a = 100 >>> b = True >>> print a if b ...
Ricky Robinson's user avatar
564 votes
35 answers

Check whether a String is not Null and not Empty

How can I check whether a string is not null and not empty? public void doStuff(String str) { if (str != null && str != "**here I want to check the 'str' is empty or not**") {...
user avatar
465 votes
4 answers

Check if something is (not) in a list in Python

I have a list of tuples in Python, and I have a conditional where I want to take the branch ONLY if the tuple is not in the list (if it is in the list, then I don't want to take the if branch) if ...
Zack's user avatar
  • 13.6k
408 votes
33 answers

Laravel Checking If a Record Exists

I am new to Laravel. How do I find if a record exists? $user = User::where('email', '=', Input::get('email')); What can I do here to see if $user has a record?
Ben's user avatar
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383 votes
32 answers

How to use conditional statement within child attribute of a Flutter Widget (Center Widget)

So far whenever I needed to use a conditional statement within a Widget I have done the following (Using Center and Containers as simplified dummy examples): new Center( child: condition == true ? ...
Marko's user avatar
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285 votes
5 answers

What command means "do nothing" in a conditional in Bash?

Sometimes when making conditionals, I need the code to do nothing, e.g., here, I want Bash to do nothing when $a is greater than "10", print "1" if $a is less than "5", otherwise, print "2": if [ "$a"...
Village's user avatar
  • 23.5k
281 votes
5 answers

How do I negate a test with regular expressions in a bash script?

Using GNU bash (version 4.0.35(1)-release (x86_64-suse-linux-gnu), I would like to negate a test with Regular Expressions. For example, I would like to conditionally add a path to the PATH variable, ...
David Rogers's user avatar
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279 votes
8 answers

Replace all elements of NumPy array that are greater than some value

I have a 2D NumPy array. How do I replace all values in it greater than a threshold T = 255 with a value x = 255? A slow for-loop based method would be: # arr = arr.copy() # Optionally, do not modify ...
NLi10Me's user avatar
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238 votes
4 answers

Why is the use of len(SEQUENCE) in condition values considered incorrect by Pylint?

Considering this code snippet: from os import walk files = [] for (dirpath, _, filenames) in walk(mydir): # More code that modifies files if len(files) == 0: # <-- C1801 return None I was ...
E_net4's user avatar
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206 votes
5 answers

How to combine multiple conditions to subset a data-frame using "OR"?

I have a data.frame in R. I want to try two different conditions on two different columns, but I want these conditions to be inclusive. Therefore, I would like to use "OR" to combine the conditions. ...
Sam's user avatar
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206 votes
3 answers

Are "elseif" and "else if" completely synonymous?

Are elseif and else if completely synonymous, or is there a difference? Does Zend have an accepted "standard" on which one to use? While I personally dislike seeing elseif in the code, I just need ...
Theodore R. Smith's user avatar
203 votes
7 answers

Why do empty JavaScript arrays evaluate to true in conditional structures?

I was encountering a lot of bugs in my code because I expected this expression: Boolean([]); to evaluate to false. But this wasn't the case as it evaluated to true. Therefore, functions that possibly ...
racl101's user avatar
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202 votes
6 answers

Conditional Replace Pandas [duplicate]

I have a DataFrame, and I want to replace the values in a particular column that exceed a value with zero. I had thought this was a way of achieving this: df[df.my_channel > 20000].my_channel = 0 ...
BMichell's user avatar
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200 votes
9 answers

Javascript switch vs. if...else if...else

Guys I have a couple of questions: Is there a performance difference in JavaScript between a switch statement and an if...else? If so why? Is the behavior of switch and if...else different across ...
John Hartsock's user avatar
197 votes
3 answers

Conditional import of modules in Python [duplicate]

In my program I want to import simplejson or json based on OS being Linux or Windows. I take the OS name as input from the user. Now, is it correct to do it with a condition like this? osys = ...
Tim's user avatar
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186 votes
19 answers

Can you use if/else conditions in CSS?

I would like to use conditions in my CSS. The idea is that I have a variable that I replace when the site is run to generate the right style-sheet. I want it so that according to this variable the ...
Haim Evgi's user avatar
  • 124k
173 votes
8 answers

Creating a new column based on if-elif-else condition [duplicate]

I have a DataFrame df: A B a 2 2 b 3 1 c 1 3 I want to create a new column based on the following criteria: if row A == B: 0 if rowA > B: 1 if row A < B: -1 so ...
nutship's user avatar
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172 votes
4 answers

An expensive jump with GCC 5.4.0

I had a function which looked like this (showing only the important part): double CompareShifted(const std::vector<uint16_t>& l, const std::vector<uint16_t> &curr, int shift, int ...
Jakub Jůza's user avatar
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161 votes
12 answers

Is it good practice to use the xor operator for boolean checks? [closed]

I personally like the exclusive or, ^, operator when it makes sense in the context of boolean checks because of its conciseness. I much prefer to write if (boolean1 ^ boolean2) { //do it } than ...
Peter's user avatar
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156 votes
7 answers

Inline conditions in Lua (a == b ? "yes" : "no")?

Is there anyway to use inline conditions in Lua? Such as: print("blah: " .. (a == true ? "blah" : "nahblah"))
Softnux's user avatar
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150 votes
12 answers

If condition A is matched, condition B needs to be matched in order to do action C

My question is: if (/* condition A */) { if(/* condition B */) { /* do action C */ } else /* ... */ } else { /* do action C */ } Is it possible to just write ...
starf15h's user avatar
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145 votes
10 answers

Determining if a variable is within range?

I need to write a loop that does something like: if i (1..10) do thing 1 elsif i (11..20) do thing 2 elsif i (21..30) do thing 3 etc... But so far have gone down the wrong paths in terms of ...
btw's user avatar
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145 votes
14 answers

JavaScript: using a condition in switch case

How can I use a condition inside a switch statement for JavaScript? In the example below, a case should match when the variable liCount is <= 5 and > 0; however, my code does not work: switch (...
haemse's user avatar
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144 votes
8 answers

Can I use conditional statements with EJS templates (in JMVC)?

and if yes, what is the syntax? My goal is to prepend an 's' to the word 'comment' when there is more than one. in an jQuery.ejs template in a JMVC app. The following breaks. I can't find any docs for ...
Regis Zaleman's user avatar
144 votes
10 answers

Set value of one Pandas column based on value in another column

I need to set the value of one column based on the value of another in a Pandas dataframe. This is the logic: if df['c1'] == 'Value': df['c2'] = 10 else: df['c2'] = df['c3'] I am unable to ...
NLR's user avatar
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144 votes
10 answers

Conditional with statement in Python

Is there a way to begin a block of code with a with statement, but conditionally? Something like: if needs_with(): with get_stuff() as gs: # do nearly the same large block of stuff, # involving ...
norman's user avatar
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137 votes
6 answers

Replacing Numpy elements if condition is met

I have a large numpy array that I need to manipulate so that each element is changed to either a 1 or 0 if a condition is met (will be used as a pixel mask later). There are about 8 million elements ...
ChrisFro's user avatar
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130 votes
19 answers

IF... OR IF... in a windows batch file

Is there a way to write an IF OR IF conditional statement in a windows batch-file? For example: IF [%var%] == [1] OR IF [%var%] == [2] ECHO TRUE
Anthony Miller's user avatar
129 votes
9 answers

IN Clause with NULL or IS NULL

Postgres is the database Can I use a NULL value for a IN clause? example: SELECT * FROM tbl_name WHERE id_field IN ('value1', 'value2', 'value3', NULL) I want to limit to these four values. I have ...
Phill Pafford's user avatar
129 votes
14 answers

How to compare strings in C conditional preprocessor-directives

I have to do something like this in C. It works only if I use a char, but I need a string. How can I do this? #define USER "jack" // jack or queen #if USER == "jack" #define USER_VS "queen" #elif ...
frx08's user avatar
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127 votes
3 answers

MySQL IN condition limit

Hey, I have to use IN condition in my MySQL statement with a large set of ids. Example SELECT * FROM users WHERE id IN (1,2,3,4...100000) Is there a limit if items the IN statement can have?
xpepermint's user avatar
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121 votes
7 answers

VBA - how to conditionally skip a for loop iteration

I have a for loop over an array. What I want to do is test for a certain condition in the loop and skip to the next iteration if true: For i = LBound(Schedule, 1) To UBound(Schedule, 1) If (...
Richard H's user avatar
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117 votes
6 answers

MySQL select with CONCAT condition

I'm trying to compile this in my mind.. i have a table with firstname and lastname fields and i have a string like "Bob Jones" or "Bob Michael Jones" and several others. the thing is, i have for ...
Alex K's user avatar
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115 votes
3 answers

Syntax for if/else condition in SCSS mixin

Hi I'm trying to learn SASS/SCSS and am trying to refactor my own mixin for clearfix what I'd like is for the mixin to be based on whether I pass the mixin a width. thoughts so far (pseudo code only ...
clairesuzy's user avatar
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115 votes
3 answers

querying WHERE condition to character length?

I have a database with a large number of words but i want to select only those records where the character length is equal to a given number (in example case 3): $query = ("SELECT * FROM $db WHERE ...
faq's user avatar
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114 votes
14 answers

How to check whether a str(variable) is empty or not?

How do I make a: if str(variable) == [contains text]: condition? (or something, because I am pretty sure that what I just wrote is completely wrong) I am sort of trying to check if a random....
user1275670's user avatar
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113 votes
8 answers

#ifdef #ifndef in Java

I doubt if there is a way to make compile-time conditions in Java like #ifdef #ifndef in C++. My problem is that have an algorithm written in Java, and I have different running time improves to that ...
jutky's user avatar
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112 votes
4 answers

How does "do something OR DIE()" work in PHP?

I'm writing a php app to access a MySQL database, and on a tutorial, it says something of the form mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass) or die("could not connect"); How does PHP know that the function ...
chustar's user avatar
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111 votes
11 answers

Dart null / false / empty checking: How to write this shorter?

This is my code for true on everything but empty string, null and false: if (routeinfo["no_route"] == "" || routeinfo["no_route"] == null || routeinfo["no_route"] == false) { // do sth ... } ...
Blackbam's user avatar
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110 votes
13 answers

MySQL Conditional Insert

I am having a difficult time forming a conditional INSERT I have x_table with columns (instance, user, item) where instance ID is unique. I want to insert a new row only if the user already does not ...
The Unknown's user avatar
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109 votes
4 answers

Angular 2 Pipe under condition

Is it possible in Angular 2 to apply a pipe under condition? I would like to do something like: {{ variable.text | (variable.value ? SomePipe : OtherPipe) }} If not, what is the preferred way to ...
Daniel Kucal's user avatar
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109 votes
10 answers

Conditional build based on environment using Webpack

I have some things for development - e.g mocks which I would like to not bloat my distributed build file with. In RequireJS you can pass a config in a plugin file and conditonally require things in ...
Dominic's user avatar
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106 votes
4 answers

In Twig, check if a specific key of an array exists

In PHP we can check if a key exists in an array by using the function array_key_exists(). In the Twig templating language we can check if an variable or an object's property exists simply by using an ...
user852610's user avatar
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105 votes
10 answers

Run an Ansible task only when the variable contains a specific string

I have multiple tasks depend from the value of variable1. I want to check if the value is in {{ variable1 }} but I get an error: - name: do something when the value in variable1 command: <command&...
mndhr's user avatar
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104 votes
13 answers

Determining if a number is either a multiple of ten or within a particular set of ranges

I have a few loops that I need in my program. I can write out the pseudo code, but I'm not entirely sure how to write them logically. I need - if (num is a multiple of 10) { do this } if (num is ...
user3419168's user avatar
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101 votes
7 answers

Check if year is leap year in javascript [duplicate]

function leapYear(year){ var result; year = parseInt(document.getElementById("isYear").value); if (years/400){ result = true } else if(years/100){ result = false } ...
BigBob's user avatar
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95 votes
12 answers

Why would you use an assignment in a condition?

In many languages, assignments are legal in conditions. I never understood the reason behind this. Why would you write: if (var1 = var2) { ... } instead of: var1 = var2; if (var1) { ... } ?
lajos's user avatar
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95 votes
10 answers

Swift inline conditional?

How do I do this in Swift ? (someboolexpression ? "Return value 1" : "Return value 2") (no I have not read the whole manual yet... I probably missed it on page 2!) OK so its on page 91 and the ...
Duncan Groenewald's user avatar
95 votes
4 answers

How do use a Switch Case Statement in Dart

I am trying to understand how the switch is working in the dart. I have very simple code: methodname(num radians) { switch (radians) { case 0: // do something break; case PI: ...
Peter StJ's user avatar
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