You need to create a folder if it doesn't exist eh? Well, here is an example of how to do it.
First, I check to see if the folder doesn't already exist by entering this code:
if not exist "FOLDERPATH" (
So if I run the code. And if the folder already exists, It will do nothing. This is what we do if the folder already exists:
if exist "FOLDERPATH" (
rmdir /s /q "FOLDERPATH"
Now if I run the code, It will re-create the folder if it already exists. This is the example code:
@echo off
if not exist "C:\ExamplePath\" (
echo Creating Folder...
mkdir "C:\ExamplePath\"
if exist "C:\ExamplePath\" (
echo Re-Creating Folder...
rmdir /s /q "C:\ExamplePath"
Now the if exist
part is Optional. If the folder already exists, you can jump to an label instead like this:
if exist "FOLDERPATH" (
goto :ExampleLabel
echo Hi.
Hopefully, this could help with your problem.
if not exist "%Folder%" mkdir "%New-Folder%"