Questions tagged [data-retrieval]

Data retrieval involves extracting the wanted data from a dataset.

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69 votes
3 answers

What information can we access from the client? [closed]

I'm trying to compile a list of information that is accessible via javascript such as: Geo-location IP address Browser software Exit location Entrance location I understand that a user can alter any ...
George Reith's user avatar
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56 votes
2 answers

How do I link each user to their data in Firebase?

I plan to create a main tree named users which will include the name different users used as username. So, from each username will be included their data e.g. Full Name, Address, Phone No. I want to ...
Oladipo's user avatar
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42 votes
10 answers

view config getter callback for component 'div' must be a function (received 'undefined'). Make sure to start component names with a capital letter

Error is: Invariant Violation: view config getter callback for component 'div' must be a function (received 'undefined'). Make sure to start component names with a capital letter. I am getting this ...
developer_user's user avatar
19 votes
5 answers

Saving data upon closing app and retrieving that data

I know, there are plenty of questions in regards to saving/retrieving data on here. I was doing find looking things up on my own and really thought I could manage to find my answers without having to ...
lilgodwin's user avatar
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17 votes
3 answers

How do I calculate TF-IDF of a query?

How do I calculate tf-idf for a query? I understand how to calculate tf-idf for a set of documents with following definitions: tf = occurances in document/ total words in document idf = log(#...
Codarus's user avatar
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16 votes
1 answer

How to evaluate a search/retrieval engine using trec_eval?

Is there any body who has used TREC_EVAL? I need a "Trec_EVAL for dummies". I'm trying to evaluate a few search engines to compare parameters like Recall-Precision, ranking quality, etc for my ...
Babak's user avatar
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10 votes
5 answers

What is the point of salt and hashing if database is accessible?

I just learned the concept of hashing ("Hey! don't forget the salt!") and using salt to make the password secured. Hashing it is a one way encryption (actually not encryption but hashing) so it ...
kazinix's user avatar
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9 votes
10 answers

How to avoid many database round trips and a lot of irrelevant data?

I have worked with various applications and encountered this situation many times. Until now I have not figured out what is the best approach. Here's the scenario: I have an application either ...
kazinix's user avatar
  • 29.7k
7 votes
2 answers

idf has no effect on ranking one term queries

I was reading through this article and it said that Note that IDF is dependent on the query term (T) and the database as a whole. In particular, it does not vary from document to document. ...
Bill Cheng's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How to retrieve all the entries with hash key as a particular pattern in dynamo DB?

I am new to amazon web services. I want to retrieve all the entries in the dynamo DB table which have a particular word in their hash key. It is similar to using like operator in oracle DB. How can I ...
coder's user avatar
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5 votes
5 answers

Extracting jpegs from a disk dump

I've got a 16GB memory card off someone that won't load properly (asks to be reformatted). I'm trying to get jpegs off it. I've run dd to dump the contents to a file, which worked splendidly. The ...
Rich Bradshaw's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

LINQ to SQL Storing query results in a variable

For example I am searching for a specific persons ID and I want to store that ID to a local variable or instance variable. How do I retrieve Query results and stores them in a int Variable with LINQ ...
user962206's user avatar
  • 15.9k
5 votes
0 answers

Get data from android notification

I am trying to extract some data from an android notification. When I receive a mail, I can get the name of the sender from the title attribute and the rest of the notification is in the text ...
Thomas P.'s user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Get data of a document in firestore by giving a field value belonged to that document using Python?

I'm new to python. I'm using a firebase firestore database for this project. After entering the Admission_No, I want to retrieve all the data in the relevant document such as name, grade, phone. I ...
I'm a Studnet's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How to retrieve float from Firestore?

Hi I have problem with retrieving data from Firestore. I don't know how to retrieve data from number field with dot. For example Prize : 2.54 I tried this longPrize = documentSnapshot.getLong("...
Adam Jefer's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Firebase Analytics - Failed to retrieve Firebase Instance ID

I´m trying to implement Firebase Analytcs into my app. But I can´t see any data at Debugview or Dashboard. In log I can see a message "W/FA: Failed to retrieve Firebase Instance ID" I don't know if ...
Flávio Leal's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to retrieve values after a hash collision

I have read in many places that after a hash collision in Java it is internally using a linked list/tree, based on the number of hash collisions.Till this is fine, But how to retrieve back the ...
Jijo Francis's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Python script that notifies me when a update is made to a website.

I need to make a script that will notify me when a change is made to a website. I am not sure about the best way to go about this and I don't know what python has that will be useful. Any push in the ...
wDroter's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Urllib urlopen/urlretrieve too many open files error

Problem I'm trying to download >100.000 files from a ftp server in parallel (using threads). I previously tried it with urlretrieve as answered here, however this gave me the following error: ...
CodeNoob's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

PHP Resource ID error

I want to retrieve or output data in the database but I kept on getting the error called "Resource ID". Here is my code: <?php $host="localhost"; $username="root"; $password ="123192"; $...
user759630's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating..)

In console before render() this.state.data1.length is not giving any error but as soon as I use it in view tag this is giving error as : TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '_this.state....
developer_user's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Retrieving Data from the BattleNet

I have seen sites like "" and I totally wonder how they get information I could only access when being ingame. I mean how can I access for example the StarCraft II EU Ladder? Is this just ...
Julius F's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Retrieve images in recyclerview from Firebase Firestore

I am trying to retrieve images from Firebase Firestore. I am able to retrieve text in RecyclerView successfully however I'm not sure how to retrieve the images. I had a look at similar questions ...
Neha's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How to correct my Naive Bayes method returning extremely small conditional probabilities?

I'm trying to calculate the probability that an email is spam with Naive Bayes. I have a document class to create the documents (fed in from a website), and another class to train and classify ...
Codarus's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How to store Multiple Pieces of Data in jsTree nodes using a Single Attribute?

In order to store arbitrary data in jsTree nodes, I'm passing a custom attribute (say node-data) to the create_node method. But I need to store more than one piece of data in the single attribute. (...
Can't Tell's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

Sporadically Slow Calls From .NET Application To SQL Server

I have a table in SQL Server that I inherited from a legacy system thats still in production that is structured according to the code below. I created a SP to query the table as described in the code ...
user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Displaying data from firestore into bootstrap HTML table

I want to display data from my CoverTransaction collection into a bootstrap table. Although the data is retrieved correctly(displayed in console) but the bootstrap features like show entries, ...
Ruzna's user avatar
  • 31
3 votes
1 answer

How do you get specific firebase data without knowing the unique id?

I have some data in my firebase database that I want to retrieve. I did one big push so that all instances would have a unique id. I know want to retrieve this data I know I can do this: var gymData ...
Red Baron's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

post data from table row like json format

this is related to my last question( NOTE: I already got some good answers there). I'm doing a program that will filter. I didn't include this question because i thought that it is easier for me to ...
jayAnn's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Doesn't retrieve the records while viewing a ResultSet in JDBC [duplicate]

Now i m learning ResultSet types in java. Here, I've coded for viewing records in different ways. At first i displayed the whole records which is in emp4 table and then i started to view these records ...
Vinoth Vino's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Storing Bash associative arrays

I want to store (and retrieve, of course) Bash's associative arrays and am looking for a simple way to do that. I know that it is possible to do it using a look over all keys: for key in "${!arr[@]}"...
Alfe's user avatar
  • 58k
2 votes
1 answer

How to download a file from a URL in C, as a browser would?

I want to download a file from a URL, this one : When i go on my browser and input this URL in my browser, the file ...
PiggyGenius's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Populating Tableviews with Images in Firebase

I recently asked this question: Populating a UITableView in Firebase a Set Number of Cells at a time But through the discussion I realized that the question was actually two questions, so I'm going ...
Philip Sopher's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Problem with specific fields while querying mongoDB

The problem is with these two fields : Relative Time( and Real time( The values cannot be retrieved While trying to export the collection to csv/json. So I tried the following: ...
iamgr007's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How to fetch multiple rows from fire store and display in Data Table --FLUTTER

I have a collection on firestore named "CASHOUT" having fields Random1,2 and 3. which I am able to fetch and display successfuly in Data table widget But when I created another document ...
Raja Sami's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What is the most efficient way to store a set of points (embeddings) such that queries for closest points are computed quickly

Given a set of embeddings, i.e. set of [name, vector representation] how should I store it such that queries on the closest points are computed quickly. For example given 100 embeddings in 2-d space, ...
Ram's user avatar
  • 158
2 votes
1 answer

retrieving data with mongodb java driver 3.4 using find()-method with projection

I am using mongodb java driver 3.4. In the mongodb database documents are saved according to the following structure: { "_id" : ObjectId("595a9fc4fe3f36402b7edf0e"), "id" : "123", "...
steady_progress's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Recover Data from a corrupted LVM after lvreduce?

I'm using an Ubuntu 13.04 server. I wanted to reduce a logical volume, in order to increase another one. The logical volume I wanted to reduce had a size of 100G and 69G used. I tried to reduce a ...
Lazao's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Unable to retrieve createdAt values from Parse objects

I cannot get the createdAt value from Parse for each object.And I dont want to have to save an additional timestamp as a String when the data is sitting right there. This is the list of what i was ...
Daniel Choi's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

merging certain attributes in datomic query results

So I have some posts that get tagged, and I'd like users to be able to add tags, and then I'd like to be able to do a query and get an aggregated list of tags for particular posts. (Currently the ...
sova's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Read tuple key and value

How can I read a tuple key and value in Erlang? I have this variable: Params = [<<"TPUIBrowser">>,0,18, {[{<<"End">>,<<"location-1ÿ">>},{<<"Start">>,...
Sebastian Hoitz's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Windows phone 7: post some values, retrieve the response

How can I post a value to an online page, and then retrieve the response to put it in a string? It's a PHP page that take the $_POST value and then echo a response that I want to grab.
Zak's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

GridView and objectDataSource

I have a grid view that bounded to an object data source that select data from type of student public class student { int id; string name; int age; public List<students> ...
Amira Elsayed Ismail's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What's the increment operator doing here and how it changes the scale?

What's the increment operator doing above inside the forEach block, specifically: d3.tsv('data.tsv', (err, data) => { // clean the data data.forEach(d => { = new Date(; //...
user1076808's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Firebase unable to retrieve value to class

I have a working line of code retrieving each single data, but failed to apply them all to a class. This line is working perfectly. double value = (double) ds.child("player1score").getValue(); But ...
Wilson Kwun's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Firebase and AngularJS, How to retrieve a value from a firebaseArray

It seems to be very very simple. But I can't do it. I just want to get a value of my Firebase DB in my controller. The Firebase Database is like this: users { 30549545 { name: "Marcelo" ...
Marcelo J Forclaz's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

MongoDB (mongoose) retrieve substring

Let's say I have a blog with some very long posts. So, I want to display a list of my posts in "preview mode", for instance only first 50 chars of text. Simple answer is to do this: Post.find( (...
Oleksii Shnyra's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Best way to gather data from a website for an Android application

I'm trying to put together a new app for a project that will display train times for the user. I know there are a couple of ways to go about this, but before I get started I wanted to get some help ...
user1316700's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Android - Retrieving a string from a specific element of a gridview

I'm pretty new to Android and I have been playing about with GridView. I've got stuck trying to retrieve Strings from individual elements of the GridView so that I can save state based on the changes ...
FinalStraw88's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

There is a problem I am facing while getting data from firebase I am getting empty array

I am facing an error while I am retrieving data from firebase. I am using React JS and Firebase Firestore for data storeing. The problem is when I use the useEffect() hook to get data at the start of ...
Muhammad Ahmed Bashir's user avatar

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