I've looked around but haven't seen any info on this. If I want to have multiple navigation stacks in SwiftUI, and have multiple navigation links that add to different navigation stacks, how can I do this? In my use case I use a tab view, so I would be something like:

NavigationStack(path: $globalNavigationStack) {
  TabView {

Then maybe in PrimaryView:

struct PrimaryView: View {
  var body: some View {
    NavigationStack(path: $localNavigationStack) {
       NavigationLink(value: SomeType.self) {
         Button("This should add to local stack")
       .navigationDestination(for: SomeType.val) { someType in

       NavigationLink(value: SomeType.self) {
         Button("This should add to global stack")
       .navigationDestination(for: SomeType.val) { someType in

But the second NavigationLink will add to the local stack. Assuming I have access to the global path, how can I make the second one add to global path? What I tried was this:

NavigationStack(path: $globalNavigationStack) {
  TabView {
.navigationDestination(for: SomeType.val) { someType in

along with removing the onDestination from the second link, but the console complained that the navigation link had no corresponding onDestination. Not sure if I've seen anyone else have a similar situation.

  • 1
    Each tab can have a NavigationStack but a TabView shouldn't be inside one. They should be "mutually exclusive" per the human interface guidelines. that global stack goes against Apple's design May 22, 2023 at 18:51
  • 2
    Did you come up with a solution? Nested Navigation by UINavigaitonViewController perfectly works on UIKit. But I have an issue with "pop" and "pop to root" in SwiftUI.
    – Amirca
    Jul 12, 2023 at 18:29
  • Anyone find luck?
    – aehlke
    Feb 5 at 16:00


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