Questions tagged [deno-deploy]

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Deno / Postgres "invalid peer certificate contents: invalid peer certificate" error

I'm using deno db to connect to a supabase postgres server. Here's the error from deno deploy. TLS connection failed with message: invalid peer certificate contents: invalid peer certificate: ...
ThomasReggi's user avatar
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Unable to use npm packages in deno deploy

From Deno 1.28, deno natively supports npm packages. But when I try to deploy it in deno-deploy. It is downloading the dependency but fails with Module not found I am trying to deploy an express ...
Karly's user avatar
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Deno Deploy --cert flag

How can I add --cert flag when my project run on deno deploy? I am using deno fresh and supabase postgres. When in local environment I use --cert flag to set certificate, but in deno deploy I didn't ...
Bilal Bera's user avatar
2 votes
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GetStream with Supabase via Edge Function -- how to?

I need to write a Supabase Edge Function that interacts with GetStream. But as Supabase Edge Functions are running via Deno, I am importing the package via JS Deliver as follows: import { StreamChat } ...
boeledi's user avatar
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TypeError: is not a function

My project works perfectly fine locally, but when I deploy the project on it crashes. TypeError: is not a function at build (file:///src/scripts/build.ts:2:26) at file:///src/...
kemicofa ghost's user avatar
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How to do robust logging in Deno Deploy?

I've been evaluating Deno Deploy as a solution for a middleware listener used in a larger application, and one thing that I'm still struggling with is that the Deno Deploy playground doesn't seem to ...
cayblood's user avatar
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Firebase throws an error: "Could not reach Cloud Firestore backend. Backend didn't respond within 10 seconds."

I followed this deno tutorial to create a simple web server that interacts with firebase. I created a copy of my deno project here. If I make an api call to the endpoint to /user-requests, I get an ...
Matt's user avatar
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using paulmillr/noble-secp256k1 with deno deploy

I have this line in my file: import * as secp256k1 from "npm:@noble/secp256k1"; It works fine locally (deno run) When I try to deno deploy, it cannot find the module. I read this is because ...
Uri's user avatar
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error: Uncaught (in promise) NotFound: Failed to spawn 'start': program not found

I'm running deployctl deploy and here is the result: PS D:\QC supplements\Code\Apps\trankyweb> deployctl deploy --project=c5w-tran-ky --entrypoint="./ThanhPhan BoTro/web/main.ts" i Using ...
Ooker's user avatar
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Can you specify webassembly extensions in deno deploy instances?

Is there a way to configure a v8 isolate in deno deploy to enable certain webassembly extensions, that v8 doesn't yet enable by default? Or more generally, request any other optional v8 features that ...
dubiousjim's user avatar
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Deno HTTP Server not working on Deno Deploy with Oak

Hi I'm having trouble deploying my Deno server to Deno Deploy. I suppose it's having something to do with the Bcrypt library but I have no idea how I could fix this with maybe another library, or ...
Loran Maes's user avatar
0 votes
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Error: The deployment failed: Relative import path "$fresh/server.ts" not prefixed with / or ./ or ../

When deploying I get this error: Deploying... (100.0%) Error: The deployment failed: Relative import path "$fresh/server.ts" not prefixed with / or ./ or ../ A person who had the same error ...
Ooker's user avatar
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Can't parse Deno Oak body from Post request form-data / json

I am using Deno with Oak and Deno KV to make a S3 service clone. Uncaught (in promise) Error: Caught error from `readSlice()` without `partial` property This is the error I receive every time I try to ...
Miguelo's user avatar
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Issue deploying a Deno Fresh app using new ahead-of-time builds and GitHub actions

I'm trying to deploy my Fresh app using the new ahead-of-time builds to pre-optimize static assets. I've followed the instructions on the docs site and it works just fine locally. However, when trying ...
hcode's user avatar
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TypeError: Deno.readFileSync is not a function

I am running into this error when I deploy my project to deno deploy. TypeError: Deno.readFileSync is not a function at parseFile ([email protected]/mod.ts💯59) at config (https://deno....
Mohamed Abdinasir's user avatar
0 votes
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Error: "githubAccountBlocked" "Your account has been temporarily blocked. Please try again later, or use a different account."

I'm following along to the instructions on Deno as displayed here but I get the error "githubAccountBlocked", "message": "Your account has been temporarily blocked. Please ...
Badrul's user avatar
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1 answer

How to redirect from to in Deno Fresh?

I have a website deployed on Deno deploy with a custom domain. I thought it would be possible to configure the appropriate redirects directly in the platform like I could do in for example, Vercel. My ...
hcode's user avatar
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Oak framework Doesnt respond to request in deno deploy

I tried deploying my deno app to deno deploy but I have tried all means to work but still no response and I have no error in logs. This my code below.. import { load } from "
Mike MC's user avatar
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How to use Deno-Deploy with Fresh and Mongoose

I can't deploy a project on deno deploy that uses the mongoose module. I am trying to connect to a mongo database in a project that uses the fresh framework and I used mongoose to do so by using ...
Bill Kalaitzo's user avatar