Questions tagged [deployment]

A series of activities that makes a program available for use (usually in test or production environments)

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857 votes
34 answers

Permission denied (publickey) when deploying heroku code. fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

I'm attempting to deploy my code to heroku with the following command line: git push heroku master but get the following error: Permission denied (publickey). fatal: The remote end hung up ...
618 votes
9 answers

.war vs .ear file

What is the difference between a .war and .ear file?
ria's user avatar
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586 votes
26 answers

How can I update the parent's state in React?

My structure looks as follows: Component 1 - |- Component 2 - - |- Component 4 - - - |- Component 5 Component 3 Component 3 should display some data depending on state of Component 5. Since ...
Wojciech Kulma's user avatar
418 votes
19 answers

Deploy a project using Git push

Is it possible to deploy a website using git push? I have a hunch it has something to do with using git hooks to perform a git reset --hard on the server side, but how would I go about accomplishing ...
Kyle Cronin's user avatar
  • 78.3k
349 votes
23 answers

How to manage local vs production settings in Django?

What is the recommended way of handling settings for local development and the production server? Some of them (like constants, etc) can be changed/accessed in both, but some of them (like paths to ...
akv's user avatar
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319 votes
16 answers

Enterprise app deployment doesn't work on iOS 7.1

We distribute apps via an Enterprise account, using an itms-services:// URL. This has always worked fine, but after installing the iOS 7.1 beta on our iPad it refuses to install. Instead we just get ...
Mark Parnell's user avatar
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311 votes
14 answers

Create a directly-executable cross-platform GUI app using Python

Python works on multiple platforms and can be used for desktop and web applications, thus I conclude that there is some way to compile it into an executable for Mac, Windows and Linux. The problem ...
Teifion's user avatar
  • 110k
310 votes
4 answers

How do I install package.json dependencies in the current directory using npm

I have a web app: fooapp. I have a package.json in the root. I want to install all the dependencies in a specific node_modules directory. How do I do this? What I want Lets say I have two widget ...
Daniel Beardsley's user avatar
295 votes
8 answers

Run command on the Ansible host

Is it possible to run commands on the Ansible controller node? My scenario is that I want to take a checkout from a git server that is hosted internally (and isn't accessible outside the company ...
Ross's user avatar
  • 46.6k
233 votes
15 answers

IIS7 deployment - duplicate 'system.web.extensions/scripting/scriptResourceHandler' section

On attempting to deploy a .net 3.5 website on the default app pool in IIS7 having the framework section set to 4.0, I get the following error. There is a duplicate 'system.web.extensions/...
user20358's user avatar
  • 14.5k
219 votes
5 answers

How to deploy correctly when using Composer's develop / production switch?

Composer has the option to load several dependencies only while being in development, so the tools will not be installed in production (on the live server). This is (in theory) very handy for scripts ...
Sliq's user avatar
  • 16.1k
207 votes
27 answers

Causes of getting a java.lang.VerifyError

I'm investigating the following java.lang.VerifyError: java.lang.VerifyError: (class: be/post/ehr/wfm/application/serviceorganization/report/DisplayReportServlet, method: getMonthData signature: (...
Jeroen Wyseur's user avatar
205 votes
17 answers

How do I run a Node.js application as its own process?

What is the best way to deploy Node.js? I have a Dreamhost VPS (that's what they call a VM), and I have been able to install Node.js and set up a proxy. This works great as long as I keep the SSH ...
respectTheCode's user avatar
196 votes
4 answers

How to customize a requirements.txt for multiple environments?

I have two branches, Development and Production. Each has dependencies, some of which are different. Development points to dependencies that are themselves in development. Likewise for Production. I ...
Charles R's user avatar
  • 18.7k
190 votes
2 answers

Checking out Git tag leads to "detached HEAD state"

I'm developing a deployment script for my git project and I just started using tags. I've added a new tag called v2.0: git tag -a v2.0 -m "Launching version 2.0" And I've pushed this tag to the ...
Khriz's user avatar
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189 votes
4 answers

How do I copy directories recursively with gulp?

I am trying to stage a project from a working directory to a server (same machine). Using the following code: gulp.src([ 'index.php', 'css/**', 'js/**', 'src/**', ]) .pipe(gulp.dest('/...
M1ke's user avatar
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185 votes
8 answers

Deploying a minimal flask app in docker - server connection issues

I have an app whose only dependency is flask, which runs fine outside docker and binds to the default port 5000. Here is the full source: from flask import Flask app = Flask(__name__) app.debug = ...
Dreen's user avatar
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181 votes
15 answers

Deploying Maven project throws invalid LOC header (bad signature)

I am getting the below exception when I run my mvn install. I have even deleted the local repository and ran again getting same exception. [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:...
Karthick's user avatar
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168 votes
37 answers

Heroku deployment error H10 (App crashed)

I have a RoR app working on my local computer, but when I send it to heroku, it crashes. The error log gives an error H10 & says: 2012-11-21T15:26:47+00:00 app[web.1]: from /app/vendor/...
bskool's user avatar
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168 votes
3 answers

Why does Azure deployment take so long?

I'm trying to understand why it can take from 20-60min to deploy a small application to Azure (using the configuration/package upload method, not from within VS). I've read through this situation and ...
emptyset's user avatar
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167 votes
7 answers

Install a .NET windows service without InstallUtil.exe

I have a standard .NET windows service written in C#. Can it install itself without using InstallUtil? Should I use the service installer class? How should I use it? I want to be able to call the ...
Yuval Peled's user avatar
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167 votes
5 answers

Maven equivalent for python [closed]

I'm a java developer/python beginner, and I'm missing my maven features, particularly dependency management and build automation (I mean you don't build, but how to create a package for deployment?) ...
Enno Shioji's user avatar
  • 26.7k
161 votes
12 answers

How can I deploy an iPhone application from Xcode to a real iPhone device?

How can I deploy an iPhone application from Xcode to real iPhone device without having a US$99 Apple certificate?
DFG's user avatar
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160 votes
15 answers

What is your preferred php deployment strategy? [closed]

I'm beginning a new project in PHP and I'd love to get some feedback from other developers on their preferred strategy for PHP deployment. I'd love to automate things a bit so that once changes are ...
GloryFish's user avatar
  • 13.2k
158 votes
6 answers

Canary release strategy vs. Blue/Green

My understanding of a canary release is that it's a partial release to a subset of production nodes with sticky sessions turned on. That way you can control and minimize the number of users/customers ...
IAmYourFaja's user avatar
  • 56.3k
154 votes
25 answers

H14 error in heroku - "no web processes running"

error H14 happen while deploying to heroku this is my procfile: web: gunicorn -w 4 -b$PORT -k gevent main:app log on heroku: 2017-01-23T10:42:58.904480+00:00 heroku[router]: at=error code=...
Ron Miles's user avatar
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151 votes
12 answers

How do you maintain development code and production code? [closed]

What are the best practices and rules-of-thumb to follow while maintaining code? Is it good practice to have only the production ready code in the development branch, or should untested latest code ...
150 votes
34 answers

Android device chooser - My device seems offline

I have developed an application and i was planning to deploy it to my HTC Desire. I have installed USB driver. I turned on USB debugging on the phone and choosed charge only when phone plugged-in. ...
Ahmet Gulden's user avatar
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149 votes
26 answers

Error CS1705: "which has a higher version than referenced assembly"

I've been looking into this for a bit now and haven't gotten it resolved. I get the following error message: Compiler Error Message: CS1705: Assembly 'My.Model, Version=1.1.4422.23773, Culture=...
jbizzle's user avatar
  • 1,553
148 votes
7 answers

How do I deploy Node.js applications as a single executable file? [duplicate]

Supposed I have written a Node.js application, and I now would like to distribute it. Of course, I want to make it easy for the user, hence I do not want him to install Node.js, run npm install and ...
Golo Roden's user avatar
  • 146k
141 votes
28 answers

Android Studio - local path doesn't exist

After updating Android Studio to 0.2.4 I can't get my project to deploy. There is a complete mismatch of the apk filename. Waiting for device. Target device: 0146B0020E010020 Uploading file local ...
WarrenFaith's user avatar
  • 57.6k
140 votes
27 answers

Android Studio not deploying changes to app

Sometimes this scenario occurs when developing. I would make a change in my source code, hit save all and then run but the change wouldn't be apparently not reflected in the app -(I'm using a device ...
Simply Brian's user avatar
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137 votes
13 answers

How to deploy an ASP.NET Application with zero downtime

To deploy a new version of our website we do the following: Zip up the new code, and upload it to the server. On the live server, delete all the live code from the IIS website directory. Extract the ...
Karl Glennon's user avatar
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135 votes
3 answers

How to specify maven's distributionManagement organisation wide?

I'm trying to figure out how to organize many (around 50+) maven2 projects, so that they can deploy into a central nexus repository. When using the mvn deploy goal, one does need to specify the target ...
mglauche's user avatar
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132 votes
16 answers

Error when deploying an artifact in Nexus

Im' getting an error when deploying an artifact in my own repository in a Nexus server: "Failed to deploy artifacts: Could not transfer artifact" "Failed to transfer file http:///my_artifact. Return ...
acimutal's user avatar
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130 votes
7 answers

How do you include additional files using VS2010 web deployment packages?

I am testing out using the new web packaging functionality in visual studio 2010 and came across a situation where I use a pre-build event to copy required .dll's into my bin folder that my app relies ...
Jason's user avatar
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128 votes
3 answers

Configuration With Same Name Already Exists

I have a solution with 10+ projects (VS2010 SP1). I have the following configurations defined in the solution: Debug Debug-QA Release-UAT Release-Production This allows me to easily setup specific ...
Josh M.'s user avatar
  • 27k
127 votes
7 answers

How do you migrate an IIS 7 site to another server?

I'm wondering what is the best practice for moving a website to another server (along with all settings, etc.) Manually recreate the site on the new server (not maintainable for obvious reasons) Copy ...
Kalid's user avatar
  • 22.5k
124 votes
3 answers

Error: "The configuration section 'system.webServer/management/delegation' cannot be read because it is missing schema

I am trying to publish a website from my computer to an IIS web server via web deploy. I have 3 servers. All servers have installed the same things (Webdeploy etc.) and the services are started (Web ...
lucamuh's user avatar
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124 votes
9 answers

Can not deserialize instance of java.lang.String out of START_OBJECT token

I'm running into an issue where my deployable jar hits an exception that doesn't happen when I run this locally in IntelliJ. Exception: Receiving an event {id=2, socket=0c317829-69bf-43d6-b598-...
Ben's user avatar
  • 61.4k
120 votes
6 answers

Git: auto pull from repository?

Is there any way to set up git such that it listens for updates from a remote repo and will pull whenever something changes? The use case is I want to deploy a web app using git (so I get version ...
Li Haoyi's user avatar
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110 votes
3 answers

Angular app has to clear cache after new deployment

We have an Angular 6 application. It’s served on Nginx. And SSL is on. When we deploy new codes, most of new features work fine but not for some changes. For example, if the front-end developers ...
zhangjinzhou's user avatar
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107 votes
7 answers

Understanding Heroku server status 143

I'm wondering about Heroku server status and can't find any documentation about this topic. Example: Process exited with status 143 Can anyone explain this example? And where would I find ...
Tien Nguyen's user avatar
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105 votes
13 answers

How do you deploy your ASP.NET applications to live servers?

I am looking for different techniques/tools you use to deploy an ASP.NET web application project (NOT ASP.NET web site) to production? I am particularly interested of the workflow happening between ...
104 votes
10 answers

allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' error when publishing from VS2010 (but only after a previous build)

I can run my Asp.Net MVC 2 application without an issue on my local computer. Just Run / Debug. But if I have already built it, I can't publish it! I have to clean the solution and publish it again. ...
Dan's user avatar
  • 13.1k
102 votes
3 answers

How do I update a Tomcat webapp without restarting the entire service?

I'm new to Tomcat. We have a dev machine with about 5 apps running. Even though it's dev, it's used by our clients pretty heavily during testing. So say we need to make one small change on one ...
cbmeeks's user avatar
  • 11.3k
101 votes
4 answers

Git command to checkout any branch and overwrite local changes

Is there a Git command (or a short sequence of commands) that will safely and surely do the following? Get rid of any local changes. Fetch the given branch from origin if necessary Checkout the given ...
szeryf's user avatar
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98 votes
19 answers

What's the foolproof way to tell which version(s) of .NET are installed on a production Windows Server?

This question is not so much programming related as it is deployment related. I find myself conversing a lot with the group in my company whose job it is to maintain our production Windows servers ...
Tom Kidd's user avatar
  • 12.9k
95 votes
10 answers

The unauthenticated git protocol on port 9418 is no longer supported

I have been using github actions for quite sometime but today my deployments started failing. Below is the error from github action logs Command: git Arguments: ls-remote --tags --heads git://github....
monofal's user avatar
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92 votes
11 answers

"Untrusted App Developer" message when installing enterprise iOS Application

I'm developing an enterprise application. When I was testing it in iOS8 beta I saw the following alert view: Untrusted App Developer Do you trust the developer "iPhone Distribution: ---" to run apps ...
Tunyk Pavel's user avatar
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