Questions tagged [drop-down-menu]

A GUI element, similar to a combobox and a list box, which allows the user to choose one value from a list. When a drop-down list is inactive, it displays a single value. When activated, it displays (drops down) a list of values, from which the user may select one.

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Wordpress dropdown menu in mobile screens using Javascript

I have a Wordpress Menu and for mobile screens the submenus should be hidden. Using Vanilla Javascript, I need to click on the links to toggle them. If there's a class .menu-item-has-children, hide ...
Mari's user avatar
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How to get selected value from select list by javascript in c#

As per my question, I didn't get selected value (it showing null value only) when select the list from select dropdownlist. Following is the .aspx code <select id="cmb_year" runat="...
karan's user avatar
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Dynamic horizontal nav bar where nav items "overflow" into a "more" dropdown when those nav items would normally wrap

I'm trying to modify this fiddle as it pretty much has the exact function that I'm after, except the semantics of the html are not great. In a nutshell, I'm after a ...
magenta placenta's user avatar
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is it possible to get the items from drop down list and connect it to another drop down list in another sheet? [closed]

DTR PER EMPLOYEES DTR PER DEPARTMENT I have a 2 drop down list the is the name for employees and department and I need to get the items from my DTR PER EMPLOYEES to my DTR PER DEPARTMENT. I really ...
CIEL11's user avatar
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Trying to make a dynamic horizontal navigation bar where nav items "overflow" into a "more" dropdown when those nav items would normally wrap

I'm trying to make a vanilla javascript driven dynamic horizontal navigation bar where the individual nav items "overflow" into and out of a "more" dropdown nav item when those ...
magenta placenta's user avatar
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Safari bug when trying to set value to a select element

i have a form but when i try to set dynamically a value to a select element safari ignores my value and automatically selects the first element of the select field. my code works perfectly fine on ...
Mehdi Ziyadi's user avatar
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DropdownMenu does not pop down when filter an existing riverpod provider to create dropdownMenuEntries

I can run the below code perfectly fine. But Problem 1: is that when the null, clientUid: widget.clientUid)) gets executed, if there was a
pbs_mhl's user avatar
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How to automate building Dropdown list in Bluebeam forms

My application requires a custom dropdown list for over 60 drop down options. Option 1, would like to set up an array that could be pasted into the JavaScript then load the contents of the array in a ...
Timothy Knaul's user avatar
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Google Sheets variable dropdown menu

I want to create several dropdown menus that pull data from a table that contains an list of items and their category identifier. I looks like this : Google sheets screenshot In the first dropdown ...
Stephan Ketterer's user avatar
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searchable text filed without use any packages in flutter

flutter I used many packages but could not find the right way to make a custom searchable dropdown. The main issue is when I type "#" opens the dropdown perfectly but the searched items do ...
Jenish Bhalala's user avatar
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Excel drop-down list : problem changing the selected option

I have an issue with excel. I created a drop-down list and here are my problems : when I select one of the option, a semi-colon is added at the end when I want to change the selected option, it only ...
Marion's user avatar
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Android Jetpack Compose Material 3 modifier.menuAnchor() not working properly

The modifier.menuAnchor() is not working as expected. The ExposedDropDownMenu is not anchored to the bottom of the textField, which is what I believe should be happening. Before expanded After ...
Lawand11's user avatar
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Shadcn/ui Select - change state when user selects item

I am using shadnui and trying to do something very simple > make the user choose from a list of 1 to 6. I want to update the state when the user selects a number. I found this thread Shadcn ui ...
Santi's user avatar
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Issues with updating selected value in dropdown menu in laravel 10

My CRUD form is working in Laravel 10 with the exception of the select drop-down menu UPDATE functionality. In the CREATE functionality, I can successfully select the desired value from the option ...
user3146788's user avatar
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How can I add scroll bar at 4 level dropdown menu

I want add more options in my second and third dropdown menu at desktop mode, but the list is too long. How can I set y-scroll? see demo /* Navbar =================================*/ nav.navbar....
jessie's user avatar
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Passing value from dropdown (text) to another box

I'm having some trouble getting the text value from a dropdown selection. It is connected to mysql and it is passing the entry ID instead of the value. Can anyone help? When I select one option, for ...
AlexSilva's user avatar
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Popup Form close when select tag one option is selected

In this popup form when i select an option from the given options, popup form automatically closes. I used a component from antd design i read the documentation but i couldn't find anything useful ...
kaweesha marasinghe's user avatar
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Change the select box button text in React

So I have an array of JSON where object looks like this - [ { "country_code": "AF", "country_name": "Afghanistan", "country_flag"...
Pritish Budhiraja's user avatar
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Seemingly unable to access a Dropdownlist stored in a datatable

this is going to take some explaining. I have an page with 2 dropdown lists. These each postback. I am using for the code behind. I then have a public datatable which stores some values ...
Simon Levey's user avatar
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React level select drop down menu with unknown key pair dynamic values

I want to make a select dropdown menu with every option being depedent from the previous one. The data I am retrieving from database have that kind of form > {"category_1": {"sub_1&...
user20416365's user avatar
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In Excel, I use a dropdown list which populates cells. I have enabled multiple select in the ddlist, but now the cells do not populate?

I have a dropdown list on excel. When an item is selected it prepopulates cells using VLOOKUP from the table/dropdown list. Now I have modified the VBA to enable multiple selection in the dropdown ...
JMyhill's user avatar
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How to reduce a DropdownMenu width to its minimun in Flutter

In my project, there is a material DropdownMenu with only little text like "kg", "lb"... I'd like to reduce its size to the minimum, but if the width property is set to less than ...
Turvy's user avatar
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How to show the selected slug value as selected in <select> dropdown in Svelte

I navigate to this page with the slug param deckId, I have a dropdown menu that is bound to deckId. My problem is that when navigating to the page or refreshing the selected option disappears. The ...
user24162460's user avatar
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next js nested route after resfresh css not working

I am building a website using Next.js in which I am using nested routes for dropdown. But there is a bug in it, when I go to the page and then refresh the page, it doesn't work. <Navbar.Toggle aria-...
Darshan patel's user avatar
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How to adjust Flutter DropdownMenu height based on onscreen keyboard height?

In my following piece of code, I intend to set the height of my DropdownMenu according to the presence/absence of onscreen keyboard. I have also considered height of other elements like AppBar, and ...
rusty's user avatar
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Use dropdown list in windows form to install application

I am stuck at the point of this form/kiosk I am creating so users can pick from a dropdown list. I already created the form and populated the list. What I am having trouble with is how to pass the ...
user330183's user avatar
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Fix position of the dropdown menu in VUE.js under the icon you click on

As a project I am designing the frontend of an application to log in and select the possible tabs on a web page. Additionally, there's an icon, which is considered to be an avatar. When clicked, a ...
Wout VC's user avatar
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Adding search fields to dependent dropdowns + having those dropdowns display text (2-in-1!)

ETA: I've added [SPAM MARK PROTECTION] to some links within previously attempted solutions - hopefully it's clear enough that that.. isn't part of the code, but sorry for the awkwardness! I have a ...
grifshot's user avatar
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Issue with Drag-and-Drop Functionality: Boxes Not Dropping in Correct Columns

In the code below, I have a weekly calendar displayed as shown below: When I drag and drop these draggable boxes from one date to another, for example, if I drag the Morooka from Tuesday 9th to ...
user022yufjb's user avatar
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Change programatically Wordpress ContactForm7 DropDown Menu option

List item I would like to make a very useful WordPress ContactForm7 section within my website. To make it really useful, I would need to alter some drop-down menu's value on the fly with JavaScript. ...
Ádám Kruzics's user avatar
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In flutter how to update TextField based on onSelected of DropdownMenu?

I have the following code where I am trying to get the contents of the TextField next to Result Text in the UI to update automatically based on the changed item in the DropdownMenu of this Flutter app....
rusty's user avatar
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Dropdown menu in a fixed navbar

I'm trying to add a dropdown menu inside a navigation bar. I'm using the code provided by, but when I try to fix the bar at the top of the page, the ...
Ghizza's user avatar
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n is not a constructor error for bs4.5.2 dropdown and jquery 3.5.1

In index.html, I have these included <script src=""></script> <script src="
Konduru Premsai's user avatar
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Convert HTML Menu Code In Blogger to SubMenu

I have following Menu HTML code in Blogger. It gives Dropdown as Kubernetes and under it Kubernetes Config, Kubectl commands etc. I want to have multilevel submenu dropdown for e.g. Kubernetes under ...
Tarun Boyella's user avatar
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Reusing Dropdown Menu in Kotlin Jetpack Compose

I am creating an application and I would like to have it extend as needed. I want to use a dropdown list to select an option, then show a new dropdown using the same list minus the previous value ...
The Quackiest's user avatar
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how to create 2 Level Dependent Dropdowns like country and capital using laravel livewire?

I am new to laravel livewire and I am trying to create a 2 level dropdown menu (Country and capital) with livewire Components but with no luck I am not getting the resault I want. This is my ...
Mohamed Midou's user avatar
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MudBlazor Autocomplete\Select control popup location

My MudSelect popup is displayed too low below the buttons and not below the select control and I cannot effect its location by the AncoreOrigin property. <MudPaper Class="p-2"> <...
sada's user avatar
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How to make dialog and the top menu remain the same orientation across different languages?

I'm trying to keep my app orientation the same orientation as an English user, even though my phone is with Hebrew settings. For the Activities, I'm using the android:layoutDirection="ltr" ...
Kfir Arnesty's user avatar
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Flutter dropdownMenue with conditions

I'm creating two dropdown menues with the condition that the values in the second dropdown menu changes according to selected value in the first dropdown menu. I however keep getting this errro that ...
EBENEZER OCANSEY's user avatar
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Why does changing the value of streamlit selectbox cause the entire page to refresh each time?

I'm building a Streamlit app to analyze Excel files. In the app, I have a selectbox where users can choose a column from the uploaded Excel file. However, each time I change the value of the selectbox ...
Ghulam Mustafa's user avatar
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Shadcn ui select component state not updating after change

I'm a shadcn ui and react newbie, just tell me why the value of branch and year state variables won't update. I'm not using zod and react-hook-form. import React, { useState } from "react"; ...
Priyanshu Ganatra's user avatar
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How to update asp:DropDownList items between user opening the DDL and the list rendering on the page?

I have a DropDownList (DDL) on an Component page for changing sub-components of said compoment's instance of Component page. The DDL is (together with other elements) in an UpdatePanel and DDL ...
Martin Koutský's user avatar
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Drop Down list handling

Can you please refer the below code and say wheather the handlingSelect function correct or not the function is to capture the selected values for the drop down list. "use client"; import { ...
Sinera Wijethunga's user avatar
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Mobile dropdown menu not displaying while using: input:checked ~ ul

I have these nav settings under a media-query (max-width: 767px). I'm using a checkbox input to display the nav when checked. That works but the ul inside the nav with all the li items does not ...
Miko's user avatar
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Dropdown in jetpack compose with Auto scroll to selected items

I need to auto scroll to selected item when I open the dropdown. If there are 20 items in my list, I selected 18th item. Now I reopen the dropdown, it should show the selected item in dropdown view. ...
SATHISHKUMAR S's user avatar
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Remove highlight color in trailingIcon DropdownMenu Flutter

I'm building a dropdown in Flutter. I started using DropdownMenu because DropdownButton styling didn't worked as desired. DropdownMenu done This is thhe Dropdown so far, but have some concerns: When ...
Daniel Araya Sambucci's user avatar
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Need hover CSS to cover the full bar of the drop down menu option

When I hover over the drop down menu items, only the parts around the text are highlighted, leaving unhighlighted space to the left of the menu item. What do I need to change to get this effect to ...
Hanna Bergman's user avatar
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How to edit a textinput within a list

I have a list of comment boxes and buttons that go with each box. When the user clicks edit I only want that particular textbox to be enabled. When the click save or cancel I want the text box to be ...
CodeMan03's user avatar
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Unable to select the data from dropdown using selenium webdriver 4.8.0

I couldn't select the value from the drop-down. Tried with the below mentioned Inspect body/html body in attached image: Tried with this Select selectBenefeciary = new Select(driver.findElement ...
fakhrul's user avatar
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Using python playwright to select a value from a select dropdown

I'm trying to select a value from drop-down menu with python playwright but it doesn't work. I successfully can get the value from the three first, but that one with label "Mês" simply ...
João Bosco's user avatar

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