Questions tagged [elastic-ip]

An Elastic IP address (EIP) is a static IP address designed for dynamic cloud computing.

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45 votes
3 answers

How to resolve "The maximum number of addresses has been reached" for AWS VPC Elastic IP addresses?

I'm working with CDK/CloudFormation and recently started getting this error when attempting to create a new stack: The maximum number of addresses has been reached. Looking in the AWS Management ...
Steve Chambers's user avatar
30 votes
3 answers

The ec2 instance can't access internet in a public subnet without a elastic ip address?

I working on aws. I created a public subnet which has a network ACL allows all net traffic, and associated with a internet gateway in the route table. And then I create a ec2 instance without elastic ...
Angle Tom's user avatar
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27 votes
4 answers

AWS Elastic IP Network vpc is not attached to any internet gateway

I have given a limited access to a AWS account. I already created an EC2 instance but when I try to associate an elastic ip, I got the error below: An error occurred while attempting to associate ...
richersoon's user avatar
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20 votes
3 answers

AWS EIP Limit Increase

I understand that I get 5 EIP per region and if I need more I need to request service limit increase. My question is how many can I get after service limit increase? Is it possible to get 50 EIP? ...
indichimp's user avatar
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14 votes
3 answers

Is there any way to turn a non-elastic IP into an elastic IP on aws?

I have done some research and don't think it is possible but figured I would ask on here just to be sure. My predecessor decided to use the public and private IP of one of our database servers in an ...
Kevin's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

Elastic IP Address billing without any instance running [closed]

I am currently on my free tier. I followed the guide to hosting a wordpress website while remaining in the free tier. I started a Linux t2.micro instance and used one Elastic IP. Surprisingly I got ...
user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

How can I select all elastic IPs that are not assigned to an EC2 instance?

I'm trying to get all Elastic IPs that are not currently assigned to instances. It's easy to get all of the Elastic IPs using this: aws ec2 describe-addresses From here, it would be easy to filter ...
joshft91's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

How do I attach an elastic IP upon creation of a network load balancer with Terraform?

I'm attempting to associate my elastic IP address to a newly created network balancer using Terraform. I see no option in the aws_lb documentation for adding an elastic IP like one is able to do in ...
Steve's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

How to assign an AWS Elastic IP to a newly created EC2 instance with Terraform without it getting reassigned when another instance is created?

I currently have the following Terraform plan: provider "aws" { region = var.region } resource "aws_instance" "ec2" { ami = var.ami instance_type = ...
223seneca's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

AWS Elastic IP pointed to new instance does not work

I created an AMI of my server on AWS, and spun up a new instance. When I point my elastic IP address to my new instance and type in my domain name I get a timeout error when going to my website. I ...
Ten Digit Grid's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Rebuild Elastic Beanstalk environment without losing ElasticIP

I created an Elastic Beanstalk environment with a VPC. Sometimes the environment will lock up on a code version deploy and have to be rebuilt. When this happens I lose my Elastic IP. I tried ...
Tony Gutierrez's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How to provide elastic ip to aws eks for external service with type loadbalancer?

I am using eks 1.16. I have one service which has type Loadbalancer with internet-facing. apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: annotations:
NIrav Modi's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

How to choose Elastic IP when my aws lambda function execute

I want to select specific Elastic IP my own when my lambda function executed. my service has to respond to several situations, and by user's attributes. Could I write code in a lambda function, ...
Fredric Cliver's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

AWS: Unused Elastic IP charges

I had 2 elastic IPs assigned to my account for use with 2 different instances. For some reason, I had to take down my instance(terminate) which unassigned the IP assigned to it and made it free on my ...
Fr0zenFyr's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

EC2 Instances will not keep elastic IP

So, I don't understand what is going on here... I have (3) Micro EC2 Instances which are launched (without elastic ip) I then go to Network Security->Elastic IPs and click associate IP address. I ...
CodeTalk's user avatar
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1 answer

Failure associating EIP: InvalidParameterCombination: You must specify an allocation id when mapping an address to a VPC instance

Given this: resource "aws_instance" "example" { ami = "ami-2757f631" instance_type = "t2.micro" } resource "aws_eip" "ip" { instance = "${}" } from https://...
Snowcrash's user avatar
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4 votes
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I have heard that using an Elastic IP is generally considered a poor architectural design. Why so ? Why isn't an Elastic IP a suggested approach?

I have heard that using an Elastic IP is generally considered a poor architectural design. Why so ? Why isn't an Elastic IP a suggested approach ?
Manoj Galla's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

associate custom Elastic IP to NAT Gateway with AWS CDK

After struggling with that for several hours, here is my question. I am using CDK to create a VPC in the most simple form currently: let vpc = new Vpc(this, "myVpc", {maxAzs: 1}); This gets ...
Logemann's user avatar
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2 answers

Not able to associate elastic ip address to my AWS ECS instance

I have created an AWS ECS instance in ca-central region. It works with the dynamic public ip which changes every time when I update the service. Everything is good so far. As I need a public static IP,...
Raja SGS's user avatar
4 votes
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Is it possible to associate a specific elastic IP to an Elastic Beanstalk application?

My problem: Elastic beanstalk environments automatically gets a new elastic IP when created, and it's not possible to force the use of an existing elastic IP when creating a new environment. Even ...
Dennie's user avatar
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AWS - creating elastic beanstalk application without an EIP

I've spent the whole morning trying to create an elastic beanstalk application without associating it to an EIP. Amazon has a limit of 5 EIPs so I want to just create an instance and then do a CNAME ...
Johan S's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How to have the CDK create only one Elastic IP address for use with a single EC2 instance (AWS CDK)

I'm trying to create a Stack using the AWS CDK that will deploy a single EC2 instance, create an Elastic IP and then associate it with that instance. (MVP) For reasons I don't understand, an elastic ...
Morgan's user avatar
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1 answer

Get Elastic IP from Allocation ID Parameter

I am creating a Cloudformation template that take as an input parameter the Allocation ID of and existing Elastic IP address. I have code that requires the actual IP address associated with the ...
user1951756's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Assigning static IPs to auto scaled EC2 instance

We have a 3rd party integration which needs the EC2 instance IP to be whitelisted. The 3rd party whitelists the IP on their server and then only the EC2 instance can communicate with them. In the case ...
prem911's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

AWS public subnet vs Assigning elastic IP address to an instance of a VPC

What is difference between two terminologies, having a public subnet vs assigning elastic IP address to an instance of VPC over AWS ?
kartik's user avatar
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AWS network Load Balancer CloudFormation IP

In my CloudFormation template I created elastic IP and network load balancer. There is no problem during creating: Subnet1a: Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet Properties: VpcId: Ref: VPC ...
kkarczewski's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to find the unallocated Elastic Ips in AWS EC2 using AWS CLI

I need to find all unallocated elasstic Ips using AWS CLI. I am trying aws ec2 describe-addresses --region eu-west-1 can see entries as follows { "PublicIp": "", ...
Bhavik Joshi's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to re-associate an elastic ip with an ec2 instance after reboot if the elastic ip is associated to another running ec2 instance?

We have a setup where 3 ec2 instances each are associated with an elastic ip on its primary network interface eth0 so incoming requests can be served by these instances. Each of these instances has a ...
Jude's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Amazon, AWS - What is a remap and how to calculate the costs

i got the first report for my account activity. the costs for remapping the elastic ip are quite expensive in relation to the cpu hours. my instance is running from 8 to 21 from monday to friday and ...
user397634's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

AWS ElasticIP to nginx ingress controller EKS?

I have a simple task, but it is not solved even after studying dozens of articles. There is a simple AWS EKS cluster created from a demo template using eksctl, ElasticIP and installed without changes ...
stackuser's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Too Many Requests for twitter using openvpn (aws ec2)?

I'm a bit puzzled by a strange situation. I'll add that the configuration of openvpn (using EC2 AWS instances) is rather postural according to official guides. I tried to give different ip by closing ...
messuhesta's user avatar
2 votes
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How Amazon holds exclusive rights to the Elastic IPs

When I allocate an Elastic IP, it stays with me forever (until I remove it). This also means, no one can ever use this IP address in the entire world. And you can see there is not DNS or stuff. Its ...
madhairsilence's user avatar
2 votes
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Can I use an Elastic IP with Cloudfront in AWS?

We want to use Cloudfront in our AWS infrastructure. The question is if is it possible to have the same Elastic IP that we use now in an EC2 instance. Or do we have to switch to Cloudfront IPs?
KOstas's user avatar
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1 answer

Need to release all those elastic IP that are unassociated using boto3 in All regions

I am using boto3 along with lamda to release the unused elastic IPs. Here I need to release all those IPs present in all regions of My AWS account. def elastic_ips_cleanup(): client = boto3.client(...
Muneesh DuRaipandi's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Allocating an Elastic IP address to an existing / running Amazon EC2 instance

Are we able to allocate an Elastic IP address to an existing / running Amazon EC2 instance? In most cases, we assign the Elastic IP address before configuring the server. However, we are trying to ...
Fenici's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Assign Multiple EC2 instances to one Elastic IP

I have 2 EC2 instances and they send requests to an external server. That server requires a static IP, so I used Elastic IP to connect one of the EC2s to it. The problem is that I'm only allowed to ...
Shakedk's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

AWS: Associate already assigned Elastic IP to a new instance

I have an EC2 instance with one Elastic IP associated to it. I want to check if I can assign this IP to a new instance which I create? Something like: Disassociate the IP --> associate a new ...
roger_that's user avatar
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2 answers

AWS architecture with limited elastic IPs

Right now our small-ish business has 3 clients who we have assigned to 3 elastic IPs in Amazon Web Services (AWS). If we restart an instance no one loses access because the IPs are the same after ...
micahhoover's user avatar
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Changing elastic beanstalk's EC2 container type

I am currently running a server using Elastic beanstalk and thus automatically have been granted with an elastic IP for my auto-generated ec2 instance. Within the server I had to use ftp to fetch data ...
Yellocat's user avatar
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Setting up Rails on Amazon AMI EC2

I have recently created an Amazon AMI(linux) instance on an EC2. after doing all the yum stuff, when I do rails server, the cmd shows no errors at all, but when i try to access http:public_ip:3000 ...
myungstack's user avatar
2 votes
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AWS change primary public IPv4 for an NAT Gateway

I'm having an private subnet and a NAT gateway connected to it. The NAT gateway has its own primary public IPv4 assigned by default while creating. I have an EC2 inside the private subnet which is ...
S A R's user avatar
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How to reuse Elastic IPs for a set of private and public subnets dedicated to Fargate tasks

I got the following setup to create the networking requirements for a Fargate setup: resource "aws_vpc" "main" { cidr_block = var.cidr tags = { Environment = var....
diegoaguilar's user avatar
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2 votes
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Auto assign of public IP to AWS EC2 instance after "Dissociate Elastic IP address" from EC2 instance

I used "Dissociate Elastic IP address" from an Amazon EC2 instance that was running and allocated that Elastic IP address to another instance. Since doing this, the EC2 instance does not ...
KNCK's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How to verify AWS instance have static IP or not

I have set up one AWS windows instance. As per my requirement, I need static IP. So I set up one elastic IP and assign those IP to Windows instance. My problem is I'm not able to verify that elastic ...
Maulik Kakadiya's user avatar
2 votes
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Why the connection is timing out with Elastic IP but not with the public DNS

I've setup a Redis Server on AWS. The Redis server has its own security group: sg-redis. I also have a webserver under another security group (sg-webserver) which is suppose to be able to connect to ...
maxwell2022's user avatar
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How to persist an Elastic IP in AWS

In my aws cdk code, i'm using an elastic ip for a bastion host as below. const eip = new ec2.CfnEIP(this, "Bast-host1") const bast_host = new ec2.BastionHostLinux(this, "myproj-Bhost&...
ShanWave007's user avatar
2 votes
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Can I migrate AWS elastic IP from a region to another region?

Currently I am having t2-micro instance in Frankfurt(eu-ceentral-1). Now I want to migrate from this region to another i.e. Frankfurt-Mumbai. For that I am using AMI and Snapshot but it needs to ...
Rohit Naiknaware's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Check if EC2 instance finished initializing. Using the AWS Java SDK v2

I am programatically spinning up an EC2 instance from the AWS Java SDK v2. I then associate an elastic IP address to this instance. This takes a couple minutes. AWS then initializes the instance. In ...
GNG's user avatar
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Associate elastic ip address to instance via user-data

I'm trying to associate an elastic IP address to instance via the user-data using the AWS cli INSTANCE_ID=$(curl --silent REGION=$(curl --silent ...
Afik Grinstein's user avatar
2 votes
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DevOps, DNS and Public IP

I have a devops automation environment. Each successful build (web app) in Jenkins triggers a creation of EC2 (Linux) instance in AWS which is set to receive public IP and the app gets deployed on ...
ANT's user avatar
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