Here is some sample code that would roughly accomplish this, minus error checking of any sort. Also, please make sure that the license of the program to be embedded allows this sort of use.
// extracts [resource] into the the file specified by [path]
void ExtractResource( string resource, string path )
Stream stream = GetType().Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream( resource );
byte[] bytes = new byte[(int)stream.Length];
stream.Read( bytes, 0, bytes.Length );
File.WriteAllBytes( path, bytes );
string exePath = "c:\temp\embedded.exe";
ExtractResource( "myProj.embedded.exe", exePath );
// run the exe...
File.Delete( exePath );
The only tricky part is getting the right value for the first argument to ExtractResource
. It should have the form "", where namespace is the default namespace for your project (find this under Project | Properties | Application | Default namespace). The second part is the name of the file, which you'll need to include in your project (make sure to set the build option to "Embedded Resource"). If you put the file under a directory, e.g. Resources, then that name becomes part of the resource name (e.g. "myProj.Resources.Embedded.exe"). If you're having trouble, try opening your compiled binary in Reflector and look in the Resources folder. The names listed here are the names that you would pass to GetManifestResourceStream
running it and getting its output
then deploy it side by side. No need for it to be embedded. Likewise the Flash file, your could just deploy it with your program, if that's all you really need. I suspect you have some more needs that you haven't bothered to list. :)