I am trying to install the Sanity studio and I followed these steps:
npm install --global @sanity/cli
sanity install
sanity init
After the init step, I try to run the next step:
sanity start
but it says:
Run the command again within a Sanity project directory, where "@sanity/core"
is installed as a dependency.
at D.runCommand (F:/All Node and related projects/node_modules/@sanity/cli/b
at t.exports (F:/All Node and related projects/node_modules/@sanity/cli/bin/sanity-cli.js:1794:2419)
But when I try to cd into my sanity project directory, it is not even able to recognize sanity, it says:
'sanity' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Is my dependencies directory structure incorrect?
What conditions should be met before you can call sanity start