Questions tagged [failed-installation]

An installation can be termed as a "failed-installation" when the user follows the "usual installation procedure", yet the installation aborts/fails without going to completion.

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880 votes
43 answers

error: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat

I tried to install the Python package dulwich: pip install dulwich But I get a cryptic error message: error: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat The same happens if I try installing the package manually: ...
okada's user avatar
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635 votes
30 answers

Solution to INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE error on Android [closed]

The INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE error is the bane of every Android developer's life. It happens regardless of app size, or how much storage is available. Rebooting the target device fixes the ...
377 votes
12 answers

Windows 7 SDK installation failure

I seem to be completely unable to install the Windows 7 SDK onto my machine, and the only solution I've found on the web is to make a swathe of registry changes. I've done this - still no success. ...
Guy Davidson's user avatar
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308 votes
23 answers

Python3: ImportError: No module named '_ctypes' when using Value from module multiprocessing

I am using Ubuntu and have installed Python 2.7.5 and 3.4.0. In Python 2.7.5 I am able to successfully assign a variable x = Value('i', 2), but not in 3.4.0. I am getting: Traceback (most recent call ...
htc_m8's user avatar
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143 votes
50 answers


I am developing a small application that lists all the applications present/ installed on the android device. But I'm getting the below error while i'm trying to run the code. Installation error: ...
S.P's user avatar
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131 votes
12 answers

OSX El Capitan: sudo pip install OSError: [Errno: 1] Operation not permitted

When I run: sudo pip install ipython I get the following error OSError: [Errno: 1] Operation not permitted: '/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/share' The last command ...
Milad M's user avatar
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115 votes
5 answers

Uninstall ReSharper 4.5

I have ReSharper 4.5 in Visual Studio 2008. Now I want to install ReSharper 5, but I can't do it before I uninstall ReSharper 4.5. How can I uninstall ReSharper 4.5?
AndreyAkinshin's user avatar
94 votes
15 answers


When I am trying to run an android application which uses Google API I get the following error [2009-07-11 11:46:43 - FirstMapView] Installation error: INSTALL_FAILED_MISSING_SHARED_LIBRARY [2009-...
Brijesh Patel's user avatar
79 votes
8 answers

mysql-python install error: Cannot open include file 'config-win.h'

I am trying to run pip install mysql-python connector but it keeps giving me an error "Cannot open include file: 'config-win.h'". The installation works fine on my Mac and another Windows machine, ...
Chris Meek's user avatar
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61 votes
21 answers

Failed to install *.apk on device 'emulator-5554': EOF

The project I tried to run is set to minSDK level 7. I have gotten the above error message when running Android virtual device-5554(the other devices work well). It is working so slowly, and taking ...
Thomas's user avatar
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57 votes
18 answers

Android: Error while installing APKs

I'm slowly trying to do some simple tasks in Android Studio. The following app is installed on emulator without any errors. But when I tried to install it on a real device Redmi 3S this error occured: ...
user avatar
48 votes
9 answers

SSDT installation issue (Failed to execute EXE package.)

I am having an issue with the SSDT installation for VS2017. I have ran the installer three times, once basic, once following VS update and the last following some minor windows updates. All 3 times ...
Glitch_Doctor's user avatar
43 votes
4 answers

Permission denied error by installing matplotlib

I installed opencv with all dependencies. After the installation I tried to import matplotlib for a simple example. Then I got the following error, when I tried to install matplotlib via pip with pip ...
Maximilian von Unwerth's user avatar
41 votes
18 answers

Error with SDK package download in Android Studio Cannot download , response: 200 OK Warning: An error occurred while preparing SDK package Android Support Repository: Cannot download , response: 200 OK.
Swati 's user avatar
  • 443
38 votes
6 answers

MongoDB 3.6.2 2008R2 Plus Not Installing

I'm trying to install MongoDb 3.6.2 2008R2 plus on my 64bit Window 10 (build no 1709) but the setup after some time says "setup wizard ended prematurely because of an error.your system has not been ...
Azhar Syed's user avatar
34 votes
8 answers

installation failed since the device possibly has stale dexed jars that don't match the current version (dexopt error)

I am unable to run app from android studio to my samsumg phone running android 2.3.6. I am getting Application installation Failed popup refer below screenshot. when I click on OK I get below error ...
Programmer's user avatar
32 votes
32 answers

Android Studio Error "Installation did not succeed. The application could not be installed. Installation failed due to: 'null'"

I am trying to run my app on a real Android device using Android Studio v3.5. It throws the following error while installing the app. > Installation did not succeed. > The application could ...
Syed Arsalan Kazmi's user avatar
31 votes
16 answers

" Kubernetes is starting ....." forever error on windows 10 [closed]

I had a kubernetes single node cluster on my windows 10 machine. Due some errors I had to reinstall the Docker Desktop and since then kubernetes installation has failed while docker installed ...
SyCode's user avatar
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28 votes
2 answers

Installing .net 2.0 SDK on Windows 8

Has anybody been successful in installing the .NET 2.0 SDK (x86 or x64) on Windows 8 x64? I have previously installed it without problem on all previous versions of Windows (I last installed both the ...
Martin Robins's user avatar
26 votes
11 answers

Why can't I install my service (runtime newer than loaded runtime)?

So I built a service in C# and I am trying to use the following command to install it: C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\installutil.exe MyService.exe >> installLog.txt It fails. ...
SuperNES's user avatar
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23 votes
2 answers

graphlab-create 2.1 installation fails to uninstall 'certifi', a distutils installed project

I have installed Anaconda3 on a Windows 8.1 Laptop and wanted to install GraphLab-Create 2.1. When I follow the Installation procedure from Turi, an Anaconda2 is installed as well, which is not what I ...
Felix's user avatar
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23 votes
1 answer

Pybluez installation in Linux

I am trying to install PyBluez-0.18 on my Linux Mint 15 machine, but got an error message during the installation process. I tried searching online to see if others might have encountered this problem,...
siva82kb's user avatar
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20 votes
1 answer

Installation silently blocked for Android release build signed APK when testing App update

When I try to update my app (installing signed APK with higher version manually on app already installed from playstore), it is not being installed (" App not installed") and shows the following error ...
Pranav Karnik's user avatar
18 votes
7 answers

Passenger installation with nginx fails

I'm running an ubuntu 9.10 server on an amd-64 platform. Everything's pretty much standard, and I've got Sinatra 0.94 running on a ruby 1.8 installation. I want to install passenger in order to ...
mmr's user avatar
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18 votes
2 answers

Error installing Twisted for Python

I tried installing twisted on an Ubuntu VM like this: pip install twisted It downloads and starts installation, but gets this error: Command "/usr/bin/python -c "import setuptools, tokenize;...
Seaver's user avatar
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17 votes
8 answers

SQL Server 2017 Express Installation fails

I am trying to install SQL Server 2017 Express on Windows 10 and it is failing. Here is the details it shows me after failure: Action required: Use the following information to resolve the error, ...
Sam's user avatar
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17 votes
3 answers

Error installing package pdftools in R server

I am using R server on Windows and I need to extract the text of thousands of pdf documents (in order to extract specific data). Thus, I need to install the package "pdftools", though when I do the ...
Amandine.G's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

QEMU not installing in Ubuntu

After ./configure it's showing this error: ERROR: pixman >= 0.21.8 not present. Your options: (1) Preferred: Install the pixman devel package (any recent distro should have ...
Nagur Basha Shaik's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

Don't know how to uninstall unwanted Spacy installation, model

I have limited disk memory and want to know how to uninstall/remove files for spacy 2.xx under python 2.7 (I use python3 and think I've got spacy installed correctly for it). Ditto for the default ...
Gregg Williams's user avatar
16 votes
5 answers

Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise Offline Installation Fails

I have created a Visual Studio 2017 offline installer using the command: mu_visual_studio_enterprise_2017_x86_x64_10049783.exe --layout c:\vs2017offline Behind firewall, when I execute ...
Ershad Nozari's user avatar
15 votes
3 answers

wsl --set-default-version 2 The service cannot be started, either because it is disabled or because it has no enabled devices associated with it

I'm trying to install again Ubuntu on my Windows 10 Home Version 20H2 OS Build 19042.685 using WSL2. The problem is the WSL2 installation is not finished. I received the following message doing Step 5 ...
penag62's user avatar
  • 167
15 votes
4 answers

ld: library not found for -lssl while installing mysql2 gem

I changed mysql2 version in my project's Gemfile from 0.3.20 to 0.5.2. When I run bundle update mysql2 I get the following error: Fetching mysql2 0.5.2 (was 0.3.21) Installing mysql2 0.5.2 (was 0.3....
Hirurg103's user avatar
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15 votes
1 answer

Python installer: "0x80070642 - User cancelled installation"

Whenever I try to install Python 3.6.3 (32-bit) to my Windows 7 laptop at work, the installer fails with the following error. 0x80070642 - User cancelled installation This error consistently ...
Stevoisiak's user avatar
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15 votes
7 answers

Anaconda3 2.4 with python 3.5 installation error (procedure entry not found; Windows 10)

I have just made up my mind to change from python 2.7 to python 3.5 and therefore tried to reinstall Anaconda (64 bit) with the 3.5 environment. When I try to install the package I get several errors ...
Renatius's user avatar
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14 votes
6 answers

Composer setup installation error

I'm trying to install Composer on Windows 7 and XAMPP, but getting those errors/messages when run installation setup. The PHP exe file you specified did not run correctly: C:\xampp\php\php.exe ...
rango's user avatar
  • 609
14 votes
8 answers

Issues with Anaconda install - Failed to create Anaconda menus

I had Anaconda version 3.5 installed on my machine but I decided to uninstall it (via the control panel) and to download version 2.7 instead. I am using Windows 7. However, I have an error message ...
crazyfrog's user avatar
  • 199
13 votes
2 answers

Can not install Cocoapods with RubyGem 2.7.1

My Cocoapods did not work, therefore I did the following command: run this bash script to remove all the relevant gems: for i in $( gem list --local --no-version | grep cocoapods ); do sudo gem ...
Lee Paul's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

Can't install windows 7 SDK (require already installed .NET Framework 4)

I'm trying to install windows 7 SDK on Windows 8 and Windows 10 machines and got this error: If I click on OK, I can't install VC++ compilers that I need because they are disabled =( After this ...
Sogl's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to install Windows SDK for Windows 7 on Windows 8?

I am trying to install Windoes SDK for Windows 7 and .NET framework 4 for MATLAB R2015b, on Windows 8. But I get the following error: The windows installer is busy configuring another program No ...
B Faley's user avatar
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12 votes
8 answers

Fail to install software during Debian installation on Virtualbox

I'm trying to install a Debian Jessie (8.7.1) on a Virtualbox VM. During the Debian software installation, which correspond to the step after the choice of which software I'm want to install (see ...
Xor's user avatar
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12 votes
6 answers

Android Studio [Install_Failed_Insufficient_Storage]

I have a problem with installing an apk of my app on my phone from Android Studio. Every time i tried i got this error message: 09/10 22:40:00: Launching app $ adb push C:\Users\pokef\...
Anon Ymous's user avatar
12 votes
9 answers

Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_USER_RESTRICTED: Invalid apk] in android

I am using Android Studio 3.0.1. When i am trying to run app INSTALL_FAILED_USER_RESTRICTED: Invalid apk error occurs. I also disable Instant Run. again i am run app but same ...
Unnati Patadia's user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

Error occurred during installing VS 2017

I can't install Visual Studio Community 2017 RC The log: [1a48:0007][2016-12-09T16:08:29] Error 0x80131509: at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.Engine.VerifyInstallationPath(...
Kelvinyu1117's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Failed to install 'unknown package' from GitHub

I am trying to install the ggpattern package from GitHub ( I've reinstalled R, followed the all steps according to the site, also tried ...
Simona's user avatar
  • 157
11 votes
3 answers

Installation fails when trying to install Unity AndroidPlayer on macOS

I'm having trouble installing the latest version of Unity's AndroidPlayer (v5.6.1f1) on my macOS MacBook Pro (macOS version 10.12.5) I already have Unity installed and working, but all I'm trying to ...
Jonathan Perry's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Android Studio Error Running 'app'; The application could not be installed

I recently updated to Android Studio Iguana 2023.2.1, Build #AI-232.10227.8.2321.11479570. I am on a MacOS (Sonoma 14.4 on my personal computer, Ventura 13.6.3 on work computer) I updated yesterday on ...
DillPickle's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

play framework installation

I am trying to install play framework 2.0.1 on ubuntu 11. I have added the path to play in ubuntu, I have SUN JRE 1.6 configured (java/javac) and I have given read/write/execute privileges to the ...
ali haider's user avatar
  • 19.7k
10 votes
3 answers

Unable to install tidyr in R version 3.1.1

I am unable to install tidyr package in R version 3.1.1 This is what happens: install.packages("tidyr") Installing package into ‘C:/Users/Name/Documents/R/win-library/3.1’ (as ‘lib’ is unspecified) ...
Asad Shah's user avatar
9 votes
14 answers

Error code 2755 when attempting to install Python 2.7.5 or 3.3.2

I am trying to install Python on my Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit machine, but after going through all of the installation settings 'n' stuff it shows this for a while: before showing this, then the '...
condorcraft110's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

I can´t install Anaconda on Linux

When I try to install Anaconda on Linux, I get to this point: Anaconda3 will now be installed into this location: /home/jorge/anaconda3 - Press ENTER to confirm the location - Press CTRL-C to ...
JMarcos87's user avatar
  • 303

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