Questions tagged [filenames]

Filenames are metadata about a file; a string used to uniquely identify a file stored on the file system of a computer.

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2821 votes
40 answers

Extract filename and extension in Bash

I want to get the filename (without extension) and the extension separately. The best solution I found so far is: NAME=`echo "$FILE" | cut -d'.' -f1` EXTENSION=`echo "$FILE" | cut -d'.' -f2` This ...
ibz's user avatar
  • 45.4k
1821 votes
33 answers

Extracting extension from filename in Python

Is there a function to extract the extension from a filename?
Alex's user avatar
  • 43.9k
837 votes
6 answers

How to loop over files in directory and change path and add suffix to filename

I need to write a script that starts my program with different arguments. I start my program with: ./MyProgram.exe Data/data1.txt [Logs/data1_Log.txt]. Here is the pseudocode for what I want to do: ...
Dobrobobr's user avatar
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759 votes
17 answers

C++ code file extension? What is the difference between .cc and .cpp [duplicate]

I have seen C++ code saved as both .cc and .cpp files. Which of these (or another!) is the best practice/most modern/best to use? The Google style guide seems to suggest .cc, are there any other ...
682 votes
20 answers

What characters are forbidden in Windows and Linux directory names?

I know that / is illegal in Linux, and * " / \ < > : | ? are illegal in Windows. What else am I missing? I need a comprehensive guide that also accounts for double-byte characters.
Jeff's user avatar
  • 15.4k
539 votes
15 answers

How do I remove the file suffix and path portion from a path string in Bash?

Given a string file path such as /foo/, how would I use bash to extract just the fizzbuzz portion of said string?
Redwood's user avatar
  • 68k
470 votes
17 answers

How do I manually create a file with a . (dot) prefix in Windows? For example, .htaccess

I want to create a .htaccess file manually and discovered it seems impossible through the Windows UI. I get a "you must type a filename." message. There has to be a way to create files with . as a ...
Doug Chamberlain's user avatar
467 votes
9 answers

Extract file basename without path and extension in bash [duplicate]

Given file names like these: /the/path/foo.txt bar.txt I hope to get: foo bar Why this doesn't work? #!/bin/bash fullfile=$1 fname=$(basename $fullfile) fbname=${fname%.*} echo $fbname What's ...
neversaint's user avatar
  • 62.7k
458 votes
3 answers

Getting the filenames of all files in a folder [duplicate]

I need to create a list with all names of the files in a folder. For example, if I have: 000.jpg 012.jpg 013.jpg I want to store them in a ArrayList with [000,012,013] as values. What's the best ...
user680406's user avatar
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450 votes
28 answers

Turn a string into a valid filename?

I have a string that I want to use as a filename, so I want to remove all characters that wouldn't be allowed in filenames, using Python. I'd rather be strict than otherwise, so let's say I want to ...
Sophie Gage's user avatar
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437 votes
19 answers

Get names of all files from a folder with Ruby

I want to get all file names from a folder using Ruby.
Željko Filipin's user avatar
352 votes
23 answers

How to replace spaces in file names using a bash script

Can anyone recommend a safe solution to recursively replace spaces with underscores in file and directory names starting from a given root directory? For example: $ tree . |-- a dir | `-- file with ...
armandino's user avatar
  • 18.1k
322 votes
6 answers

.c vs .cc vs. .cpp vs .hpp vs .h vs .cxx [duplicate]

Possible Duplicates: *.h or *.hpp for your class definitions What is the difference between .cc and .cpp file suffix? I used to think that it used to be that: .h files are header files for C and C++,...
user541686's user avatar
  • 208k
313 votes
9 answers

What is the naming standard for path components?

I keep getting myself in knots when I am manipulating paths and file names because I don’t follow a naming standard for path components. Consider the following toy problem (Windows example, but ...
Oddthinking's user avatar
  • 24.9k
311 votes
10 answers

Given a filesystem path, is there a shorter way to extract the filename without its extension?

I program in WPF C#. I have e.g. the following path: C:\Program Files\hello.txt and I want to extract hello from it. The path is a string retrieved from a database. Currently I'm using the ...
KMC's user avatar
  • 19.9k
304 votes
13 answers

How do I get the file name from a String containing the Absolute file path?

String variable contains a file name, C:\Hello\AnotherFolder\The File Name.PDF. How do I only get the file name The File Name.PDF as a String? I planned to split the string, but that is not the ...
Sharon Watinsan's user avatar
289 votes
15 answers

Maximum filename length in NTFS (Windows XP and Windows Vista)?

I'm designing a database table which will hold filenames of uploaded files. What is the maximum length of a filename in NTFS as used by Windows XP or Vista?
GateKiller's user avatar
284 votes
7 answers

How can I create a full path to a file from parts (e.g. path to the folder, name and extension)?

I need to pass a file path name to a module. How do I build the file path from a directory name, base filename, and a file format string? The directory may or may not exist at the time of call. For ...
Damon Julian's user avatar
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280 votes
14 answers

How do I get a file name from a full path with PHP?

For example, how do I get from F:\Program Files\SSH Communications Security\SSH Secure Shell\ with PHP?
omg's user avatar
  • 138k
278 votes
6 answers

Change case of a file on Windows? [duplicate]

There are a couple of files in our git-controlled codebase that I'd like to rename. Specifically, I just want to change the case of the file, so that becomes, for ...
Electrons_Ahoy's user avatar
272 votes
8 answers

How can I replace (or strip) an extension from a filename in Python?

Is there a built-in function in Python that would replace (or remove, whatever) the extension of a filename (if it has one)? Example: print replace_extension('/home/user/somefile.txt', '.jpg') In my ...
ereOn's user avatar
  • 54.8k
252 votes
7 answers

Git copy file preserving history [duplicate]

I have a somewhat confusing question in Git. Lets say, I have a file dir1/A.txt committed and git preserves a history of commits Now I need to copy the file into dir2/A.txt (not move, but copy). I ...
Mark Bramnik's user avatar
  • 41.2k
240 votes
10 answers

Get file name from URI string in C#

I have this method for grabbing the file name from a string URI. What can I do to make it more robust? private string GetFileName(string hrefLink) { string[] parts = hrefLink.Split('/'); ...
paulwhit's user avatar
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240 votes
8 answers

Allowed characters in filename

Where can I find a list of allowed characters in filenames, depending on the operating system? (e.g., on Linux, the character : is allowed in filenames, but not on Windows)
python dude's user avatar
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177 votes
29 answers

Get file name from URL

In Java, given a or a String in the form of , what is the easiest way to get the file name, minus the extension? So, in this example, I'm ...
Sietse's user avatar
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170 votes
14 answers

Use jQuery to get the file input's selected filename without the path

I used this: $('input[type=file]').val() to get the file name selected, but it returned the full path, as in "C:\fakepath\filename.doc". The "fakepath" part was actually there - not sure if it's ...
marky's user avatar
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165 votes
8 answers

Is it possible to use "/" in a filename?

I know that this is not something that should ever be done, but is there a way to use the slash character that normally separates directories within a filename in Linux?
subcan's user avatar
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161 votes
3 answers

How to get folder name, in which given file resides, from pathlib.path?

Is there something similar to os.path.dirname(path), but in pathlib?
trainset's user avatar
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152 votes
8 answers

DateTime.ToString() format that can be used in a filename or extension?

I want to add a timestamp to filenames as files are created but most of the DateTime methods I've tried output something with spaces and slashes. For instance: Debug.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString())...
pdizz's user avatar
  • 4,200
147 votes
6 answers

A html space is showing as %2520 instead of %20

Passing a filename to the firefox browser causes it to replace spaces with %2520 instead of %20. I have the following HTML in a file called myhtml.html: <img src="C:\Documents and Settings\...
Eric Leschinski's user avatar
147 votes
5 answers

How to apply a Git patch to a file with a different name and path?

I have two repositories. In one, I make changes to file ./hello.test. I commit the changes and create a patch from that commit with git format-patch -1 HEAD. Now, I have a second repository that ...
mart1n's user avatar
  • 6,067
144 votes
1 answer

Preferred (or most common) file extension for a Python pickle

At times, I've seen .pickle, .pck, .pcl, and .db for files that contain Python pickles, but I am unsure what is the most common or best practice. I know that the latter three extensions are also used ...
Raymond Hettinger's user avatar
142 votes
23 answers

Sanitizing strings to make them URL and filename safe?

I am trying to come up with a function that does a good job of sanitizing certain strings so that they are safe to use in the URL (like a post slug) and also safe to use as file names. For example, ...
Xeoncross's user avatar
  • 56.4k
139 votes
11 answers

How to rename with prefix/suffix?

How do I do mv original.filename new.original.filename without retyping the original filename? I would imagine being able to do something like mv -p=new. original.filename or perhaps mv original....
Peter Boughton's user avatar
136 votes
11 answers

Log4net rolling daily filename with date in the file name

I would like to have files named for example: How is this possible with log4net?
JL.'s user avatar
  • 80.3k
135 votes
10 answers

How to get file name from content-disposition

I downloaded a file as response of ajax. How to get the file name and file type from content-disposition and display thumbnail for it. I got many search results but couldn't find right way. $("....
Arun Sivan's user avatar
  • 1,740
135 votes
6 answers

What is your favorite date and time format in a file name? [closed]

This is a somewhat subjective question, and not very important in the big scheme of things, but something that yet annoys me regularly. There seems to be no self-evident way to put a timestamp in a ...
mika's user avatar
  • 6,892
129 votes
6 answers

Should Python class filenames also be camelCased?

I know that classes in Python are typically cased using camelCase. Is it also the normal convention to have the file that contains the class also be camelCase'd especially if the file only contains ...
m4jesticsun's user avatar
  • 1,889
128 votes
11 answers

Linux - Replacing spaces in the file names

I have a number of files in a folder, and I want to replace every space character in all file names with underscores. How can I achieve this?
Mithun Sreedharan's user avatar
116 votes
6 answers

Renaming part of a filename [duplicate]

I have loads of files which look like this: DET01-ABC-5_50-001.dat ... DET01-ABC-5_50-0025.dat and I want them to look like this: DET01-XYZ-5_50-001.dat ... DET01-XYZ-5_50-0025.dat How can I do ...
not_a_geek's user avatar
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115 votes
17 answers

How to make a valid Windows filename from an arbitrary string?

I've got a string like "Foo: Bar" that I want to use as a filename, but on Windows the ":" char isn't allowed in a filename. Is there a method that will turn "Foo: Bar" into something like "Foo- Bar"?...
Ken's user avatar
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113 votes
5 answers

Why do I get a SyntaxError for a Unicode escape in my file path? [duplicate]

The folder I want to get to is called python and is on my desktop. I get the following error when I try to get to it >>> os.chdir('C:\Users\expoperialed\Desktop\Python') SyntaxError: (...
inspired's user avatar
  • 1,137
106 votes
9 answers

Rename multiple files in a folder, add a prefix (Windows)

I'd like to batch rename files in a folder, prefixing the folder's name into the new names. i.e. files in C:\house chores\ will all be renamed house chores - $old_name.
ofer.sheffer's user avatar
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105 votes
16 answers

Getting the names of all files in a directory with PHP

For some reason, I keep getting a '1' for the file names with this code: if (is_dir($log_directory)) { if ($handle = opendir($log_directory)) { while($file = readdir($handle) !== ...
Dexter's user avatar
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103 votes
3 answers

What is the best way to combine a path and a filename in C#/.NET?

What is the best way to combine a path with a filename? That is, given c:\foo and bar.txt, I want c:\foo\bar.txt. Given c:\foo and ..\bar.txt, I want either an error or c:\foo\bar.txt (so I cannot ...
Rasmus Faber's user avatar
  • 49.2k
100 votes
26 answers

How to get file extension from string in C++

Given a string "filename.conf", how to I verify the extension part? I need a cross platform solution.
JeffV's user avatar
  • 53.8k
91 votes
8 answers

How to deploy Node.js application with deep node_modules structure on Windows?

I've run into a curious issue - apparently some Node.js module have so deep folder hierarchies that Windows copy command (or PowerShell's Copy-Item which is what we're actually using) hits the ...
Borek Bernard's user avatar
89 votes
6 answers

Flutter: Get the filename of a File

I thought this would be pretty straight-forward, but can't seem to get this. I have a File file and it has a path file.path which spits out something like /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/my_app/files/...
Jus10's user avatar
  • 15.2k
85 votes
5 answers

javascript url-safe filename-safe string

Looking for a regex/replace function to take a user inputted string say, "John Smith's Cool Page" and return a filename/url safe string like "john_smith_s_cool_page.html", or something to that extent.
ndmweb's user avatar
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81 votes
8 answers

Mac OS X doesn't allow to name files starting with a dot. How do I name the .htaccess file?

As mentioned in the title, Mac OS X doesn't allow me to name files starting with a dot ( . ). You can’t use a name that begins with a dot “.”, because these names are reserved for the system. Please ...
Diego Favero's user avatar
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