I am trying to run this sample firebase project, but I keep getting this error in the browser console.

Lf {code: "auth/unauthorized-domain", message: "This domain (mail-demo-fcm.firebaseapp.com) is not…se console -> Auth section -> Sign in method tab."}

code: "auth/unauthorized-domain"

message: "This domain (mail-demo-fcm.firebaseapp.com) is not authorized to run this operation. Add it to the OAuth redirect domains list in the Firebase console -> Auth section -> Sign in method tab."

I have enabled Google in Authentication -> Sign-in Method as sign-in providers.

enter image description here

Am I missing something ?

A little guide will be helpful.

And I am using Firebase's free plan.

  • 1
    Also don`t use IP addresses as URL here. Instead of, use localhost.
    – Aman Jain
    Jun 30, 2021 at 9:38

9 Answers 9


You need to add domain mail-demo-fcm.firebaseapp.com to Authentication menu in Firebase at Authorized domains

enter image description here

  • 3
    There's no "Authorized domains" section. It jumps straight to "Advanced"
    – pete
    Aug 9, 2022 at 5:15
  • 2
    Go to Authorization > Settings (top tab) > Domains (left-hand-side and below) > Authorized Domains
    – sciffany
    Aug 10, 2022 at 11:04
  • I am trying to add this with vite react app and url generated for localhost is but it is not allowed to be added in whitelisting of firebase. Could u suggest please? Feb 15, 2023 at 11:41
  • 1
    @Clinto_92_Abraham I used my IP address without the port number and it worked fine. In your case you'd need to only put
    – Moody
    Jun 28, 2023 at 21:13

The authorized domains section might also be in the settings page. Here is a screenshot: Screenshot of firebase authorized domains

  • I had a problem adding sub domain to the "Authorized Domains". Finally it worked by adding the main domain to "Authorized Domains" Nov 23, 2023 at 8:28

If localhost is already in the list of domains, make sure you're accessing your test app via http://localhost/ and not

  • 1
    This was a lifesaver !
    – bhavesh
    Feb 7, 2023 at 2:11
  • 1
    Wohh, I was struggling to figure this out. Thanks you saved a ton of headache! Apr 24, 2023 at 4:54
  • what do you mean by list of domains? Sep 20, 2023 at 19:36

Below the sign-in method section, there is a Authorized domains section. I think you need to whitelist your domain there.

  1. Open Firebase
  2. Go to console
  3. Open your project
  4. Go to Authentication
  5. sign-in-method
  6. Add domain

Try it!

In my case it's working


Enable localhost and your own domain that you are using in the firebase console.

  1. Login into firebase
  2. Click on the authentication tab
  3. Add authorized domains

The solution from @alkas was helpful, but I also needed to explicitly enable the Sign-in providers for my app (Email/Password, Google, etc) for this error to go away


In my case, I found the problem after deleting localhost from my "Authorized domains".

So I just add it (localhost), so everything is okay !

-localhost, because I'm on local,

-project_name.firebase.com and project_name.web.app when app deployed. Thanks !


In my case, I use two environments for development and testing. By mistake, I deployed the build to the testing environment, which was created using the development configuration parameters.

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