Questions tagged [firebase-authentication]

Firebase Authentication provides backend services, easy-to-use SDKs, and ready-made UI libraries to authenticate users to your app.

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After login, how do I redirect to homepage and then reload it?

My webpage requires to reload every time to update user state. As to the problem, in the handleLogin func, the page should be redirected to homepage ('/') and refresh itself, so that the user state is ...
Tiến Lê's user avatar
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Flutter Error Method not found FallThroughError throwFallThroughError

I am working in a already developed project and unable to install the application. And getting this error Error: The method 'FallThroughError' isn't defined for the class 'ActionCodeInfo'. '...
Developer 's user avatar
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Flutter how to login with Facebook Authentication with Firebase?

I'm using Firebase Authentication with Facebook Auth I installed this package flutter_facebook_auth: ^6.2.0 and that's my code final LoginResult loginResult = await FacebookAuth.instance.login(); ...
Emad Younan's user avatar
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Connecting Clerk SVIX Webhooks to Firebase HTTPS Cloud functions

Scenario: You have a NExtJS project using clerk for authentication. You want to hook it up to Firebase via google cloud functions and Clerk Webhooks for proper user management. How do you do it. SVIX ...
Simeon's user avatar
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How to implement Authentication in React.js?

I am beginner in web dev and i have a some question about the authentication in react.js. When we send post request on the api for login, if username + password = correct then they return jwt token so ...
Hassan Ali's user avatar
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Firebase sign out permissions error in android application?

I am getting permissions error every time i try to log out in kotlin android project which uses firebase firestore and firebase auth. I am even terminating DB when try to sign out and it still doesn'...
Ivan's user avatar
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flutter app OTP screen not showing after receiving OTP from firebase

This screen appear after entering mobile number i have created an app using flutter in my app i am using firebase phone authentication after developing my app i put my app in playstore i try to remove ...
tabish's user avatar
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problem during intializing firebase while debugging the app in my oppo phone [closed]

I am running a flutter app in my phone in debug mode.The issue I am facing is "api_key" has null value.But I am able to see the api_key in the google json file.Due to this I can't initialize ...
Rohith Prakash's user avatar
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Firebase: This operation is restricted to administrators only. (auth/admin-restricted-operation)

I am implementing a login authentication function with Firebase email and password. I have managed to log in, but I get the following error whether I can log in or not. I am not sure what is wrong, so ...
とんすけ's user avatar
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Deploying firebase nextjs to vercel not working

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'email') at c (/vercel/path0/chat-firebase-next/client/.next/server/pages/ChatsPage.js:1:2385) at Wc (/vercel/path0/chat-firebase-next/...
Samih Karroum's user avatar
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3 answers

Firebase Realtime Database REST API returns Unauthorized, even with token

I'm writting a Blazor Server app that connects to Firebase Realtime Database. I'm using the FirebaseDatabase SDK but need to perform a set of Atomic operations updating multiple Paths. Since the SDK ...
Ilian Felinto's user avatar
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3 answers

Delete Google account users in Firebase

I have an app in Flutter with Firebase login, I provide the option to delete a regular user with email and password but how can I delete a user that signed in with Google, should I deal with it or ...
Tevel's user avatar
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Removing reCAPTCHA challenge during Firebase SMS verification in Flutter app for Android and iOS

I'm developing a Flutter app that utilizes Firebase phone number authentication for user verification. However, during the SMS verification process, users are encountering reCAPTCHA challenges, which ...
axay nar's user avatar
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Google sign in not working in release version after adding sha keys from google console

I have this error after creating release version: PlatformException(sign_in_failed, 10: , null, null). I know that 10 means that it is developer error which most ...
Sohatzky's user avatar
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Enable Google Sign In in different Firebase projects based on build type

I have two build types for an Android app, Release and Staging. The Release build targets the production environment, while the Staging build targets the development environment. Both builds are ...
Dusan's user avatar
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Write to Firebase Realtime database: permission denied

I have a very simple website with a Firebase Realtime backend. I want everyone to be able to see the database, and only authenticated users to be able to write. My security rules are: { "rules&...
Pixie's user avatar
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Value of type 'GIDSignIn' has no member 'clientID'

enter image description here I'm trying to set my client ID for Google Sign-In by assigning it to 'GIDSignIn.sharedInstance.clientID = "YOUR_CLIENT_ID"', but I'm encountering an error ...
Neha's user avatar
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How do I upload a large number of small files in Firebase when a new user is created?

I'm currently writing a Firebase function that creates a bunch of new blobs in cloud storage for each new user when they first sign up. const functions = require('firebase-functions'); const { ...
Joshua's user avatar
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Does Firebase Authentication offer a page for deleting user accounts?

I am using Firebase Authentication in my Android app. Google is asking me for a URL where users can delete their account. Before I create a page and host it myself, I was wondering if Firebase offers ...
user567's user avatar
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Firebase Auth Exception not caught by catch

When signing in with wrong credentials an Exception is thrown as expected. However, the catch block fails to catch the Exception resulting in a crash. Exception has occurred. FirebaseAuthException ([...
StativBus's user avatar
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How to implement email and password login and google sign in at the same time in Flutter Firebase?

I have this problem with log in logic in my flutter app. My idea is to log in with the email and password and google provider at the same time, but if I register my user with email and password and ...
Gerardo Schiavo's user avatar
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GIDSignInButton is not working how can i fix this?

I am learning Swift and I want to add a login with google button to my application, but when I press the login with google button on the application, nothing happens. AppDelegate func application(_ ...
Emir Erdem's user avatar
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Both if-else block is getting executed

I have made session manager in this activity . If the user is logged in , then It will be redirected to the Home Activity and if not then to the fragment EmailSignIn But somehow , Both the blocks of ...
Lakshay Kadam's user avatar
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The verification code is not sent to me when using the phone number verification [closed]

The verification code is not sent to me when I use the phone number verification service on Firebase in the country of Yemen, knowing that there are no errors in the code for the flutter no no try any ...
حمزة's user avatar
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Microsoft SSO, Android. press "continue", does nothing. React native firebase

Problem React native Firebase, Microsoft SSO for Android. When I attempt to sign in, and press "continue" it does nothing. After pressing continue 5 times, message of too many attempts shows ...
not_fubar_yet's user avatar
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"Could not build module 'xxxx'" in Swift [closed]

Forgive me for any vagueness or incorrect parts throughout this explanation. I do work in IT as a network engineer but I don't code really ever. So while I'm slightly in over my head right now, I'm ...
ilovegoogle33's user avatar
-3 votes
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How to correctly connect firebase with ESP8266 and configure it?

I am encountering this error while trying to connect to firebase: Compilation error: no match for 'operator=' (operand types are 'firebase_auth_signin_token_t' and 'char [40]'). C:\Users\farah\...
Farah Anany's user avatar
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Pyrebase does not return credentials

I was working for firebase login system using pyrebase, and I found that auth in the code below does not work correctly. 'apiKey': "", 'authDomain': "", '...
MooNChilD Song's user avatar
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1 answer

How to change email for firebase users?

Now that updateEmail is deprecated for updating the Firebase user's email, how to update the user's email? final user = GetCurrentUser().getUser()!; AuthCredential credential = EmailAuthProvider....
MAA's user avatar
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Firebase, user deleted but still present with: Auth.auth().currentUser [duplicate]

First I signed up, then I logged in and everything works fine. After I deleted the user from Firebase, but then strangely when I run this code: let user = Auth.auth().currentUser ...
Swifty's user avatar
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Sign in with Google aborts after login dialog

I'm trying to intiate google sign in through firebase . When I click on google sign in button , dialog box appears for me to choose from which account i have to login but after that this operation ...
Lakshay Kadam's user avatar
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Firebase DOMException when the sign up and sign in method is called

When the userCredential object is called in sign in or account creation methods an DOMexception is thrown The user is successfully created, but cannot be used due to an exception loginForm....
Крит's user avatar
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How to implement 2FA in Laravel with Inertia.js and Vue 3?

I am working on a project using Laravel, Inertia.js, and Vue 3, and I want to implement two-factor authentication (2FA) for user login. My setup includes a MySQL database with a users table that ...
Muhammad Umaair's user avatar
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How can I manage multiple fitebase projects for clients

As an app agency, we want to provide Android, iOS, and web versions of our app to over 100 customers, we aim to customize each platform for them and charge a monthly fee. Can an organization like ours ...
Nana's user avatar
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How can I save my credential in expo-secure-sure to reauthenticate later? [duplicate]

I am using expo-apple-authentication with Firebase v9 in Expo Go SDK 50 with React Native. I am able to successfully login with the code below. What I want to do is use expo-secure-store to store ...
Sour's user avatar
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Firebase authentication using facebook shows warning

I am trying to use Firebase to sign in with Facebook, but in the sign-in pop-up window it is showing a warning message How can I fix this issue? I only want to get the user's basic info for sign up ...
Task's user avatar
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testing user function of Angular firebase

right now I have a code like that import { Auth, signOut, user } from '@angular/fire/auth'; @Component({}) export class FooComponent { protected readonly user = user(this.fireAuth); constructor( ...
Robert's user avatar
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How to upload locally persisted data once the user has logged in with Firebase Auth?

There is nice feature when working in offline mode with Firestore: Cloud Firestore supports offline data persistence. This feature caches a copy of the Cloud Firestore data that your app is actively ...
Whirlwind's user avatar
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Verifying Email Validation Status with Firebase Authentication in Google Cloud API Gateway

I'm currently working on a project where I need to verify that users accessing my API have validated their email addresses using Firebase Authentication. I'm using Google Cloud API Gateway to manage ...
Shamil Jamion's user avatar
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How can I mock a FirebaseAuth such that every FirebaseAuth.getInstance().currentUser gets the mocked user

I'm facing an issue while writing unit tests for my ProfileScreenViewModel class in Android using Kotlin and MockK. The ProfileScreenViewModel class initializes a property called user using ...
Thimphou's user avatar
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Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'settings') in Firebase authentication

I'm trying to make a register page using Firebase authentication, but it keeps throwing the same error every time. This is my code: <form id="form"> <div class="...
unkane's user avatar
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Angular 17 guard always redirecting to login with firebase auth

I'm trying to write a simple guard for my application. My auth system is based on firebase, with the possibility to login with Google. This is my guard code: import { inject } from '@angular/core'; ...
Andrea Militano's user avatar
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Firebase Mobile authetication , cant send recaptcha code ,imean my browser doesnt open, i have set up sha key as well , in play protect ,Saf

In firebase Mobile auth cant send otp when i am in debug mode means app not published on playstore , i have tried everything from sha key to play protect Hi everyone, I am actually facing a error in ...
uphar gaur's user avatar
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An efficient way for getting and checking user permissions?

I'm building a serverless api for a React app. This is how I protect the apis with permissions: The user log in and is given a jwt token when access any api, the token is send in the Authorization ...
CSSer's user avatar
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How to validate firebase login with facebook

I have the following code executing when a user logs in to facebook: FB.Event.subscribe('auth.authResponseChange', checkLoginState); Here is the code to analayse: function checkLoginState(...
Luc Laverdure's user avatar
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Firebase Authentication: emailVerified becomes false after manually adding to a user who signed up via Google with the same email

I'm working on a project using Firebase Authentication and have encountered an unexpected behavior regarding the emailVerified field. When a user signs up using Google OAuth, their email is ...
GorvGoyl's user avatar
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User is not getting registered

I'm trying to register user using email and password through firebase auth but I'm not getting why it is not getting registered even though I followed doc properly. I guess the problem is in ...
Lakshay Kadam's user avatar
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Firebase email authentication not sending email verify

React Native Project I have a function that handles user registration based on Firebase Authentication. Currently it is not sending authentication email to the user, I have tried many ways. I'm new to ...
hoadesign's user avatar
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Got NullPointerException when running outside android studio

I am trying to connect to firebase using this code mAuth.signInWithEmailAndPassword(User.getEmail()!!, User.getPassword()!!) .addOnCompleteListener(this) { task -> if (...
QuinRa's user avatar
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Need help in setting up proper redirection using ChangeNotifierProvider

For context, I am trying to implement a flow as follows: User registers using email (Account gets created) -> redirect to mobile-otp verification (Account gets linked) -> Redirect to homeScreen. ...
Amit Dubey's user avatar

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