Hey i had similar problem ,trying to create users through admin , as it is not possible to signUp user without signIn ,I created a work around ,adding it below with steps
- Instead of signup create a node in firebase realtime db with email as key (firebase do not allow email as key so I have created a function to generate key from email and vice versa, I will attach the functions below)
- Save a initial password field while saving user (can even hash it with bcrypt or something, if you prefer though it will be used one time only)
- Now Once user try to login check if any node with that email (generate key from email) exist in the db and if so then match the password provided.
- If the password matched delete the node and do authSignUpWithEmailandPassword with provided credentials.
- User is registered successfully
//Sign In
firebaseDB.child("users").once("value", (snapshot) => {
const users = snapshot.val();
const userKey = emailToKey(data.email);
if (Object.keys(users).find((key) => key === userKey)) {
setError("user already exist");
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000);
} else {
.set({ email: data.email, initPassword: data.password })
.then(() => setLoading(false))
.catch(() => {
setError("Error in creating user please try again");
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000);
//Sign Up
signUp = (data, setLoading, setError) => {
.createUserWithEmailAndPassword(data.email, data.password)
.then((res) => {
const userDetails = {
email: res.user.email,
id: res.user.uid,
const key = emailToKey(data.email);
.then(() => {
.catch(() => {
setError("error while registering try again");
setTimeout(() => setError(false), 4000);
.catch((err) => {
setTimeout(() => setError(false), 4000);
//Function to create a valid firebase key from email and vice versa
const emailToKey = (email) => {
//firebase do not allow ".", "#", "$", "[", or "]"
let key = email;
key = key.replace(".", ",0,");
key = key.replace("#", ",1,");
key = key.replace("$", ",2,");
key = key.replace("[", ",3,");
key = key.replace("]", ",4,");
return key;
const keyToEmail = (key) => {
let email = key;
email = email.replace(",0,", ".");
email = email.replace(",1,", "#");
email = email.replace(",2,", "$");
email = email.replace(",3,", "[");
email = email.replace(",4,", "]");
return email;