The problem

When running R outside of RStudio, plots will by default be shown in a pop-up window, e.g. provided by the quartz device on macOS, the X11 device on Unix, the windows device on Windows.

A special feature of these 'interactive' devices is that manually resizing the plot window causes the plots to be redrawn to fit the new dimensions. This feature is really useful!

A downside of the default interactive devices is that they're relatively slow. The {ragg} package provides alternative graphics devices like ragg::agg_png(), which render noticeably faster than the default devices, and often look better too. Unfortunately, these devices aren't responsive to resizing - you have to manually specify the dimensions of the plot before rendering.

In RStudio it's possible to use {ragg} as a backend interactively. In this case, the plot preview is rendered by {ragg}, and resizing the pane causes the preview to be re-rendered. I assume this is powered by RStudio magic behind the scenes, not by R.

What I want

I would like to achieve automatic resizing with a custom device outside of RStudio. I want my plots to be rendered/drawn by {ragg}, to appear in a floating window, and to be re-drawn when I resize this window.

What I've tried

I was hoping the default quartz device would allow me to specify a backend to draw the plot itself, but I don't think this is possible.

I was able to create an imitation of an interactive device powered by {ragg} using the system's default png viewer - the major downside of this approach is that there's no redrawing of the plot when I resize the window:

options(device = function() {
  file <- tempfile("last_plot_", fileext = ".png")

  ragg::agg_png(file, height = 480 * 5, width = 480 * 5, scaling = 5)

  • 4
    I’ve never used it but the ‘httpgd’ package might be a building block to achieve this. Apr 10 at 11:43
  • 1
    Update: been playing with this a bit but struggling to get anything working reliably enough to not be frustrating in day-to-day use. Will post an edit if that changes.
    – wurli
    Apr 17 at 9:38
  • 1
  • 1
    Mike FC's rstudio::conf(2022) talk on R graphics has been helping a bit with this. Tl;dr is that X11 (available for mac but not until you install it) is really fast.
    – wurli
    Apr 18 at 11:20
  • 1
    Did you see this coolbutuseless.github.io/2019/10/03/…? Haven't studied it, but it looks it allows to create your custom device.
    – nicola
    2 days ago


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