Questions tagged [itemwriter]

ItemWriter is a basic interface for generic output operations in Spring Batch. (This tag must be used only with spring-batch posts)

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33 votes
5 answers

Spring Batch: One reader, multiple processors and writers

In Spring batch I need to pass the items read by an ItemReader to two different processors and writer. What I'm trying to achieve is that... +---> ItemProcessor#1 ---> ...
danidemi's user avatar
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2 answers

Spring batch item writer rest API

Is it possible to read data from DB, process it and in ItemWriter send to another system using RestAPI (REST TEMPLATE) in Spring batch project? All I can see is fetch data and write it in a csv file.
shubham sharma's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to use Classifier with ClassifierCompositeItemWriter?

have trouble implementing a ClassifierCompositeItemwriter... I am reading a basic CSV File and i want to write them do a database. Depending on the data (Name + Name1) either write it to a simple ...
eckad158's user avatar
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3 answers

Spring Batch : Write a List to a database table using a custom batch size

Background I have a Spring Batch job where : FlatFileItemReader - Reads one row at a time from the file ItemProcesor - Transforms the row from the file into a List<MyObject> and returns the ...
Ping's user avatar
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1 answer

Multiple ItemProcessors and ItemWriters in the same Spring Batch step

Can I write a Spring Batch step with a single ItemReader and multiple substeps, each with an ItemProcessor followed by a ItemWriter? I am trying to achieve something like this: ItemReader ---> item ...
Danilo Piazzalunga's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Can I use FlatFileItemWriter to write multi-format file in Spring Batch?

I'm reading a multi-format file using FlatFileItemReader and mapping every line to its corresponding bean type in ItemProcessor and performing data enrichment. But when I try to write these records ...
pulikuttie's user avatar
2 votes
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Spring batch GZIP ItemWriter/ItemReader

I have a Spring boot app, and I wrote some ItemWriter and ItemReaders, for example for JSON files and CSV files. I want to add a step of compressing to GZIP and decompressing from GZIP. I wanted to ...
ChikChak's user avatar
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1 answer

Spring Batch Itemwriter Interface fix

The write method of Itemwriter has been changed in the spring version 5. @Override public void write(List<? extends List<DataDTO>> items) throws Exception{ for(List<DataDTO> ...
arun's user avatar
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Spring Batch jdbcbatchitemwriter afterpropertiesset repeat trigger twice

Why spring batch jdbcbatchitemwriter afterpropertiesset repeat trigger twice? @Autowired TestWriter write; public Step startStep(StepBuilderFactory stepBuilders) { return stepBuilders.get(&...
Owen's user avatar
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1 answer

Spring Batch Item Writer is not getting called

I have created a simple spring batch based on tutorials which reads a file and loads into database using itemreader and item writer. I have followed the same steps but only item reader is getting ...
Moses's user avatar
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2 answers

JpaItemWriter<T> stills performs writes one item at a time instead of in batch

I have a question about writing operations in Spring Batch on databases through the ItemWriter<T> contract. To quote from The Definitive Guide to Spring Batch by Michael T. Minella: All of the ...
John Garez's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Pass filenames dynamically to FlatFileItemWriter through StepBuilderFactory stream() when using ClassifierCompositeItemProcessor in SpringBatch

I'm processing multiple input files with multi-format lines using ClassifierCompositeItemProcessor. But when using StepBuilderFactory stream to write the files, I'm unable to pass the Resource ...
pulikuttie's user avatar
1 vote
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Spring Batch FlatFileItemWriter write Object with List

I have a Pojo Partner: Partner Id List Address Pojo : AddressId, Address, City, Country, Pin I want to create a Flat file in Spring Batch - File will be : PartnerId;AddressId;Address;City;Country;...
Nikhil Nadkar's user avatar
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Spring Batch - ItemStreamException: Output file was not created

I have the following FlatFileItemWriter defined in a multi-threaded step. public FlatFileItemWriter<School> writer() throws Exception { FlatFileItemWriter<School> flatFileWriter = new ...
Vamsi's user avatar
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FlatFileItemWriter not generating the file when using Tasklet approach

I wrote the following code using tasklet approach to generate a file with data. public class PersonInfoFileWriter implements Tasklet { @Autowired PersonInfoFileUtil ...
Vamsi's user avatar
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Issue with sending html email

I have created a small spring batch application which will read data from the file and send an html email . The StudentProcessor creates MImeMessage and ItemWriter sends the email The file contains ...
Nikhil Nadkar's user avatar
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Spring Batch : How does ClassifierCompositeItemWriter decide whether to create a new writer or use an existing one?

Given a Spring Batch job that uses chunk oriented processing, I have a requirement to write the same data to different files depending on the value of an attribute. In other words, I need the output ...
Ping's user avatar
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How does the JdbcBatchItemWriter decide the batch size?

I was going through the documentation of the JdbcBatchItemWriter but noticed that there is no way of specifying the batch-size to use for the jdbcTemplate used by this class. I thought a class that ...
Ping's user avatar
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2 answers

Spring Batch : One Reader, composite processor (two classes with different entities) and two kafkaItemWriter

ItemReader is reading data from DB2 and gave java object ClaimDto. Now the ClaimProcessor takes in the object of ClaimDto and return CompositeClaimRecord object which comprises of claimRecord1 and ...
Sonia's user avatar
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FlatFileItemWriter write to a new (non-existent) File on each JobExecution

I am currently working on a Spring Batch CSV Export. The Chunk based reader,writer,processor is used. Reading and processing works flawless, but the FlatFileItemWriter always overwrites the output CSV ...
eckad158's user avatar
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How to enable more detail in log for spring batch library

Good day, I have a Spring batch, that using to write data into db. The following is the writer code in my xml: <bean id="...
Panadol Chong's user avatar
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How to use MongoItemWriter to write a List<T>

My processor return a List of Object but I don't find a solution to override the MongoItemWriter to write some List of object and not object. I tried this. My processor : @Override public List<...
jenoh's user avatar
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Write the same data with different file names using single Item writer using Spring Batch

I have a Spring Batch FlatFileItemWriter which writes data to a specific location with a file name(let's say A.txt for example). Now I need the same file to be written with different file name (let's ...
srinivas chaitanya's user avatar
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2 answers

Rollback or Reset a BufferedWriter

A logic that handles the rollback of a write to a file is this possible? From my understanding a BufferWriter only writes when a .close() or .flush() is invoked. I would like to know is it possible to,...
user3111115's user avatar
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FlatfileItemWriter with Compositewriter example

I have a spring batch that will read the CSV file, then process and write it to another CSV file. I want to write the results into two different flat files based on the process result. Need to write ...
Venkatesh Tech's user avatar
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Spring Batch: How can i set record separator policy in FlatFileItemWriter?

I need to write record with the same reading format. Example: aaa;bbb;ccc;dd dd;zzz What I need is to attach the record with double quotes: aaa;bbb;ccc;"dd dd";zzz How can i do it? In ...
ptjack's user avatar
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Data Migration from One Db to another using Spring batch and Spring boot

Im new to spring framework and I Want to migrate data from One DB to another using Spring boot n Batch Im trying to read from an Mysql db with an item reader and write it to an Oracle db using an item ...
GoMohan's user avatar
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1 answer

ItemWriter commit juste the first commit-interval

I'm trying to select data from database, update each object and then update the database in an itemwriter. I tried to flush DAO after each update but it's change nothing. The configuration is very ...
Youri C.'s user avatar
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2 answers

How to write the output from DB to a JSON file using Spring batch?

I am new to spring batch and there is a requirement for me to read the data from DB and write in to JSON format. whats the best way to do this ? Any api's are there? or we need to write custom writer ?...
Dammy's user avatar
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Clarification needed with Spring batch concepts

I am new at Spring batch and I am having an issue implementing my business use case with Spring batch. Basically, I am reading data from a database i.e. a List of subscribers to a newsletter. I then ...
balteo's user avatar
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spring batch issues : split my output into differents files

Hi everyone im pretty new with spring and spring batch. I have a file in input with multiple row and data. I want to redirect the row in a specific file depending to the data in the row. Its something ...
Hurtcraft's user avatar
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Write multiple groups/batch with header and trailer using spring batch

I want to generate a file with financial transactions similar to the following format. Basically transactions are grouped by merchant and currency. Each group has a separate header and trailer. ...
Hesitha Wijayasinghe's user avatar
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Itemwriter method close exception status of batch completed (not failed)

An exception in an ItemWriter#close method is not causing the exit status to be marked as FAILED. Can you confirm that is the expected behavior ? According to my understanding, when ItemWriter#close ...
buck's user avatar
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Spring batch: multiple operations in writer

In a spring batch project I have to implement multiple operations in a writer: call two different APIs and update a local database. The point is: if one of these operations fails I need to restart ...
Pirulino's user avatar
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Spring Batch JpaItemWriter performance

I use spring batch JpaItemWriter to insert db with 11500 records(8 columns for that table), and I thought its performance will be good, but it was not as fast as I expected. 11500 records took about ...
dandelion's user avatar
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Spring batch itemwriter interface

The write method of Itemwriter has been changed in the spring version 5. @Override public void write(List<? extends List<DataDTO>> items) throws Exception{ for(List<DataDTO> ...
arun's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I get inserted key in ItemWriter to use it in another query Spring Batch

I am using Spring Batch, and I will do an Insert in ItemWriter and need to do an update in another table with the key inserted. How do I get the key to use it in the updateTableB ? Thank you in ...
LTurTk's user avatar
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1 answer

Spring batch not running ItemProcessor and ItemWriter

I got issue in Spring batch while running job. I've configured my ItemReader, ItemProcessor, ItemWriter in 3 different files and then trying to run them in step but after ItemReader nothing executes. ...
cruey's user avatar
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Spring Batch ResourceAware - Get resource name in ClassifierCompositeItemWriter

I've implemented ResourceAware in my domain object to set resource name when using MultiResourceItemReader. I'm successfully able to retrieve the resource name in Processor. However, I'm not able to ...
pulikuttie's user avatar
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1 answer

Can we use Spring batch Item Reader and Writer on a file which needs to skip first and last line?

I have a file to written to db after doing some validations. The file will have Header and Trailer which needs to be validated and then skipped, and all the lines in between should be mapped and ...
Bhargav G's user avatar
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Spring Batch + MongoItemReader, ItemProcessor, MongoItemWriter + not reading all records

I'm using Spring Batch with Mongo database. I need to get the documents based on status (status=PENDING), write in a Kafka queue and update documents field with new status(status=FILLED). So I used a ...
Naveen's user avatar
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Transaction is not rolling back in spring batch item writer

Transaction is not rolling back in spring batch. I am throwing exception intentionally to test transaction roll back. Database transaction is committing even with exception thrown from the item writer....
Bhaskar's user avatar
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Error with Spring batch Classifier Composite Item Writer

I have to basically produce multiple xml files for each file_id per currency ( ie. usd,zar ect) these transactions are all in 1 DB table. Do I create a composite writer for each currency and on my ...
Malume Ed's user avatar
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Spring-Batch: Item writer for Parent-Child relationship

I have written a item processor which returns the list of Objects. This object needs to be split into 2 data base table (One parent and a child). One header row and for this corresponding header ID we ...
Bhuvanesh Ramachandra's user avatar
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2 answers

To separate steps class in spring batch

I have tried to find the solution but I cannot... ㅠㅠ I want to separate steps in a job like below. step1.class -> step2.class -> step3.class -> done The reason why I'm so divided is ...
Joonseo Lee's user avatar
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not able to create dynamic file name when using StaxEventItemWriter

I am extending StaxEventItemWriter to write a custom ItemWriter so that I can create the file name dynamically at runtime. The filename is getting created fine however I am getting below issue when ...
alex252's user avatar
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How to write multiple XML files for child beans in Spring Batch ItemWriter?

I have a batch job that retrieves records from a database, processes them, and passes the result into the writer. The bean passed to the writer has four fields that need to be written to separate xml ...
Code Monkey's user avatar
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Spring Batch how to persist into DB with Object that has list of other objects

I have a scenario where i have to persist an object called DummyObject which has list of OtherObject. public class DummyObject{ private List<OtherObject> firstOtherObjectList; private List<...
user9232119's user avatar
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Faster method to write items to mariadb other than jpaitemwriter

I have a batch job that reads from and Oracle database, stores JPA with JPA ITEM READER and writes to MariaDB with JPA ITEM WRITER. Is there a way to do bulk insert into MariaDB or a bulk execute the ...
Momo's user avatar
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How to perform Update Operation in Spring Batch ItemWriter

I am writing a spring batch job wherein ItemReader I am reading from the database and apply some rules in Processor and want to update in ItemWriter. I could not able to figure it out how to perform ...
Rajesh Chandrasekar's user avatar