Questions tagged [linefeed]

Linefeed, also known as LF, is a character that controls the switching to the next line.

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1831 votes
2 answers

LF will be replaced by CRLF in git - What is that and is it important? [duplicate]

git init git add . Gives the following warnings for many files: The file will have its original line endings in your working directory. warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF in <filename>. ...
LearningRoR's user avatar
1247 votes
26 answers

Git replacing LF with CRLF

On a Windows machine, I added some files using git add. I got warnings saying: LF will be replaced by CRLF What are the ramifications of this conversion?
mrblah's user avatar
  • 102k
1163 votes
10 answers

Difference between CR LF, LF and CR line break types

I'd like to know the difference (with examples if possible) between CR LF (Windows), LF (Unix) and CR (Macintosh) line break types.
eozzy's user avatar
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831 votes
29 answers

Convert DOS/Windows line endings to Linux line endings in Vim

If I open files I created in Windows, the lines all end with ^M. How do I delete these characters all at once?
Bert Hekman's user avatar
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788 votes
11 answers

Bash script – "/bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory" [duplicate]

I'm using this tutorial to learn bash scripts to automate a few tasks for me. I'm connecting to a server using putty. The script, located in .../Documents/LOG, is: #!/bin/bash # My first script echo &...
cartonn's user avatar
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689 votes
9 answers

What's the strategy for handling CRLF (carriage return, line feed) with Git?

I tried committing files with CRLF-ending lines, but it failed. I spent a whole work day on my Windows computer trying different strategies and was almost drawn to stop trying to use Git and instead ...
Daniel Jomphe's user avatar
669 votes
13 answers

What are carriage return, linefeed, and form feed?

What is the meaning of the following control characters: Carriage return Line feed Form feed
ashna's user avatar
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662 votes
15 answers

What does the ^M character mean in Vim?

I keep getting the ^M character in my .vimrc and it breaks my configuration.
Max's user avatar
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618 votes
7 answers

How do I force Git to use LF instead of CR+LF under Windows?

I want to force Git to check out files under Windows using just LF not CR+LF. I checked the two configuration options, but was not able to find the right combination of settings. I want to convert all ...
sorin's user avatar
  • 166k
449 votes
23 answers

How to convert DOS/Windows newline (CRLF) to Unix newline (LF)

How can I programmatically (not using vi) convert DOS/Windows newlines to Unix newlines? The dos2unix and unix2dos commands are not available on certain systems. How can I emulate them with commands ...
Koran Molovik's user avatar
424 votes
10 answers

How to make IntelliJ IDEA insert a new line at every end of file?

How do I make IntelliJ IDEA insert a new line at every end of file, so that GitHub doesn't complain for example?
NightRa's user avatar
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298 votes
4 answers

What is the difference between a "line feed" and a "carriage return"?

If there are two keywords then they must have their own meanings. So I want to know what makes them different and what their code is.
pheromix's user avatar
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150 votes
11 answers

^M at the end of every line in Vim

When I am editing source files using Vim and other editors, sometimes I get these ^M characters at the end of each line. I think that it has something to do with editing a file on Windows and then on ...
DHamrick's user avatar
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139 votes
13 answers

Removing carriage return and linefeed from the end of a string in C#

How do I remove the carriage return character (\r) and the Unix newline character(\n) from the end of a string?
Avik's user avatar
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131 votes
4 answers

Writing a new line to file in PHP (line feed)

My code: $i = 0; $file = fopen('ids.txt', 'w'); foreach ($gemList as $gem) { fwrite($file, $gem->getAttribute('id') . '\n'); $gemIDs[$i] = $gem->getAttribute('id'); $i++; } fclose($...
VIVA LA NWO's user avatar
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109 votes
16 answers

Are shell scripts sensitive to encoding and line endings?

I am making an NW.js app on macOS, and want to run the app in dev mode by double-clicking on an icon. In the first step, I'm trying to make my shell script work. Using VS Code on Windows (I wanted to ...
thomasb's user avatar
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108 votes
5 answers

Why does Windows use CR LF?

I understand the difference between the two so there's no need to go into that, but I'm just wondering what the reasoning is behind why Windows uses both CR and LF to indicate a line break. It seems ...
Kyle's user avatar
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85 votes
14 answers

PHP: Telegram Bot: Insert line break to text message

"\n" and "\r\n", tested in text message sent by telegram bot, to create line break. Instead of showing line break, underline _ will appear after using them. How I could printing line feed in ...
Hossein Shahsahebi's user avatar
66 votes
9 answers

In C#, what's the difference between \n and \r\n?

In C#, what's the difference between \n and \r\n?
Aperture's user avatar
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55 votes
6 answers

Carriage Return\Line feed in Java

I have created a text file in Unix environment using Java code. For writing the text file I am using and BufferedWriter. And for newline after each row I am using bw.newLine() ...
Manu's user avatar
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49 votes
1 answer

How to add a newline (line break) in an XML file?

I have an XML file and I would like to make a new line in the text "Sample Text 123" like this Sample Text 123 I've tried already everything I mean &#xA &#xD \n but nothing works: ...
Christian's user avatar
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43 votes
11 answers

Anything like dos2unix for Windows?

I have some shell scripts created on Windows. I want to run dos2unix on them. I have read that dos2unix works on Linux. Is there a way that I can convert my files to having Unix newlines while working ...
Elvin's user avatar
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34 votes
5 answers

Carriage return and Line feed... Are both required in C#?

When inserting a new line character into a string I have usually done this: str = "First line\nSecond line"; In C#, is this the standard practice? Should I also include the 'carriage return' ...
Luke Baulch's user avatar
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29 votes
4 answers

How to get carriage return without line feed effect in Eclipse console?

If I System.out.print("something\r"); at console, I have cursor back at the beginning of line, and finally after System.out.print("something\r"); System.out.print(" any\r"); I have anything ...
Dims's user avatar
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24 votes
3 answers

convert new line /n to a line break in angular

I have a string which contain new line character /n. Trying to display the string. Instead of taking the /n as new line, it displays '/n' as text. $scope.myOutput = " Hello /n" {{ myOutput |...
Rk R Bairi's user avatar
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24 votes
1 answer

Avoid writing carriage return '\r' when writing line feed with Python

If taken into consideration that carriage return = \r and line feed = \n Python 3.5.1 (v3.5.1:37a07cee5969, Dec 6 2015, 01:38:48) [MSC v.1900 32 bit (Intel)] on win32 Type "help", "copyright", "...
Ubica's user avatar
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22 votes
5 answers

PowerShell's pipe adds linefeed

I'm trying to pipe a string into a program's STDIN without any trailing linefeeds (unless that string itself actually ends in a linefeed). I tried googling around, but I only found people trying to ...
Martin Ender's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

How do I check if a character is a Unicode new-line character (not only ASCII) in Rust?

Every programming language has their own interpretation of \n and \r. Unicode supports multiple characters that can represent a new line. From the Rust reference: A whitespace escape is one of ...
Noel Widmer's user avatar
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15 votes
4 answers

Setting Java VM line.separator

Has anybody found a way how to specify the Java line.separator property on VM startup? I was thinking of something like this: java -Dline.separator="\n" But this doesn't interprete the "\n" as ...
user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

How can I use CSS to insert a line break after but not before an element?

For example: HTML: The quick brown fox <span class="break">{BREAK}</span> jumps over the lazy dog. I want this to display: The quick brown fox {BREAK} jumps over the lazy dog. ...
Matt's user avatar
  • 21.5k
14 votes
9 answers

How to find out which line separator BufferedReader#readLine() used to split the line?

I am reading a file via the BufferedReader String filename = ... br = new BufferedReader( new FileInputStream(filename)); while (true) { String s = br.readLine(); if (s == null) break; ... }...
chacko's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

How do you get Notepad++ to show separate lines when /r/n is in the text?

I've pasted some XML into Notepad++. The pasted text contains \r\n wherever a newline is supposed to occur. However, Notepad++ is just showing the entire file on a single line. It is as if it is ...
Curtis's user avatar
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12 votes
7 answers

Newline character omitted while reading from buffer

I've written the following code: public class WriteToCharBuffer { public static void main(String[] args) { String text = "This is the data to write in buffer!\nThis is the second line\nThis is ...
n_g's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Change Line Feeds from CRLF to LF in Eclipse

I recently noticed that the line-feeds of files in my project are CRLF but I want them as LF.(I get the following message from GIT GUI : "UTF-8 Unicode text, with CRLF line terminators" How can I ...
Berkay Özerbay's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Serial port binary transfer changes carriage return

I have been trying to implement a primitive serial file transfer protocol in C this past week and I've come across a really weird problem which I can't seem to find the solution for online. I've ...
patrick_star's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

Why does .gitattributes not override core.autocrlf configuration on Linux?

While setting up Git for a project, I've noticed that the line-ending normalization works a bit different on Linux and on Windows. As I understand the Git documentation on this subject, the behavior ...
jgreen81's user avatar
  • 747
10 votes
4 answers

css - multi line line-clamp (ellipsis) doesn't work

problem image I applied this class to h3 tag. .ellipsis-2 { $lines: 2; $line-multiple: 1.3; $font-size: 1em; display: block; display: -webkit-box; max-height: $font-size * $line-...
hagfish1210's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

What is a reverse line feed?

What I want to know is two points as below: What is a reverse line feed? What is the difference between reverse line feed and line feed? Is there anyone can give me an example or make an explanation?...
Alex Locanda's user avatar
9 votes
5 answers

How do I remove line feed characters when selecting data from SQL Server?

I insert data that contains a line feed character into the database. Then I retrieve that data. I am using this script to attempt to remove the line feed while selecting the data from SQL: Select ...
charu's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

How to avoid CRLF (Carriage Return and Line Feed) in Logback - CWE 117

I'm using Logback and I need to avoid CRLF(Carriage Return and Line Feed) when I log a user parameter. I tried to add my class, which extends ClassicConverter, on the static map PatternLayout....
user3551863's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

\n and \r seem to work everywhere. Why is line.separator more portable?

I was just perusing through questions, and I found System.getProperty(line.separator) used in place of \n with the author's comment that the code was "portable". Reading through various forums, I've ...
Wolfpack'08's user avatar
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6 votes
5 answers

Preserving special chars in xml

I've an xml string stored in the db table with line feed characters. In my C# 3.5 program, I load and manipulate it using Linq to xml and then show it as a string in the textbox control on the UI form....
user40907's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

How to break lines properly which contain both CJK and english characters in WordPress?

I found that CJK article in my wordpress4.7 can't break lines properly,which contain both CJK and english characters. Here is the article before publish. All the lines breaked properly before ...
showkey's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Java: How read a File line by line by ignoring "\n"

I'm trying to read a tab separated text file line per line. The lines are separated by using carriage return ("\r\n") and LineFeed (\"n") is allowed within in tab separated text fields. Since I want ...
Del's user avatar
  • 119
5 votes
0 answers

When piping a file in windows to a python script, my \r are deleting my characters

I have a file like this: A\r B\n C\r\n. (By \r I'm referring to CR, and \n is LF) And this script: import fileinput for line in fileinput.input(mode='rU'): print(line) When I call python ...
Manuel's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

What is the point of using *both* Carriage Returns and Line Feeds?

I'd have thought one was enough. But what's the point of doing CRLF (0x0D0A), when you can simply use CR (0D)? Normally, whenever I'm using strings (C++), I do this: myString = "Test\nThis should be ...
Mateen Ulhaq's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

"\n" being treated as a string literal in JavaScript

I have a select tag with an option tag that has a value of "\n". When that option is selected and I get the value using jQuery, JavaScript seems to be treating it as a string literal and not ...
Cody's user avatar
  • 85
4 votes
3 answers

C++ Carriage return and line feed in a string

I am working with the communication for some TCP/IP connected equipment in C++. The equipment requires that the commands sent are ended with \r\n. I am using a configuration file from which I am ...
user1728363's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Accepting \r\n input C program

I would like to ask how can I accept \r\n without changing it to \\r\\n, with fgets. I want the program to translate the \r\n to a newline character instead of printing it as a string. Current code: ...
Jerry's user avatar
  • 124
4 votes
2 answers

\r\n vs \n\r what is the difference in their behavior? [duplicate]

I was referring to this question and understood that \n moves the cursor to next line without resetting it while \r resets the cursor but not move it to next line. And \r\n used as a new line char in ...
Ravi Amlani's user avatar

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