Questions tagged [mingw]

MinGW (Minimalist GNU for Windows) is a native software port of the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) and GNU Binutils for use in the development of native Microsoft Windows applications. Unlike Cygwin, it does not provide a POSIX runtime environment on MS-Windows.

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789 votes
17 answers

What is the difference between Cygwin and MinGW?

I want to make my C++ project cross platform, and I'm considering using Cygwin/MinGW. But what is the difference between them ? Another question is whether I will be able to run the binary on a ...
Łukasz Lew's user avatar
  • 49.4k
273 votes
14 answers

to_string is not a member of std, says g++ (mingw)

I am making a small vocabulary remembering program where words would would be flashed at me randomly for meanings. I want to use standard C++ library as Bjarne Stroustroup tells us, but I have ...
Anurag Kalia's user avatar
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189 votes
17 answers

The program can't start because libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll is missing

I have created a simple program in C++ with Code::Blocks. If I run it from Code::Blocks, it works correctly; but if I run it by doubleclicking on the executable file, a window pops up with this ...
xRobot's user avatar
  • 26.1k
183 votes
4 answers

mingw-w64 threads: posix vs win32

I'm installing mingw-w64 on Windows and there are two options: win32 threads and posix threads. I know what is the difference between win32 threads and pthreads but I don't understand what is the ...
Simon's user avatar
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181 votes
10 answers

OS specific instructions in CMAKE: How to?

I am a beginner to CMAKE. Below is a simple cmake file which works well in mingw environment windows. The problem is clearly with target_link_libraries() function of CMAKE where I am linking ...
Prasad's user avatar
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179 votes
2 answers

What is difference between sjlj vs dwarf vs seh?

I can't find enough information to decide which compiler should I use to compile my project. There are several programs on different computers simulating a process. On Linux, I'm using GCC. Everything ...
sorush-r's user avatar
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115 votes
4 answers

How can I install MinGW-w64 and MSYS2?

I am trying to build some open source library. I need a package management system to easily download the dependencies. At first I am using MinGW and MSYS. But the included packages are limited. ...
smwikipedia's user avatar
  • 63.2k
115 votes
4 answers

Compiling with cython and mingw produces gcc: error: unrecognized command line option '-mno-cygwin'

I'm trying to compile a python extension with cython in win 7 64-bit using mingw (64-bit). I'm working with Python 2.6 (Active Python 2.6.6) and with the adequate distutils.cfg file (setting mingw as ...
joaquin's user avatar
  • 84.3k
110 votes
10 answers

Which C++ standard is the default when compiling with g++?

I have a piece of code that looks like the following. Let's say it's in a file named example.cpp #include <fstream> #include <string> // line added after edit for clarity int main() { ...
Manuel's user avatar
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109 votes
7 answers

Unable to copy/paste in MinGW shell

I just installed MinGW on Windows and I'm unable to copy/paste as I am used to on Linux or even PuTTY. What is the trick for copying and pasting text (e.g. from chrome) into MinGW shell?
user788171's user avatar
  • 17.2k
108 votes
6 answers

How to stop MinGW and MSYS from mangling path names given at the command line

On Windows, I'm cross-compiling a program for ARM/Linux using CodeSourcery's cross-compiler suite. I use MinGW MSYS as my command interpreter, and very often it will mangle my paths and pathnames. For ...
Ted Middleton's user avatar
106 votes
7 answers

How to redirect qDebug, qWarning, qCritical etc output?

I'm using a lot of qDebug() << statements for debug output. Is there any cross-platform way I can redirect that debug output to a file, without resorting to shell scripts? I'm guessing that open(...
Septagram's user avatar
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104 votes
3 answers

How do I add an icon to a mingw-gcc compiled executable?

In Windows, using mingw's gcc, is there anyway to specify that the output exe file is to take an icon file, so that the exe file shows with that icon in explorer?
user avatar
99 votes
4 answers

Message "unknown type name 'uint8_t'" in MinGW [duplicate]

I get "unknown type name 'uint8_t'" and others like it using C in MinGW. How can I solve this?
RobotRock's user avatar
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92 votes
17 answers


I have reached the end of my rope with CMake; it has so much potential, but I cannot seem to make it find the basic system tools (i.e. make) in order to function. SYMPTOMS CMake and the CMake GUI ...
westie314's user avatar
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90 votes
5 answers

How do I configure Qt for cross-compilation from Linux to Windows target?

I want to cross compile the Qt libraries (and eventually my application) for a Windows x86_64 target using a Linux x86_64 host machine. I feel like I am close, but I may have a fundamental ...
Mr. Shickadance's user avatar
81 votes
8 answers

How to update GCC in MinGW on Windows?

I'm used to manually install GCC from source before on Ubuntu and it was a painful process. So I really don't want to do repeat this process. Currently, I have MinGW and GCC (4.6.2) installed on my ...
roxrook's user avatar
  • 13.7k
81 votes
9 answers

How to compile makefile using MinGW?

I'm new to this. Just wanted to ask how to compile a makefile. I am using MinGW compiler in C language. Do I have to save all my files in MinGW\bin? because right now my files are in a different ...
AAA's user avatar
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75 votes
4 answers

Running CMake on Windows

I am currently trying to get CMake to run on my Windows 7 (64-bit) system. I want to compile TagLib for later use with a Qt application I am working on. I would like to compile it with MinGW (not ...
Joel Verhagen's user avatar
75 votes
3 answers

MinGW .exe requires a few gcc dll's regardless of the code?

When compiling with MinGW, I have to copy over certain dll files from the MinGW bin directory before the exe will run (Even when using "-static" and/or "-static-libstdc++".) How do I change that? Is ...
Wolfgang Skyler's user avatar
74 votes
11 answers

MINGW64 "make build" error: "bash: make: command not found"

I am working on Windows 10. I want to run a "make build" in MINGW64 but following error comes up: $ make build bash: make: command not found I want to build Glide for Golang I tried following: $ ...
user avatar
73 votes
16 answers

libstdc++-6.dll not found

I have been working on a project (a game to be specific) and I feel that I should start over with different libraries. So when doing this I reinstalled Code::Blocks and setup my new libraries and ...
Molmasepic's user avatar
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71 votes
2 answers

How to use MinGW's gcc compiler when installing Python package using Pip?

I configured MinGW and distutils so now I can compile extensions using this command: install MinGW's gcc compiler will be used and package will be installed. For that I installed MinGW and ...
demalexx's user avatar
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68 votes
10 answers

how to do static linking of libwinpthread-1.dll in mingw?

I use mingw from here: And I've sucessfully ...
rsk82's user avatar
  • 28.9k
68 votes
5 answers

Compile a DLL in C/C++, then call it from another program

I want to make a simple, simple DLL which exports one or two functions, then try to call it from another program... Everywhere I've looked so far, is for complicated matters, different ways of linking ...
Carson Myers's user avatar
  • 38.1k
67 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between MinGW, MinGW-w64 and MinGW-builds?

What are the differences between MinGW, MinGW-w64 and MinGW-builds? And which one should I use to compile c++ 11 source code with the Eclipse IDE on a Windows 8 machine?
Romain's user avatar
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66 votes
9 answers

How to convert char* to wchar_t*?

I've tried implementing a function like this, but unfortunately it doesn't work: const wchar_t *GetWC(const char *c) { const size_t cSize = strlen(c)+1; wchar_t wc[cSize]; mbstowcs (wc, c,...
AutoBotAM's user avatar
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64 votes
4 answers

what is "stack alignment"?

What is stack alignment? Why is it used? Can it be controlled by compiler settings? The details of this question are taken from a problem faced when trying to use ffmpeg libraries with msvc, ...
DanJ's user avatar
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64 votes
5 answers

A simple explanation of what is MinGW

I'm an avid Python user and it seems that I require MinGW to be installed on my Windows machine to compile some libraries. I'm a little confused about MinGW and GCC. Here's my question (from a real ...
Mridang Agarwalla's user avatar
61 votes
25 answers

CreateProcess: No such file or directory

I am getting this error whenever I try to run GCC outside of its installation directory (E:\MinGW\bin). So, let's say I am in E:\code and have a file called one.c. Running: gcc one.c -o one.exe will ...
Insomaniacal's user avatar
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60 votes
4 answers

MinGW linker error: winsock

I am using MinGW compiler on Windows to compile my C++ application with sockets. My command for linking looks like: g++.exe -Wall -Wno-long-long -pedantic -lwsock32 -o dist/Windows/piskvorky { there ...
Gaim's user avatar
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59 votes
4 answers

Why is the maximum size of an array "too large"?

I'm under the same impression as this answer, that size_t is always guaranteed by the standard to be large enough to hold the largest possible type of a given system. However, this code fails to ...
Lundin's user avatar
  • 204k
59 votes
4 answers

Extend $PATH variable in git bash under Windows

I'm trying to extend my $PATH variable in git bash (MinGW shell) by adding the following to the file ~/.bashrc PATH=$PATH':/c/Program Files/maven/apache-maven-3.2.5/bin' After I did this and ...
eztam's user avatar
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58 votes
10 answers

libgmp-10.dll is missing

I recently installed MinGW on my 64-bit Windows 7 computer and when I attempt to compile the most basic of c++ programs, for example #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { ...
neofu50's user avatar
  • 699
57 votes
5 answers

Enable native NTFS symbolic links for Cygwin

Recent NTFS and Windows implement symlinks: NTFS junction point can be used as directory symlink since NTFS 3.0 (Windows 2000) using linkd or junction tools. NTFS symbolic link can also be used as ...
oHo's user avatar
  • 52.9k
56 votes
2 answers

How can I detect g++ and MinGW in C++ preprocessor?

I want to do something like: #ifdef GCC #define GetFunctionName() string("My function name is ") + __PRETTY_FUNCTION__; #endif Since I want to use __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, this is only ...
EddieV223's user avatar
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56 votes
4 answers

How do I install a c++ library so I can use it?

I have this library called BASS which is an audio library which I'm going to use to record with the microphone. I have all the files needed to use it, but I don't know how to install the library. I ...
rzetterberg's user avatar
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56 votes
4 answers

Embedding binary blobs using gcc mingw

I am trying to embed binary blobs into an exe file. I am using mingw gcc. I make the object file like this: ld -r -b binary -o binary.o input.txt I then look objdump output to get the symbols: ...
myforwik's user avatar
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54 votes
11 answers

Install Protocol Buffers on Windows

I am unable to find clear instructions to install Google Protocol Buffers (including compiler) on Windows x64 platform. I went through the instructions README file for compiler and source: For ...
aces.'s user avatar
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54 votes
1 answer

Terminate program hitting CTRL+C within GDB

My program is determined to stop its execution by hitting CTRL+C in command window. By now, I have a critical error right in this stopping phase, so i want to debug with gdb. Problem is, gdb ...
Benjamin's user avatar
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52 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between MinGW SEH and MinGW SJLJ?

I am just starting to learn C and installing now QT x64 (form here: I have two options to install: MinGW 4.9.2 SEH or MinGW 4.9.2 SJLJ. Question: Which is better to ...
vasili111's user avatar
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50 votes
4 answers

Unable to specify the compiler with CMake

I have a problem with this CMakeLists.txt file: cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6) SET(CMAKE_C_COMPILER C:/MinGW/bin/gcc) SET(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER C:/MinGW/bin/g++) project(cmake_test) ...
Pietro's user avatar
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49 votes
5 answers

How to install pywin32 module in windows 7 [duplicate]

I am trying to install pywin32. I downloaded it from When I run install it shows "Unable to find vcvarsall.bat". I Googled about it and found that I have to install MinGW ...
narayanpatra's user avatar
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49 votes
4 answers

From MinGW static library (.a) to Visual Studio static library (.lib)

I'm trying to use xlsLib for creating Excel spreadsheets from a C++ application. The trouble is that compiling xlsLib, I give a .a file (a GCC static library, generated by MinGW). But, my ...
user254336's user avatar
48 votes
5 answers

GCC equivalent of MS's /bigobj

We are making heavy use of boost::serialization and templates in general. All seems to be going well. Except, we've hit a snag on our Windows builds. It seems to cause issues in the object files being ...
inetknght's user avatar
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46 votes
9 answers

Checking available stack size in C

I'm using MinGW with GCC 3.4.5 (mingw-special vista r3). My C application uses a lot of stack so I was wondering is there any way I can tell programatically how much stack is remaining so I can ...
Paul Hargreaves's user avatar
45 votes
8 answers

Creating a SSH key with ssh-keygen does not create the .ssh folder

I am trying to create my public/private rsa key pair with msysgit I run this command: ssh-keygen -C "[email protected]" -t rsa Everything looks fine, I have the message Enter file in which to save ...
Charles Ouellet's user avatar
44 votes
6 answers

MinGW sh.exe must NOT be in your path

Currently trying to setup my C development environment on windows with MinGW and it looks like CMAKE is giving me the following error: sh.exe was found in your PATH, here: C:/Program Files/Git/user/...
user avatar
43 votes
4 answers

permission denied when sed in place edit in mingw

I'm using mingw. $ sed -i "s/a/b/" test.txt sed: preserving permissions for `./sed003480': Permission denied I can touch/rm files in current dir.
peon's user avatar
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43 votes
6 answers

Getting Clang to work on windows

I have followed the following step by step guide and I've managed, after a bit of fiddling, to get clang to compile using code:blocks and MinGW. Great, so now I could add the Clang module to eclipse (...
Luther's user avatar
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