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30 votes
3 answers

Using javafx.beans properties in model classes

Is it a correct practice to use JavaFX beans properties in the model classes? I wonder if it is a good practice to use properties in model classes to be able to bind them easier with the view ...
Johnny's user avatar
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23 votes
15 answers

Programming against interfaces: Do you write interfaces for all your domain classes?

I agree, that programming against interfaces is a good practice. In most cases in Java "interface" in this sense means the language construct interface, so that you write an interface and an ...
cretzel's user avatar
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23 votes
1 answer

JavaBean wrapping with JavaFX Properties

I want to use JavaFX properties for UI binding, but I don't want them in my model classes (see Using javafx.beans properties in model classes). My model classes have getters and setters, and I want to ...
warakawa's user avatar
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20 votes
3 answers

Difference among Model, javabean and POJO

I started learning MVC with spring. I have heard lot of time Bean, that contains setter and getter. Model is basically what data flows around, and Pojo which is same as Bean. But I am really confused ...
Varun's user avatar
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13 votes
7 answers

How to model an amount of Money in Java [closed]

Can anybody recommend a class library or a design pattern that models amounts of Money? I guess it should support: multiple currencies a mechanism to indicate the number of decimals math (respecting ...
Jan's user avatar
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13 votes
5 answers

Best practice for adding a bidirectional relation in OO model

I'm struggling to come up with a good way of adding a bidirectional relation in OO model. Let's say there is a Customer who can place many Orders, that is to say there is a one-to-many association ...
Steve Furrow's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

What is the difference between @ModelAttribute, model.addAttribute in spring?

i am new Spring learner.i'm really confused about what is the difference between two concept: @ModelAttribute model.addAttribute in below there are two "user" value.Are these same thing?Why should ...
ssmm's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

MVC architecture DTO/Model mapping/conversion

Using Spring MVC we normally see Controller, Service and Repository layer. The Repository layer uses Entity model which is one to one mapping with database. I thought of following - Should Service ...
Bhushan Bhangale's user avatar
10 votes
5 answers

Good tools for versioning REST models for Java

I am looking for good tools to support support changing the version of the model used in REST services. My dream tools would do something like: My pojo + version 1.0 config/transformer => Service ...
Knubo's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

What does flushing thread local memory to global memory mean?

I am aware that the purpose of volatile variables in Java is that writes to such variables are immediately visible to other threads. I am also aware that one of the effects of a synchronized block is ...
ares's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Relationship References disbled table while generating model through intellij hibernate persistence tool

I have a table created on mysql with following sql CREATE TABLE `ssk_cms_category_transaction_type_relation` ( `categoryId` int(11) NOT NULL, `typeId` int(11) NOT NULL, `createdTime` timestamp ...
Syed Anas's user avatar
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9 votes
6 answers

Are there patterns for model / entity classes

What is the best approach to take when you are pulling model objects from multiple datasources? For example I have an application has has some data stored in a mySQL database using hibernate. What ...
D.C.'s user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Java Model Objects design

So I've been reading some Effective Java! And one of the most inspiring sections of the book is the Immutable Object/Builder section where Bloch writes about the "Builder" - class instead of just ...
Johan S's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

How do I clear a JTree model?(Removing all nodes)

So this is a method of mine that is called everytime a new node is added.I need the model cleared everytime.The DefaultListModel has a .clear() method.The DefaultTreeModel does not.Help? ...
Adrian Stamin's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Parsing and modification of SQL statements in Java

Does anyone know about a SQL statements parser, in Java, that would allow having an Object representation of a SQL query, allow modifying this representation and generate back the updated SQL ...
Christophe's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Java model validation

We are looking for a Java library/system/package which not only does basic validation but also can do relationship validation. We need to be able to express validation criteria which is based on ...
apara's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

MVC - do I need to use Controller in the View?

As I know in the standard implementation of the MVC we pass Controller and Model to the View But Im a little bit disagree with this idea. I dont want my view to know about both controller and model (...
pleerock's user avatar
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7 votes
5 answers

Hierarchical object model with property inheritance and event bubbling?

I'm writing a document-based client application and I need a DOM or WPF-like, but non-visual model that: Is a tree composed of elements Can accept an unlimited number of custom properties that get/...
Winston Fassett's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How do I load a Weka model in Java?

I have saved the result of a Weka classification by right-clicking on the model and selecting "save model". Now, I want to load it and work with it in my Java application. How can I do that? ...
Prabodha Dissanayake's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Kotlin Data class v/s open class?

As I am converting my java project to kotlin project, I came to know about data classes in kotlin(replacement of Java model classes). Now I have a requirement for my kotlin data class to support ...
B.shruti's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Difference between Model classes and DAO classes

I'm new to java based web applications. I have to create a dynamic web project using MVC structure. So far I created three packages and some java classes like below. I have some doubts about these ...
kenWay's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

What is the conceptual difference between a Model and a Diagram in software development

I have seen that there is a clear distinction between models and diagrams in software development, but I cant quite fork out the difference between models and diagrams. For example there is a Use ...
Ryman Holmes's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Update JMenu display names

So I have a JMenu with a few submenus inside. The names of those menus are set by getting the name of a 1 of 4 players. I added a MenuListener to the JMenu to update those names using menu.setName(...
John Powers's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Using composition as a workaround for inheritance in realm (android)?

In my app, I am using realm as a database platform. Realm has been great thus far- super easy to use, make queries, etc.-though, I have two qualms with it that I am trying to work around. 1) Realm ...
user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How is used @RequestAttribute and @ModelAttribute annotation in this Spring MVC showcase example?

I am pretty new in Spring MVC. In this period I am studying the Spring MVC showcase example downlodable from STS dashboard. I am having some problems understanding how Custom Resolvable Web ...
AndreaNobili's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Error MVC org.springframework.validation.BeanPropertyBindingResult: 1 errors with array

Hi I try pass an array in a bean from jsp to java. @ModelAttribute("areasActividadAdminBean")AreasActividadAdminBean areasActividadAdminBean Agrupacion[] listaAgrupaciones = x; model.addAttribute("...
quitos's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How to merge EMF models programmatically in Java?

Is there a way to combine multiple Ecore models (2 or more) in a single Ecore model programmatically in Java? With all models conform to the same metamodel. In: Model1 conforming to metamodelX ...
bnjuly's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Java Swing: List Models and Collections

I am currently writing a program which is having a lot of code duplication between the GUI aspect and the data storage aspect, and I was wondering if my proposed solution follows acceptable design ...
Trasvi's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Multiple DAOs with dependencies (foreign key)

I am creating an application with database access. I do not use JPA nor JooQ or other frameworks for reasons (and do not want to. Also this is not important for my question). So I use JDBC and write ...
homedom's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Alternative Annotations to Java Bean Validation Without Using Hibernate

I am working on a project that I need to put some limitations/constrains on the fields of the models(e.g. "String name" field should not exceed 10 characters) . I can only find Java Bean Validation ...
Melih's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Two classes with almost duplicate code inside

At this moment, I have two classes: UserHibernateDao and TicketHibernateDao: import java.util.List; import; import model.dao.Dao; ...
user471011's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

Java: How to think about Modelling a Markov Chain?

I have a program that I am trying to make a Markov text generator for. I plan on splitting some text up at a set interval and then storing that into a class. The problem that I don't know how to solve ...
Gilbrilthor's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Java 3D LWJGL collision

I am making a 3D Java game with the LWJGL library, and I was wondering how to add collision detection, so that the player does not go through models. I am using OBJ models. Here is the OBJLoader ...
Nicholas Harris's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Filter through model or dao?

How should one go about filtering a series of domain objects according to user-defined criteria? Should the filtering methods be in the model or should they be in the DAO?
James P.'s user avatar
  • 19.5k
4 votes
2 answers

Wicket: How to change label's text on textarea's onkeyup?

How do I change label's text on textarea's onkeyup? I've tried this but does not work: Form form; TextArea ta; MyLabel resultDiv; /** * Constructor that is invoked when page is invoked without ...
Ondra Žižka's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

MVC one to many relationship in model

So I'm new to MVC and I'm creating Model classes which have 1:N relationship with another classes, for example public class Post { private int id; private String message; // setters and ...
Christopher Francisco's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Models not being saved in Play Framework

Assume a model named User: @Entity public class User extends Model { @Id @Constraints.Min(10) public Long id; @Constraints.Required public String username; @Constraints....
Trolley Man's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Can this object model for my Java application be improved?

I'm designing a Java application that will be used by contractors to diagram residences. Currently, I'm in the modeling phase and am creating a UML class diagram. My issue is that I'm not sure the ...
NickAbbey's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Typed DefaultListModel to avoid casting

Is there a way in java to have a ListModel that only accepts a certain type? What I'm looking for is something like DefaultListModel<String> or TypedListModel<String>, because the ...
Thomas R.'s user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Open API Maven Plugin - Generate only specifc API model classes

I am working on generation of model classes by Open API Maven plugin which I need to use in my business logic. The api is generated by other team and given to us. It has lot of model classes ...
Manushi's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Model from Caterpillar to Butterfly in Java

I was recently asked this question in an interview: Model animals that change their behaviour over time. Can you model a butterfly? A butterfly can fly * A butterfly does not make ...
Sameervb's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

cast mongodb query result to data model class in java

I want to create a data model of java class, so that I can automatically get some Properties of the data Model which retrieved from the dbcollection of mongodb by using method defined in the class. ...
armnotstrong's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Java MVC, Share Models between controllers?

I am implementing the MVC structure that this website talks about I am struggling to work out of to open new windows that have a new ...
Michael's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

Why do I sometimes get blank JLists after updating contents through the list model?

I have a recurring problem where I have a JList which I wish to update with new contents. I'm using a DefaultListModel which provides methods for adding new content to the list but when using these ...
Simon Andrews's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

Java swing: Jtable with many models and custom renderer

I have a jtable in which i recolor rows depending on values from model, something like this: resultTable = new javax.swing.JTable(){ private Border outside = new MatteBorder(1, 0, 1, 0, Color....
bunnyjesse112's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Difference between @Inject and @ValueMapValue annotations

While reading AEM documentation about using models, I couldn't figure out what is the difference between @Inject and @ValueMapValue annotation above the field. I tried using both, and they both ...
Tadija Malić's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

"Value" member field can be one of four different types - best design?

I have a class called "DataModel" or something, which is basically a unit of data which can be either a string or a number or a date or a boolean with various (identical) attributes. What is the best ...
Epaga's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Constructor with many required parameters

If I have a constructor for an immutable object that requires several (4+ parameters), is having a single constructor with all the required parameters the correct approach? I feel this becomes a ...
Adam Alyyan's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Communication between Models in MVC-based GUI

I am developing my GUI according to the MVC pattern: -GUIview: Swing components (JFrame and several JTables). -GUIcontroller: listeners (added here, and defined here in Inner classes) -GUImodel: ...
capovawi's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How to update an Object in play framework?

How do I edit an existing object in the database? For example, if I have a model like this: class Topic{title,content,author}, when I edit and save the object I do not want to add the "author" ...
WoooHaaaa's user avatar
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