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89 votes
2 answers

Reusing a Model Built in R

When building a model in R, how do you save the model specifications such that you can reuse it on new data? Let's say I build a logistic regression on historical data but won't have new observations ...
Btibert3's user avatar
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76 votes
11 answers

All Levels of a Factor in a Model Matrix in R

I have a data.frame consisting of numeric and factor variables as seen below. testFrame <- data.frame(First=sample(1:10, 20, replace=T), Second=sample(1:20, 20, replace=T), Third=sample(...
Jared's user avatar
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37 votes
1 answer

model.matrix generates fewer rows than original data.frame

Why doesn't a model matrix necessarily have the same number of rows as the data frame? mergem = model.matrix(as.formula(paste(response, '~ .')), data=mergef) dim(mergef) # [1] 115562 71 dim(...
xyzzyrz's user avatar
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18 votes
3 answers

How to fit a random effects model with Subject as random in R?

Given data of the following form myDat = structure(list(Score = c(1.84, 2.24, 3.8, 2.3, 3.8, 4.55, 1.13, 2.49, 3.74, 2.84, 3.3, 4.82, 1.74, 2.89, 3.39, 2.08, 3.99, 4.07, 1.93, 2.39, 3.63, 2.55, 3....
Dan Goldstein's user avatar
12 votes
5 answers

Hyper-parameter tuning using pure ranger package in R

Love the speed of the ranger package for random forest model creation, but can't see how to tune mtry or number of trees. I realize I can do this via caret's train() syntax, but I prefer the speed ...
Levi Thatcher's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Format model display in texreg or stargazer R as scientific

I just ran a statisitical model and i want it to display the results of the model as a table using stargazer. However, the large numbers are displayed in full. fit2<-lm(A~B,data=C) stargazer(fit2,...
Joke O.'s user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Manually build logistic regression model for prediction in R

I'm attempting to test a logistic regression model (e.g. 3 coefficients for 3 predictor variables, X1,X2,X3), on a dataset. I'm aware of how to test a model after i created the model object using, ...
nerdlyfe's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

GLM with autoregressive term to correct for serial correlation

I have a stationary time series to which I want to fit a linear model with an autoregressive term to correct for serial correlation, i.e. using the formula At = c1*Bt + c2*Ct + ut, where ut = r*ut-1 + ...
Karl's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

How to extract a p-value when performing anova() between two glm models in R

So, I'm trying to compare two models, fit1 and fit2. Initially, I was just doing anova(fit1,fit2), and this yielded output that I understood (including a p-value). However, when I switched my models ...
Atticus29's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Autocorrelation in Generalized Additive Models (GAM)

I have a time series dataset for water temperature, air temperature, and flow rate in a river. I have created a GAM model to predict water temperature based on air temp and flow. However, I have not ...
Daniel 's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

R Stepwise alternative for automatic model selection for panel regression models (plm)

Im running a panel regression (randon effects) and i have several regressor candidates. X.panel3.form = as.formula(c("value ~ ",paste(X.panel3.cols,collapse="+"))) > X.panel3.form value ~ SMB + ...
Alexandre Ludolf's user avatar
6 votes
0 answers

Covariance models with lme and gls [closed]

I'm trying to fit several covariance models using gls and lme. My aim is to identify which covariance model fits my data better. I'm afraid, however, that I'm not specifying the code properly. Could ...
user1172558's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

Command for finding the best linear model in R

Is there a way to get R to run all possible models (with all combinations of variables in a dataset) to produce the best/most accurate linear model and then output that model? I feel like there is a ...
Lindsey Register's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

R: using factor variables in nlme function

library(nlme) model <- nlme(height ~ (R0) + 1, data = Loblolly, fixed = list(R0 ~ 1), random = list(Seed = pdDiag(list(R0 ~ 1))), start = ...
Adrian's user avatar
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4 votes
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R - Model with a lot of dummy variables

If I have a column in a data set that has multiple variables how would I go about creating these dummy variables. Example: Lets say that I have a column named color it has: Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, ...
John's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Does the varIdent function, used in LME work fine?

I would be glad if somebody could help me to solve this problem. I have data with repeated measurements design, where we tested a reaction of birds (time.dep) before and after the infection (exper). ...
user3719737's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Any difference between modelobject$residuals and residuals(modelobject) in R package pscl?

I'm trying to build some models using Zero-Inflated Poisson regression using pscl package and after having manipulated the output object which turns to be zeroinfl, I find that doing residuals(fm_zip) ...
nhern121's user avatar
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Survey Weighted Random Effects Logit Model in R

I am trying to predict a binary outcome with a model that includes a random effect using survey data. I've included a description of the sampling design below, so feel free to comment on my survey ...
mike's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Unexpected error when looping the glmer function with the effects package

I am trying to pass the effect function from the effects package together with a (gl)merMod object from the lme4 package through a lapply loop and encounter an error I do not expect. It seems that the ...
Mikko's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Extract data from Partial least square regression on R

I want to use the partial least squares regression to find the most representative variables to predict my data. Here is my code: library(pls) potion<-read.table("potion-insomnie.txt",header=T) ...
user6556261's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

igraph'ing nested models

Running e.g. cv.glmnet on a dataset gives me (by default) 100 different models. Now, if my dataset had missing data, I could do multiple imputation (say 10 imputations) and run cv.glmnet on each of ...
Nick Sabbe's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Missing values in object in R lme

I am working on a simple model in R: fit<-lme(x~y, data, random=~1|subject) But I keep getting this error: Error in = c(103L, 20L, 34L, 85L, 47L, 136L, 76L, : ...
Katie Tetzloff's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Creating multiple Bias-Variance Tradeoff plots in R

I am relatively new to R. I would like to know how to create the following graphic. I have been stuck for over two hours. Suppose the red line - the true relationship - is y = x^2. Suppose I want ...
sweetmusicality's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Plot the F-distribution from an lm object in R

Suppose we have two variables that we wish to build a model from: set.seed(10239) x <- rnorm(seq(1,100,1)) y <- rnorm(seq(1,100,1)) model <- lm(x~y) class(model) # [1] "lm" summary(model) #...
Milktrader's user avatar
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1 answer

f-test for two models in R

I would like to compare two models using f-test fitting my data. For each model I performed Monte-Carlo simulation that provided statistical estimation for each model parameter and rms fit error. I ...
Sergey's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

What does "~." mean in R?

it's the first time I've used the model.matrix command on R. I'm posting the code from an example found in a book: model.matrix(~., data) I don't understand what ~. is. Looking on the internet I saw ...
Lisa Tassinari's user avatar
3 votes
8 answers

cbind error while building Pareto/NBD Model in R (BTYD Package)

I am building a CLV model using the BTYD package and I have hit a roadblock that I just can't seem to get around. I have been carefully following the directions from Section 2.1 in this tutorial. ...
zap2008's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

plot line over last part of barplot

I have a barplot for which the second half should fit this formula: y~axexp(-b*x^2). Now I want to plot the entire barplot and display the fitted model over the last part of the barplot as it only ...
Pieter's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How to extract Lambda and Nu parameters from glmmTMB Conway-Maxwell Poisson regression model

I'm trying to build Conway Maxwell Poisson model with glmmTMB package with model's family = "compois". The model works okay but I cannot find any output from the model that expresses the ...
Kevin Tongam Anggatama's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Predict using a linear model in R, given data points [closed]

I have set up the model: selected.model<-(ES~Area+Elevation+DistSC+I(Elevation^2)+ (Elevation*DistSC)+(Area*Elevation)) I want to predict ES given the data points: Area=0.02, ...
JRSR's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Enhanced likelihood ratio for comparison of models obtained with the lm() function

I am looking for a function in R to compare models created with the lm() function, with the following statistics: Models df AIC BIC logLik Test L.ratio p.value 1 model1 6 161.65 170.44 -74....
Rodrigo Saquicela's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to add covariates in loess and spline regression and then plot it in r with ggplot2

I know how to plot loess and spline regression with just one independent variable. library(tidyverse) # loess ggplot(mtcars, aes(x = mpg, y = drat)) + geom_point() + geom_smooth(method = '...
zhiwei li's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

R: predict() for zero-inflated model does not return

I am trying to compute Confidence Intervals for zero-inflated models which have been set up using the function zeroinfl() If I compute them from a linear model or GLM using the function predict(glm,...
fabha's user avatar
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3 votes
0 answers

Draw residuals for linear, major axis and standardized major axis regressions

I have been going in circles trying to replicate a figure from Warton et al (2006) in R. I want to highlight how the direction of the residuals are drawn for a presentation and have a reproducible ...
Paul Julian's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

How to weight a kernel function in ksvm of kernlab package in R?

I am rewriting a RBF kernel function: install.packages("kernlab") library(kernlab) rbf <- function(x, y) { gamma<-0.5 exp(-0.5*norm((as.matrix(x)-as.matrix(y)),"f")) } class(rbf) &...
ZAWD's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Linear model/lmList with nested/multiple group categories?

I am trying to build a model for monthly energy consumption based on weather, grouped by location (there are ~1100) AND year (I would like to do it from 2011-2014). The data is called factin and looks ...
CTK's user avatar
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How to Separate a Dataset in R

I read a csv file into R. There are options like quantity, price, size, and some others. The same product has different size and therefore different prices. How can I separate the dataset based on ...
user35631's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to use the pdp in R to compute 3d partial dependence plots?

I have a Random forest model in R similar to this: library("randomForest") library("caret") library("pdp") data("cars") my_data<-cars[1:5] my_rf <- ...
geo_dd's user avatar
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3 answers

How to fit multiple interaction models in a loop?

Lets say i have 3 response variables A,C and M and i want to fit a model for all possible models ie fit Y ~ A, Y ~ C, Y ~ M, Y ~ A * C, Y ~ A * M, Y ~ C * M, etc. Is there a quick way to do this ...
Simon Chemnitz-Thomsen's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Improve efficiency of fitting many models

Thanks to those who helped me with previous questions about coefficients and p values from many models. Now, I can get all coefficients, p values, and AIC values from many models. md <- "mpg ~ ...
Zhiqiang Wang's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Using the ns() function from the splines package inside glm()

I'm trying to use the ns() function from the splines package with a poisson GLM I am using to test for significance of particulate matter concentration (pm.lag0) on health outcomes (Freq): > ...
mEvans's user avatar
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Extracting R2 from models and storing them into a vector in R?

I am building models in R, and would like to extract the R2 values of those models and store them into a vector. Here is a simplified dataframe showing the speed of 6 bears in relation to their sex, ...
Cam's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

How do I extract parameters from listed models in R?

I am trying to extract the parameters of a model I have designed for my work, but am having trouble doing so. I will use the iris data provided with R as an example data set. I pull in the data: ...
Cameron's user avatar
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2 votes
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Get p values for a specific variable in many models with all possible combinations of other independent variables

I am trying to run many regression models with all possible combinations of a set of independent variables. In this example, I am interested in the coefficients of cyl with all possible ...
Zhiqiang Wang's user avatar
2 votes
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How to solve "rank-deficient fit may be misleading error" on my linear model?

I have a problem when I use my model to do some prediction, R shows this message Warning message prediction from a rank-deficient fit may be misleading, how can I solve it? I think my model is correct ...
Joan Triay's user avatar
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How to draw the Gaussian graphical model in R

I have got the Correlation coefficient matrix R, and the Partial correlation coefficient matrix Rp, then how could I draw the Gaussian graphical model in R? It would be better if recommending some ...
PepsiCo's user avatar
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How to replace vector tidier

I am looking to find another function that can replace the broom::tidy() function after it get removed. Here is what the broom package warning says: Tidy Atomic Vectors Vector tidiers are deprecated ...
John E.'s user avatar
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2 votes
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Export glm train fit summary from caret with stargazer?

I want to use the package "stargazer" in order to export the fit summary of a train with caret. e.g. LogReg <- train( Target ~ ., data = DecileFramesTrain[[i]], method="glm", family="binomial", ...
Tobster18's user avatar
2 votes
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Fully inspect an object in R

Question upfront: If use summary, I get a much more detailed view on my model than just print produces. In R, how can I know what extra information my object holds, such as revealed by summary, which ...
Xiphias's user avatar
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How to implement R model in C++ code

I have a model in R: > s1 <- toys[1:10000,] > model <- glm(V11~V2+V3+V5+V7+V8+V9+V10,gaussian,s1) > model Call: glm(formula = V11 ~ V2 + V3 + V5 + V7 + V8 + V9 + V10, family = ...
Denis Gorodetskiy's user avatar

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