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240 votes
29 answers

Is there a way to get a collection of all the Models in your Rails app?

Is there a way that you can get a collection of all of the Models in your Rails app? Basically, can I do the likes of: - Models.each do |model| puts end
mr_urf's user avatar
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213 votes
4 answers

Rails :dependent => :destroy VS :dependent => :delete_all

In rails guides it's described like this: Objects will be in addition destroyed if they’re associated with :dependent => :destroy, and deleted if they’re associated with :dependent => :...
Sergey's user avatar
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210 votes
5 answers

Rails find_or_create_by more than one attribute?

There is a handy dynamic attribute in active-record called find_or_create_by: Model.find_or_create_by_<attribute>(:<attribute> => "") But what if I need to find_or_create by more than ...
tybro0103's user avatar
  • 49.1k
207 votes
7 answers

Determine what attributes were changed in Rails after_save callback?

I'm setting up an after_save callback in my model observer to send a notification only if the model's published attribute was changed from false to true. Since methods such as changed? are only useful ...
modulaaron's user avatar
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129 votes
6 answers

Removing a model in rails (reverse of "rails g model Title...")

rails g model Rating user_id:integer message:string value:integer How can I completely remove this model? Thanks
Colbern's user avatar
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126 votes
8 answers

Using helpers in model: how do I include helper dependencies?

I'm writing a model that handles user input from a text area. Following the advice from, I'm cleaning up the input in the model ...
O. Frabjous-Dey's user avatar
115 votes
8 answers

Rspec doesn't see my model Class. uninitialized constant error

I'm writing tests on Rspec for my models in Ruby on Rails application. And I receive this error while starting 'rspec spec' command: /spec/models/client_spec.rb:4:in `<top (required)>': ...
Stan's user avatar
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110 votes
9 answers

Rails: Validating min and max length of a string but allowing it to be blank

I have a field that I would like to validate. I want the field to be able to be left blank, but if a user is entering data I want it to be in a certain format. Currently I am using the below ...
bgadoci's user avatar
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106 votes
4 answers

Rails "validates_uniqueness_of" Case Sensitivity

Here is the model (I am using SQLLite3): class School < ActiveRecord::Base validates_uniqueness_of :name end For example, after I add "Yale", I cannot add "Yale" but can add "yale." How can I ...
GeekJock's user avatar
  • 11.2k
98 votes
8 answers

How to rename rails controller and model in a project

I started a Rails app and everything works fine. But now, I would like to rename a controller and the associated model: I wanted to change the Corps controller to Stores and the same (without final s) ...
Hassen's user avatar
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95 votes
10 answers

Rails: Update model attribute without invoking callbacks

I have a User model that has a :credits attribute. I want a simple button that will add 5 to the user's credits, through a route called "add" so that /users/3/add would add 5 to the credits of user ...
Sam Stern's user avatar
  • 24.9k
94 votes
10 answers

Using ActiveRecord, is there a way to get the old values of a record during after_update

Setup using a simple example: I've got 1 table (Totals) that holds the sum of the amount column of each record in a second table (Things). When a thing.amount gets updated, I'd like to simply add the ...
Abel's user avatar
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84 votes
5 answers

How to access URL helper from rails module

I have a module with a function. It resides in /lib/contact.rb: module Contact class << self def run(current_user) ... end end end I want to access the URL helpers like '...
sizzle's user avatar
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80 votes
1 answer

Rails 4: organize rails models in sub path without namespacing models?

Would it be possible to have something like this? app/models/ app/models/users/user.rb app/models/users/education.rb The goal is to organize the /app/models folder better, but without having to ...
Rubytastic's user avatar
  • 15.2k
79 votes
7 answers

Using multiple PostgreSQL schemas with Rails models

I have a PostgreSQL database for my Rails application. In the schema named 'public' the main Rails models tables are stored etc. I have created a 'discogs' schema which will have tables with names ...
Johan's user avatar
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77 votes
16 answers

Rails before_validation strip whitespace best practices

I would like my User model to sanitize some input before before save. For now some simple whitespace stripping will do. So to avoid people registering with "Harry " and pretend to be "Harry", for ...
berkes's user avatar
  • 27.3k
68 votes
3 answers

How to know whether a model is new or not?

class Post < ActiveRecord::Base end post = How do I judge whether the 'post' is a new model which is not pulled from the database?
Croplio's user avatar
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66 votes
8 answers

Rails after_initialize only on "new"

I have the following 2 models class Sport < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :charts, order: "sortWeight ASC" has_one :product, :as => :productable accepts_nested_attributes_for :product, :...
Tyler DeWitt's user avatar
  • 23.5k
59 votes
6 answers

Rails has_many with dynamic conditions

What I want is to create a Model that connects with another using a has_many association in a dynamic way, without the foreign key like this: has_many :faixas_aliquotas, :class_name => 'Fiscal::...
Fabiano Soriani's user avatar
58 votes
3 answers

Ruby on Rails: errors.add_to_base vs. errors.add

I have read that errors.add_to_base should be used for errors associated with the object and not a specific attribute. I am having trouble conceptualizing what this means. Could someone provide an ...
Tony's user avatar
  • 18.9k
57 votes
6 answers

How do you validate uniqueness of a pair of ids in Ruby on Rails?

Suppose the following DB migration in Ruby: create_table :question_votes do |t| t.integer :user_id t.integer :question_id t.integer :vote t.timestamps end Suppose ...
dfrankow's user avatar
  • 20.6k
53 votes
2 answers

How to translate model in Ruby class/module namespace?

I have a model Products::Car. How can I translate its attributes? I have already tried this: activerecord: models: products: car: "Автомобиль" attributes: products: car: ...
Jack's user avatar
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51 votes
8 answers

Rails Model has_many with multiple foreign_keys

Relatively new to rails and trying to model a very simple family "tree" with a single Person model that has a name, gender, father_id and mother_id (2 parents). Below is basically what I want to do, ...
Kenzie's user avatar
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51 votes
3 answers

Rails model validation on create and update only

If I want to have validation only on create, then I can do validates_presence_of :password, :on => :create But how do I say on create and update? I tried this but it didn't work: ...
Jakub Arnold's user avatar
  • 86.4k
50 votes
4 answers

How do I prevent deletion of parent if it has child records?

I have looked through the Ruby on Rails guides and I can't seem to figure out how to prevent someone from deleting a Parent record if it has Children. For example. If my database has CUSTOMERS and ...
Rob's user avatar
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50 votes
6 answers

Create Ruby on Rails views (only) after controllers and models are already created

I've obtained a project that have controllers (minimal code only) and models, but the views are missing. Is there a way to generate the views only using scaffold or another tool?
Sean's user avatar
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44 votes
4 answers

How does one add an attribute to a model?

In rails I generate a model with two strings and would like to add more. How would I go about doing this?
jsttn's user avatar
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43 votes
6 answers

Ruby on Rails: Is it better to validate in the model or the database?

Is it generally better practice (and why) to validate attributes in the model or in the database definition? For (a trivial) example: In the user model: validates_presence_of :name versus in the ...
William Jones's user avatar
42 votes
3 answers

Call a model method in a Controller

I'm have some difficulties here, I am unable to successfully call a method which belongs to a ProjectPage model in the ProjectPage controller. I have in my ProjectPage controller: def index @...
sidney's user avatar
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42 votes
5 answers

guidelines for where to put classes in Rails apps that don't fit anywhere

I'm wondering if there are any best practices about where to put non-standard Ruby files in Rails apps, those that don't fit in any of the default directories (controllers/models etc.). I'm talking ...
Kuba Suder's user avatar
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40 votes
4 answers

How to implement Active Record inheritance in Ruby on Rails?

How to implement inheritance with active records? For example, I want a class Animal, class Dog, and class Cat. How would the model and the database table mapping be?
andrisetiawan's user avatar
40 votes
2 answers

Could not find the association problem in Rails

I am fairly new to Ruby on Rails, and I clearly have an active record association problem, but I can't solve it on my own. Given the three model classes with their associations: # application_form....
Ash's user avatar
  • 25.1k
40 votes
6 answers

rails model has_many of itself

I have a event model. Events can have parent events, set from a column in the model (parent_event_id). I need to be able to do has_many :event on the model, so I can just do, for example, event....
Alexander Forbes-Reed's user avatar
40 votes
3 answers

Rails Internationalization (I18n) in model validations: Possible or not?

I have the following validation in a model: validates_inclusion_of :whatever, :in => [true, false], :message => I18n.t('please_select_whatever') It seems that the translation does not work in ...
TomDogg's user avatar
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39 votes
6 answers

Rails Models: how would you create a pre-defined set of attributes?

I'm trying to figure out the best way to design a rails model. For purposes of the example, let's say I'm building a database of characters, which may have several different fixed attributes. For ...
Andrew's user avatar
  • 42.8k
36 votes
4 answers

Rails: Serializing objects in a database?

I'm looking for some general guidance on serializing objects in a database. What are serialized objects? What are some best-practice scenarios for serializing objects in a DB? What attributes do you ...
keruilin's user avatar
  • 17.2k
35 votes
4 answers

Rails: belongs_to vs has_one

A bit of a newbie question on rails associations. I have a Bug model, and a Status model. Status is basically just a key/value pair table. Out of the choices available, I would say Bug has_one Status ...
Matt Briggs's user avatar
  • 41.7k
34 votes
3 answers

rails validate in model that value is inside array

I have a form where i pass a field named :type and i want to check if it's value is inside an array of allowed types so that no one is allowed to post not-allowed types. the array looks like @...
stergosz's user avatar
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34 votes
10 answers

How do I validate that two values do not equal each other in a Rails model?

I have a User model, which has an email and a password field. For security, these may not be equal to each other. How can I define this in my model?
user avatar
33 votes
6 answers

Rails: how to require at least one field not to be blank

I know I can require a field by adding validates_presence_of :field to the model. However, how do I require at least one field to be mandatory, while not requiring any particular field? thanks in ...
deb's user avatar
  • 12.6k
31 votes
2 answers

Rails put validation in a module mixin?

Some validations are repetitive in my models: validates :name, :length => { :minimum => 2 }, :presence => true, :uniqueness => true validates :name_seo, :length => { :minimum => 2 },...
Victor Pudeyev's user avatar
31 votes
4 answers

difference between scaffold and model in Rails

What's the difference between generating a scaffold and generating a model in Rails? What are the advantages/disadvantages of doing either?
jazzyfresh's user avatar
31 votes
6 answers

Rails: change column type, but keep data

I have a model with a column of type integer which I want to convert to type string. Now I'm looking for the best way to change the column type without losing the data. Is there a painless way to ...
blissini's user avatar
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30 votes
3 answers

problem with passing booleans to update_attributes

I've got the following Model: class GuestCatering < ActiveRecord::Base # Validation validates :name, :presence => true validates :order_number, :presence => true validates :...
LeonS's user avatar
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29 votes
6 answers

How to organize Rails models that are too fat?

It is good practice to shift logic from the controller into the model. But in any complex system, this invariably leads to a very large file even if a majority of the methods are one liners as per the ...
Jaryl's user avatar
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28 votes
4 answers

Rails table_name_prefix missing

I have got the following dir structure models/foo/setting.rb models/foo.rb foo.rb content module Foo def self.table_name_prefix 'foo_' end end and setting.rb content class Foo::Setting &...
gorootde's user avatar
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27 votes
5 answers

How to model interpretations of rap music

I just started working on a website that will help people understand what rappers are talking about. Users will see the lyrics to a rap song and they'll be able to click certain lyrics to see an ...
Tom Lehman's user avatar
  • 87.7k
25 votes
5 answers

validate at least one in has_and_belongs_to_many

I have a model with: has_and_belongs_to_many :users How do I validate that the model has at least one user in the model? I tried: validates_presence_of :users But that doesn't seem to give me ...
cmaughan's user avatar
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25 votes
2 answers

Creating a gem that contains rails models

I've been reading a lot on the topic and nothing seems to quite cover my needs. I'm sorry if I'm repeating or unclear about something I'm both new to ruby and rails and new to Stack Overflow. I have ...
Shrewd's user avatar
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24 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to use rails image_tag from inside a model?

I have a rails 3.x application that has model classes which return content to a view partial to be rendered on a page. The model takes care of what the content is and just returns it to the view which ...
starfry's user avatar
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