i hope you are having a great day ! i got a question... i'm currently learning next.js 13 and so i thought doing a personal project with it would be a good idea . Currently i'm doing an e-commmerce with Sanity.io as a cms .The problem i got is that im fetching data with an async function , but i want to also use "use State" hook from react to do a nice product images viewer ! the problem i got is that i can't use a hook inside of an async function ! so please if anyone got a solution to this i would be very pleased since im really new to next.js 13 here is my code and what i want to do
"use client"
import { Product } from '@/component';
import { getProduct, getProducts } from '@/sanity/sanity-utils';
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { AiOutlineMinus,AiOutlinePlus,AiFillStar,AiOutlineStar} from 'react-icons/ai';
export default async function ProductDetails({ params }) {
const slug = params.product;
const product = await getProduct(slug);
return (
<div className='product-detail-container'>
<div className='image-container'>
<img src={product.image[0]} alt="product-image"
<div className='small-images-container'>
{product.image.map((item, i) => (
what i really want to do is an use State to acces the images array so it shows each image when i click on it
const [index, setIndex] = useState();
<div className='small-images-container'>
{product.image.map((item, i) => (
onMouseEnter={()=> setIndex(i)}
thank you so much i hope my questions is understandable
i actually dont know what to do honestly , should i bring the data from sanity differently ?