So, I was reading some stuff regarding Node.js and I was amazed when I came across Worker Threads.

Having threads in my opinion is a great plus especially if you combine it with shared memory access. As you might think already -> SharedArrayBuffer...

Yeap that's what I thought. So The first thing that came into my mind was to give it a little test and try to implement a simple store (a simple object for now) that would be shared among the threads.

The question is, (unless I'm missing something here) how can you make an object accessible from n threads with the use of SharedArrayBuffer?

I know that for a simple Uint32Array is doable, but regarding the object what can be done?

At first I thought to convert it to a Uint32Array as you may see bellow, but even looking at the damn source code makes me wanna cry...

const {
} = require('worker_threads');

const store = {
    ks109: {
        title: 'some title 1',
        description: 'some desciption 1',
        keywords: ['one', 'two']
    ks110: {
        title: 'some title 2',
        description: 'some desciption 2',
        keywords: ['three', 'four']
    ks111: {
        title: 'some title 3',
        description: 'some desciption 3',
        keywords: ['five', 'six']

const shareObject = (obj) => {

    let OString = JSON.stringify(obj);
    let SABuffer = new SharedArrayBuffer(Int32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT * OString.length);
    let sArray = new Int32Array(SABuffer);

    for (let i = 0; i < OString.length; i++) {
        sArray[i] = OString.charCodeAt(i);

    return sArray;


if (isMainThread) {

    const sharedStore = shareObject(store);

    console.log('[Main][Data Before]:', sharedStore.slice(-10));

    let w = new Worker(__filename, {
        workerData: sharedStore

    w.on('message', (msg) => {
        console.log(`[Main][Thread message]: ${msg}`);
    w.on('error', (err) => {
        console.error(`[Main][Thread error] ${err.message}`);
    w.on('exit', (code) => {
        if (code !== 0) {
            console.error(`[Main][Thread unexpected exit]: ${code}`);

    setInterval(() => {
        // At some point you ll see a value change,
        // it's 'six' becoming 'sax' (big time!) 
        console.log('[Main][Data Check]:', sharedStore.slice(-10));
    }, 1000);

} else {

    let str = String.fromCharCode.apply(this, workerData);
    let obj = JSON.parse(str);

    obj.ks111.keywords[1] = 'sax'; // big time!

    let OString = JSON.stringify(obj);

    for (let i = 0; i < OString.length; i++) {
        workerData[i] = OString.charCodeAt(i);


In conclusion, shared object among threads in Node.js 10.5.0, is it possible? How?

  • From what I'm reading the only directly shared memory is a SharedArrayBuffer and it only contains raw binary data (not objects). So, I don't see how you would directly share an object among threads. Worker threads appear to work similar to web workers in the browser where there are not shared regular variables and they must communicate with other code via postMessage() (for synchronization reasons).
    – jfriend00
    Jun 27, 2018 at 3:32
  • 2
    Putting a piece of JSON into a SharedArrayBuffer doesn't seem like it would help much other than just sharing a string. Each worker would have to JSON.parse() the JSON into its own non-shared object. This level of sharing could be done by just posting a message to each worker anytime someone wants to change the data so all workers have a copy of the same data.
    – jfriend00
    Jun 27, 2018 at 3:34
  • The closest answer to sharedObjects in Node is probably here - stackoverflow.com/questions/25519325/… Jul 16, 2018 at 11:27
  • Something that may be of interest is comlink
    – Kevin
    Jul 17, 2018 at 5:42

3 Answers 3


ECMA Script contains no shared objects but it has SharedArrayBuffer. And you can implement such behavior on your own writing data directly in buffer using DataView and wrapper:

// Shared value
class SharedPoint {
  constructor(array) {
    this.dataview = new DataView(array);

  set x(value) {
    this.dataview.setUint8(0, value);

  set y(value) {
    this.dataview.setUint8(1, value);

  get x() {
    return this.dataview.getUint8(0);

  get y() {
    return this.dataview.getUint8(1);

// Usage

const buffer = new SharedArrayBuffer(2);

// Create two instances of shared point.
const point0 = new SharedPoint(buffer);
const point1 = new SharedPoint(buffer);

// Get initial values for point #1
console.log('x', point1.x); // 0
console.log('y', point1.y); // 0

// Update point #0
point0.x = 64;
point0.y = 32;

// Get changes in point #1
console.log('x', point1.x); // 64
console.log('y', point1.y); // 32

You are able to create class which can manipulate strings or C-like structures. While SharedArrayBuffer is transferable object it can be shared between worker and main process.

⚠️ Note Due to Spectre attack SharedArrayBuffer was disabled by all major browsers and reenabled. Though the API is mature, its' support could be lower than one might expect. Check browsers support at can i use.

  • any tool to convert JS Object to SharedArrayBuffer Sep 6, 2022 at 18:39
  • anything NodeJS specific? Nov 23, 2022 at 10:53
  • 1
    @JoãoPimentelFerreira if you want to be able to convert any js object then the best you can do is convert it to a json string, then convert that string to a buffer and then on the other side do the reverse
    – Taureon
    May 26, 2023 at 21:49

No native solution, but you can create a serializer/deserializer that's backed by SharedArrayBuffer.

You can check this repo - a library I haven't yet published - it takes a schema (object structure) and (de)serializes it to (from) ArrayBuffer or SharedArrayBuffer. This can be used to serialize on main thread and deserialize on worker thread by passing buffers. It supports fixed arrays of objects and nested objects.

  • Have you benchmarked this solution towards standard postMessage copy of objects? Is there a significant improvement?
    – dfilkovi
    Aug 31, 2023 at 8:44

The code can be written like below. It can be seen that in worker the object was changed after parentPort.postMessage(sArray). This shows that threads use shared memory with SharedArrayBuffer

const {
} = require('worker_threads');

const store = {
    ks109: {
        title: 'some title 1',
        description: 'some desciption 1',
        keywords: ['one', 'two']
    ks110: {
        title: 'some title 2',
        description: 'some desciption 2',
        keywords: ['three', 'four']
    ks111: {
        title: 'some title 3',
        description: 'some desciption 3',
        keywords: ['five', 'six']

if (isMainThread) {
    let w = new Worker(__filename, {
        workerData: store

    w.on('message', (data) => {
        console.log("Received message from worker");
        const strArr = []
        for(let i = 0; i < data.byteLength; i++){
    w.on('error', (err) => {
        console.error(`[Main][Thread error] ${err.message}`);
    w.on('exit', (code) => {
        if (code !== 0) {
            console.error(`[Main][Thread unexpected exit]: ${code}`);

} else {
    let OString = JSON.stringify(workerData);
    let SABuffer = new SharedArrayBuffer(OString.length);
    let sArray = new DataView(SABuffer);
    for (let i = 0; i < OString.length; i++) {
    let index1 = OString.indexOf("ks111");
    const key1SubString = OString.substring(index1);
    let index2 = key1SubString.indexOf("keywords");
    const key2SubString = key1SubString.substring(index2);
    let index3 = key2SubString.indexOf("six");
    const newIndex = index1+index2+index3+1;
  • This code doesn't seem to share any memory or objects between threads, it relies on postMessage() to tranfer data Jun 22, 2023 at 6:46

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