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266 votes
10 answers

Prevent Sequelize from outputting SQL to the console on execution of query?

I have a function to retrieve a user's profile. app.get('/api/user/profile', function (request, response) { // Create the default error container var error = new Error(); var User = db.User; ...
thenetimp's user avatar
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186 votes
21 answers

How to update a record using sequelize for node?

I'm creating a RESTful API with NodeJS, express, express-resource, and Sequelize that is used to manage datasets stored in a MySQL database. I'm trying to figure out how to properly update a record ...
a_arias's user avatar
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170 votes
5 answers

How to make join queries using Sequelize on Node.js

I am using sequelize ORM; everything is great and clean, but I had a problem when I use it with join queries. I have two models: users and posts. var User = db.seq.define('User',{ username: { ...
Jose Sosa's user avatar
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169 votes
13 answers

Sequelize.js: how to use migrations and sync

I'm close to having my project ready to launch. I have big plans for after launch and the database structure is going to change -- new columns in existing tables as well as new tables, and new ...
tremby's user avatar
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158 votes
4 answers

How can I see the SQL generated by Sequelize.js?

I want to see the SQL commands that are sent to the PostgreSQL server because I need to check if they are correct. In particular, I am interested in the table creation commands. For instance, ...
ideaboxer's user avatar
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145 votes
12 answers

Sequelize, convert entity to plain object

I'm not very familiar with javascript, and stunning, because i can't add new property, to object, that fetched from database using ORM names Sequelize.js. To avoid this, i use this hack: db.Sensors....
Ruslan's user avatar
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143 votes
5 answers

How to make Sequelize use singular table names

I have an model called User but Sequelize looks for the table USERS whenever I am trying to save in the DB. Does anyone know how to set Sequelize to use singular table names? Thanks.
user avatar
143 votes
14 answers

Sequelize.js delete query?

Is there a way to write a delete/deleteAll query like findAll? For example I want to do something like this (assuming MyModel is a Sequelize model...): MyModel.deleteAll({ where: ['some_field != ?', ...
lakenen's user avatar
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142 votes
9 answers

sequelize findAll sort order in nodejs

I'm trying to output all object list from database with sequelize as follow and want to get data are sorted out as I added id in where clause. exports.getStaticCompanies = function () { return ...
PPShein's user avatar
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140 votes
7 answers

Sequelize Unknown column '*.createdAt' in 'field list'

I'm getting a Unknown column 'userDetails.createdAt' in 'field list' When trying to fetch with association. Using findAll without association works fine. My code is as follows: var userDetails = ...
David Limkys's user avatar
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133 votes
11 answers

How to auto generate migrations with Sequelize CLI from Sequelize models?

I have a set of Sequelize models. I want to use migrations, not DB Sync. Sequelize CLI seems to be able to do this, according to this article: "When you use the CLI for the model generation, you will ...
Michael Schmidt's user avatar
132 votes
11 answers

How to organize a node app that uses sequelize?

I am looking for an example nodejs app that uses the sequelize ORM. My main concern is that it seems next to impossible to define your models in separate js files if those models have complex ...
mkoryak's user avatar
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121 votes
9 answers

Sequelize OR condition object

By creating object like this var condition= { where: { LastName:"Doe", FirstName:["John","Jane"], Age:{ gt:18 } } } and pass it in Student.findAll(condition) ....
Morio's user avatar
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114 votes
5 answers

sequelize table without column 'id'

I have the following sequelize definition of a table: AcademyModule = sequelize.define('academy_module', { academy_id: DataTypes.INTEGER, module_id: DataTypes.INTEGER, ...
Marc Rasmussen's user avatar
105 votes
5 answers

Sequelize Where statement with date

I am using Sequelize as my backend ORM. Now I wish to do some WHERE operations on a Date. More specifically, I want to get all data where a date is between now and 7 days ago. The problem is that the ...
Marc Rasmussen's user avatar
97 votes
8 answers

ECONNREFUSED for Postgres on nodeJS with dockers

I'm building an app running on NodeJS using postgresql. I'm using SequelizeJS as ORM. To avoid using real postgres daemon and having nodejs on my own device, i'm using containers with docker-compose. ...
Stainz42's user avatar
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95 votes
4 answers

How to use an include with attributes with sequelize?

Any idea how to use an include with attributes (when you need to include only specific fields of the included table) with sequelize? Currently I have this (but it doesn't work as expected): var ...
borisdiakur's user avatar
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90 votes
4 answers

Specifying specific fields with Sequelize (NodeJS) instead of *

Alright so I have a project in NodeJS where I'm utilizing Sequelize for a MySQL ORM. The thing works fantastically however I'm trying to figure out if there is a way to specify what fields are being ...
Aric's user avatar
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89 votes
7 answers

Get only dataValues from Sequelize ORM

I'm using the sequelize ORM to fetch data from a PSQL DB. However, when I retrieve something, a whole bunch of data is given. The only data I want is inside 'dataValues'. Of course, I can use object....
Gijo Varghese's user avatar
87 votes
3 answers

Sequelize findOne latest entry

I need to find the latest entry in a table. What is the best way to do this? The table has Sequelize's default createdAt field.
Noah's user avatar
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79 votes
5 answers

Sequelize error when using "where" and "in" on a subarray

This is my model definition: var Tag = sequelize.define('Tag', { name: Sequelize.STRING }); var Event = sequelize.define('Event', { name: Sequelize.STRING, }); Event.hasMany(Tag, {as: 'tags'...
sports's user avatar
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79 votes
7 answers

How to Add, Delete new Columns in Sequelize CLI

I've just started using Sequelize and Sequelize CLI Since it's a development time, there are a frequent addition and deletion of columns. What the best the method to add a new column to an existing ...
Gijo Varghese's user avatar
77 votes
10 answers

Create or Update Sequelize

I'm using Sequelize in my Nodejs project and I found a problem that I'm having a hard time to solve. Basically I have a cron that gets an array of objects from a server than inserts it on my database ...
Thiago Miranda de Oliveira's user avatar
74 votes
1 answer

Unique constraint on sequelize column

Using NodeJS and Sequelize 2.0, I'm writing a migration to create a new table. In addition to the primary key, I want to mark a second column to be enforced as unique. I can't find anything about this ...
Jeff Fairley's user avatar
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73 votes
6 answers

Ordering results of eager-loaded nested models in Node Sequelize

I have a complex set of associated models. The models are associated using join tables, each with an attribute called 'order'. I need to be able to query the parent model 'Page' and include the ...
Wandering Digital's user avatar
71 votes
5 answers

Is multiple delete available in sequelize?

I have a multiple contentIds. Mode.findAll({ where: { id: contentIds } }) After finding all how can I Delete multiple rows from a table. Or tell me other options to delete multiple ...
Anuj's user avatar
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66 votes
4 answers

Difference between HasOne and BelongsTo in Sequelize ORM

I am developing a sails.js app with sequelize ORM. I am a little confused as to when BelongsTo and HasOne need to be used. The documentation states that : BelongsTo associations are associations ...
Jaseem Abbas's user avatar
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66 votes
23 answers

Dialect needs to be explicitly supplied as of v4.0.0

I have been working on a NodeJS project which uses PostgreSQL database. I am trying to implement migration to the database. Also, using Sequelize. After setting up the migration folder and config, it ...
shumana chowdhury's user avatar
64 votes
10 answers

Nodejs sequelize bulk upsert

Is there a way of doing bulk upsert in sequelize. Also, can I specify which keys to use for checking for duplicates? I tried following but it didn't work: Employee.bulkCreate(data, { ...
Ashutosh's user avatar
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64 votes
3 answers

Sequelize: Destroy/Delete all records in the table

I am using Mocha for Unit tests. When testing begins, I would like to delete all the previous records in a table. What I have tried: db.User.destroy({ force: true }).then(() => { }).then(() =&...
user1107173's user avatar
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63 votes
1 answer

belongsTo vs hasMany in Sequelize.js

What's the difference between B.belongsTo(A) and A.hasMany(B) Artist = sequelize.define('Artist', {}); Album = sequelize.define('Albums', {}); Album.belongsTo(Artist, foreignKey: '...
khex's user avatar
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59 votes
2 answers

Sequelize: how to import definitions from an existing database

Am I required to handwrite the model definitions for Sequelize even if I'm working off of an existing database. If it's not required, then how does one go about using Sequelize with an existing ...
dvc's user avatar
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58 votes
9 answers

Heroku + Node: Cannot find module error

My Node app is running fine locally, but has run into an error when deploying to Heroku. The app uses Sequelize in a /models folder, which contains index.js, Company.js and Users.js. Locally, I am ...
surfearth's user avatar
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58 votes
3 answers

sequelize "findbyid" is not a function but apparently "findAll" is

I am getting a very strange problem with sequelize, When I try to call the function findAll it works fine (same for create and destroy), but when I try to call function "findById", it throws "findById ...
Amanite Laurine's user avatar
56 votes
3 answers

Sequelize find based on association

How would I use Sequelize to find all people where a column in the relation satisfies a condition? An example would be to find all Books whose author's last name is 'Hitchcock'. The book schema ...
futbolpal's user avatar
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56 votes
2 answers

Auto increment id with sequelize in MySQL

I have the following model in NodeJS with sequelize and a MySQL database: var Sequelize = require('sequelize'); var User = sequelize.define('user', { id: { type: Sequelize....
Genzotto's user avatar
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54 votes
2 answers

How do I define Sequelize.STRING length?

I want to define a length of a datatype in sequelize. There is my source code : var Profile = sequelize.define('profile', { public_id: Sequelize.STRING, label: Sequelize.STRING }) It create a ...
gusera2334967's user avatar
52 votes
1 answer

Sequelize Sync vs Migrations

Im learning Sequelize and I'd like some clarification around syncing vs migrations. I understand that sync will create missing tables based on my model schema but I have also read that sync is meant ...
adampetrie's user avatar
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50 votes
5 answers

Counting associated entries with Sequelize

I have two tables, locations and sensors. Each entry in sensors has a foreign key pointing to locations. Using Sequelize, how do I get all entries from locations and total count of entries in sensors ...
MikkoP's user avatar
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50 votes
4 answers

Writing Migrations with Foreign Keys Using SequelizeJS

The Background I'm building a project with SequelizeJS, a popular ORM for NodeJS. When designing a schema, there appears to be two tactics: Create model code and use the .sync() function to ...
slifty's user avatar
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48 votes
7 answers

sequelize.import is not a function

I'm new to express. I want to import files to sequelize and declared: const model = sequelize.import(path.join(__dirname, file)) ^ It returned the following type error ...
Hot_Pink_Spin's user avatar
48 votes
6 answers

Sequelize limit and offset incorrect placement in query

I am using sequelize in nodeJs and I have this code: Time_Sheet_Details.findAll({ include: [ { model: timesheetNotesSubcon, required: false, attributes:["note",&...
Yassi's user avatar
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47 votes
5 answers

How to implement many to many association in sequelize

I have two tables: Books and Articles with a many-to-many relationship between them. Joining table is BookArticles. models/books.js module.exports = function(sequelize, DataTypes) { return Food = ...
Anuj's user avatar
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47 votes
5 answers

Sequelize.js foreign key

When using Sequelize.js, the following code doesn't add any foreign key on tables. var MainDashboard = sequelize.define('main_dashboard', { title: Sequelize.STRING }, { freezeTableName: true }) ...
swampcypress's user avatar
46 votes
7 answers

How to get a distinct value of a row with sequelize?

I have table with value id country 1 india 2 usa 3 india I need to find the distinct values from the country column using sequelize.js here my sample code... Project.findAll({ attributes: ...
made_in_india's user avatar
45 votes
3 answers

Sort sequelize.js query by date

Post .findAll({where: {tag: 'news'}, limit: 10}) .success(function(result) { ... }) How to insert the condition of sorting by date in my query with not using sequelize.query like .findAll({ ...
khex's user avatar
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45 votes
4 answers

Sequelize select * where attribute is NOT x

looking at the docs you can use model.findAll({where: {attribute: x}}). However, I want to select all attributes that are simply NOT x. I was looking into a regular expression here but that ...
joemillervi's user avatar
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45 votes
5 answers

Error [ERR_UNSUPPORTED_DIR_IMPORT]: Directory import when attempting to start Nodejs App locally

I'm caught in a bit of a loop trying to deploy my app to Heroku. My import statements (e.g. import cors from 'cors') seem to prevent the app from launching in production, due to the "Cannot Load ...
brickandbone's user avatar
45 votes
6 answers

sequelize.js TIMESTAMP not DATETIME

In my node.js app I have several models in which I want to define TIMESTAMP type columns, including the default timestamps created_at and updated_at. According to sequelize.js' documentation, there ...
ılǝ's user avatar
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44 votes
14 answers

Sequelize.js onDelete: 'cascade' is not deleting records sequelize

I am having Product table with following columns [id, name, CategoryId] and Category table with [id, name] Product Model:- module.exports = function(sequelize, DataTypes) { var Product = sequelize....
Sampat Badhe's user avatar
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