Questions tagged [node.js]

Node.js is an event-based, non-blocking, asynchronous I/O runtime that uses Google's V8 JavaScript engine and libuv library. It is used for developing applications that make heavy use of the ability to run JavaScript both on the client as well as on the server side and therefore benefit from the re-usability of code and the lack of context switching.

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2 answers

How can I run front end Javascript files with node?

I often times find myself wanting to run simple frontend javascript files with node for testing. however node does not understand document, and is not able to access elements in my html. Is there a ...
user3839756's user avatar
-7 votes
1 answer

next is not working properly in middleware using Nodejs

I am working with Nodejs and i am using expressjs, Right now i am working on middleware functions,I want to know the what "next" working in middleware concept ? "next goes to next ...
Diana's user avatar
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-7 votes
1 answer

How to solve "Message content must be a non-empty string" in node.js [closed]

Here is my code, const { Client, Intents } = require('discord.js'); const mineflayer = require("mineflayer"); const client = new Client({ intents: [Intents.FLAGS.GUILDS, Intents.FLAGS....
StilShem's user avatar
-7 votes
1 answer

How to call a function dynamically in Node.js [duplicate]

For web browser I can do like this. function action(){ GLOBAL_VAR = 3 } let GLOBAL_VAR = 0 let funcName = 'action' window[funcName]() console.log(GLOBAL_VAR) How I can do this for Node.js ...
bbKid's user avatar
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1 answer

JavaScript Replace }, with ,"_deleted":true},

Input: {"_id": "1235625485","_rev": "1-jsdjsid456862"}, Output: {"_id": "1235625485","_rev": "1-jsdjsid456862","_deleted":true},
Akkis Vlog's user avatar
-7 votes
2 answers

Not able to load angular project

I just installed angular 4 and generated the project, it is compiled correctly but it is not displayed in the browser this is what my browser shows
William Morales's user avatar
-7 votes
1 answer

how can i create successfull popup window after register in php [closed]

first part second part How can I create successful popup window?
Riyadh's user avatar
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-7 votes
3 answers

Cannot understand this Js code

I am new to NodeJs, had experience in Java and Angular Typescript. Some one has written this code that I am not able to understand, Can you please help me out ?, I tried printing output on the ...
INFOSYS's user avatar
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1 answer

java script for loop program, stuck

Hi so ive never done JS before and im struggling to figure out what code should go in the '??????????' space. If some one could help me it would be much appreciated. (also struggling with opening the ...
Alexander Davies's user avatar
-7 votes
1 answer

my global variable can not see in meteor

I have created a variable named myVar in a js file. The js file is located in the client folder of my meteor app. I have checked that the js file has already loaded because the console.log('...') has ...
bkit07's user avatar
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4 answers

Get value from (JSON) String

I have a String which i have passed on via a HTTP request. However i am unable to get the value out of it. The string is as following: var a = {"health":"img/biking_cropped.jpg","budget":"img/...
patrick's user avatar
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2 answers

Run node.js from the browser on client side

I need to run node.js from the browser (on client side). Certainly the Node.js is already installed on the client For a simple example. Html-page contains only one button. If you click on this button ...
const's user avatar
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2 answers

angular 2 app-root not loading when running

I followed the instruction from here: I executed the following lines with no route option: ng new test-test-projectthree ng serve I am suppose to see everything from app....
help 's user avatar
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2 answers

Empty for loop behavior in node.js

I am trying to test for loop behavior in node.js. In Javascript/node.js for loop is synchronous but what if their is no statement in the loop. For Example: console.log("START") for(var i=0; i<...
Onkar Janwa's user avatar
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1 answer

I want to upload array of images with filename from React JS to express, Nodejs

I want to upload an array of images with filenames from React JS The array contains filename and picture
Rajesh's user avatar
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6 answers

How do I reduce this code to one line?

I'm very new to javascript, node.js and express. My question is, how do I refactor the following code to make it one line inside the function? exports.about = function(req, res){ var mytime = new ...
jstevens13's user avatar
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1 answer

Combine Node.js and Java?

I want to process "values" passed from node.js to java (perform calculation, write results to DB). On the server-side I receive information which is entered via node.js-based web application. Since ...
dulevw's user avatar
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-8 votes
1 answer

What is the best method to bring a gigantic JS object to client side? [closed]

What is the best method to bring a gigantic JS object to client side?
Tibin Thomas's user avatar
-8 votes
2 answers

Does normal javascript works on node - webkit or not? [closed]

I used normal javascript in node - webkit for eg: var blinkOrder = 20; var blinkNumber = 12; var asdf = document.title; function asd(){ if (blinkNumber >= blinkOrder) { document.title =...
Bibash Adhikari's user avatar
-8 votes
1 answer

Transform string to JSON [closed]

Hi I have the following JavaScript object, how could I serialize it to a string in the JSON data exchange format? var result = { "id": "358464" ,"t" : "MSFT" ,"e" : "NASDAQ" ,"l" : "28.03" ,"l_cur" : ...
The Code Buccaneer's user avatar
-8 votes
1 answer

How can we make jquery terminal screen adjustable?

I am using jquery terminal to run commands in my project, in that I want to make its screen adjustable, I am unable to do that, can anybody help me?
Nitisha Tambi's user avatar
-8 votes
1 answer

What is the best way to query data conditionally in MongoDB (node.js)?

What I'm basically trying to do, is to render different look on the front-end (react.js) based on whether the user is part of the group or not. I tried conditional querying, looping on front-end etc. ...
TheGabornator's user avatar
-8 votes
1 answer

What is the best way to test a node.js web server for security issues? [closed]

How could we test our node.js webserver for security issues?
Heartbit's user avatar
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0 answers

javascript functions returning values before assignment is completed [closed]

I'm calling below function for which input will be sent one by one like below input below: const key = { "keys": { "all": false, "...
mu shaikh's user avatar
-8 votes
1 answer

how do i send a private message to all people who have a certain role? (discord.js) [closed]

I want to create a command that works like this <command> <roleName> <message> and sends the message privately to all discord users with the specified role Thanks in advance!
Anon scripter's user avatar
-8 votes
1 answer

Get the word, from a sentence that the user is talking about [closed]

This is a little bit of a weird question. I am creating a selfbot in Node.js. That responds naturally. And I'm trying to extract a variable from a sentence. To see what the user is talking about. I ...
ThuverX's user avatar
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1 answer

i'm working on the autocomplete for displaying the city name and also the city id in hidden,

Im getting the response as: 0: {id: "190", name: "Elurupadu"} 1: {id: "1230", name: "Sendhwa"} 2: {id: "1262", name: "Multai"} 3: {id: "1480", name: "Kherwara"} 4: {id: "2225", name: "Mandi"} 5: {id: ...
venkatesh's user avatar
-8 votes
2 answers

Changing Dom to Jquery [closed]

Hi I was just wondering if anyone could help me find an equivalent function for dom values to convert it into Jquery. If I have a code in DOM format: var x = document.querySelector('#x'); what ...
user2990259's user avatar
-9 votes
1 answer

Porting MD5 from node.js to go [closed]

I have an authentication logic in node.js var crypto = require('crypto'); var SaltLength = 9; function createHash(password) { var salt = generateSalt(SaltLength); var hash = md5(password + salt)...
Rafał Sobota's user avatar
-9 votes
1 answer

Does the 'require' keyword in PHP and Node.JS do the same?

Does the require keyword in php and in node.js do the same, means they are both to load the external script?
wonderful world's user avatar
-9 votes
1 answer

Javascript loop within HTML code

I have the following lines (I'm taking a variable from the server, NodeJS using EJS for templating): <% for(var i=0; i < gens.length; i++) { %> <option value=<%= gens[i].gene %>&...
user2979409's user avatar
-9 votes
1 answer

Node.js vs. Rust, but Node.js is faster [closed]

I have a function named grid which is from the dynamic programming problem "grid Traveler". I wrote the same function twice in JavaScript and Rust and benchmarked 10 million calculations ...
X-_-FARZA_ D-_-X's user avatar
-9 votes
3 answers

can someone please tell me why foreachloop is not taking i as 1 which is a variable that is used to check whether it is in exist in the array or not [closed]

k=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] i=1 k.forEach((element,i) => { if(element===i){ console.log("TRUE") }else{ console.log("False") } }); output: False False False ...
Indratej Reddy's user avatar
-9 votes
2 answers

Can NodeJs be used on the web just like php [closed]

Guys i'm new in Nodejs, please can it be used on the web like php?
JBoy's user avatar
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If condition is always false in second loop for jade

I'm fetching the user data then fetching user plan and then comparing them to show user wise plan list. if data.user_list[0] each user_list,i in data.user_list[0] tr img(src='...
Ashish's user avatar
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1 answer

What is happening here in this code? [closed]

Can someone tell me what is happening here?I only know that it is requiring some core modules. var inherits = require('util').inherits; var express = require('express')();
Raaz's user avatar
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3 answers

Discord bot not giving the username of the target

So I've been trying to make a command for my discord bot in which my bot should write the name of the target (the person I'm mentioning) in an embed, but unfortunately, nothing has been working. bot....
lelbro420's user avatar
-10 votes
1 answer

JSON object within JSON objects in Node.js [closed]

I am new to node.JS and currently working on a mini-project. Problem Statement: I want to get the value of "window" but want to hide the key "window". Is there a way out for this in Node.js? Input ...
Kunal.Bhatt's user avatar
-10 votes
1 answer

"callback is not defined" in node js

This is part of my code, and it doesn't work. It says, ReferenceError: callback is not defined at C:\js\kweb-hw\routes\board.js:14:13 var express = require('express'); var router = express....
quino0627's user avatar
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1 answer

How to create a server in Nodejs?

I am working on chat server so I want to create a server and I have been said to use express and module. Would someone explain me about these modules and help me making chat server?
Ankit Tiwari's user avatar
-11 votes
4 answers

How to retrieve object property values with JavaScript?

In the following code, users is an object that I need to convert into an array with just the property values: users = [ { mobile: '88005895##' }, { mobile: '78408584##' }, { mobile: '88008335##'...
Sayed Mohd Ali's user avatar
-11 votes
1 answer

Why this GET request is not working?

enter image description here I am doing all this on codeanywhere
sunny singh's user avatar
-13 votes
2 answers

What is the equivalent of this in JavaScript? [closed]

var stuff = $($(r).find(".BuyPriceBox")).find(".PurchaseButton").data(); r is the response from the AJAX call r is the web page response. I want to write the above code in JavaScript, not using ...
Christopher Alastair's user avatar
-13 votes
1 answer

Is there a free way to utilise Amazon API without AWS? [closed]

I'm creating a project that needs to be able to grab products with JS and find the name of the product, average review, and import the main image. I realize that Amazon has an API for this but is ...
card100's user avatar
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-17 votes
1 answer

Setting NodeJS path in Windows XP for SublimeLinter Framework

I am using Windows XP and using Sublime Text 3 build 3126. I'd like to use the SublimeLinter framework with it, but they are listing NodeJS as a dependency. How can I ensure that NodeJS is available ...
GameCoder's user avatar
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1 answer

Why am I getting the error "is not a function" here? [duplicate]

I have a nodejs issue here, and I really don't know why it happens. Here is my code : isInTimeSlot() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var date = new Date() var hour =...
Alex Trupin's user avatar

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