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8 votes
3 answers

Username and password of Jenkins on Openshift

I've installed Jenkins via Openshift redhat ( .. The installation of Jenkins is done.. To access to the interface of Jenkins I've used the username and password of my ...
Mohamed Taboubi's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Declarative Jenkins Pipeline use existing Kubernetes Pod Template

I am using the OpenShift Jenkins image within an OpenShift Cluster. This default Jenkins image results in a Jenkins container that is preconfigured to point to my Kubernetes cluster. Additionally, the ...
ssc327's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Jenkins on Openshift cannot clone repo

I'm new to both Jenkins and Openshift so getting tied up a bit. I have set up Jenkins and pointed it to my github repo, but it can't clone it because I can't find anywhere to store my git credentials,...
alsandair's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

OpenShif jenkins: Permission denied

I have setup Jenkins on openshift, made a hello world project and trying to package it by the Jenkins in openshift. But I got the next error: Commencing build of Revision ...
Anton Balashov's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Jenkins Multi-branch: How do I add functionality to branch creation/deletion?

I am setting up a Jenkins multi-branch instance which needs to allocate a resource on branch job creation when a new branch is detected by the
Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Building Android application on OpenShift Jenkins

My attempts to build an Android application with Jenkins on OpenShift failed so far. I tried to use the android-emulator-plugin for Jenkins which should install all Android prerequisites, but it ...
Christian Strempfer's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Openshift CLI - update Application with template and oc new-app

I am currently building and deploying an Application with a template using oc new-app -f ./openshift/template.yaml I am using a template and not separate Deployment-, Build-, etc. configs because I ...
relief.melone's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

node is not a kubernetes node

I am trying to run simple jenkins pipeline for Maven project. When I try to run it on Jenkins, I am getting below error: ERROR: Node is not a Kubernetes node: I have searched everything related to ...
Radiant's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How to deploy multi-module maven spring boot application on OpenShift

I have a multi-module spring-boot project that I want to deploy on Openshift, where I have installed Jenkins as well. Source code is hosted in Github. Each module consists in a war, in order to have a ...
Daniele Bizzozero's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Installing and Running docker in a Docker container running in Openshift

I am currently working on the following scenario I am trying to setup a container in OpenShift that runs a Jenkins that is itsself able to run docker to make use of declarative pipelines where the ...
relief.melone's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

NPM install on OpenShift Jenkins gear

I (like a number of others) are struggling to get Jenkins cartridges on Openshift to play nicely with NPM. Following the advice of others on SO, I have managed to navigate the NPM cache redirection ...
BrantApps's user avatar
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2 answers

Openshift container as root user

Hi Iam working on CICD implementation on openshift 3.9. I have a jenkins pod running in openshift. Iam running selenium scripts in jenkins and below is the error which iam getting like missing a ...
sudhir's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

Run Grunt Build before OpenShift Build

My grunt build task creates a /dist/ which my project depends on. I don't want to include built file in my repository. I would rather use Jenkins to allow for continuous integration builds on my ...
kentcdodds's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Openshift: Jenkins in a separate project

I read and watched many tutorials about using Jenkins in Openshift. In all these tutorials the application has been deployed inside the same project with Jenkins. Is it possible in Openshift to have ...
alixander's user avatar
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2 answers

Add a file into an existing Openshift configMap

Is it possible to add a file into an existing Openshift configMap? I'm to build a Jenkins job that would automatically update a specific key within an Openshift configMap, as this was suggested by me,...
flamberge552's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Accessing remote shell of a pod as root user

I created a Jenkins persistent app using this template here. Now when a pod gets created and I want to access pod as a root user. But when I do oc rsh jenkins-mypod, it opens the pod as a default user....
Rajat Singh's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Where is jenkins config.xml? And why is this error appearing?

These two parts are together because I think they're related to each other. I'm running Jenkins' latest LTS war file (v1.596.2) directly from the command line. I'm using an Openshift DIY cartridge to ...
Peter Gordon's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Error in Jenkins Openshift pipeline script about unable to read certificate-authority

I have an Openshift simple test script, but I get an error, and I have no idea how to solve it. Someone said define SKIP_TLS = true in your Jenkins pipeline parametered definition will solve problem. ...
Paul Hsu's user avatar
3 votes
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Angular 5: Karma Unit testing fails to start HeadlessChrome on CI environment

We're facing issues on our CI environment (Jenkins within a Docker build pod on Openshift). Error: Failed to adjust OOM score of renderer with pid 261: Permission denied (13) Here some ...
Weso's user avatar
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Jenkins-Sonar communication on Openshift

I am making a development environnement based on Jenkins and Sonar. Both are placed on isolated gears. The Jenkins gear has been created with the Instant App option. The Sonar gear has been created ...
Alvaro Costa's user avatar
3 votes
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Deploying a modified Jenkins image in openshift fails

I used a "jenkins-1-centos7" image to deploy in my openshift to run projects on my jenkins image. It successfully worked and after many configurations, I duplicated a new image out of this jenkins ...
Akshaya Khare's user avatar
3 votes
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Openshift issue with deploying using Jenkins

Need some help figuring out how to configure Jenkins on Openshift to deploy an app to Tomcat (JBoss EWS2.0). The default setup using just rhc commands to instantiate a Jenkins gear and a JBoss EWS ...
user1824684's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Overriding openshift maven script (jenkins gear)

I have Jenkins instance on Openshift I've enabled Jenkins build of my Openshift application Here part of Jenkins shell script parts and logs what they produce : # Sync any libraries rsync $...
pbaranski's user avatar
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0 answers

jenkins pipeline error during build image with build war in openshift

We are implementing CICD pipeline in openshift 3.9. At a stage where I'm building a jboss image with war, I am getting an error. The pipeline is getting failed at the BUILD IMAGE WITH APP stage. It is ...
sudhir's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Login to Openshift from Jenkins file

I am currently logging into Openshift by updating my token in the jenkins file. However since the token is dynamic this is not a plausible design. I am running commands like sh "oc start-build foo --...
Mike3355's user avatar
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How do you launch a django functional test via the jenkins cartridge on openshift?

I followed this and set up a jenkins app for an existing app (Django 1.7). Via the jenkins config I added python ${...
Dennis_M's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How can I deploy updates to an OpenShift Mono application with Jenkins?

I created a mono application on OpenShift using the community cartridge here. Now, I'm reading about how to set up continuous builds via jenkins here. The default mono application doesn't seem to ...
ChaseMedallion's user avatar
3 votes
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How to update JDK on Jenkins Server cartridge (OpenShift)?

The Jenkins Server cartridge (OpenShift) uses OpenJDK 7u55. How to update to OpenJDK 7u60 or 8u05 or Oracle JDK (7u60 or 8u05), please?
cviniciusm's user avatar
3 votes
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Using custom Maven version in Jenkins on OpenShift

I'm trying to run maven-android-sdk-deployer on my OpenShift Jenkins. It needs at least Maven 3.1.1 to run, whereas OpenShift currently uses version 3.0.5 as default. Thus I tried to configure a ...
Christian Strempfer's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to validate GitHub is communicating with OpenShift cartridge running Jenkins?

I have a GitHub hook for a new check-in, but it is not being received by Jenkins (running on a RedHat OpenShift cartridge). Setup RedHat OpenShift cartridge running Jenkins Jenkins plugins in-play ...
Geoffrey's user avatar
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2 votes
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How to change the java version in docker image or container? [closed]

In my spring boot microservice project, one of the microservice is upgraded to java 11 and it is causing some issue in my existing functionality. I want to change the version of java from 11 to 8 in ...
Rakshith M's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Openshift: User "system:serviceaccount:<project>:jenkins" can't create PV : RBAC: "create" not found

Openshift/okd version: 3.11 I'm using jenkins-ephemeral app from the openshift catalog and using a buildconfig to create a pipeline. Reference:
rakesh kotian's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to define BuildConfig object with Jenkins and openshift

I am using Jenkins and OpenShift to create the build and trigger the deployment. The following is my YAML file : apiVersion: v1 kind: List metadata: {} items: - apiVersion: v1 kind: BuildConfig ...
user2315104's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

How to upgrade Jenkins Server cartridge (OpenShift)?

How to upgrade Jenkins Server cartridge (openshift) to latest version, please?
cviniciusm's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

I can no longer build and deploy with Jenkins on OpenShift

I use Tomcat 7 (Jboss EWS 2.0) and a Jenkins client on OpenShift. Everything worked fine for about 3 months, but since a few days I can no longer build and deploy with Jenkins. When I start the job, ...
Patrick's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Small gear or medium gear for Jenkins Server on Openshift [closed]

For setup Jenkins on Openshift you have to create an application a Jenkins Server. In the web console you can choose which type of gear Small or Medium. What is the recommended gear type Small/...
Juan Rojas's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

OpenShift Jenkins git clone fails: Host key verification failed

I try to build my Node JS (latest version) application in Jenkins in the Red Hat OpenShift environment but it continues to fail with this message in the Jenkins log: Host key verification failed. ...
Mirek's user avatar
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1 answer

How to change OpenShift Jenkins to use HTTP instead of HTTPs

I create an application Jenkins on Openshift, but when I tried to visit http://[app_name]-[domain_name], it will be redirected to https://[app_name]-[domain_name] I curl ...
poisonbian's user avatar
2 votes
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An error occurred executing 'gear postreceive' on openshift

I enabled Jenkins on my openshift app today. I logged in on jenkins url, but did not change any config settings. Later today I was trying to $ git push new version of my site. But I got following ...
Lucas03's user avatar
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How to push many times and deploy once a day on openshift jenkins

I am running a php application on openshift and it's live. I'm using jenkins for continuous integration but I have an issue. Everytime I push my changes to openshift's git repository, jenkins builds ...
user3742147's user avatar
2 votes
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Jenkins on openshift " Cartridge for not found"

I tried to create a very simple Jenkins setup on openshift. Here are the steps I followed: 1. Create a new openshift app using the "Jenkins Server" cartridge. 2. Log in to the new Jenkins server ...
pgier's user avatar
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Getting 404 though my app is deployed

Jenkins shows that the build was successful (see log below) and I can see the war in /app-root/runtime/repo/target/0.1-MVP The tomcat webapps (jwboss/webapps) contains only ROOT.war. How I can ...
special0ne's user avatar
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Deploy microservice (spring boot app) on Openshift via Jenkins pipeline

I need to deploy a spring boot app (docker image) in openshift via jenkins, to achieve this I am doing the below steps, I created the docker image of spring boot app using the jenkins pipeline '...
ABC's user avatar
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Jenkins agent out of memory during Gradle build causing hudson.remoting.RequestAbortedException

I'm using Jenkins to build my project via Gradle (5.1). I'm able to successfully pass the first stage of my pipeline which runs a bash script with the following: ./gradlew clean build --refresh-...
DataD's user avatar
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Delete docker images from open shift using open shift dsl

How can we delete the docker images with a particular label from openshift using openshiftdsl from jenkins pipeline? Please suggest a method other than using curl, prune or using openshift oc client ...
Arunkumar Madhavan's user avatar
2 votes
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Push Docker image in Tar ball to a OpenShift Docker

I have a jenkins in a standalone Windows 7 server. We have a request to add a build job to build a project, which produce a Docker image in Tar ball format, and push the image into a remote Docker ...
ipohfly's user avatar
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How to feed openshift an environment variable via jenkins config file?

I am trying to update the environment variables in openshift via jenkinsfile. I can update the environment variables via folowing command but the problem with the command is that I have to enter all ...
10raw's user avatar
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"org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: unknown error: Chrome failed to start: exited abnormally" issue on jenkins(openshift) chrome node

I've been trying to run selenium codes over Jenkins (server/openshift). There is chrome node in the jenkins machine for Test Automation - Selenium. I'm getting this error: org.openqa.selenium....
Furkan's user avatar
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Openshift Jenkins build pending until it fails after long inactivity

I'm trying to make sure that all tests complete before making a deployment. For this I have enabled Jenkins for my app. I can run builds successfully from git push and from Jenkins UI if myapp-bldr ...
IvanR's user avatar
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OpenShift & Jenkins: Slave went offline during the build when using JDK 8

I have an application in OpenShift that is built using Jenkins. The application is built using Gradle (configured according to and needs to ...
Kirill Rakhman's user avatar

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