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9 votes
6 answers

Application failed to start (port 8080) not available

I am trying to deploy my node.js application (with express and mongoose) to openshift and I am not able to do so. The application works perfectly on my local environment. my entry point is the file /...
Don Subert's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

Disk quota exceeded on OpenShift

I just deployed application to OpenShift, and it worked fine, until I ment to push changes. Then it started to warn me about disk quota exceeded, and I'm not able to do anything anymore. Running rhc ...
Ned's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

how to install or where to find a 2.6 mongodb cartridge for openshift

Does anyone know how to install or where to find a 2.6 mongodb cartridge for openshift? I am assuming once found I can import it like any other externally maintained cartridge. For example Redis: ...
user3808515's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

What is MongoDB size limit on Openshift?

I am developing an application using nodejs and mongodb. I came across Openshift for hosting, they provides 3 free gears each with 512 ram and 1 GB disk space. MongoDB is in the form of cartridge for ...
anix's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

I want to connect openshift mongodb database from my local client tools

I have my premium openshift account I have all types of access in openshift I have ssh key & user's credentials I have MongoVUE & Robomongo & others client tools to open mongodb database. ...
Dr. Piyush Dholariya's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Mongoose OpenShift Connection

I'm building an application on openShift using nodejs and mongodb. I'm also using mongoose and try to connect with this code var url = process.env.OPENSHIFT_MONGODB_DB_URL; var db = mongoose....
Manuel Castro's user avatar
5 votes
6 answers

import data into openshift mongoDb

I created a java application on openshift with the mongoDb cartridge. My application runs fine, both locally on jboss AS7 as on openshift. So far so good. Now I would like to import an csv into the ...
thomash's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Connect to openshift 3 mongodb from remote?

How do I connect to my Openshift 3 MongoDB with from my local mac? The credentials from the pod do not work. Pod: nodejs-mongo-persistent-1-rt6ch Connected to MongoDB at: ...
fabian's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Insert Multiple Rows RockMongo

I just installed RockMongo on my OpenShift app. I am trying to create some of the collections manually, however the collection insert view does not seem to be able to insert multiple rows at a time. ...
Benjamin Kaiser's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Save documents from OpenShift Mongodb

I have a scalable app in OpenShift with MongoDb2.2 ad NodeJs0.10, Since i can't use Cartridge rockmongo-1.1 because it cannot be embedded in scalable app, How can i get my db'documents and do a ...
jay's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

command terminated with non-zero exit code: Error executing in Docker Container: 137 (Mongo Manager)

Based on this guide: I am trying to run MongoDB and MongoDB Ops Manager in OpenShift. I have manged to dockerize ...
u123's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

GET Ajax returns html code in response instead of json object

I have an ajax get request as below. I am making a GET request to server.js in openshift using nodejs express. However, i get html contents in the response method instead of json object. Both the ...
misthacoder's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

Unable to deploy mongodb community operator in openshift

I'm trying to deploy the mongodb community operator in openshift 3.11, using the following commands: git clone cd mongodb-kubernetes-operator ...
Rakesh Kotian's user avatar
5 votes
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GLIBC library version missmatch error while starting nodejs application on Openshift

I am newbie to MEAN stack and Linux hence please forgive me if my question is too obvious and stupid. I have hosted a Nodejs application on Openshift. While trying to start the application I am ...
vatsal mevada's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

How to give diagnostic actions listDatabases to a user in mongodb?

I'm trying to connect from a java application to a mongodb database in openshift and I'm having some trouble with roles and actions allowed. I run the rch port-forward command like so: rhc port-...
JGS's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Scaling MongoDB on OpenShift vs using MongoLab [closed]

Coming from a "traditional" development background, I cringe whenever I see PaaS NoSQL offerings. The idea of hosting your data far from your application simply does not feel right. But PaaS providers ...
Ellery Familia's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to connect to Openshift Mongodb from local client (ports are being forwarded)?

I created a scaled nodejs application and added mongodb, everything is running fine (Connecting to mongodb from within nodejs using the environment variables). Now I want to connect to the db from my ...
Alter's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Cannot read property 'ObjectID' of undefined

I am forking / try to understand mongodb-rest project. When I am running only the rest.js script I get this error: TypeError: Cannot read property 'ObjectID' of undefined at
János's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

kubectl exec behaving strangely, stating command not found even though the binary is there in the pod

So have an OpenShift cluster and running a pod in the mongodb-test namespace. The pod is running fine $ kubectl get pods -n mongodb-test NAME ...
viveksinghggits's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Cannot deploy my application on OpenShift: "Failed to execute: 'control deploy' for /var/lib/openshift/XXX/jbossews"

When pushing new changes to my OpenShift repository, the application gets well built but cannot get deployed: Repository ssh://[email protected]/~/git/app.git/ The jbossews cartridge is ...
sp00m's user avatar
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4 votes
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MongoDB on OpenShift: /data/db/mongod.lock Resource temporarily unavailable

I keep getting exception in initAndListen: 98 Unable to lock file: /data/db/mongod.lock Resource temporarily unavailable. Is a mongod instance already running?, terminating upon a new deploy of ...
Dušan Maďar's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

OpenShift Access Mongodb Pod from another Pod

I'm currentrly trying to deploy a mongodb pod on OpenShift and accessing this pod from another node.js application via mongoose. Now at first everything seems fine. I have created a route to the ...
relief.melone's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to run mongoexport to export mongodb collection?

I am using MongoDB on Openshift for my application. But i'm not able to locate database files. And if i use mongoexport command where those files will be saved (i'm aware about --out option). Where is ...
user10's user avatar
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2 answers

how to check mongodb gear space in openshift

I have a scaled openshift app that use 1 gear for tomcat7 and 1 gear for mongodb. Is there any way I can check how much space left for the mongodb gear. It supposed to provice 1 GB storage but when my ...
sf_sunset's user avatar
3 votes
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Openshift 3 App Deployment Failed: Took longer than 600 seconds to become ready

I have a problem with my openshift 3 setup, based on Node.js + MongoDB (Persistent) Latest App Deployment: nodejs-mongo-persistent-7: Failed --> Scaling ...
fabian's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

readiness probe with command running scripts failed on openshift by Mongodb Helm Chart bitnami

by Deploying the Mongodb Helm Chart of Bitnami to openshift, i got the Error "Readiness Probe failed" the Health Check setting for Readiness and liveness Probe is looking like this ...
NMV's user avatar
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3 votes
0 answers

Why is Mongo unable to use my keyfile to set up Replicaset authentication?

I am attempting to enable authentication on a MongoDB Replicaset running on an Openshift Cluster. As far as the documentation is concerned my setup should be okay, but I am getting the following error:...
progowl's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Spring Data MongoDB Credentials

With Spring Data, I am trying to get a Mongo object that has username and password credentials. I need to set this programmatically, rather than with XML All of the examples that I have found use ...
Don Subert's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Unable to create Mongo Replication Set in Kubernetes

I want to create a 3 node Mongo Replica set in Kubernetes. I have created a headless service as below apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: mongo labels: name: mongo spec: ports: -...
Siddharth Satish's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to connect MongoDB to Openshift?

I have a NodeJS Express app that uses Mongoose for MongoDB. I'm confused as to how to connect it to the OpenShift database. For development, I'm connecting to a local database, which works fine. Here'...
Carpetfizz's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How can I connect to MongoDB server using JAVA from OpenShift?

I have created a MongoDB instance in OpenShift. I can connect to it via RockMongo, which is a service offered by OpenShift. I'm trying to connect to my instance using JAVA, but I just receive a ...
itaied's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Mongojs : wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32 nodejs application in openshift

I am having a nodejs(expressjs) application which runs fine locally but when I deploy it to Openshift i got an exception when i check the log file it has the following error when including this line ...
Balkrishna Sawant's user avatar
2 votes
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Upgrading Node.js/Mongo app from Redhat Openshift2 to Openshift3, what's the mongodb URI?

I think I have node.js and mongoDB successfully installed on my Openshift3 "Starter" Account. In Openshift2 there used to be a complete MONGODB URL environment variable. Now there seems to only be a ...
user949300's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

"MongoError: No such cmd: createIndexes" using OpenShift

I'm creating a node.js app that sends reminders using agenda.js. It works perfectly when I test it locally, but when I test it on OpenShift, I get the following error message: MongoError: No such cmd:...
Gaius Davidius's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

I need help finding the url or ip-address to my Openshift MongoDB

I have been searching around for a way to connect my Openshift application to my android application. The Mongo library requires a url but I can't seem to get it to work. Can someone help point me in ...
wiiwilleat's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Readiness probe failes because mongosh --eval freezes

I installed the latest bitnami/mongodb chart for a standalone architecture. The Readiness and Liveness-probes are failing because the statement mongosh --eval "db.adminCommand('ping')" does ...
Klaus Schulz's user avatar
2 votes
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Springboot application in one pod not able to connect to mongodb on another pod through Openshift

I am trying to deploy mongodb pods (1 Primary & 2 Secondary) in OpenShift, they got deployed but went to "Error" state with the following error, exception in initAndListen: IllegalOperation: ...
Bhavani Prasad's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to Auto-refresh the list of all imported data in MEAN stack. Nodejs+Mongodb+Openshift

I have a form, which a user inserts product data in the databse. When the save button is pressed, the method POST occurs. After the Post, the GET method, is called. Apparently, this works in localhost ...
Nick bo's user avatar
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OpenShift + HAProxy too many sessions

I am developing an application using Kraken.js and to manage the sessions I decided to use: connect-mongo. I have a setup like this: 'use strict'; var session = require('express-session'); var ...
Rodrigo Moreno's user avatar
2 votes
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How do I connect a desktop app to an hosted database

I am developing a desktop app and I want to store data in hosted database like MySQL/MongoDB. I know one solution is using webservice to manipulate db. I am wondering is there a way to connect desktop ...
He Zhang's user avatar
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com.mongodb.MongoException: not authorized for insert on myworld.Users

Just want to check here, did any body come across this issue Caused by: com.mongodb.MongoException: not authorized for insert on myworld.Users at com.mongodb.CommandResult.getException(CommandResult....
Sandy's user avatar
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How to access mongodb variables from nodejs cartridge on OpenShift?

I am trying to deploy an application prototype to openshift. It works locally with mongodb at I am trying to get it to respect process.env.OPENSHIFT_MONGODB_DB_URL when in the openshift ...
VictorB's user avatar
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How to replicate a Python 2.7, Bottle, MongoDB OpenShift application locally in Linux Mint 17?

This started as a question, but I think I've figured out most of the parts, so am posting it here for reference. It is relatively involved, but I think it may be useful to others contemplating this ...
user1063287's user avatar
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OpenShift 3 Java Mongodb

I am using openshift 3 with mongodb. I am using Spring data with mongodb. But I can not connect to mongodb on Openshift. I am using such code : MongoCredential credential = MongoCredential....
Kovalsky Dmitryi's user avatar
2 votes
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Connect to Mongo via PHP

I have an OpenShift Dev. account. I just installed Mongo and RockMongo. I am not running node.js. Off of the RockMongo interface they have a link to this: ...
JimF's user avatar
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Connect to Openshift Mongodb remotely with Java, timeout error

I have turn on the port-forward with rhc, it shows mongodb => doc here port-forward but I still have no luck connect to that mongodb cartridge. I've try both mongo ...
Maxi Wu's user avatar
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Openshift can't connect to mongoDB from java code, time out

I've got a MongoDB cartridge installed on openshift and i'm having troubles with connecting to it from java code. Ip address, port and credentials are taken from openshift's RockMongo cartridge. The ...
mcjkwlczk's user avatar
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Mongodb on openshift gear local or mongolab?

For a web app that will experience far more reads than writes, is it faster to use mongodb locally (on seperate openshift gear) or to use a hosting provider like mongolab. I'm aware of the benefits ...
user2312688's user avatar
2 votes
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Access control error using Strongloop and MongoDB

I am using the StrongLoop and MongoDB cartridges on the OpenShift cloud and I am unable to use the Explorer interface to query and manipulate resources in my collection. I have created a simple ...
mw1967's user avatar
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Openshifts nodejs gear cannot connect to mongodb gear in scaled application

Im using OpenShift as a platform for a webservice. I hoped that openshift would manage my nodejs and mongodb database for me, making sure it keeps working. However in a very short time i have ...
Hylke's user avatar
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