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22 votes
5 answers

How to solve liquibase waiting for changelog lock problem in several pods in OpenShift cluster?

We are supporting several microservices written in Java using Spring Boot and deployed in OpenShift. Some microservices communicate with databases. We often run a single microservice in multiple pods ...
Alex Crazy's user avatar
16 votes
6 answers

Spring boot cold start

I have a spring boot application which I'm running inside docker containers in an openshift cluster. In steady state, there are N instances of the application (say N=5) and requests are load balanced ...
Vikk's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

Openshift service is not available after short inactivity

We have our project hosted in OpenShift (OKD to be precise. We host it ourselves). The setup is as follows: Routing server (Spring Boot 1.5.8 with Zuul): This one takes all the incoming traffic and ...
Nexonus's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

CORS : Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: Redirect is not allowed for a preflight request [duplicate]

I am trying to integrate the angualar js app with the backend spring boot , in which i am facing the redirection is not allowed for a preflight request This is deployed on openshift , i have ...
KaMaL's user avatar
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7 votes
10 answers

How to get the logs of a POD in openshift to local file

I have my spring boot application running on Openshift as container built using docker Image. I have enabled the logging in my application and prints all the logs. Now i want to examine the log files ...
Lucia's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Cant deploy simple Spring Boot web app to OpenShift

I have a .war file which when I copy to webapps folder in my local instance of Tomcat 9 then it deploys successfully. Somehow when I try to run it on Openshift gear(Tomcat 7) it doesnt get deployed. ...
Tomasz Mularczyk's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

Spring Boot 2.3.4 + OpenJ9: Unhandled exception

During last days we are suffering a lot of JVM crashes. We have been using OpenJ9 (8 & 11) without any problems, but some days ago we have started to have a lot of crashes. Two examples from today:...
Marcos Fernández Álvarez's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Spring batch JDBCPagingItemReader, ThreadPoolTaskExecutor and multiple pods in OpenShift

We have a Spring batch application with chunk processing which reads records from DB, processes them and calls a service/performs a few inserts/updates a few tables in the DB as part of writer. ...
Kalyan Chavali's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Externalize configuration node js

I am gonna deploy a node js service in openshift and there are few properties such as database configs and app properties which I need to externalize. I have java applications running as part of ...
Ganesh Shenoy's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

SpringBoot disable Actuator root

I'm using Spring Boot and exposing metrics with actuator and prometheus. I want to expose info, health, metrics, prometheus, shutdown, and nothing more. But even if I specify into the application ...
osharko's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How to deploy multi-module maven spring boot application on OpenShift

I have a multi-module spring-boot project that I want to deploy on Openshift, where I have installed Jenkins as well. Source code is hosted in Github. Each module consists in a war, in order to have a ...
Daniele Bizzozero's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Updating auto renewed DB password in JDBC connection - Spring Boot

I have a strange use case running spring boot microservices, the services lives inside an openshift cluster and the problem I face is due to a database password renewal policy. The app uses JDBC ...
Sudheej's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Spring boot app with Apache Camel shuts down right after it has started

My application is written in Java using Spring Boot and Apache Camel. When run in my Windows development environment it starts and runs nicely. But when run inside my Open Shift test environment, the ...
simonmikkelsen's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

WAR containing spring boot application manually deployed on openshift tomcat does not work

I created a Spring Boot application, then I created a war. On my local server the app works correctly. I added this app to a JBOSSEWS cartridge by renaming it ROOT.war, putting it in the webapps ...
Florian Courtial's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

api gateway for spring boot microservices in open shift

We have a microservices based application running in openshift for which we need to design an API gateway. This API gateway is expected to perform minimal checks like authentication , routing to ...
lives's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Enable WebSocket Connections with multiple Pods in Spring Boot Application

I'm using a web-socket protocol in my spring boot application. There are multiple pods used, to handle heavy traffic. Now, having multiple pods is causing an issue. Let me brief it a bit, Let's assume ...
miPlodder's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Duplicate Cache-Control header in Spring Boot application

We have a Spring Boot application that runs in Openshift where we configure the Cache-Control header like this: @Configuration @EnableWebSecurity public class WebSecurityConfiguration extends ...
Markus Löffler's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

How to deploy Spring Boot + gradle service on Openshift

I've read tons of documentation and tutorials, but still cannot get through this. I want to start developing a service using Spring boot and Gradle and deploy it on openshift. With fabric8, there is ...
Federico Ponzi's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Spring Boot application using up memory and crashing on Openshift 3.1, but not on plain Docker

I have a simple Spring Boot Application, a Spring Cloud Config Server that is going to be run on Openshift 3.1. The problem is that when running on this platform, the application increases its size ...
codependent's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Get Request/Second in multi-pod spring application

I have multiple docker images (pod) of the same Spring-Boot application in a load-balanced environment (OpenShift) and each docker image exposes Prometheus endpoint. I have used the following query in ...
Jalal Sajadi's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

DB Credentials Exposed as part job parameters when executing a task from SCDF

I have Custom Built SCDF which is built as docker image in Openshift and referred in server-deployment.yaml as docker image.I use the Oracle db to store the task meta data and is an external source ...
Rajesh2389's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

SpringBoot Openshift POST io.undertow.util.ParameterLimitException: UT000047: The number of parameters exceeded the maximum of 1000

I have a spring boot application that is deployed on RedHat OpenShift. Whenever I have a large POST request (~11000 lines) I get this message. java.lang.RuntimeException: io.undertow.util....
Dani's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Openshift : Spring boot : log4j settings -- configuration and finding the application log file

My Spring boot application on Redhat/Openshift uses the shown log4j2.xml file. The issue is that I cannot find the application log file. My questions are: Below I describe the way of configuring ...
tm1701's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

JWT Authentication From Ingress in OpenShift

So I'm migrating some Spring Boot microservices from Kubernetes to OpenShift. Below is the simplified situation: Service 1: Spring Boot application that handles, exposes 2 endpoints (login and ...
Ahmed Anwar's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

How to evict cache in multiple pods? I have two Openshift pods and I want to send a HTTP request for evict cache in both pods

I have two microservices pods in Openshift, I want to clean cache both microservices. I have a endpoint that clear-evict cache, the request only enter in one pod. How to avoid restart the pods for ...
davidleongz's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Can high HTTP timeout values cause any issues

I have a SpringBoot app hosted on OpenShift-Enterprise. I have one request that takes significantly more time to process due to integration with other systems. That request started getting 504 Gateway ...
Sandeep Kumar's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Springboot application in one pod not able to connect to mongodb on another pod through Openshift

I am trying to deploy mongodb pods (1 Primary & 2 Secondary) in OpenShift, they got deployed but went to "Error" state with the following error, exception in initAndListen: IllegalOperation: ...
Bhavani Prasad's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to monitor a spring-boot service by creating a ServiceMonitor?

I'm trying to create a servicemonitor that will instruct prometheus to scrape the metrics from my spring-boot service, but can't find the right way to do that. I have a simple micro service with ...
lee's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to use OpenShift environment variables to configure a MySQL database

So I generated an application with JHipster. Locally, I would just modify the database info in the application-dev.yml/application-prod.yml and everything works fine. Now I want to deploy my ...
Nani's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

Setting NFS Path on java/spring-boot system

I want to show or download the following txt file on system developed in Java/Spring Boot: The code that i am using to upload the files in the system on the nfs server is this: public static String ...
Djorkaeff's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Hazelcast : IllegalArgumentException: Target is this node

I am running two instances of spring boot application on openshift and both are joined to hazelcast cluster. However, I can see continuously see below error message in logs. {"timestamp":&...
user2800089's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

Java - Couchbase SDK 3.0 is throwing FeatureNotAvailableException exception

I am running Spring boot with couchbase in OpenShift. My e1 and e2 environments are working fine. But when i move the code to e3 environment, i am getting below exception. Can someone help me to ...
Suresh Somasundaram's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

openshift spring boot logback pod specific log file

I am trying to configure pod specific log files for a spring boot deployment in openshift (v3.11). I am using logback for logging. Currently the log file name is configured in logback.xml at the ...
Seeni's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

How deploy Spring boot SSL project in openshift

I have a spring project with SSL on by which i mean: in my security.require-ssl=true So locally if i run it, like http://localhost:8080, i get Bad Request This combination ...
tariq's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Openshift secret in Spring Boot bootstrap.yml

This how my bootstrap.yml looks like. spring: cloud: config: uri: username: **** password: **** vault: host: vault-server port: 8200 ...
Here_2_learn's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Spring boot configure websocket on a different port than http

I have a spring boot application with websocket setup via sockJs. public void registerStompEndpoints(StompEndpointRegistry stompEndpointRegistry) { stompEndpointRegistry.addEndpoint("/gs-...
BiJ's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Spring boot application wont start in openshift

I created openshift project with DIY cartridge, added postresql for DB.. now I pushed sources to cloud, but I'm getting error like the guy here (but he was not using springboot): I can't start ...
Charlie Harper's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Patch Request using Spring Boot Java

I have a problem with my Patch Request with OpenShift Api. This is my actual code : public static HttpStatus PatchHTTPRequestCustomHeaders(String url, String data) { String Bearer = "...
user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Unable to Deploy Spring Boot Application In Openshift

I am following the below steps to run my Spring Boot app: in Open shift: Add Red Hat OpenJDK8 to my project. 2. Next 3. Add hit repository After ...
Deb's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Unhandled exception 'java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create native thread: possibly out of memory or process/resource limits reached

We have recently migrated a springboot application to 2.7.11 version, and while performing a load test, a nasty error raised : "Unhandled exception 'java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create ...
user2676594's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Name or Service not Known when calling service via spring boot in Openshift Container Platform (a cloud-based Kubernetes container platform)

I have an application which consists of a backend (spring boot) and a search engine (elasticsearch). After I deployed it into OCP, Initially I tested the connection between the two using the command &...
Achmad Fathur Rizki's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to increase the time that Openshift/kubernetes need for run script database with flyway during pod start? Error failed liveness probe

During the microservices deployment, I use openshift, docker, with springboot and flyway. If flyway take a lot of minutes with script database during then deploy Health Check throw this error: Killing ...
davidleongz's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Openshift: How many pods my springboot app need?

I´ve a springboot aplication running on Openshift. I've not set any quota limits. How can I get how many pods replica do I need? It depend of the amount of traffic only?
G11kanu's user avatar
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1 answer

Java Mailx - issue with Chinese characters in openshift

My usecase is to send a file in mail which has Chinese characters in it. something like TW_TEST_1062054_COM_20191020_前端離岸風電設備製造股份有限公司_N_20201117 Reading through some posts, I realized some properties ...
VJay's user avatar
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1 answer

Spring boot actuator health check in Openshift/Kubernetes

We have a situation where we have an abundance of Spring boot applications running in containers (on OpenShift) that access centralized infrastructure (external to the pod) such as databases, queues, ...
LetsBeFrank's user avatar
1 vote
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How to use Openshift secrets to establish MQ client connection over SSL

I'm trying to combine suggestions on how to use SSL with openshift : with those on how to use ssl with mq: Spring Configuration for JMS (...
hdjur_jcv's user avatar
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How to connect SpringBoot (on Wildfly) to MySQL on openshift 3?

To put a SpringBoot application on openshift 3 the suggested route is by using the s2i of Wildfly. For the moment this is sufficient for me. How can I conect SpringBoot (on Wildfly) to MySQL at ...
tm1701's user avatar
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1 answer

spring security + keycloak + openshift

I have 2 pods running in the same openshift namespace spring boot (with spring security) pod keycloak pod Currently my look like this
viceincapacitateonly's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

mounting secrets in Openshift

I'm trying to move java SpringBoot application to Openshift. I have keystore file defined in the application.yaml like this: platform: messaging: mq: keystore-path: classpath:certificates/...
szend's user avatar
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