Questions tagged [openshift]

OpenShift is a commercial enterprise-ready container platform built on top of Kubernetes which allows you to run containerized applications

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8 votes
1 answer

What is MongoDB size limit on Openshift?

I am developing an application using nodejs and mongodb. I came across Openshift for hosting, they provides 3 free gears each with 512 ram and 1 GB disk space. MongoDB is in the form of cartridge for ...
anix's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

How to add collaborators to openshift git repo

I have an application set up in redhat openshift and are able to commits and push. My question is, how do I include my teammates into this repository so that they can do the same as well. New to git ...
Mark Seah's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Openshift Spring MVC Tomcat application's deployed path returns 404

I am running a Tomcat7 application using Spring MVC on OpenShift under the domain: I run and test the application locally using a Tomcat server and later push it to the ...
Computer Scientist's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Node.js on Openshift gives error 400 but works properly on local machine

My Node + MongoDB based REST API works fine on local Node server and returns the correct output. But Express(probably!) returns error 400 Bad Request when deployed on Openshift. Any idea how I might ...
Shantanu Paul's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

NGINX in Openshift - NGINX can't resolve internal hostnames

When using a variable to rewrite & proxy to an internal Openshift service within an nginx container's proxy_pass config, NGINX can't resolve the service's DNS due to a required resolver. For ...
ev0lution37's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Deploy Sails.js on Openshift ... app restarting over and over [duplicate]

I want to deploy sails.js (version 0.9.7) app to Openshift but after git push I get this log: debug: Lowering sails... DEBUG: Starting child process with 'node app.js' . . . info: Server lifted in `/...
m1uan's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Docker Inside Docker oom_score_adj: invalid argument

On Kubernetes, to build docker images, we use Docker Inside Docker (dind) where a docker daemon will be running as a privileged user But some times times we have observed that the docker image ...
Rajiv's user avatar
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8 votes
0 answers

nodejs memory leak : process usage increase more than heap

I got some memory leak issue on my nodejs app executed by openshift docker soulution. when I try to monitor memory usage using process rss, I found process memory increased over time. I'm trying to ...
maju's user avatar
  • 81
8 votes
2 answers

Docker: Insert certificate into ketstore

I'm trying to add a certificate into $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts truststore on my Dockerfile: FROM frolvlad/alpine-oraclejdk8:slim VOLUME /tmp RUN keytool -import -alias vault -storepass ...
user10063942's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

CORS : Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: Redirect is not allowed for a preflight request [duplicate]

I am trying to integrate the angualar js app with the backend spring boot , in which i am facing the redirection is not allowed for a preflight request This is deployed on openshift , i have ...
KaMaL's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Unable to install bower on Openshift

I am unable to install bower on Openshift. I keep on getting errors like remote: npm ERR! Error: ENOENT, lstat '/var/lib/openshift/537xxxxcd/app-root/runtime/repo/node_modules/bower/node_modules/mout/...
prasun's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

How to download a file/folder from remote (openshift) to local system

How to download or backup or to save a copy of a file from openshift remote folder into my local-system folder using rhc client tool? or is there any other way other than rhc client tool to make a ...
user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Receiving "SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server hello A: sslv3 alert handshake failure" with openshift nodejs app

I have a nodejs app on openshift, and we use the rhc port-forward command to connect to our database when we develop locally. We have implemented passport to authenticate users through google and ...
user2796352's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

How do you delete a database cartridge on an Openshift app?

I added a PostgreSQL 9.2 database on my Openshift hosted Python/Flask app but now I don't think it will be needed. Is there an easy way to just remove this cartridge from the application?
Logic9's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

How can I setup access to a private github repository in Openshift 3?

Well, i'm using Openshift to host a node.js application, and some things need to be private. So i need to let Openshift acess my Git repository in private. I found some tutorials in the internet, but ...
SMix's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

How to disable sticky sessions in Openshift3

If you scale up a Pod in Openshift3, all requests coming from the same client IP address are sent to container which has the session associated. Is there any configuration to disable sticky sessions?...
Carlos Alberto's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Run CRON job every 5 minutes on OpenShift (Red Hat Cloud)

I'm trying to run this script every 5 minutes. It seems the only way to run CRON jobs on OpenShift is to use their CRON plugin. And the CRON plugin only allows for minutely, hourly, and daily scripts (...
Eric Posen's user avatar
7 votes
5 answers

Can't use rhc after installation , for openshift

I'm running into a weird issue after installing rhc and vmc. None of the below seems to be working. For Openshift: For Cloudfoundry: http://docs....
sbose's user avatar
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Retrieve secret value from openshift

I created a key/value secret in openshift. I want to retrieve the value of that key/value pair. i tried using oc describe secret ashish -n my-project but it gave the value as shown below but i dont ...
ashish's user avatar
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Openshift: Cannot upgrade to Wordpress 3.9

My Wordpress installation offers mean update to 3.9. I click on Update now and the update process is started and finishes successfully. However, then I am still presented with the same update screen....
orschiro's user avatar
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7 votes
7 answers

Cannot git-clone an OpenShift application

I just opened an OpenShift account, and went through this tutorial: When I got to creating ...
Erel Segal-Halevi's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

How do I debug an Open Shift 503 Service Unavailable error

I have a node app that I'm trying to deploy to Open Shift. It's basic express, pretty much vanilla from the express generator. It runs locally. When I push to OpenShift I get the following error: 503 ...
superluminary's user avatar
7 votes
8 answers

How to code/run Ruby on Chromebook [closed]

On the desktop, I can use a text editor with the ruby interpreter to run everything, but there isn't an interpreter available for Chromebook. Is there any online software/program/webapp that would let ...
shetyeshail's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

kubernetes vs openshift (routes and services)

I'm new to kubernetes and openshift (came from docker swarm world) and I'm having trouble with some of kubernetes and openshift documentation especially related to route and services. I was looking ...
tkyass's user avatar
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10 answers

How to get the logs of a POD in openshift to local file

I have my spring boot application running on Openshift as container built using docker Image. I have enabled the logging in my application and prints all the logs. Now i want to examine the log files ...
Lucia's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

How to redeploy a Tomcat 7 application on Openshift

I know that a git push origin master will let Openshift redeploy the application to its new version. But my situation is that my Tomcat application depends on another sub-module maven project, and ...
Wenhao Ji's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Is possible to manage an OpenShift Database with pgAdmin?

Today I want to know if it is possible to manage a PostgreSQL on OpenShift using pgAdmin, in the same way that we can manage an Amazon RDS database?
cap7's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

how to modify pod memory limit of a running pod

I am using YML to create pod and have specified the resource request and limit. Now I am not aware of how to modify the resource limits of a running pod. For example memory-demo.yml apiVersion: v1 ...
Casey's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

How to create a new user in OpenShift?

I am trying to find out how to create a new user in OpenShift enterprise. According to the documentation (on
Magick's user avatar
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1 answer

With the Openshift Bronze plan, do I still get 3 free small gears but no idling?

I'm now running a small plugin backend on the free plan, but sometimes it idles and takes 20+ sec to start. If I upgrade to the bronze plan, will it never idle then? And do I get to keep the 3 free ...
Love Dager's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

CNAME setup displaying 'Bad Request (400)'

Background: My Django app is located @ Through I own: The CName setup is as follows: redirects to,...
Buck's user avatar
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7 votes
6 answers

Deploy an existing app in Openshift

I created an web app and i d like to deploy in on Openshift. What s the easiest way to do it? I m using the Openshift Eclipse client. Shall I create a new openshift and then copy all the files from ...
panipsilos's user avatar
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1 answer

List pods that are servicing a service

I am trying to get the list of pods that are servicing a particular service There are 3 pods associated with my service. I tried to execute the below command oc describe svc my-svc-1 I am expecting to ...
lr-pal's user avatar
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2 answers

Kubernetes - Readiness Probe execution after container started

Is there a way to prevent readiness probe from execution once container has successfully started? I suppose that liveness probe should be enough to monitor container health.
dplesa's user avatar
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3 answers

Meteor: Match error: Failed Match.OneOf or Match.Optional validation (websocket)

I have a website that uses Meteor 0.9. I have deployed this website on OpenShift ( The problem I'm experiencing is that when I go to a path on my site (/discover), then ...
tomet's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Mapping custom domain to the openshift wordpress blog

I have an openshift wordpress blog running at and added CNAME records in my DNS management as follows. and works fine. When i type, this ...
Karthikeyan's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

How do I debug 503 errors in Openshift?

I have a scalable EAP 6.0 web app hosted on Openshift, and I get HTTP 503 error messages whenever I attempt to access the app. How do I fix this.
Phyxx's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Using a keystore with curl

I would like to execute the below curl command and specify my own key store. I tried using --cacert option and specified the path of the cacert jks. curl --ssl-reqd --url 'smtp://
lr-pal's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Service mesh and Async services

I am planning to introduce K8s/Istio into my infra. Right now I have plenty of services which communicate with each other using RabbitMQ. Service mesh concept seems to assume all services should be ...
arkadiy kraportov's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Making an Oracle JDK docker image

I'm trying to create docker image for oracle JDK but the only image I can find is the open JDK. Our applications uses oracle JDK so it is mandatory to build oracle JDK docker images. My question is if ...
Islam's user avatar
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2 answers

Run git add and commit on Openshift Server

I'm working with a platform that creates a configuration.php file as part of the instillation process. Right now, the installation process is run as part of the build hook on the server. The problem ...
NicholasJohn16's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

sendmail on OpenShift / PHP / CodeIgniter

I'm looking for OpenShift configuration information for sendmail functionality. It's not totally clear to me what the preferred way of doing it is. Some articles say that one must have the pear/...
Maxcot's user avatar
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Serving Django static files in OpenShift

According to the March 2014 blog post, OpenShift now got rid of some directories like wsgi/, wsgi/static/, data/ and libs/. Given I used wsgi/static for this purpose, how I am supposed to serve ...
giallu's user avatar
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3 answers

How to access from one container to another container stdout and stderr inside Kubernetes pod

I have a Pod with two containers. apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: test spec: containers: - name: my-container image: google/my-container:v1 - name: third-party image: google/...
nassi.harel's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

OC command to view the tag information

I would like to know the tag applied to all the images in a namespace. Is there any oc command to view tags in a namespace? Before posting this question, i googled. However i didn't find any. So I ...
srk's user avatar
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1 answer

Cannot find module '../build/Debug/iconv.node' on OpenShift

I'm trying to deploy a Node.js Wiki called Jingo on OpenShift: Error: Cannot find module '../build/Debug/iconv.node' at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:338:15) at Function.Module....
Mark K's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

URLs Not Allowed: Facebook PHP login

I keep getting the following error Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration.: One or more of the given URLs is not allowed by the App's settings. It must match the Website URL ...
Anthony's user avatar
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2 answers

Ingress route - path based routing to different React app

I have different react apps and its backend-service deployed independently inside the Openshift. There is one app among them where users login and navigate to othes apps using links provided in this ...
vvra's user avatar
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6 votes
6 answers

Openshift use for Commercial web sites

Can we use OpenShift Express, which is free right now, for commercial web applications? And if not, then which PAAS services are there which are free, and have no vendor lock-in.
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