Questions tagged [openshift]

OpenShift is a commercial enterprise-ready container platform built on top of Kubernetes which allows you to run containerized applications

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10 votes
4 answers

Run npm install --production on OpenShift

When I push my code to OpenShift, it looks like it's installing my devDependencies which takes forever. I would really love to set it up so it will only install the dependencies (by running with the --...
kentcdodds's user avatar
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2 answers

WebSocket connection to OpenShift app failed

I created an app with NodeJS and I'm using ws module. If I test the app in localhost it works and there isn't any problem to connect websockets. Now I've upload the app to Openshift and when I try to ...
abaracedo's user avatar
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How to update Secrets (Without Deleting and Creating) in Openshift?

I have a folder in my server that I want to update inside a cointaier in a pod. How do I do that without deleting the Secret? I know that the following creates my secret: oc create secret generic ...
zeh's user avatar
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3 answers

ArgoCD tracking subdirectories in a specified path

I'm using ArgoCD and I want to track files under different subdirectories. I've setted the path as ./root_directory, but I would like to track also files in the subdirectories of root_directory. For ...
Stewe's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I auto-deploy my git repo's submodules on push?

I have a PHP Cartridge that is operating normally, except I can't find a straightforward way to get OpenShift to (recursively) push the files for my git submodules when/after it pushes my core repo ...
Murray Rowan's user avatar
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2 answers

"Peer's certificate issuer has been marked as not trusted by the user" in Openshift3

If S2I - "Source-to-image" resource in Openshift3 tries to connect to a TLS Gitlab repository shows the following message: "Peer's certificate issuer has been marked as not trusted by the user". How ...
Carlos Alberto's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

OpenShift 3 : unable to clone a private BitBucket repository

I'm trying to migrate from OpenShift 2 to OpenShift 3. I have created a new app on OpenShift 3 but I'm struggling to clone my BitBucket private git repository to it. (I had no problem with OpenShift 2)...
zov's user avatar
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Openshift: No nodes are available that match all of the following predicates:: Insufficient cpu (173), MatchNodeSelector (5)

I have a project in west-1 on Openshift v3. In it I have an app that worked fine and one that stopped working following a GitHub committing something very downstream within the code. The issue is with ...
Matteo Ferla's user avatar
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1 answer

Configure multiple paths for an Openshift Route

I'd like to define in Openshift one route with multiple paths, each path forwarding to a different service. For example /pathA would forward requests to ServiceA , whilst /pathB would forward requests ...
theAsker's user avatar
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1 answer

resolving openshift disk quota usage

I'm using a WordPress small gear cartridge on OpenShift. Warnings about the app's disk usage being >95% of its quota. Warning: using 99.5% of disk quota This results in the gear going ...
Catalyx's user avatar
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2 answers

How to inspect openshift build log?

I have an application, which is deployed to OpenShift via pushing the source code to the git repo. I need to troubleshoot a problem, which occurs during maven build, only when it is executed on ...
Andrew's user avatar
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2 answers

Openshift haproxy error with 'express' has no server available

I created a basic Nodejs app from Openshift and randomly, the service terminate itself few times in few days. No error message from my Nodejs module but only in haproxy that automatically installed ...
Brendan's user avatar
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3 answers

chown: changing ownership of '/var/lib/mysql/': Operation not permitted

I am trying to deploy a mariadb image on openshift origin. I am using mariadb:10.2.12 in my docker file. It works ok on local but I get following error when I try to deploy on openshift origin. ...
Laeeq's user avatar
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Migrating to Openshift Online Stuck

I'm migrating my podcast site, but build is pending for more than an hour. oc get events  19:09:02 LASTSEEN FIRSTSEEN COUNT NAME ...
user864279's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

Using a custom domain with openshift v3

I've been trying to use Openshift Online v3 to host a web app. It works fine with the red hat-provided domain, but I can't get the routing working to get it to work on any other domain. all I get is: ...
d909's user avatar
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4 answers

Openshift CORS ERROR 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header contains multiple values

There are duplicate questions related to CORS. But none of the solutions worked for me.I am running my application on Openshift Cloud.I have installed cors npm package as middleware. This is the error....
user avatar
9 votes
6 answers

Application failed to start (port 8080) not available

I am trying to deploy my node.js application (with express and mongoose) to openshift and I am not able to do so. The application works perfectly on my local environment. my entry point is the file /...
Don Subert's user avatar
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1 answer

How do you remove the deploymentConfig, image streams, etc using Openshift OC?

After creating a new app using oc new-app location/nameofapp, many things are created: a deploymentConfig, an imagestream, a service, etc. I know you can run oc delete <label>. I would like to ...
womplefrog's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

Disk quota exceeded on OpenShift

I just deployed application to OpenShift, and it worked fine, until I ment to push changes. Then it started to warn me about disk quota exceeded, and I'm not able to do anything anymore. Running rhc ...
Ned's user avatar
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2 answers

Get name of most recently created pod

In OpenShift, is there a more elegant way of obtaining the name of the most recently created pod in application my_app than this one? name=$(oc get pods -l app=my_app -o=jsonpath='{range.items[*]}{....
rookie099's user avatar
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5 answers

Can I enable HTTP/2 on OpenShift?

Can I enable HTTP/2 for my website hosted on OpenShift? I know you can use CloudFlare as a proxy, then it will provide support for HTTP/2. But I am interested in is the ability to configure precisely ...
J. Doe's user avatar
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5 answers

Using openshift rhc tail command

How do you tail openshift log files? I issued the following command: rhc tail myapp It seems to show first error line and then stops, but doesn't exit. If I press ctrl+C it asks whether to stop ...
synergetic's user avatar
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Daily cron at specific time

I would like to run a daily job at the OpenShift Express PaaS. I know how to activate the cron cartridge on my app and how to add scripts into the correct cron folder. But I have a special need to ...
reschifl's user avatar
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3 answers

How to get access-logs from OpenShift router (HAProxy)?

How to get access-logs from openshift router (HAproxy). I tried to use this command: $ oc project default $ oc logs router-1-g... I got output: I0129 09:47:17.125616 1 router.go:554] Router ...
Slavik  Muz's user avatar
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4 answers

https security certificate not trusted error on mobile via openshift server

I'm starting an app on openshift. I've purchased comodo positive ssl from namecheap and followed the instructions to install on openshift. It works fine on desktop browsers but i get the following "...
Darren Cato's user avatar
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3 answers

Private Git on OpenShift

Is any way to configure a private git repository in OpenShift? Or OpenShift doesn't provide external access to Git repositories?
Berneck's user avatar
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4 answers

Openshift: Unresolved Image

i'm stuck with Openshift (Origin) and need some help. Let's say i want to add a grafana deployment via CLI to a new started cluster. What i do: Upload a template to my openshift cluster (oc create -f ...
la3mmchen's user avatar
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5 answers

How to make oc cluster up persistent?

I'm using "oc cluster up" to start my Openshift Origin environment. I can see, however, that once I shutdown the cluster my projects aren't persisted at restart. Is there a way to make them persistent ...
Carla's user avatar
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9 answers

Unable to login to Openshift

I have been trying to connect to my application via Openshift for days and still have no luck. I am no certain of which forum to go at this point because I am not getting help anywhere. 1) I am ...
HGB's user avatar
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2 answers

Is it possible to change the primary cartridge in an OpenShift application?

I've created Tomcat7 application on openshift but now I want to change it to JBoss Application Server 7. Is it possible without recreating app (delete T7 and then create JB AS 7)?
pepuch's user avatar
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browser caching static files in flask?

Have been reading flask docs in python and building a local website. Just performed a speed test on my website deployed on openshift with this tool here:- The analysis report says that my site is ...
arjoonn's user avatar
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Running a docker image in Openshift Origin

I am very new to Openshift Origin. I am now trying out the possibility of deploying my docker containers in OpenShift origin. For that I created a very simple docker container that adds two numbers ...
Abraham Jaison's user avatar
9 votes
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Run MySQL a prefilled docker container as random (non-root) linux user?

I am trying to create an OpenShift compliant prefilled MySQL container image. Running the container with a specified user is (sadly) not an option for us. This is a problem since OpenShift simply ...
Theo's user avatar
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1 answer

how to install or where to find a 2.6 mongodb cartridge for openshift

Does anyone know how to install or where to find a 2.6 mongodb cartridge for openshift? I am assuming once found I can import it like any other externally maintained cartridge. For example Redis: ...
user3808515's user avatar
9 votes
0 answers

Openshift 3 - Build stuck in pending state

I have been using Openshift 3 seamlessly to build and deploy a Node.js application for several months. Since yesterday, new builds of the same app systematically fail because they are stuck forever ...
Ety's user avatar
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Can I use my own domain name with OpenShift? [closed]

Can I use my own custom domain name with my OpenShift application? By default Openshift Online provides me with a * domain name. For instance my appplication url is <myappname>-<...
Atterratio's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Kubernetes: How to pass pipe character in readiness probe command

I am having an issue with passing a pipe character | in readiness probe command. I want to have a probe command: curl --silent http://localhost:8080/actuator/health | grep --quiet -e '^{\"status\"\:\...
Michal Foksa's user avatar
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Error: listen EACCES on Openshift app

I have the following code var express = require('express') , app = express() , server = require('http').createServer(app) , io = require('').listen(server) , connect =...
Victor Dodon's user avatar
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4 answers

Ansible K8s module: Failed to import the required Python library (openshift) on Python /usr/bin/python3

The env Ansible 2.9.6 (python3) Tried to run a simple playbook - hosts: master gather_facts: no become: yes tasks: - name: create name space k8s: name: testing ...
Hua's user avatar
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Openshift: unable to validate against any security > context constraint

I try to create the following statefulSet: apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: StatefulSet metadata: name: es-cluster namespace: efk spec: serviceName: elasticsearch replicas: 3 selector: ...
Trace's user avatar
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How to use environment variables in init container args in kubernetes/openshift?

This is an excerpt of my deployment config: ... spec: containers: - env: - name: GIT_USERNAME valueFrom: secretKeyRef: key: username ...
wederer's user avatar
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How can two applications running inside the Openshift send requests to each other?

Suppose this scenario: There are two applications deployed in Openshift (maybe in the same namespace or may not) that want to send HTTP requests to each other. The overall problem: It seems that ...
farshad's user avatar
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Configure restart policy of pod from deployment config

We're using Openshift (a managed version of Kubernetes) and I'm struggling to set the pod restart policy from 'Always' to 'Never' for all pods created by our deployment config, but I'm not sure where ...
b15's user avatar
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4 answers

Getting kicked out of Openshift server after a while

I'm using ssh to connect to an openshift server. Every once in a while, like every 15 minutes, i get kicked out (disconnected). How can I prevent this? Thanks
Carmellose's user avatar
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3 answers

Username and password of Jenkins on Openshift

I've installed Jenkins via Openshift redhat ( .. The installation of Jenkins is done.. To access to the interface of Jenkins I've used the username and password of my ...
Mohamed Taboubi's user avatar
8 votes
8 answers

Can not SSH to openshift

I have problem with accessing SSH to Openshift. I still can push code to Openshift via Git. But when trying to SSH to Openshift, the server denied with error "no supported authentication methods ...
Thang Nguyen's user avatar
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Validate OpenShift objects defined in yaml before actually applying or executing it

I have a OpenShift template in template.yaml file which includes following objects - deployment-config, pod, service and route. I am using the following command to execute the yaml: oc process -f ...
Anand Patel's user avatar
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Is it necessary to use Forever.js on OpenShift?

I've deployed my first Node.js app on OpenShift's free tier, and it works great. Will OpenShift automatically restart my Node app when it crashes, or do I have to set up Forever.js? I tried setting ...
Jeff's user avatar
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DNS Settings: OpenShift with CloudFlare / rhcloud

I am trying to set up DNS forwarding on CloudFlare, to my Openshift page ( But when I go into the CloudFlare DNS settings and try to change the A setting, I get this error: ...
Matt Lemmon's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

publicRuntimeConfig in next.config.js is always undefined in prod/staging

I am deploying a node project that uses next.js to openshift where I set the environment variable MY_ENV. I have added the publicRuntimeConfig configuration to next.config.js to access it client side. ...
Grinish Nepal's user avatar