Questions tagged [openshift]

OpenShift is a commercial enterprise-ready container platform built on top of Kubernetes which allows you to run containerized applications

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Logs are not received in Hawkular APM from Zipkin Client

I have client application instrumented with Zipkin library with configuration in spring . camel.zipkin.port=443 camel.zipkin....
jack's user avatar
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11 votes
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' NotAfter' upon connecting secure web socket

I am trying to connect to a secured web socket to consume a API. Below is the source code. Hosting environment configuration is JRE 1.7 and Tomcat 7. import; import javax.websocket....
Ravi Jain's user avatar
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10 votes
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Migrating to Openshift Online Stuck

I'm migrating my podcast site, but build is pending for more than an hour. oc get events  19:09:02 LASTSEEN FIRSTSEEN COUNT NAME ...
user864279's user avatar
9 votes
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Openshift 3 - Build stuck in pending state

I have been using Openshift 3 seamlessly to build and deploy a Node.js application for several months. Since yesterday, new builds of the same app systematically fail because they are stuck forever ...
Ety's user avatar
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8 votes
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Docker Inside Docker oom_score_adj: invalid argument

On Kubernetes, to build docker images, we use Docker Inside Docker (dind) where a docker daemon will be running as a privileged user But some times times we have observed that the docker image ...
Rajiv's user avatar
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nodejs memory leak : process usage increase more than heap

I got some memory leak issue on my nodejs app executed by openshift docker soulution. when I try to monitor memory usage using process rss, I found process memory increased over time. I'm trying to ...
maju's user avatar
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8 votes
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Docker: Insert certificate into ketstore

I'm trying to add a certificate into $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts truststore on my Dockerfile: FROM frolvlad/alpine-oraclejdk8:slim VOLUME /tmp RUN keytool -import -alias vault -storepass ...
user10063942's user avatar
6 votes
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Openshift, 503 Service Unavailable. No server is available to handle this request

I have a scalable PHP 5.4 cartridge on Openshift, with a bronze account. It's a wordpress blog and I've used it until 2 weeks ago. Today, I returned to visit it and it says: 503 Service ...
Mich Dart's user avatar
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Deploying production ember-cli app on openshift

Can someone share step by step how to deploy and run a production ember-cli app on openshift? I am not sure of the process and openshift cli steps to do this. Locally I use ember serve but I'm not ...
SuperUberDuper's user avatar
6 votes
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301 Redirect Preventing CORS OPTIONS Request on Openshift

I'm writing a RESTful api with Laravel 4 that will be used by a Backbone.js app. When I deploy my code using GIT, I receive a message saying: Application directory "public/" selected as ...
FIlipe Molina's user avatar
5 votes
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Issue: nginx: [emerg] mkdir() "/var/cache/nginx/client_temp" failed (13: Permission denied)

I am trying to run Nginx on Openshift but facing this directory permissions issues. Due to this error container is not creating. The following permissions are set to files created manually. drwxr-xr-x....
majid asad's user avatar
5 votes
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Unable to deploy mongodb community operator in openshift

I'm trying to deploy the mongodb community operator in openshift 3.11, using the following commands: git clone cd mongodb-kubernetes-operator ...
Rakesh Kotian's user avatar
5 votes
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Spring Boot 2.3.4 + OpenJ9: Unhandled exception

During last days we are suffering a lot of JVM crashes. We have been using OpenJ9 (8 & 11) without any problems, but some days ago we have started to have a lot of crashes. Two examples from today:...
Marcos Fernández Álvarez's user avatar
5 votes
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OpenShift service with sessionAffinity forwards traffic to two pods

OpenShift Container Platform 3.11 Assume a setup with one client pod and three equal server pods in the same namespace. The server pods are available via a service: apiVersion: v1 kind: Service ...
user3252254's user avatar
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Spring batch JDBCPagingItemReader, ThreadPoolTaskExecutor and multiple pods in OpenShift

We have a Spring batch application with chunk processing which reads records from DB, processes them and calls a service/performs a few inserts/updates a few tables in the DB as part of writer. ...
Kalyan Chavali's user avatar
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Where to get a reference of the OpenShift template "language"?

I'm trying to learn how to write an OpenShift template. I found the relevant section in the developer guide. Which commes with some examples. But I cannot find any defintions about the template file ...
BetaRide's user avatar
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The pod has been stuck in the pending state for more than five minutes

Hello I new to openshift online . Tried to deploy mysql pod and got this Error n command line error: update acceptor rejected mysql-8: pods for deployment "mysql-8" took longer than 600 seconds to ...
henrybbosa's user avatar
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OpenShift: rhc setup receives error 403

When first setting up the rhc setup for our openshift enterprise installation, I get the following error: Connect without checking the certificate? (yes|no): yes DEBUG: Connecting to https://master....
Georg Franke's user avatar
5 votes
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How to upgrade NodeJS for my existing application on openshift?

I have an application running on OpenShift using NodeJS 0.10 but now I want to upgrade it to latest 0.12. I added to package.json: "engines": { "node": ">= 0.12.0", "npm": ">= 1.0.0" ...
spirytus's user avatar
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GLIBC library version missmatch error while starting nodejs application on Openshift

I am newbie to MEAN stack and Linux hence please forgive me if my question is too obvious and stupid. I have hosted a Nodejs application on Openshift. While trying to start the application I am ...
vatsal mevada's user avatar
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Openshift - some requests fail (proxy error)

I'm using openshift to deploy some little applications I built. Everything is ok, but SOMETIMES, don't ask me why, when I try to log-in (post request), I get this error (after waiting 5 minutes more ...
Morrisda's user avatar
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Openshift (node.js) fails to install jsdom

Been using Openshift / Node.Js for a while now, mostly problem free. Usually I install (via npm) modules to my local (windows) machine, develop, than git-deploy to Openshift and all goes well. I ...
JBalzer's user avatar
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Unable to bind to a port on Openshift

I am running an embedded activemq message server in my application on openshift. According to this, you can only bind on 15000 - 35530. I've tried doing the following, but it's throwing a serious ...
Uchenna Nwanyanwu's user avatar
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unexpected end of multipart data

I have a .net core 2.0 API service that gets two files (XML and word) and transfers them to a node js server that saves them to a MongoDB. when I'm hosting the net core service on my localhost ...
ronara's user avatar
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4 votes
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Kubernetes Ingress: Having Load Balancing + Session Stickiness by Header/Cookie Value provided in the Request

Following scenario in my cluster: I have a Spring Boot RestAPI with 1 Pod running, on which we receive requests. Each of these requests go through a standart ingress, which routes to a PowerShell HTTP ...
Ayibogan's user avatar
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Helm Chart Error when using functions: " invalid value; expected string"

I defined the following ConfigMap: apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: test-application-yaml data: application.yaml: |- testOne: {{ .Values.testOne | nindent 6 }} testTwo: {{ ....
z07103's user avatar
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When does Dash release memory?

I wrote a python Dash app and made it available within my organization using OpenShift. I’m not really knowledgeable about OpenShift but it seems to be running correctly, including when multiple users ...
Brasem's user avatar
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Any standard guidelines for choosing the USER ID and GROUP ID for Docker images in Dockerfile?

I normally used 1111 as user id and group id for my containers but when I deployed my application on OpenShift platform, I got error while scheduling of pods. unable to validate against any security ...
Nish's user avatar
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Kubernetes ConfigMap automatically changes Literal to Folded Block Scalar

I'm having problems with ConfigMap creation on OpenShift 4. I'm trying to add a data element which holds Java and to format the YAML using literal block scalar. Example: data: ...
dplesa's user avatar
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Pod/Container directory used to mount nfs path gets empty after deployment

The following is my kubernetes/openshift deployment configuration template, along with its persistent volumes and persistent volume claims: apiVersion: v1 kind: DeploymentConfig metadata: name: ...
Rakesh Kotian's user avatar
4 votes
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Openshift RBAC policy to allow projects in preview environment to access images from different project

I am using OKD with Jenkinsx setup and jenkinsx creates a project dynamically based on a Pull Request created by a developer and deploys the services in that project. But the services in those ...
Bhavani Prasad's user avatar
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airflow kubernetes not reading pod_template_file

I am running Airflow with k8s executor. I have everything set up under the [kubernetes] section and things are working fine. However, I would prefer to use a pod file for the worker. So I generated ...
John Test's user avatar
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How to mount network share (SAMBA windows share) with running container in openshift

I have tried cifs for mounting network share with host then host to docker container. That is working. But I want to mount direct with container.
vineet's user avatar
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Openshift oc rsh Increase Timeout

If I oc rsh <pod>, the shell will timeout in a matter of seconds unless the shell is actively printing output. How can I increase or eliminate the timeout of oc rsh ?
Matthew Moisen's user avatar
4 votes
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MongoDB on OpenShift: /data/db/mongod.lock Resource temporarily unavailable

I keep getting exception in initAndListen: 98 Unable to lock file: /data/db/mongod.lock Resource temporarily unavailable. Is a mongod instance already running?, terminating upon a new deploy of ...
Dušan Maďar's user avatar
4 votes
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oc cluster up timeout waiting for condition

I am trying to setup openshift origin on my local Virtualbox centos 7.4. This is a all-in-one environment for study purpose only. I followed the exact document:
Terry Hu's user avatar
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OpenShift Origin Nodes WIth Multiple Network Interfaces

Is it possible to configure OpenShift to use a separate interface on nodes+masters? For example, let's say I have a cluster where each machine has two network interfaces on different subnets (...
Blurtonator's user avatar
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Pivotal Cloud Foundry vs OpenShift

I'm looking for a PaaS solution and lately I've been looking into Pivotal Cloud Foundry and OpenShift Origin, trying to compare them. And honestly, it feels like both offer pretty much the same ...
wookie's user avatar
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Can I generate incremental Build Name in an OpenShift Origin build?

I am building a image using a BuildConfig, in every build a new image with the tag latest is created because I am using this config "output": { "to": { "kind": "ImageStreamTag" "name": "...
devops85's user avatar
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How do I manage session stickiness/affinity in Tomcat container in Redhat Openshift when Reverse Proxy templates are reloaded between requests?

Not looking for a code but a high level answer would suffice. I have a Spring MVC web application which is deployed on Tomcat container in Redhat Openshift cloud platform. It is deployed on 2 servers,...
apgp88's user avatar
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Openshift deploy backend and frontend separately

I have an app on openshift. Currently backend and frontend are mixed up in a single WAR archive. Though I want to separate frontend and backend into 2 projects and deploy them seperately on the same ...
Marco Gora's user avatar
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How to add SSL to opensift

Hello I finally got my ssl certificate from wosign (namely: 1_root_bundle.crt and I don't know how to add them to openshift. I went to the applications and edited ...
Alex Stanese's user avatar
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Could not find i18n-0.7.0 in any of the sources (Bundler::GemNotFound) Openshift

I've been trying to push my RoR application to OpenShift, following the railsgirls tutorial, I come across this error while testing in development mode. Could not find i18n-0.7.0 in any of the sources ...
Heasummn's user avatar
4 votes
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Updating gcc in openshift

Is there a way to upgrade or atleast copy a standalone version of gcc in the openshift server. I recently created a dev app and my project needs c++0x feature support. The gcc that was present in the ...
user3279954's user avatar
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NPM install on OpenShift Jenkins gear

I (like a number of others) are struggling to get Jenkins cartridges on Openshift to play nicely with NPM. Following the advice of others on SO, I have managed to navigate the NPM cache redirection ...
BrantApps's user avatar
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In Django cursor.execute("select ..") randomly returns None

I am running Django + MySql on OpenShift server and have this problem. Code: from django.db import connection ... cursor = connection.cursor() somedate = calculateSomeDate() query = "SELECT id ...
Pařez Pařez's user avatar
4 votes
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An exception occurred while creating local git repository -Openshift

we are developing the project and upload and run it in Openshift from past 4 months. our project in JAVA platform and using phpmyadmin database of openshift and using eclipse kepler IDE and we ...
Hala Rowan's user avatar
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3 answers

Openshift Tomcat 404 Not Found

I am a newbee in OpenShift, I have created a Spring Web Application and deployed it on OpenShift in an non-scalable environment. The application is built and deployed successfully with no error in ...
dagra's user avatar
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Openshift application build error: "JBAS014807: Management resource '[(\"subsystem\" => \"deployment-scanner\")]' not found"

I have had this error for a long time, but it seems OK with running the application. However, I am always concerned that there might be some hidden costs down the road if I don't fix it. This is a ...
user1693207's user avatar
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Proxy Error 502 Openshift

I'am using Openshift Demo in my local machine and Drupal project, when i submit in a form.php i need to create an app with the REST API with the curl lib, and i get the : Proxy Error 502 The proxy ...
user3524724's user avatar

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