Questions tagged [openshift]

OpenShift is a commercial enterprise-ready container platform built on top of Kubernetes which allows you to run containerized applications

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378 votes
10 answers

Using env variable in Spring Boot's

We are working on a Spring Boot web application, and the database we are using is MySQL; the setup we have is we first test it locally (means we need to install MySQL on our PC); then we push to ...
Eazy's user avatar
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158 votes
7 answers

rhc setup gives error `no such file dl/import`

I'm installing openshift client tools as described: On step 'Setting up Your Machine' I got error: rhc setup C:/...
Vladimir Balandin's user avatar
104 votes
11 answers

Can I use my existing git repo with openshift?

Is it necessary to have git repo on openshift only? I already have bitbucket / github git repo and would prefer to push there only. Can I simply hook into it so that openshift gets intimation ? Or ...
Jigar Shah's user avatar
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227 votes
14 answers

How can I debug "ImagePullBackOff"?

All of a sudden, I cannot deploy some images which could be deployed before. I got the following pod status: [root@webdev2 origin]# oc get pods NAME READY STATUS ...
Devs love ZenUML's user avatar
19 votes
5 answers

JDK 8 support at DIY cartridge in OpenShift

I know WildFly cartridge doesn't have JDK support, but can I somehow install Java 8 at experimental DIY cartridge? java-1.7.0 is the latest version available at /usr/lib .
juanignaciosl's user avatar
27 votes
3 answers

Kubernetes ConfigMap size limitation

Though resourceQuotas may limit the number of configmaps in a namespace, is there any such option to limit the size of the individual configmap? I will not like some user to start uploading large text ...
Ijaz Ahmad's user avatar
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21 votes
1 answer

OpenShift: How to connect to postgresql from my PC

I have an openshift app, and I just installed a postgresql DB on the same cartridge. I have the postgresql DB installed but now I want to connect to the DB from my PC so I can start creating new ...
user2705169's user avatar
13 votes
4 answers

how to connect to the database in openshift application

I did as following MySQL 5.1 database added. Please make note of these credentials: Root User: xxxxxxx Root Password: xxxxxxx Database Name: php Connection URL: mysql://$...
Sami's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

OpenShift: "Failed to execute control start" on node application

I realize in advance this is kind of a vague question, but I'm stumped as to what else I can try here... I've been going through other SO questions and following their recommendations but so far ...
Scheda's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Pandas on OpenShift v3

Now that OpenShift Online V2 has announced its end of service, I am looking to migrate my Python application to OpenShift Online V3, aka OpenShift NextGen. Pandas is a requirement (and listed in ...
Fabian's user avatar
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24 votes
4 answers

Deploying a local django app using openshift

I've built a webapp using django. In order to host it I'm trying to use openshift but am having difficulty in getting anything working. There seems to be a lack of step by steps for this. So far I ...
Oliver Burdekin's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Do Openshift Origin jobs need hard-coded internal registry URLs for images?

I can't figure a namespace-portable way to build an image into an imagestream that can then be used for a job in an OpenShift project namespace without hard-coding the internal registry URL in the job ...
Christopher Gentle's user avatar
67 votes
22 answers

SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known

I download from Laravel for openshift then upload over my repository over github. This code for connect to database not work. The problem is that load variable ...
hjvcghcghchg's user avatar
31 votes
3 answers

Share persistent volume claims amongst containers in Kubernetes/OpenShift

This may be a dumb question but I haven't found much online and want to clarify this. Given two deployments A and B, both with different container images: They're deployed in two different pods(...
Donovan Muller's user avatar
19 votes
9 answers

Application 'appname' failed to start (port 8080 not available) on open shift node app

I have written a node restify server in coffee and I can't seem to get it running. While deploying I get the following error: Waiting for application port (8080) become available ... after which ...
philip_nunoo's user avatar
12 votes
5 answers

ETIMEDOUT connect error using nodemailer in Nodejs Openshift application

I'm facing some problems using the nodemailer module in my node.js single gear non-scalable application in Openshift. As the documentation suggested, I initialized the transporter object and used the ...'s user avatar
  • 231
12 votes
1 answer

OpenShift node.js Error: listen EACCES

I have been using OpenShift with node.js and My code is: server.listen(process.end.OPENSHIFT_NODEJS_PORT || 3000); My code says that it returns port 8080. However, I get this error: ...
Ethan McTague's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Openshift: No nodes are available that match all of the following predicates:: Insufficient cpu (173), MatchNodeSelector (5)

I have a project in west-1 on Openshift v3. In it I have an app that worked fine and one that stopped working following a GitHub committing something very downstream within the code. The issue is with ...
Matteo Ferla's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

WebSocket connection to OpenShift app failed

I created an app with NodeJS and I'm using ws module. If I test the app in localhost it works and there isn't any problem to connect websockets. Now I've upload the app to Openshift and when I try to ...
abaracedo's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

List pods that are servicing a service

I am trying to get the list of pods that are servicing a particular service There are 3 pods associated with my service. I tried to execute the below command oc describe svc my-svc-1 I am expecting to ...
lr-pal's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Install python packages on OpenShift

I'm trying to install python packages on OpenShift but I see a dearth of pages about the best way to do this. Can someone please suggest the best way of getting on say oauth2 and simplejson. I've ...
disruptive's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

NoSuchMethodError: javax.persistence.JoinColumn.foreignKey()

I'm trying to deploy my application on OpenShift (JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6) and I get the NoSuchMethodError mentioned in the title. So I googled the whole thing and found a few articles ...
Patrick Zinner's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

fatal: protocol error: bad line length character: Inva

while cloning repositories from bpm suite installed in Openshift.I am getting the following git error. fatal: protocol error: bad line length character: Inva Please help me to fix this.
John's user avatar
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39 votes
4 answers

How to use naked GoDaddy domain with OpenShift hosting? [closed]

Desired Behaviour I have a GoDaddy domain name and am using OpenShift for hosting. I would like the following to be true: a) user enters > user sees b) user ...
user1063287's user avatar
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32 votes
2 answers

How to include script and run it into kubernetes yaml?

It is how to run simple batch in kubernetes yaml (helloworld.yaml): ... image: "ubuntu:14.04" command: ["/bin/echo", "hello", "world"] ... In Kubernetes i can deploy that like this: $ kubectl ...
smftr's user avatar
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32 votes
1 answer

Deploying Ruby on Rails - Is there a good alternative for Heroku? [closed]

I'm starting a new small venture, a POC if you would like, and I want to deploy my Rails application for free somewhere. I found that there is Heroku, are there another options?
Oz Ben-David's user avatar
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27 votes
5 answers

Looking for PaaS providers recommendations [closed]

I want to develop our new project using a PaaS provider. I'll be developing primary in PHP, but would like that the service can provide other languages too (and add-ons available too, like MongoDB, ...
Guillermo's user avatar
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27 votes
5 answers

Openshift: How to remote access MySQL?

So I just finished setting up a JBoss application server gear on Openshift and I attached a MySQL and phpmyadmin cartridges. My question is if there is a way to remote access to the database server ...
Stephen Rodriguez's user avatar
24 votes
1 answer

How to configure Django on OpenShift? [closed]

I recently tried to export a Django project on OpenShift, but fruitlessly. The only solutions I found were "prebuilt" ones (such as I spent some hours ...
Antoine Pinsard's user avatar
22 votes
5 answers

How to solve liquibase waiting for changelog lock problem in several pods in OpenShift cluster?

We are supporting several microservices written in Java using Spring Boot and deployed in OpenShift. Some microservices communicate with databases. We often run a single microservice in multiple pods ...
Alex Crazy's user avatar
19 votes
5 answers

permission denied, mkdir in container on openshift

I have a container with nodejs and pm2 as start command and on OpenShift i get this error on startup: Error: EACCES: permission denied, mkdir '/.pm2' I tried same image on a Marathon hoster and it ...
ivoba's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

How can I auto-deploy my git repo's submodules on push?

I have a PHP Cartridge that is operating normally, except I can't find a straightforward way to get OpenShift to (recursively) push the files for my git submodules when/after it pushes my core repo ...
Murray Rowan's user avatar
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9 votes
6 answers

Application failed to start (port 8080) not available

I am trying to deploy my node.js application (with express and mongoose) to openshift and I am not able to do so. The application works perfectly on my local environment. my entry point is the file /...
Don Subert's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

DNS Settings: OpenShift with CloudFlare / rhcloud

I am trying to set up DNS forwarding on CloudFlare, to my Openshift page ( But when I go into the CloudFlare DNS settings and try to change the A setting, I get this error: ...
Matt Lemmon's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Openshift Layer4 connection, App Won't Start

I recently pushed a set of node.js changes to an app on Openshift. The app runs fine on my local machine and is pretty close to the vanilla example deployed by Openshift. The Openshift haproxy log has ...
AnyWhichWay's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

Static files on OpenShift Django

I'm having issues serving up static files - i.e. style sheets and images required from my html pages. I cannot seem to fathom why these static images are not being found. Here is what I have in my ...
disruptive's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Openshift and net-ssh incompatibility? (2.9.3-beta1 vs 2.9.2)

by searching to access my Postgres DB on Openshift, i'm currently facing problem using net-ssh. At this step - note that the installed Ruby version is 2.2.0 and net-ssh is 2.9.3-beta1 To be able to ...
miniflauw's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Trying to run PhantomJS on OpenShift: cannot patch GhostDriver so that it can bind on the server IP address

tl;dr How to solve version 'GLIBCXX_3.4.15' not found when I cannot be root on the Linux server? I'm tring to use PhantomJS on OpenShift. As explained in this article, PhantomJS GhostDriver binds on ...
sp00m's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Getting 404 though my app is deployed

Jenkins shows that the build was successful (see log below) and I can see the war in /app-root/runtime/repo/target/0.1-MVP The tomcat webapps (jwboss/webapps) contains only ROOT.war. How I can ...
special0ne's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Web socket disconnecting on OpenShift (with WildFly 8.2.1)

I am using OpenShift and WildFly 8.2.1 final to implement the new HTML5 websocket. I used this tutorial to set this project up. Whenever I open my MyTest.html, this is what the JavaScript logs: JS:...
user5139637's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Suppress "Ambiguous class resolution" warning on composer dump-autoload -o

I'm in the follwoing situation: I want to deploy a php-app via "git push" on openshift. Dependencies are resolved via composer. The composer.lock file (locking the dependencies to the specific wanted ...
Rangad's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

SonarQube: Change the elastic search client host

In brief: Is there a way of changing the target address within the elastic search client used by SonarQube? More Info: I'd love to use SonarQube > 4.1 on OpenShift. Unfortunately, you can't bind to ...
schnatterer's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Not able to set options in JAVA_OPTS in JBoss openshift

I want to change the server running timezone. So I want to add timezone option in JAVA_OPTS. (-Duser.timezone=GMT). I have tried to edit '/var/lib/openshift/548c33cce0b8cd44d3000083/jbossas/bin/...
Ragubathy's user avatar
146 votes
11 answers

What is the difference between persistent volume (PV) and persistent volume claim (PVC) in simple terms?

What is the difference between persistent volume (PV) and persistent volume claim (PVC) in Kubernetes/ Openshift by referring to documentation? What is the difference between both in simple terms?
smc's user avatar
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54 votes
9 answers

Using Keycloak behind a reverse proxy: Could not open Admin loginpage because mixed Content

so I have a problem getting keycloak 3.2.1 to work behind kong (0.10.3), a reverse proxy based on nginx. Scenario is: I call keycloak via my gateway-route via https://{gateway}/auth and it shows me ...
Dominik's user avatar
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30 votes
8 answers

Openshift Nginx permission problem [nginx: [emerg] mkdir() "/var/cache/nginx/client_temp" failed (13: Permission denied)]

I am currently running into a problem trying to set up nginx:alpine in Openshift. My build runs just fine but I am not able to deploy with permission being denied with the following error 2019/01/25 ...
relief.melone's user avatar
24 votes
3 answers

What is the benefit of putting multiple containers in a pod?

What's the benefit of having multiple containers in a pod versus having standalone containers?
Ciaodown's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

Ping Service to stop OpenShift Application from IDLE?

I am running a lightweight API in the OpenShift Cloud. I just realized that after 48h the application goes into IDLE mode. Is there kind of a ping service to avoid this issue? best M
mboeckle's user avatar
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15 votes
4 answers

Kubernetes - Liveness and Readiness probe implementation

I'm developing a service using Spring and deploying it on OpenShift. Currently I'm using Spring Actuator health endpoint to serve as a liveness and readiness probe for Kubernetes. However, I will ...
dplesa's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

Can't send email through openshift

I have website hosted at OpenShift. I tried to send mail using mail function of php. It just returned true, but no mail is received to whom I had sent. Please tell me procedure for sending the mail. ...
aagam94's user avatar
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