Questions tagged [playframework]

Play Framework is a modern open-source web framework for Java and Scala.

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345 votes
7 answers

Understanding implicit in Scala

I was making my way through the Scala playframework tutorial and I came across this snippet of code which had me puzzled: def newTask = Action { implicit request => taskForm.bindFromRequest.fold( ...
Clive's user avatar
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221 votes
24 answers

How do I change the default port (9000) that Play uses when I execute the "run" command?

How can I change the default port used by the play framework in development mode when issueing the "run" command on the play console. This is for playframework 2.0 beta. Using the http.port ...
Boris Terzic's user avatar
  • 10.9k
120 votes
18 answers

Error: Argument is not a function, got undefined

Using AngularJS with Scala Play, I'm getting this error. Error: Argument 'MainCtrl' is not a function, got undefined I'm trying to create a table consisting of the days of the week. Please take a ...
Kevin Meredith's user avatar
117 votes
6 answers

RESTful on Play! framework

We are planning a project primarily serving content to mobile apps, but need to have a website. My question is whether is makes sense to use Jersey or Restlet to develop REST APIs for our mobile apps,...
Gary's user avatar
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93 votes
1 answer

Advice deploying war files vs executable jar with embedded container

There seems to be a current trend in java space to move away from deploying java web applications to a java servlet container (or application server) in the form of a war file (or ear file) and ...
Brice Roncace's user avatar
90 votes
10 answers

Steps needed to use MySQL database with Play framework 2.0

I'm new to Play framework. I'm trying to configure MySQL database as a datasource to be used with Play Ebeans. Could you some one please explain the steps that are needed to configure MySQL with ...
Veera's user avatar
  • 32.9k
85 votes
3 answers

Creating a composite Unique constraints on multiple columns

This is my model: class User {...} class Book { User author; int number; } Every book number starts at 1 per author and increments upwards. So we'll have Books 1,2,3 by John Grisham, Book 1..5 ...
ripper234's user avatar
  • 226k
75 votes
14 answers

Play! framework uses a <lot> of statics

Waaah, the Play! framework has so many static methods. Where I go to school, we were told never ever to use any statics, yet Play! uses it like there's no tomorrow. Is that somehow okay? If so, why? ...
rcannood's user avatar
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75 votes
6 answers

How to handle optional query parameters in Play framework

Lets say I have an already functioning Play 2.0 framework based application in Scala that serves a URL such as: http://localhost:9000/birthdays which responds with a listing of all known birthdays ...
magicduncan's user avatar
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73 votes
1 answer

Optimizing JS from WebJars using sbt-rjs in a Play 2.3.x app

Is it possible to have a Play 2.3 app concat/optimize JS (using sbt-rjs) that's included in my app via WebJars? To give a concrete example: I'm trying to create a core.js module which contains all my ...
Dylan Hughes's user avatar
71 votes
2 answers

How to find out which Play version I'm using?

Kinda silly question, but I used Activator to get started with the play framework, and now need to see what version I'm using. 2.3 came out with support for docker, but when I put dockerExposedPorts ...
joslinm's user avatar
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70 votes
1 answer

What are the problems with an ADT encoding that associates types with data constructors? (Such as Scala.)

In Scala, algebraic data types are encoded as sealed one-level type hierarchies. Example: -- Haskell data Positioning a = Append | AppendIf (a -> Bool) | ...
missingfaktor's user avatar
68 votes
9 answers

SBT compilation for play framework 2.x disabled by default

I created a new Play Framework project using the activator, activator new my-project-name and then I selected the play-java template and the project is created with no errors. Then I import the ...
dazito's user avatar
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65 votes
5 answers

Experiences on free and low-cost hosting for play framework applications? [closed]

I'd like to know your experience finding a host for play applications on free or low-cost servers So far now I found the following options: Playapps (discontinued) A cloud hosting solution by ...
opensas's user avatar
  • 61.8k
62 votes
13 answers

Accessing the application.conf properties from java class with Play! 2.0

I want to add an object to the Global scope, and in order to construct it I need to pass it a path to a file. I don't want to hard code the file path in the source, and so I want to get that path from ...
Nitzan Tomer's user avatar
62 votes
9 answers

any experience with "Play" java web development framework? [closed]

I've just stumbled upon the following new java web framework: Play with such a stunning list of features, I'm ...
opensas's user avatar
  • 61.8k
61 votes
1 answer

How is Akka used in Play?

Play's home page says: Built on Akka, Play provides predictable and minimal resource consumption (CPU, memory, threads) for highly-scalable applications. I'd like to know exactly how and where ...
OlivierBlanvillain's user avatar
61 votes
5 answers

Jenkins + Play 1.2.4 : problems with cobertura lock files / report

We have a Play 1.2.4 application and we got Jenkins (on Ubuntu) for the application. We're having problems with Cobertura. After running the tests (succesfully), every now and then, we get the ...
Touko's user avatar
  • 11.6k
60 votes
3 answers

Play framework hangs on startup at: "Loading project definition from"

I am just getting started with Play Framework. I have downloaded and installed play and created a sample java application. When I try to start the play console in the application directory it hangs at ...
Peter Moberg's user avatar
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59 votes
9 answers

Declare variable in a Play2 scala template

How do you declare and initialize a variable to be used locally in a Play2 Scala template? I have this: @var title : String = "Home" declared at the top of the template, but it gives me this error: ...
travega's user avatar
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59 votes
3 answers

What is the difference between 'CompletionStage' and 'CompletableFuture'

I have seen an example in each of them, but I need to know exactly what is the difference in deep because I think I can use both of them to get the same result, So I want to know then I can choose the ...
Ebraheem Alrabeea's user avatar
57 votes
5 answers

How can colored terminal output be disabled for sbt/play?

I would like to disable the color escape codes logged from sbt/play. Is this possible? And if it is, is there a way to do it without making changes to the config - i.e. via a command line switch or ...
Mark Hibberd's user avatar
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54 votes
2 answers

NodeJS vs Play Framework for large project

I am really torn between two different stacks with which to build a large application. One the one hand there is this option: Node.js express coffee script coffeekup mongoose/mongodb or ...
Jason Miesionczek's user avatar
53 votes
5 answers

-Ywarn-unused-import triggering on play routes file

I want to be able to use -Xfatal-warnings and -Ywarn-unused-import, the problem is that the compiler is triggering an error on the file which contains the play routes for my application: [error] /...
Ende Neu's user avatar
  • 15.7k
52 votes
6 answers

What are the major differences between Play Framework 1.0 and 2.0?

With the recent release of Play Framework 2.0, I would like to know if anyone could summarize ,from a high level standpoint, the major differences between Play Framework 1 & 2. I already compiled ...
Olivier Refalo's user avatar
51 votes
1 answer

How to declare a variable named 'type' in Play/Scala?

I want to declare a variable with name 'type' in a Play/Scala application, since my data has this field name and I'm using JSON transforms. It just makes more sense. Fortunately I could just rename ...
jmend's user avatar
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50 votes
1 answer

Web Frameworks: How is Play different from Spring MVC? [closed]

The Play Framework offers the following quick overview, but with the exception of the Groovy template engine (which you can get in Spring MVC if you want), Spring seems to offer all the same features ...
Play vs. Spring's user avatar
49 votes
2 answers

Play Framework 2.1 - Cannot find an implicit ExecutionContext

I am calling a webservice like this: WS .url(url) .get .map { response => // error occurs on this line response.status match { case 200 => Right(response.json) case status ...
EECOLOR's user avatar
  • 11.2k
49 votes
6 answers

Where do I put startup code in Play Framework?

I want to run some code on startup to pre-cache some stuff, and would also like to start a Timer to re-cache some things outside the critical path of a web request. Is this possible with Play ...
sanity's user avatar
  • 35.6k
48 votes
4 answers

Noise free JSON format for sealed traits with Play 2.2 library

I need to get a simple JSON serialization solution with minimum ceremony. So I was quite happy finding this forthcoming Play 2.2 library. This works perfectly with plain case classes, e.g. import ...
0__'s user avatar
  • 67.1k
48 votes
6 answers

Why does java wait so long to run the garbage collector?

I am building a Java web app, using the Play! Framework. I'm hosting it on I have been puzzling for a while over the provided graphs of memory consumption. Here is a sample: The ...
goggin13's user avatar
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47 votes
4 answers

how to remove key value from map in scala

Map(data -> "sumi", rel -> 2, privacy -> 0, status -> 1,name->"govind singh") how to remove data from this map , if privacy is 0. Map(rel -> 2, privacy -> 0, status -> 1,name-...
Govind Singh's user avatar
  • 15.4k
46 votes
5 answers

Adding Play JSON Library to sbt

How can I add the Play JSON library (play.api.libs.json) to my sbt project? When I added the following to my plugins.sbt file: addSbtPlugin("play" % "sbt-plugin" % "2.1.0") I faced this error: [...
Kevin Meredith's user avatar
46 votes
5 answers

GSON JsonObject "Unsupported Operation Exception: null" getAsString

Running a Play! app with Scala. I'm doing a request where the response is expected to be a JSON string. When checking the debugger, the JsonElement returns OK with all information as expected. However,...
crockpotveggies's user avatar
45 votes
3 answers

Play 2.4: Form: could not find implicit value for parameter messages: play.api.i18n.Messages

I am new to Play framework and tried to mimic the helloworld sample in my local machine but I encountered an error: routes: # Home page GET / controllers.Application.index ...
arjayads's user avatar
  • 573
44 votes
2 answers

ProcessBuilder gives a "No such file or directory" while Runtime().exec() works fine

I have an application, running on the Playframework, which needs to encode some video files. I used Process pr = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(execCode) for this (and it works perfectly), but as I need ...
Luuk D. Jansen's user avatar
42 votes
2 answers

What is a Boxed Error in Scala?

When I run my application, the browser shows [ExecutionException: Boxed Error] It doesn't say anything about the line number, etc. In the console, I have the following ! @6elaah0c8 - Internal ...
yzernik's user avatar
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42 votes
3 answers

Play Framework - add a field to JSON object

I have a problem with adding a field to Json object in Play Framework using Scala: I have a case class containing data. For example: case class ClassA(a:Int,b:Int) and I am able to create a Json ...
Paweł Kozikowski's user avatar
42 votes
5 answers

Separate back-end and front-end apps on same domain?

We are building a fully RESTful back-end with the Play Framework. We are also building a separate web front-end with a different technology stack that will call the RESTful API. How do we deploy both ...
Erich's user avatar
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42 votes
7 answers

Securing REST API on Play framework and OAuth2

I am developing an application with Play 2.0 and Scala that exposes some REST API. These APIs will be used by different applications, web, mobile or desktop, so the OAuth protocol (OAuth2) seems the ...
Marco's user avatar
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42 votes
3 answers

Discovery of Akka actors in cluster

I’ve been trying to wrap my head around the concepts of Akka and actor-based systems recently. While I have a pretty good understanding of the Akka fundamentals by now I’m still struggling with a few ...
Lunikon's user avatar
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40 votes
7 answers

Does Playframework 2.0.x support <else if> in templates

I wonder if play 2.0.3 and higher supports else if in views? I only read that one have to code that way: if {...}else{if{...}else{...}} cannot believe that.
Sven Malvik's user avatar
39 votes
2 answers

Choosing a Scala web framework [closed]

I am about to start a project for a web application that should run on a Tomcat server. I have decided to go for Scala - the other alternative where I work being Groovy - essentially for type safety. ...
Andrea's user avatar
  • 20.4k
38 votes
7 answers

Debug Playframework in Eclipse

I just moved from Netbeans to Eclipse. In Netbeans, I can debug Playframework applications out of the box. However, in Eclipse, it seems hard to configure this in order to debug a web app (a ...
Thang Nguyen's user avatar
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38 votes
6 answers

“Convert” Option[x] to x

I working with play for Scala (2.1) and I need to convert an Option[Long] value to Long. I know how to do the opposite, I mean: def toOption[Long](value: Long): Option[Long] = if (value == null) None ...
mahoosh's user avatar
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38 votes
5 answers

Spray, Akka-http and Play, Which is the best bet for a new HTTP/REST project

I'm going to develop new HTTP/REST services using Scala and Akka Actors. I have experience working with Play, but I don't really need a complete web Framework. From what I read, I think Spray is a ...
Fede's user avatar
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37 votes
1 answer

Play Framework Compilation Error

I'm using Play 2.4.0 and I've been trying to follow the tutorial from the main page: which is for Play 2.3 and after solving a couple of issues regarding changes in the ...
Daniel Romero's user avatar
35 votes
3 answers

Play's execution contexts vs scala global

How does the execution context from import differ from Play's execution contexts: import play.core.Execution.Implicits.{internalContext, ...
bjfletcher's user avatar
  • 11.3k
34 votes
6 answers

How to detect application mode in Play 2.x

From within a Play 2.1 application, how would I programmatically determine which mode the application is running in (i.e., Development vs. Production)? For example, it would be useful to be able to ...
kes's user avatar
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34 votes
4 answers

Frameworks comparation: Lift, Play and Wicket

What are the advantages and dis­advantages of frameworks Lift, Play and Wicket? What characteristics are best or only supported by each? Thanks
adelarsq's user avatar
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