Questions tagged [ragg]

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How can I use a non-standard graphics device interactively?

The problem When running R outside of RStudio, plots will by default be shown in a pop-up window, e.g. provided by the quartz device on macOS, the X11 device on Unix, the windows device on Windows. A ...
wurli's user avatar
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How to make ragg::agg_png device work with ggsave?

When I try to use the new-ish ragg::agg_png() device with ggplot2::ggsave(), the image does not appear to save correctly. Take the following reprex. I make a simple plot and then save it using the ...
Jake Thompson's user avatar
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How set the size of RStudio's Zoom pane?

I store my plots with ragg with defined sizes and resolution. ragg::agg_png("Test.png", res = 320, width = 11, height = 15, units = "in") If these plots are opened in the ...
MarBlo's user avatar
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ggplot: Export ggsave files to emf using ragg fonts

I'm struggling to combine the use of the ragg font package with ggsave to an 'emf' file. If I try to use something like this below having installed the 'Myriad Pro' font (
Moritz Schwarz's user avatar
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Why does my ggplot's text get bigger when I ggsave?

I like to write code in Rmarkdown files and preview my plots inline. When it comes to saving my plots as images though, my actual image doesn't match the inline preview that I see in Rstudio. Here is ...
Philli Phresh's user avatar
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Issue including Greek or special characters in ggplots when using ragg and PNG output

I have a seemingly simple problem which I cannot figure out the cause of. I cannot get Greek characters into the Y/X-axis labels in a ggplot, if I save using the ragg device. Reprex: library(ggplot2) ...
tinker's user avatar
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Installing devtools

I'm trying to install devtools for R in a MacBook (OS 13.0) Problem is that it doesn't have dependency pkgdown: ERROR: dependency ‘pkgdown’ is not available for package ‘devtools’ * removing ‘/opt/...
Caterina's user avatar
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Changing graphics backend for unit testing

I have an R-package containing a function that generates a plot that relies on the AGG graphics backend to draw emoji. However, when I include this function in the unit tests, the tests fail because I ...
Ju Ko's user avatar
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Bar chart in ggplot2 adding logos with ggtextures gets axes mixed up when printed with agg_png

I print the plot with agg_png my prefered function, I have used it previously and works, but with the current chart do not work. When printing the chart it places the axis y where the x axis should be ...
Edwin Acuña's user avatar
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ragg anti-aliasing for touching polygons

I'm rendering a series of touching polygons with grid and saving this to a png file using the ragg package. Whenever I do this with the ragg package, I get a white grid atop my polygons where they ...
teunbrand's user avatar
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