Bastian, I explain to you my code templating, I hope that helps to you:
Since django 1.2 it is able to write validation code on model. When we work with modelforms, instance.full_clean() is called on form validation.
In each model I overwrite clean()
method with a custom function (this method is automatically called from full_clean() on modelform validation ):
from django.db import models
class Issue(models.Model):
def clean(self):
rules.Issue_clean(self) #<-- custom function invocation
from issues import rules
Then in
file I write bussiness rules. Also I connect pre_save()
to my custom function to prevent save a model with wrong state:
from issues.models import Issue
def connect():
from django.db.models.signals import post_save, pre_save, pre_delete
pre_save.connect(Issue_pre_save, sender = Incidencia )
post_save.connect(Issue_post_save, sender = Incidencia )
pre_delete.connect(Issue_pre_delete, sender= Incidencia)
def Incidencia_clean( instance ): #<-- custom function
import datetime as dt
errors = {}
#dia i hora sempre informats
if not instance.dia_incidencia: #<-- business rules
errors.setdefault('dia_incidencia',[]).append(u'Data missing: ...')
#dia i hora sempre informats
if not instance.franja_incidencia:
errors.setdefault('franja_incidencia',[]).append(u'Falten Dades: ...')
#Només es poden posar incidències més ennlà de 7 dies
if instance.dia_incidencia < ( + dt.timedelta( days = -7) ):
errors.setdefault('dia_incidencia 1',[]).append(u'''blah blah error desc)''')
#No incidències al futur.
if instance.getDate() >
errors.setdefault('dia_incidencia 2',[]).append(u'''Encara no pots ....''')
if len( errors ) > 0:
raise ValidationError(errors) #<-- raising errors
def Issue_pre_save(sender, instance, **kwargs):
instance.clean() #<-- custom function invocation
Then, modelform calls model's clean method and my custon function check for a right state or raise a error that is handled by model form.
In order to show errors on form, you should include this on form template:
{% if form.non_field_errors %}
{% for error in form.non_field_errors %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
The reason is that model validation erros ara binded to non_field_errors error dictionary entry.
When you save or delete a model out of a form you should remember that a error may be raised:
except ValidationError, e:
import itertools
errors = list( itertools.chain( *e.message_dict.values() ) )
Also, you can add errors to a form dictionary on no modelforms:
#provoco els errors per mostrar-los igualment al formulari.
except ValidationError, e:
form._errors = {}
for _, v in e.message_dict.items():
form._errors.setdefault(NON_FIELD_ERRORS, []).extend( v )
Remember that this code is not execute on save() method: Note that full_clean() will not be called automatically when you call your model’s save() method, nor as a result of ModelForm validation. Then, you can add errors to a form dictionary on no modelforms:
#provoco els errors per mostrar-los igualment al formulari.
except ValidationError, e:
form._errors = {}
for _, v in e.message_dict.items():
form._errors.setdefault(NON_FIELD_ERRORS, []).extend( v )