Questions tagged [restart]

Restart refers to the process where a software program or system is systematically (and preferably gracefully) shut down then automatically invoked to full functionality without intervention from the user.

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685 votes
10 answers

How do I shutdown, restart, or log off Windows via a bat file?

I've been using Remote Desktop Connection to get into a workstation. But in this environment, I cannot use the power options in Start Menu. I need an alternative way to shutdown or restart. How do I ...
Keng's user avatar
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128 votes
7 answers

How can I configure a systemd service to restart periodically? [closed]

I have a simple systemd service that needs to be periodically restarted to keep its process from bugging out. Is there a configuration option for systemd services to periodically restart them? All of ...
wes's user avatar
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107 votes
13 answers

How can I restart a Java application?

How can I restart a Java AWT application? I have a button to which I have attached an event handler. What code should I use to restart the application? I want to do the same thing that Application....
Azfar Niaz's user avatar
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105 votes
7 answers

Do you have to restart apache to make re-write rules in the .htaccess take effect?

I have pushed my .htaccess files to the production severs, but they don't work. Would a restart be the next step, or should I check something else.
Jesse Hattabaugh's user avatar
96 votes
8 answers

How to restart remote MySQL server running on Ubuntu linux?

I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. There is on MySQL server situated remotely. I want to restart it. Can someone please give me in detail step-by-step instructions to restart the MySQL server? Following are ...
PHPLover's user avatar
96 votes
9 answers

Reload configurations without restarting Emacs

How do I load the edited .emacs file without restarting Emacs?
memius's user avatar
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90 votes
14 answers

Android Service Stops When App Is Closed

I am starting a service from my main Android activity as follows: final Context context = base.getApplicationContext(); final Intent intent = new Intent(context, MyService.class); startService(intent)...
Bam's user avatar
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75 votes
2 answers

Restart TeamCity server via web interface

Is there a way to restart a TeamCity server running on Windows from its web interface? I haven't found a button or documentation whether this is possible.
krlmlr's user avatar
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73 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between always and on failure for Kubernetes restart policy?

The best source for restart policies in Kubernetes I have found is this: But it only lists the possible restartPolicy ...
jonalv's user avatar
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64 votes
13 answers

How to restart nginx on OS X

I'm using nginx on OS X 10.8. Freshly installed nginx but can't find a way to restart nginx except kill nginx_pid say kill 64116. Wondering if there are better ways to restart nginx. Found some ...
clwen's user avatar
  • 20.4k
62 votes
9 answers

Refreshing/Restarting PowerShell session w/out exiting

I have been tweaking some of the scripts in my PowerShell profile and it has got annoying to exit powershell then restart it so it will load any changes I have made to the scripts in my profile. Is it ...
shreddish's user avatar
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61 votes
7 answers

android:configChanges="orientation" does not work with fragments

I am just trying to adapt some of my applications for HoneyComb. The issue iI am facing is the destruction of my activity on orientation change (landscape/portrait) When I was using a classic ...
Waza_Be's user avatar
  • 39.6k
54 votes
17 answers

Stop MySQL service windows

I am developing a website and need to refresh data. Therefore MySQL must be stopped. How can I stop the service? When I look at control panel services it is started without stop or restart option.
jop's user avatar
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53 votes
5 answers

pause vs stop in docker

I am trying to understand what is the difference between the commands docker stop ContainerID and docker pause ContainerID. According to this page both of them are used to pause an existing Docker ...
ibodi's user avatar
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46 votes
3 answers

How to recall or restart MathJax?

I need MathJax to recheck again all my page. I mean when the page is created it does all great. But I need to call it after window.onload to reparse the page, as its contents have changed in the ...
Rella's user avatar
  • 66k
44 votes
2 answers

Difference in docker restart policy between on-failure and unless-stopped?

I have read the docker documentation about restart policy of containers. However, I failed to understand the difference between on-failure and unless-stopped. When will I use one over the other? In ...
moshevi's user avatar
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43 votes
4 answers

how to automatically restart a node server?

We are finishing development of a project, the client is already using it but occasionally some errors occur - crashing the server. I know I could register a service as 'upstart' script on linux, in ...
unsafe_where_true's user avatar
42 votes
2 answers

How to send a custom command to a .NET windows Service from .NET code?

As in the following link, one can stop, start, and "stop, then start" a service using C# code. I have baked a .NET service that does implement ...
Hamish Grubijan's user avatar
37 votes
6 answers

Windows: Auto start PM2 and node apps

At a Windows AWS server i have a NODE app and i'm using PM2 to launch the app I have tried the NPMs: "pm2-windows-startup" and "pm2-windows-service" But after i restart my AWS instance and run PM2 ...
PabloDK's user avatar
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36 votes
3 answers

Restart my Phonegap app programmatically

How can I programmatically restart my phonegap app? I exit the app easily through, but I would like it to restart immediately. The reason I need this, is I have to restart it ...
NuttySquirrel's user avatar
34 votes
7 answers

How to stop (and restart) the Rails Server?

I'm following the instructions here to get up and running with Rails on a Mac running OS X 10.8.2 At step 8 I'm asked to restart Rails server but how? I'm assuming via ...
Paul Seattle's user avatar
31 votes
4 answers

Can I stop all processes using CUDA in Linux without rebooting? [closed]

Is it possible to stop all running processing using the GPU via CUDA, without restarting the machine?
Christopher Dorian's user avatar
30 votes
7 answers

how to restart application besides modifying web.config

Is there a recommended way to bounce an application besides touching web.config from inside the application? is HttpRuntime.UnloadAppDomain(); the preferred way to do this ? and if so where ...
MikeJ's user avatar
  • 14.5k
30 votes
1 answer

Android AlarmManager after reboot

I have a set of alarms that I need to keep after reboot. I've tried using on an boot receiver but they won't start again. I'm not sure if I understand the boot receiver and how to then restart all the ...
user1281053's user avatar
29 votes
8 answers

Automatically Restart PHP Script on Exit

Is there a way I can automatically restart a PHP script whenever it exits, regardless of whether it has been exited properly, or has terminated due to an error, or maxed memory usage, etc.?
Alasdair's user avatar
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28 votes
5 answers

Stop: Unknown instance mongodb (Ubuntu)

I am new to Mongodb. When I run the following command: sudo service mongodb start It shows me "mongodb start/running, process 3566". But when I try to stop by giving the below command: sudo service ...
senthil's user avatar
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27 votes
2 answers

Basic Apache commands for a local Windows machine

I have installed XAMPP on my Windows 7 machine and created a number of virtual servers. This part is straightforward enough. Each time I add a new virtual server I am having to reboot my computer in ...
Username_null's user avatar
25 votes
6 answers

Node JS auto restart all forever JS process when server goes down / crashes

I am using forever js to keep my node server running 24/7 on AWS EC2. I use this command forever start index.js However, I notice that some time it randomly stops the process and my site goes down. ...
Faizan's user avatar
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25 votes
6 answers

Jenkins refuses to restart

Following this answer, I have tried restarting a Jenkins instance using: (jenkins_url)/safeRestart and (jenkins_url)/restart Both failed with the following message: Jenkins cannot restart ...
Adam Matan's user avatar
  • 133k
24 votes
3 answers

Start AlarmManager if device is rebooted

In my app I want to run some code every day at a specific time using an AlarmManager. In the android documentation I found this: Registered alarms are retained while the device is asleep [...] but ...
Cilenco's user avatar
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23 votes
3 answers

How to gracefully restart a NodeJS server?

Currently, my prod environment for a side project is a git repo, where I pull in some code, manually kill the server with Ctrl-C, and restart it manually. I realize there are a lot of things wrong ...
user1159470's user avatar
22 votes
4 answers

ASP.NET MVC why does my app keep restarting?

I have an ASP.NET MVC website that gets about 6500 hits a day, on a shared hosting platform at Server Intellect. I keep seeing app restarts in the logs and I cannot figure out why. I've read Scott ...
Dave Thieben's user avatar
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21 votes
5 answers

How to restart Redmine?

I have a Redmine installed on CentOS without GUI. I changed email configuration and a reboot is necessary. How to restart redmine from command line?
FilippoG's user avatar
  • 339
20 votes
4 answers

Close and restart the current application in DELPHI

How can I do this one? For some reason or selected by the user, “ask” the current application to restart it self.
DRokie's user avatar
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20 votes
4 answers

How to detect whether Windows is shutting down or restarting

I know that when Windows is shutting down, it sends a WM_QUERYENDSESSION message to each application. This makes it easy to detect when Windows is shutting down. However, is it possible to know if the ...
Andrew Garrison's user avatar
19 votes
1 answer

get monit to alert first and restart later

I would like to handle a kind of chain action in monit. check for a process and alert immediately. restart process after a num of cycles. My tries (so far): check process myprocess with pidfile /...
questioner's user avatar
18 votes
3 answers

How to detect whether apt-get requires a reboot using Bash?

I am writing a bash script (for apt-get based OS's) that automates the installations process of various programs. In this process I run "apt-get -fy update" and "apt-get -fy upgrade" sometimes. In the ...
Roger's user avatar
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18 votes
4 answers

Restart kernel in Google Colab

I´m trying to restart the kernel in a Google Colab Jupyter Notebook through a cell. The option given previously: import os os._exit(00) is ok, but it seems to me that this is not a very "...
Gustavo Mirapalheta's user avatar
17 votes
4 answers

How to restart service after the app is killed from recent tasks

I have created a service to fetch current location of the device in periodic intervals. I want the service to run in the background even if the app is cleared from recently opened apps. Currently the ...
Arindam Dawn's user avatar
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17 votes
5 answers

How to restart app if it unexpectedly shutdown

Skype update text contains next: App auto restarts if unexpectedly shut down How is possible to perform that via SDK?
Maxim Kholyavkin's user avatar
17 votes
1 answer

Restarting Sidekiq

What is the correct way to restart sidekiq. It seems to cache my workers' code when I start it, so every time I make a change to my workers I need to restart it. I'm doing this with Ctrl/C, but the ...
Undistraction's user avatar
17 votes
3 answers

Restarting Hudson on Windows

I've been having an issue with Hudson on windows. Whenever I update Hudson or a plugin I get the option to restart when no jobs are running. If I click this button Hudson hangs and doesn't restart. I'...
TDH's user avatar
  • 567
17 votes
3 answers

How to force a service restart?

I have a background service that sometimes gets killed by the OS when it is running low on memory. How to simulate this behaviour so I can debug it? The dev guide simply says "if your service is ...
Eric Chen's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

Android application restarts when opened by clicking the application icon

I am new to the Android development world and I've built a simple "Hello World" app. First, activity requests a text. When the "Go" button is clicked, the app launches the second activity displaying ...
Jorge Obregón's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

Restart a crashed program with RegisterApplicationRestart without user prompt

I am using the Windows Error Reporting API call RegisterApplicationRestart to register an application to be restarted automatically by WER, when the app crashes or the PC is rebooted. However, when ...
HugoRune's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

Reload python flask server by function

I'm writing a python/flask application and would like to add the functionality of reloading the server. I'm currently running the server with the following option which results ...
mohrphium's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Prevent Windows 10 from automatically restarting after an update programmatically

QUESTION: Is there a programmatic way to prevent Windows 10 from automatically restarting after an update? We work on "mission-critical" software that runs in Windows. In general, it is bad if a ...
Andre72127's user avatar
13 votes
5 answers

Allow restarting Java application with JMX monitoring enabled immediately

I have a Java application with JMX monitoring enabled like this: \ // some other properties omitted But when I try to restart the application, sometime I got ...
George's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Reconnect RMI client after server restart

I have an RMI server and a desktop RMI client. When I restart the server, I get errors in the client. Is it possible to restart the RMI connection without restarting the client? [EDIT] Here is the ...
Aaron Digulla's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

What could cause an Android activity to relaunch itself infinitely when returning from camera?

I have a weird bug in my application that causes an activity to relaunch itself in an infinite loop when I'm returning from a camera application, after taking a picture. The UI flow is like this: ...
Corneliu Dascălu's user avatar

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