Questions tagged [ruby-on-rails-4]

For issues specific to version 4 of Rails. If your question applies to Ruby on Rails in general, use the tag [ruby-on-rails].

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834 votes
18 answers

How to get a random number in Ruby

How do I generate a random number between 0 and n?
Mark A. Nicolosi's user avatar
646 votes
6 answers

How to use concerns in Rails 4

The default Rails 4 project generator now creates the directory "concerns" under controllers and models. I have found some explanations about how to use routing concerns, but nothing about controllers ...
yagooar's user avatar
  • 16k
440 votes
5 answers

Rails 4: List of available datatypes

Where can I find a list of data types that can be used in Ruby on Rails 4? Such as text string integer float date I keep learning about new ones and I'd love to have a list I could easily ...
Nicolas Raoul's user avatar
431 votes
20 answers

Rails 4: how to use $(document).ready() with turbo-links

I ran into an issue in my Rails 4 app while trying to organize JS files "the rails way". They were previously scattered across different views. I organized them into separate files and compile them ...
emersonthis's user avatar
424 votes
4 answers

Rails update_attributes without save?

Is there an alternative to update_attributes that does not save the record? So I could do something like: @car = => 'GMC') #other processing @car.update_attributes(:model => '...
tybro0103's user avatar
  • 49.1k
390 votes
5 answers

Rails I18n validation deprecation warning

I just updated to rails 4.0.2 and I'm getting this warning: [deprecated] I18n.enforce_available_locales will default to true in the future. If you really want to skip validation of your locale you ...
Mauricio Moraes's user avatar
370 votes
8 answers

Add a reference column migration in Rails 4

A user has many uploads. I want to add a column to the uploads table that references the user. What should the migration look like? Here is what I have. I'm not sure if I should use (1) :user_id, :...
Don P's user avatar
  • 62k
360 votes
6 answers

Rails 4: before_filter vs. before_action

In rails >4.0.0 generators creates CRUD operations with before_action not before_filter. It seems to do the same thing. So what's the difference between these two?
freemanoid's user avatar
  • 14.7k
265 votes
6 answers

How is attr_accessible used in Rails 4?

attr_accessible seems to no longer work within my model. What is the way to allow mass assignment in Rails 4?
user2532974's user avatar
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232 votes
4 answers

Auto-loading lib files in Rails 4

I use the following line in an initializer to autoload code in my /lib directory during development: config/initializers/custom.rb: RELOAD_LIBS = Dir[Rails.root + 'lib/**/*.rb'] if Rails.env....
Yarin's user avatar
  • 179k
230 votes
5 answers

Paperclip::Errors::MissingRequiredValidatorError with Rails 4

I'm getting this error when I try to upload using paperclip with my rails blogging app. Not sure what it is referring to when it says "MissingRequiredValidatorError" I thought that by updating ...
nadia's user avatar
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215 votes
17 answers

Rails: How to reference images in CSS within Rails 4

There's a strange issue with Rails 4 on Heroku. When images are compiled they have hashes added to them, yet the reference to those files from within CSS don't have the proper name adjusted. Here's ...
Nick ONeill's user avatar
  • 7,361
207 votes
7 answers

Determine what attributes were changed in Rails after_save callback?

I'm setting up an after_save callback in my model observer to send a notification only if the model's published attribute was changed from false to true. Since methods such as changed? are only useful ...
modulaaron's user avatar
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205 votes
3 answers

Rails: validate uniqueness of two columns (together)

I have a Release model with medium and country columns (among others). There should not be releases that share identical medium/country combinations. How would I write this as a rails validation?
Jackson Cunningham's user avatar
200 votes
13 answers

Rails 4 Authenticity Token

I was working on a new Rails 4 app (on Ruby 2.0.0-p0) when I ran into some authenticity token problems. While writing a controller that responds to json (using the respond_to class method), I got to ...
alexcoco's user avatar
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199 votes
3 answers

What is `params.require(:person).permit(:name, :age)` doing in Rails 4?

All the examples of strong parameters in Rails 4 docs use params.require(:person).permit(:name, :age) Could someone please deconstruct and explain what is occurring with require and permit here?
Erik Trautman's user avatar
191 votes
15 answers

How to solve error "Missing `secret_key_base` for 'production' environment" (Rails 4.1)

I created a Rails application, using Rails 4.1, from scratch and I am facing a strange problem that I am not able to solve. Every time I try to deploy my application on Heroku I get an error 500: ...
Paolo Laurenti's user avatar
161 votes
6 answers

A copy of xxx has been removed from the module tree but is still active

I'm pretty sure the error has nothing to do with the actual content of the TenantIdLoader module. Instead, it has something to do with ActiveSupport Dependencies. I can't seem to get past this error. ...
kddeisz's user avatar
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159 votes
12 answers

Rails Observer Alternatives for 4.0

With Observers officially removed from Rails 4.0, I'm curious what other developers are using in their place. (Other than using the extracted gem.) While Observers were certainly abused and could ...
kennyc's user avatar
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153 votes
10 answers

Rails 4 - Gem::LoadError: Specified 'mysql2' for database adapter, but the gem is not loaded

In my gemfile I have: gem 'mysql2' My database.yml is as follows: default: &default adapter: mysql2 database: <%= ENV['db_name'] %> username: <%= ENV['db_user'] %> password: ...
newUserNameHere's user avatar
151 votes
18 answers

cannot load such file -- bundler/setup (LoadError)

I'm setting Rails 4 application with Ruby 2.0, but I'm getting "Web application could not be started" and get this trace: cannot load such file -- bundler/setup (LoadError) /usr/local/lib/ruby/...
Mr_Nizzle's user avatar
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148 votes
6 answers

scopes with lambda and arguments in Rails 4 style?

I'm wondering how the following is done in Rails 4 or if I just use the Rails 3 approach for using a lambda that can pass an argument the same way with 4 as I do with 3. I'm pretty new to Rails 3 ...
kaplan's user avatar
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147 votes
29 answers

Is the server running on host "localhost" (::1) and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5432?

Before anything, please note that I have found several similar questions on Stack Overflow and articles all over the web, but none of those helped me fix my issue: PG Error could not connect to ...
Thibaud Clement's user avatar
130 votes
6 answers

How get integer value from a enum in Rails?

I have a enum in my Model that corresponds to column in the database. The enum looks like: enum sale_info: { plan_1: 1, plan_2: 2, plan_3: 3, plan_4: 4, plan_5: 5 } How can I get the integer ...
Cleyton's user avatar
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128 votes
6 answers

Nested attributes unpermitted parameters

I have a Bill object, which has many Due objects. The Due object also belongs to a Person. I want a form that can create the Bill and its children Dues all in one page. I am trying to create a form ...
jcanipar's user avatar
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125 votes
18 answers

Rails 4: assets not loading in production

I'm trying to put my app into production and image and css asset paths aren't working. Here's what I'm currently doing: Image assets live in /app/assets/images/image.jpg Stylesheets live in /app/...
emersonthis's user avatar
121 votes
9 answers

Saving enum from select in Rails 4.1

I am using the enums in Rails 4.1 to keep track of colors of wine. Wine.rb class Wine < ActiveRecord::Base enum color: [:red, :white, :sparkling] end In my view, I generate a select so the ...
Brian Weinreich's user avatar
121 votes
6 answers

fe_sendauth: no password supplied

database.yml: # SQLite version 3.x # gem install sqlite3 # # Ensure the SQLite 3 gem is defined in your Gemfile # gem 'sqlite3' development: adapter: postgresql encoding: utf8 database: ...
7stud's user avatar
  • 48.1k
120 votes
3 answers

There was an error while trying to load the gem 'uglifier'. (Bundler::GemRequireError)

Why am i getting this error? shibly@mybox:~/blog$ rails server /home/shibly/.gem/ruby/2.2.4/gems/bundler-1.11.2/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:80:in `rescue in block (2 levels) in require': There was an ...
cola's user avatar
  • 12.3k
117 votes
8 answers

Disable ActiveRecord for Rails 4

I want to disable ActiveRecord in Rails 4. I did the following in config/application.rb require File.expand_path('../boot', __FILE__) # require 'rails/all' -- commented require "action_controller/...
Incerteza's user avatar
  • 33.6k
112 votes
5 answers

Deprecated warning for Rails 4 has_many with order

class RelatedList < ActiveRecord::Base extend Enumerize enumerize :list_type, in: %w(groups projects) belongs_to :content has_many :contents, :order => :position end I have this ...
shankardevy's user avatar
  • 4,350
109 votes
5 answers

Safe ActiveRecord like query

I'm trying to write LIKE query. I read that pure string quires aren't safe, however I couldn't find any documentation that explain how to write safe LIKE Hash Query. Is it possible? Should I ...
Gal Weiss's user avatar
  • 1,327
108 votes
20 answers

Error when trying to install app with mysql2 gem

Im trying to install an open source rails 3.2.21 application that uses the mysql2 gem, but when i try and run the bundle commant I get the following error: Fetching: mysql2-0.3.18.gem (100%) Building ...
zenvelope's user avatar
  • 1,304
103 votes
7 answers

Rails 4 image-path, image-url and asset-url no longer work in SCSS files

Are we supposed to use something else aside from image-url and others in Rails 4? They return different values that don't seem to make sense. If I have logo.png in /app/assets/images/logo.png and I do ...
at.'s user avatar
  • 51.9k
100 votes
3 answers

Why did Rails4 drop support for "assets" group in the Gemfile

In Rails 3, gems used exclusively to generate assets in the asset pipeline were properly placed in the assets group of the Gemfile: ... # Gems used only for assets and not required # in production ...
jemmons's user avatar
  • 18.6k
97 votes
2 answers

Deprecation warning when using has_many :through :uniq in Rails 4

Rails 4 has introduced a deprecation warning when using :uniq => true with has_many :through. For example: has_many :donors, :through => :donations, :uniq => true Yields the following warning:...
Ryenski's user avatar
  • 9,612
97 votes
3 answers

how to know what is NOT thread-safe in ruby?

starting from Rails 4, everything would have to run in threaded environment by default. What this means is all of the code we write AND ALL the gems we use are required to be threadsafe so, I have ...
CuriousMind's user avatar
  • 33.8k
95 votes
8 answers

Rails association with multiple foreign keys

I want to be able to use two columns on one table to define a relationship. So using a task app as an example. Attempt 1: class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :tasks end class Task < ...
JonathanSimmons's user avatar
94 votes
4 answers

How to override X-Frame-Options for a controller or action in Rails 4

Rails 4 appears to set a default value of SAMEORIGIN for the X-Frame-Options HTTP response header. This is great for security, but it does not allow for parts of your app to be available in an iframe ...
Chris Peters's user avatar
93 votes
18 answers

Rails: How to use i18n with Rails 4 enums

Rails 4 Active Record Enums are great, but what is the right pattern for translating with i18n?
Chris Beck's user avatar
  • 1,919
91 votes
13 answers


I have 3 models: class Student < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :student_enrollments, dependent: :destroy has_many :courses, through: :student_enrollments end class Course < ActiveRecord::...
Khanetor's user avatar
  • 12k
89 votes
17 answers

An error occurred while installing pg (0.17.1), and Bundler cannot continue

I just installed Rails 4.0.2 and when creating a new app, in the bundle stage I get: Installing pg (0.17.1) Gem::Installer::ExtensionBuildError: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. /Users/...
Deekor's user avatar
  • 9,303
86 votes
5 answers

Generate migration - create join table

I have looked through many SO and google posts for generating migration of join table for has many and belongs to many association and nothing work. All of the solutions are generating a empty ...
gotqn's user avatar
  • 43.2k
86 votes
2 answers

In Rails, what's the difference between find_each and where?

In Rails, both find_each and where are used for retrieving data from Database supported by ActiveRecord. You can pass your query condition to where, like: c = Category.where(:name => 'Ruby', :...
coderz's user avatar
  • 4,961
84 votes
6 answers

Rails 4 multiple image or file upload using carrierwave

How can I upload multiple images from a file selection window using Rails 4 and CarrierWave? I have a post_controller and post_attachments model. How can I do this? Can someone provide an example? Is ...
SSR's user avatar
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82 votes
5 answers

What is the difference between Workers and Threads in Puma

What is the difference between a puma worker and a puma thread in context of a heroku dyno? What I know (please correct me if I am wrong): Thin is not concurrent, so a web process can only do one ...
Nick Ginanto's user avatar
  • 31.6k
81 votes
5 answers

Active admin install with Rails 4

I got this error when installing active admin on Rails 4 Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "actionpack": In Gemfile: meta_search (>= 1.1.0.pre) ruby depends on actionpack (~&...
Md Sirajus Salayhin's user avatar
80 votes
7 answers

'rails generate' commands hang when trying to create a model

I'm new to rails and decided this morning to dump my whole database design/model and start over. And being a noob, I'm sure did it incorrectly. I removed all the files in db/migrate/ and dropped the ...
Bret's user avatar
  • 1,455
80 votes
1 answer

Rails 4: organize rails models in sub path without namespacing models?

Would it be possible to have something like this? app/models/ app/models/users/user.rb app/models/users/education.rb The goal is to organize the /app/models folder better, but without having to ...
Rubytastic's user avatar
  • 15.2k
79 votes
2 answers

What is the use of secret_key_base in rails 4

I am new to Rails 4, and do not understand the use of secret_key_base under config/secrets.yml in Rails 4. Can you please explain this concept? Also, when I am working in the production environment, ...
Mani David's user avatar
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