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NextJS + Sanity + Square, where does User data live?

I am building a NextJS E-commerce app that uses Sanity as a CMS and the payment processing is being handled through Square. The client wants a new website with all of the previous user data from their ...
jeffholc's user avatar
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Conditionally Filter Options for References in Sanity IO

I have 3 schema, Menu Section Sub-Section i want to conditionally filter the list of options provided based on the current object. Lets say i want to create a new sub-section which is under Pizza ...
Nish's user avatar
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Having an issue pulling data from my database in react native app. I can pull it in one section but not another

I am having an issue with this code for a bit now. I think the problem is in my useEffect hook with the "{ id: '' }". When I console.log this data from my client, the data comes up ...
Matthew Bianco's user avatar
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I creating a sanity project and suddenly, when I did ng serve I got this error:

? Login type Google Opening browser at ⠋ Waiting for browser ...
Vidusha Lakshan's user avatar
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How to access and change source-code of sanity.studios?

I have joined a and I want to make changes to the modules and the structure of the contents. I have not developed the modules or the content, but I have full access to I ...
Hans's user avatar
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How To Access Sanity Desk

I just finished my React app using sanity as the backend. I deployed the app and it's working fine but whenever I want to add data to the database I find myself accessing the database through the ...
mo7amed's user avatar
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can we use conditions in sanity schema

i have a schema named -'category', the other scheme is named -'Box' and the category scheme is referenced inside the 'Box' schema . What i want is if there are 2 categories ('catg 1' and 'catg2'), and ...
Shubham Yadav's user avatar
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Sanity CLI Importing Old Data Despite New Dataset Export

I'm currently working with Sanity and I'm trying to export data from one dataset and import it into another. Specifically, I'm exporting documents of type 'adventure' from my 'production' dataset and ...
Niko71's user avatar
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GROQ query to find all posts with a specific location

I have set a sanity schema that present a restaurant and the restaurant has an array of locations that accept multiple string(cities) as shown in the picture. I am asking if there is a way to fetch ...
Abdellah Slimani's user avatar
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Check in groq query if array of objects contains a case insensitive string

I have an object that has an array called tags. It is array of objects. I need to query those objects that its tags contains a case insensitive string. [ { "_createdAt": "2022-02-...
mahan's user avatar
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Using an If statement in React

I am fairly new to coding with React. I'm trying to use an if / else statement and then use the result within the body of the content. Also, another bit of important info is that this is linked to ...
Elektra Murphy's user avatar