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2 answers

Querying images from Sanity for GatsbyImage

I'm having trouble sourcing images from Sanity using the new gatsby-plugin-image. The documentation says to do the following: import React from 'react' import {getGatsbyImageData} from 'gatsby-source-...
Finnian Langham's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

GraphQL - Gatsby.js- React component. - How to query with variables/arguments?

I have a React Component that needs to query data. And I want to pass arguments/variables to the query. But I don't know how to do that. For example. I have this blog item carousel that wants to query ...
Tim's user avatar
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3 answers

My Gatsby GraphQL schema wont update with new Sanity schema

I am trying to update my CMS to enable a user-defined product slider. Upon adding the relevant schema to my sanity source files (This works) and adding the documents to the schema there is no update ...
Aiden Barrett's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Reasoning with _raw and normal data in Gatsby, GraphQL and Sanity

I've just started using Gatsby with the Sanity headless CMS. For the most part it's pretty straight forward; but knowing best practises for querying the data through GraphQL is still bothering me. ...
shennan's user avatar
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How to create custom resolvers for Gatsby page queries?

I have a Gatsby application pulling data from Sanity. This is Sanity's schema for the course.js: import video from './video' export default { // Computer name name: `courses`, // Visible ...
André Casal's user avatar
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1 answer

Missing 'fixed' and 'fluid' fields on image asset with `gatsby-source-sanity`

I'm trying to source images from Sanity with gatsby-source-sanity and gatsby-image. In the past I've had no issue querying the fluid image asset like so: export const query = graphql` query { ...
Finnian Langham's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

...GatsbySanityImageFluid - Cannot read property 'fluid' of null

I'm working with Sanity and Gatsby I'm trying to map over an array of images to display them in an image gallery. My GraphQL query is working, I am able to display a single image but I receive the ...
aglasier's user avatar
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1 answer

add block-input from to next.js blog post

I'm developing a blog on next.js with, and I'm having trouble using the code-input plugin. What I do have I'm able to use the code component block on sanity, which looks something like this: ...
theKid's user avatar
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Lunr - gatsby-plugin-lunr - Can I alter data / index on build?

I've got a Gatsy-Sanity project that needs a search component. For this I though of using gatsby-plugin-lunr. I run into a problem that my nodes are multilingual. For example one of my fields is ...
Tim's user avatar
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1 answer

How to query Sanity blog post with Gatsby

I have a Gatsby site set up with Sanity CMS for blogging. Current I am unable to properly target individual blog post(clicking on "First Blog" link will render content from "Second Blog&...
simonxcode's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Sanity reference to type comes as 'reference'

In Sanity I've got this field: { name: 'reference', type: 'reference', title: 'Link Reference', to: [ { type: 'post' }, { type: 'questionPost' }, { type: 'linkCategory' }, { type: '...
Emanuel Herteliu's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Loading SVG images in Gatsby from Sanity

What is the right approach to load SVG images from a Sanity CMS in a Gatsby (v3) website? The Sanity documentation states that GIF and SVG pass through the image pipeline untouched, but if you want ...
alentejo's user avatar
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Gridsome - "category not defined on the instance but referenced during render"

I am using the Gridsome blog starter, and I am trying to add a categories list above the posts: Below is the query. While it works as expected on the /__explore, on the app itself, I am getting the ...
Avi A's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I filter child arrays in Gatsby GraphQL?

This gets me all events with showOnSite === true: query MyQuery { allSanityP2Event(filter: {showOnSite: {eq: true}}) { edges { node { showOnSite title relatedEvents ...
Adam Palmer's user avatar
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Looks like apolloClient does not query entries with id that has . (dot) in them using NextJS and SanityCMS with GraphQL

I have a SanityCMS with some data and localization (translations) and when the documents gets created they get a ID that looks something like where the ...
Kim Vu's user avatar
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1 answer

Gatsby Query for specific post using slug

I'm attempting to query for a specific blog post using the slug - so that a specific post is shown depending on the slug. I have encountered the following error: TypeError: Cannot read property 'Title'...
JordanMiguel's user avatar
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1 answer

Resolved: Deploy fails even though local host says query exists

I have been building a website with (Netlify) It is working perfectly fine when I'm using localhost. However, when I deploy the site to Netlify, graphql query reverts back to the beginning ...
Bora ALAP's user avatar
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1 answer

How to explicitly set schema field type to [SanityImage]

I want to set an images field in my document to an array of type [SanityImage]. I have tried setting it to type: 'image' but when I query the field I get that the type is [SanityCollectionItemsImages]...
Harry Theo's user avatar
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Sanity GROQ Query Not Working in React Native App

I am building a react native project using react native expo and sanity cms. I have done the proper set up of sanity cms and also its schema. I have added the data in the localhost:333 server of ...
SHUBHAM MORE's user avatar
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Next.js getStaticProps error in production. GraphQL Apollo client not rendering variable, instead getting error: Type error: No value exists in scope

My code seems to work in development but when I step away from the local environment, i get an error: Type error: No value exists in scope for the shorthand property 'currentTime'. Either declare one ...
Cesar Cisneros's user avatar
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Having asset issue invalid _type 'image' in Sanity, when trying to name it different

Mates. I am stuck in a very serious problem and need guidance. I created a schema export default { title: 'Blog Content', name: 'blogContent', type: 'object', fields: [ { title: 'Title', ...
Zaid Ahmed's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How do you do CRUD in Gatsby with Sanity as my backend

I am now about knee-deep in a new Gatsby 4 project and may have hit a wall. I can't figure how to do CRUD in Gatsby with Sanity as my backend. Can I do GQL mutations in Gatsby GraphQL? I can't find ...
Tithos's user avatar
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Sanity intl plugin / Allow GraphQL to query __i18n_lang by removing the underscores from field name

GraphQL ignores fields that start with double underscore __i18n_lang and I cant query the language from Sanity. The Sanity Intl plugin has already a solution how to replace the name but the Docs are ...
Jozefini's user avatar
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1 answer

npm run graphql-deploy command stuck in Sanity

When I am running, the command npm run graphql-deploy in my local it stuck at lerna info Executing command in 1 package: "npm run graphql-deploy". Not moving forward. And if I run same ...
Aman Sharma's user avatar
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GraphQL using a dynamic ID from set of returned results to render correct set of data

I am pretty new to graphql, so my question might sound a bit strange. it may not be correct way of doing what I need, but I can't think of any other way. Basically, I would like to know how I can use ...
Hellodan's user avatar
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Sanity groupProblems.js error when running graphql deploy

Has anyone run into 'Cannot read property 'problems' of undefined? happening into /node_modules/@sanity/schema/lib/sanity/groupProblems.js when trying to run graphql deploy I can provide more info on ...
Emanuel Herteliu's user avatar
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How do I map across a nested array of objects?

So my issue is this, I'm using to manage content in an illustrator's portfolio page. I'm trying to access an image gallery I've put into every project the illustrator has done. My data is ...
Jordan Kane's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I change the timezone of my GraphQL time?

I've found a lot of good info on using Date() and getting timezones, but something just isn't working. I have my GraphQL (sourcing from Sanity) set to use formatString, like this: export default ...
Eric Phifer's user avatar
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How do I loop over an array within a map of a GraphQL

I'm trying to loop over data from Sanity using GraphQL. I've set up my .map to loop over the larger information and return an array of everything, which is working well; however, when it comes to the ...
Eric Phifer's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Can i merge/combine graphql API arrays into one?

Hey i'm using Sanity and have created both a allSanityPost (for my blog posts) and allSanityCases (for all my cases). Do anyone know how to combine these categories into one array and order them by ...
morgietalkie's user avatar
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Internal Server Error - An internal server error occurred // SANITY // GATSBY

community - can anyone tell me, why i'm getting this error message every time i try to deploy my sanity graphQl? (See image and code snippet). u: Internal Server Error - An internal server error ...
morgietalkie's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to remove GraphQL fields according to other fields, in Gatsby?

I have a page query that returns a video playlist. Some videos have 'public' set to true, some false. For the videos that have their public field set to false, I do not want to include the URL of that ...
André Casal's user avatar
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