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6 votes
2 answers

How to make sanity io array select as multiselect?

I have a lot of tags, and I need to select a lot for each document. It is uncomfortable to click one by one every time. Also I see selected elements. How can I remake it into somefield like a ...
kizoso's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Is there a way to get a structure of a Strapi CMS Content Type?

A content-type "Product" having the following fields: string title int qty string description double price Is there an API endpoint to retrieve the structure or schema of the "Product&...
junerockwell's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to filter references based on change in another reference?

I have created an object with 3 reference fields - categories, subcategories, and types. I want the subcategories to show subcategories related to the selected category. { title: "Product ...
user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Sanity query in an array of references

I have an array of articles with array of tags with references: _type: "article", tags: [ { _id: "123", _rev: "123", _type: "articleTag", key: { ...
kizoso's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Text highlight is not being applied at front-end in Sanity CMS

I am trying to create a blog using Sanity Headless CMS and React for the frontend. I have made a decorator for highlighting text. As you can see in the image below, in the editor, the highlighted text ...
HKS's user avatar
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Unable to add code blocks in Sanity CMS after I install the code-input plugin

I am learning to build a blog using Sanity CMS and React. I am new to Sanity. I should be able to insert code snippets in my blog posts. So, I have installed the code-input plugin. According to the ...
HKS's user avatar
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1 answer

How to dynamically create pages using sanity and next js?

I just watched this video on youtube, where we can see that a preview of the page is being instantly dynamically generated within the studio, while the person is adding the components randomly from ...
Rockafella96's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

How to make child looks like relative in

I have a formed structure of documents: { name: 'item', title: 'item', type: 'document', fields: [ { name: 'category', type: 'reference', title: 'category', to: ...
kizoso's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Receive webhook or other kind of ping from Sanity when a document is published?

I have a backend that stores data in, and I would like to configure Sanity to ping my app when a document is published, so that I can clear any cached data. This way I can greatly reduce ...
Christian Johansen's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Getting issue while fetching prev/next post from Sanity CMS ( Next js +Sanity static blog)

I'm using Sanity CMS, and trying to fetch previous and next post using this query below. const query = `*[_type=='post' && slug.current == $slug][0]{ _id,title,_updatedAt, "...
Amit Kumar's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Render download link result in a blank page

I'm new diving into and I'm trying to figure out why is displaying a blank page. N.B. If I comment out the the JSON.stringify display everything correct, including the cvURL link. This is ...
Lloret82's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How to change field style in the sanity io user interface?

How can I change a style of a component easy? I just want limit a text-field height in a sanity user inerface. It is uncomfortable to scroll all the text every time. Where can I write something like ...
kizoso's user avatar
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0 votes
0 answers

can we use conditions in sanity schema

i have a schema named -'category', the other scheme is named -'Box' and the category scheme is referenced inside the 'Box' schema . What i want is if there are 2 categories ('catg 1' and 'catg2'), and ...
Shubham Yadav's user avatar
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CLI errors during Headless CMS Sanity integration with Nextjs

First, I have created a new template using npx create-next-app@latest. After that I have used the command suggested by sanity website to integrate sanity studio in my nextjs project. That command is ...
Bilal Sheikh's user avatar
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Trying to setup

Every time I use this command 'npm run dev' to open sanity studio, I get this error : ✔ Checking configuration files... Sanity Studio using [email protected] ready in 1382ms and running at http://localhost:...
Abdelrahman Hossam's user avatar
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Adding two categories to a same product in

How I can assign two categories to the same product in sanity schema? like a shirt could be in Featured Category as well as Shirt category. So, all I want is to add an option so that I can attach 2 ...
Ahsan's user avatar
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