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Next JS Rewrites for Sanity CMS giving 404 page after login

I'm currently hosting a Next JS site on Netlify with a Sanity CMS backend for content editing. I've got it configured to run on the single domain IE - has the front-end website, where ...
Isaac King's user avatar
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I have problem with deploying Sanity studio on Netlify

it maybe silly questions to someone here but I have nowhere to ask so I came here. I deployed my portfolio page with Sanity & Gatsby Starter. It works okay → deploy status ...
user18172936's user avatar
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Internal Server Error on Production with NextJs 13, sanity and netlify

Description I am using next js and hosted website on netlify with cms being sanity The page (blog page) which uses sanity for content return 500 (Internal server error), on hosted site on netlify But ...
ubi sage's user avatar
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Gatsby not watching sanity for new published changes

I have a Gatsby site deployed to netlify. In development mode I set the option watchMode:true of gatsby-source-sanity in gatsby-config.js and this works fine to watch sanity studio for changes but in ...
Inioluwa Sogelola's user avatar
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Gatsby.js - Export data ( And maybe to netlify-cms in markdown files)

The goal I want to migrate (maybe convert) the pages data from the old site to the new site. The outline I'm going to do a rebrand on an existing Gatsby website for a client. The client has provided ...
Tim's user avatar
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Netlify Deploy Command failed with exit code 254: npm run build-studio && cp studio/netlify.toml studio/dist

Please help! I’m a newb! Trying to deploy my first site on Netlify, using Sanity’s Gatsby portfolio template. It deployed just fine the first time, then I did some edits and now it fails with “Command ...
Eric Rodgers's user avatar
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React async data fetch does not fetch data on static build

I'm building a static site using and Gatsby.js. The data is hosted through Sanity and I'm fetching it via GROQ. Host and build is on Netlify. The problem is that when I build I only get a ...
Tim's user avatar
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Nuxt/Sanity/Netlify SSR not showing up to date data

I’m using Nuxt 3 with Sanity and hosted on Netlify and have always ran npm run generate to serve SSG which requires a redeploy after content/data changes. This has always generally worked fine. ...
John the Painter's user avatar
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Error when trying to deploy Astro/Sanity project to Netlify

I got an error trying to deploy an Astro/Sanity project to Netlify. I have followed the official integration and instructions provided here: Sanity Astro integration, and here: Astro Netlify ...
Rémi Meullemeestre's user avatar
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Error: Unable to serialize object as a key

I am trying to deploy a Gatsby+Sanity homepage to Netlify. Both the Gatsby homepage and the Sanity CRM is runnig fine locally but I keep getting this error when I try to deploy it online. deploy log 1 ...
Nullflow's user avatar
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Poblem Related to Sanity Studio

I have an Problem realted to Sanity Studio bacause i have deployed my react app on netlify and connect that link with the Sanity Studio API Cors Origin How Can I Change the Data on the Schemas of That ...
Nomi Malik's user avatar
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NextJS next-auth 500 Internal Server Error when trying to login (Netlify)

When trying to login with next-auth, I get 500 from /api/auth/providers and "Internal Server Error" as the only message on the screen. This works great locally, but not in production. I use ...
Tormod Flesjø's user avatar
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TypeError - sanityClient is not a function

const sanityClient = require('@sanity/client') const client = sanityClient({ projectId: 'PROJECT_ID', dataset: 'production', token: process.env.TOKEN }) I'm passing parameters in netlify functions ...
user avatar
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Sanity + Next.js on Netlify

Totally lost here. I am building a website using Sanity as backend, Next.js as frontend and deploying it on netlify for production. However, cant get it to work. Does anybody have a link to an up-to-...
Simon Buryat's user avatar
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Static Webpages Served by Gatsby on Netlify

I'm using Gatsby for my website ( and it is deployed on Netlify. I run gatsby build to build the website. But when I access it, I can see that it loads the empty page and then makes an ...
Ashit Vora's user avatar
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Loading (StaticQuery) - Gatsby site doesn't load in Netlify production but works fine in development

This one has stumped me. I'm using Gatsby, Sanity, and Netlify and everything in development has worked as expected. Now, when I load my site on Netlify (no build errors) all I see is a white screen ...
Riley Cook's user avatar
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404 on dynamic paths after deploy in Next.JS

I fetch data in my Next JS app from Sanity to create dynamic routes. Like this: export const getStaticPaths = async () => { const res = await client.fetch(`*[_type in ["work"] ]`); ...
Johannes Buchner's user avatar